Business game for librarians at the seminar. Examples of business games. Business game scenario. Questions to the participants of the training after the end of the game

The ability to communicate is one of the most important professional functions librarian. We cannot always say about ourselves that we are successfully implementing it. Therefore, it is always useful for us to meet with psychologists - specialists in human mutual understanding.

And how often do meetings happen in the library world with representatives of related professions who understand well the essence, features and problems of our profession? The CLS employees were lucky: on Thursday, April 19, a journalist, teacher, PR specialist Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Novatorova visited us.

Seminar-training - this is how you can designate the format of the meeting. The most interesting thing is not that Svetlana Vyacheslavovna convinced us that every librarian is a speaker and a speech writer, i.e. a public person who knows how to compose and deliver speeches. We have thought about this ourselves. It is interesting that she convinced us of this, using our "relatives", the "stumbling blocks" that we have long known.

How to carry on a conversation if in the library a person behaves inappropriately, simply impudently, or vice versa, he tramples around in confusion, not knowing himself what he needs? But how to tell about yourself, your library or book, so that a person would drop everything and run to the library? How to refuse a visitor something without offending him at the same time? But how to convince a person who claims that he does not want to read and that no one needs reading?

Practical tasks, training exercises proposed by Svetlana Vyacheslavovna led me to the idea that the answers to all these questions can be found in the world and domestic classical and modern literature. Take any literary plot and you will see that it is based on the psychological incompatibility of the characters, non-compliance with the laws of successful communication. Simply put, the inability to communicate with each other, a lack of understanding of who the hero himself is, who his interlocutor is, what their goals and mutual expectations are. I am not ready to bear responsibility for all world and domestic classical and modern literature, but I would venture to say that all of it rests on the fact that psychologists do not work well. I apologize to psychologists and communication technology specialists, but this phrase is just a practical embodiment of the advice of psychologists themselves that it is best to start a message and communication with some unusual phrase that immediately stops attention. From a phrase that sometimes comes from the opposite, but makes the interlocutor interested, focus on what they are saying.

To acquire these skills, you just need to read a lot and meet more often with such professional psychologists as S.V. Novatorova.

Ch. methodologist CRH them. F.M. Dostoevsky
Galina Palgueva

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Wed, 2012-04-25 12:11 -

World, domestic, classical and modern literature cannot "hold on to whether" psychologists work well or badly. The statement of the author of the note on this topic is devoid of elementary logic and common sense.

Wed, 2012-04-25 21:10 -

Literature always "rests on" what takes place, what exists in our beautiful and "crazy, crazy world." Fiction is also called "mental science" and "human science". And this is precisely the area of ​​interest of psychology. A good writer is always a good psychologist. In turn, a professional psychologist can take a literary situation, relationships literary heroes as a visual aid for correcting real (everyday) psychological situations. For a long time there have been such terms as "the psychology of reading", "bibliotherapy", and behind them, of course, stands real work. "Elementary logic and common sense" is a great thing ... for a textbook on mathematics, physics, a textbook on business, etc. In the human soul, in psychology and fiction not everything is so "elementary straightforward" And if you approach the article under discussion with a little sense of humor, you can imagine a picture ... Here "Lady Macbeth from the Mtsensk district" came to a psychologist (psychotherapist) ... he explained everything to her logically, how you need to act so that the passion of love does not deprive the lady of her mind ... She listened to all this, accepted it as a guide, did not kill anyone ... Well? OK good!!! But ... humanity would not have received Leskovsky masterpiece. "All happy families are alike. All unhappy families are unhappy in their own way" - this is the first line of "Anna Karenina". It's good when all unhappy families come to a psychologist and he will explain everything to them and everyone will be happy ... equally. And it will be boring, and there will be no L.N. Tolstoy and magnificent works of art. Probably, this comment is also devoid of common sense and logic ... but .. what has grown has grown. But there is no logically straightforward tediousness.

A librarian, like no one else, simply needs to not only know the rules of communication, but also be able to effectively apply them in life. Every day we (including and regardless of our desire) become participants in various kinds communication that family and society offer us in any case. How to behave in situations that threaten us with a conflict, because no one is safe from participating in them? For a librarian, even if he does not directly communicate with the reader, the tasks of optimal communication remain relevant daily: we communicate with colleagues, each of us has a boss, and besides, we travel every day in transport, communicate with relatives, friends, and often with strangers... So, for us, the staff of the methodological department, the training “The Art of Conflict Resolution”, which took place on October 27 in our library (moderator A.V. Podgainaya), turned out to be very useful.

The opportunity to look at yourself from the outside and take into account the experience of your colleagues, get closer to the ability to get out of any difficult situation calmly and with dignity, learn right attitude to the personality of the other was for everyone who became a participant in the training.
At first glance, it is quite easy to answer the question of which positive qualities help to resolve an “acute” situation without conflict, and which, on the contrary, make it difficult - but this is when it does not concern you personally ... Each of us needed to honestly tell ourselves (in writing and confidentially), what helps me personally and what hinders the peaceful resolution of the conflict. And the number of answers in each column could also become an "indicator" of one's own honesty. And here it’s your choice: if you want to understand yourself, answer the questions sincerely ... I really liked the role-playing game “boss - subordinate”: each participant could feel whether it was easy to be a “strict” leader and how to get out of the situation calmly and fairly ... To work off the ability to keep the state and control emotions was directed and the game situation “you are calm, you calmly answer “no” to all negative statements addressed to you. As always, the great advantage of the training was the relaxed atmosphere and sense of humor. And most importantly - no one was left out, each participant was involved in the game, the active form of training is very effective, we were convinced once again ourselves. I think that we all came close to solving the main tasks of this training - developing confident and conflict-free interaction, as well as increasing self-esteem and self-esteem through self-analysis of personal characteristics and qualities.


Takira comments...

Well done! A very useful activity! And what materials were used? I would like to conduct such training for my employees.

methodist comments...

The training was conducted by Podgaynaya Anzhelika, who is a coach consultant and trainer. Therefore, accordingly, coaching techniques were used - a coach club (questions and answers) + role-playing games.
You can see part of the training:
To warm up and create a friendly atmosphere, let's play the game "Compliments".
We split into 2 people. We begin to say compliments and wishes to each other. Change. - 3 min.

Questions for participants:
1. What is conflict?
2. Is conflict good or bad? If good, then why? What is the use of conflict?
3. How often do you become a participant in the conflict? At work? Try to estimate the amount of time you spend on settling or just participating in the conflict? As statistics show, from 25 to 60% of the working time!
4. What prevents effective conflict resolution?
5. What are the consequences of conflicts (well-being, relationships, motivation, productivity)?
6. What helps to resolve the conflict (the attitude “I want and can resolve the conflict”, calmness, positive thinking)?
7. If you are annoyed, how much do you own the situation, can you manage the process? If you are aggressive, shout - will they understand you, will they hear you?
8. Who is the cause of conflicts? Who is responsible for the cause of the conflict and the resolution of the conflict? (slide on the screen "Change starts with me"). Who is responsible for how the conversation goes during the situation?

Game block.
Please draw a picture on the topic "Me and the conflict." The talent of the artist is not required. The main thing is to convey feelings. And sign at the bottom of the picture: “During a conflict, most often I experience feelings ... (anger, irritation, aggression or calmness, I control emotions, I am ready to understand and listen to another, etc.) - 5 minutes.

- What personal qualities help in resolving the conflict (positive): calmness, goodwill, etc.
On the board we write enumerated + after the participants.

Which ones interfere (we write negative qualities on the board).

Written assignment.
Please write what qualities personally help you resolve the conflict, and which ones hinder.
Do not write off each other.
After the end of the exchange of views (30 s).
Question: Who has + more than -? Who made the decision that calm and positive attitude help to resolve situations more effectively, and negative qualities destroy health, relationships, interfere with life - and you need to fight the negative?

Next task. Drawing
Please draw how you would like to act and feel during the conflict.

Now a small information block - what is a conflict (5 min).

Exercise. Role-playing game "Aggression".
Question to the group: “If someone shows aggression, how do you react?”
We split into teams of 4 people. 2 people act out a situation in which: one of the participants: interrupts a partner, or attacks, accuses, humiliates, insults others, i.e. negative, and the other is looking for the right way out of the situation. 3 min. for each participant. One gets up and walks over to any of the other three. Role: ask the boss to take three days off. The boss may or may not let you go. Different participants play the role from different positions (leaving, one wins, forced concession, compromise, cooperation). 2 other participants observe, monitor the emotional state. Then they give an assessment of what is happening: state, facial expressions, posture, intonations, etc. Participants role play they say that they felt how they would like to replay the situation.

The course "Promotion of library services (Brand technologies in the library)" was prepared in 2009. and is a logical continuation of the course "Innovative forms of library service". The course is aimed at studying the basics of branding technologies and the possibilities of their application in library practice, at inculcating the skills to promote library services/products/services in the cultural environment, at identifying the tools necessary to carry out branding tasks.

The subject of the course is determined by the objectives of promoting new library services and services, creating a favorable image of the organization in the eyes of the local community, improving interaction with society, and strengthening the creative component in the activities of libraries.

Section topics:

Topic 1. Creating your own brand.

Topic 2. Stages of brand positioning.

Topic 3. Marketing components of the brand.

Topic 4. Features of brand promotion (a set of services / products / services) in libraries.

Training format: training.

Seminar participants receive a handout package for additional training.

WHAT is it easy and boring to work in the library???

WHAT do librarians read all day long???

WHAT only grandmothers work in the library???

WHAT and HOW MUCH should a LIBRARY know and be able to do?

WHY does study become a lifelong activity for librarians?

WHAT ARE THE "PROS" AND "MINUSES" in planning librarian training today?

HOW and WHAT should modern librarians be taught?

HOW and WHERE to start planning?


WHAT KIND innovative forms learning to replace the traditional?


2016: "What does the coming year have in store for us?"

We tried to answer these questions at the webinar, which was held on September 9 for specialists from the municipal libraries of the Pskov region. He-consultation was conducted by A.L. Levchenko, head sector of continuing education of the department for coordinating the activities of the libraries of the Pskov OUNB region.

In your vocational training and self-education will help you ...


Website "Interregional Center for Library Cooperation" -

Website "School of Library Leadership" - of the NF "Pushkin Library")

Portal information support heads of cultural institutions -

Website of the Russian Library Association -

"Competent Librarian" (presentation) -

RESOURCES of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library:

Website of the Pskov OUNB - Section "COLLEAGUES" -

Blog "PUNB Methodological Service" - ;

- "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" - Section "Continuing Education" - ;

Section "Methodological wheel" - on the site "Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth named after A.I. V.A. Kaverina" - ;

Section "To help professionals" - on the site "Pskov Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired" - .



Vetchanova, O. V. Improving the qualifications of cultural workers // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 56-63.

Golovko, S. I. Specialist: Education, competence, innovation. – M. : 2005.

Zbarovskaya, N.V. Business games for library specialists. – M. : 2005.

Exemplary programs of city (district) seminars for library workers. - Krasnoyarsk, 2003.

Sukiasyan, E. R. Library profession. Personnel. Continuous education. - M.: FAIR - PRESS, 2004.

Sukiasyan, E. R. Library profession and personnel management. - St. Petersburg. : 2011.



Michel Montaigne


The training is suitable for both adults (teachers) and students. Participants of the training get acquainted with the technologies of effective communication, develop skills and abilities - playing.
A minimum of theory to improve the level of education and competence, a maximum of practical knowledge.

Preparatory stage

Main part

Introductory remarks by the facilitator: "Hello, distinguished participants! I think you will agree that the effectiveness of the process of interaction between adults with each other depends largely on their awareness in the field of communication psychology. Today, we will get acquainted with some effective communication technologies that help to better understand the essence of problematic, controversial or simply important issues that arise in your team, and we will also develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful communication.”

Brownian motion game
The host explains the rules: “Now you will move in our room, meeting and moving away from each other. And you will meet tete-a-tete. You will have to shake hands and ask your partner only one question: “What do you like most about food?”. The couple does not disperse until they find something in common that unites it in tastes. Your task is to meet with the largest number of players in 4 minutes. The game will be over in 4 minutes."

Game Timing: 4 minutes

Questions to the participants of the training after the end of the game:

  • Did you like the game?
  • What feelings did you experience? (joy, surprise, amazement, some excitement ...)
  • What has the game taught you?

Summary (leader together with the participants of the training). Thanks to this game:

  • We learned new things about ourselves and about others.
  • We stopped on the run, paid attention to everyone who met us during the game.
  • Got a boost of energy Have a good mood and hence health.
  • We learned that the game helps health, establishing contacts between people. And the game also helps to learn the techniques of effective interaction, in particular, in a team, and talk about important issues.

TIRK (techno-project game of developing cooperation)

Target: fostering the ability to accept, appreciate and effectively use a higher level of tolerant interaction between people.

A task: formation of tactful dialogue skills and teamwork skills.

Game Theme: the subject of discussion can be the most relevant issue for the team. For example, for a teaching staff it could be: How to live in the world teachers and students?

Division into teams: Each participant chooses any (colored) strip of paper. Those who have the same color - sit down together (in pairs).

Moderator (opening remarks): We have to work in groups, and in order to make it work, let me remind you that:

  • Each person should be able to listen to another, perceive and strive to understand him.
  • Mutual understanding, goodwill, tolerance - these qualities are very important, and they must be present in every person, because without mutual understanding and goodwill friendship cannot exist, and without tolerance business relations cannot exist.

Rules of the game posted in a conspicuous place:

Progress of work (stages of the game):

Stage I: Each participant answers the question in writing (the topic of the game).

Moderator: Try to use personal experience, remembering that it is very important for our work - your individual view on this problem.

Timing: 2 minutes (time is strictly limited).

Stage II: Participants need to combine their opinion with the position of another person. Starting point from Assistant.

Leading: Remember, it is necessary to get one of two opinions, while each of you enriches your understanding - the point of view of your neighbor on this issue, and the third position is born. Don't forget the rules of the game!

Timing: 2 minutes (time is strictly limited).

Stage III: Combining the intellectual product of two participants with the general opinion of two neighboring players.

Leading: It's hard, but keep following the rules!

Timing: 2 minutes (time limited).

Stage IV: Combining the intellectual product of fours. group product. Speaker choice.

Leading: Finally! We follow the rules! And at the same time, do not forget to choose a speaker: someone who will present your creative joint product.

Timing: 4 minutes (extended).

Stage V: Speakers' speech

Timing: 2 minutes for each speaker.

Stage VI: short break game "Catch the Rhythm"

Description: after one of the participants, all members of the group alternately repeat in a circle, clapping their hands, a given rhythm.

Stage VII: the main ideas expressed by the participants of the game are attached to the board. Conclusions.

Game "Six Thinking Hats"

Leading: during the game, we learned the skills of tactful dialogue, used our personal experience to analyze the subject of the conversation, analyzed the issue from various points of view. The more sides of the situation a person analyzes, the more complete information he will receive. Which in turn will help him find the most successful solution. We will now work with a method of learning to think effectively, which is called "six hats". The six hats are six different ways of thinking.

A list of hats is posted on the board:


Now we will again divide into teams: six subgroups and distribute hats. Then we will choose some life event and try to “try on” wonderful hats.
For those who "dress" white hat the ability to separate emotions from information is important. It is useful to write down information obtained using the White Hat or present it in the form of a diagram of events:
For those who "dress" black hat you need to think about what is the worst in this situation, the most unpleasant, that the worst can happen.
For those who "dress" red hat the ability to live feelings, to be in the role of an "actor" is important. How did the person feel when everything happened?
Those who "dress" yellow hat they see the world in a “pink” light, they know how to see the good in everything. And what good is that. what happened?
Those who "dress" green hat- "writers", artists, inventors.
You can draw a situation, compose a ditty or a small rhyme about it, reflect it in creative activity. And don't forget your sense of humor!
Those who "dress" blue hat- “philosophers”, they know how to find meaning, learn lessons. What is this for? What does this teach me?
After a short discussion, a speaker from each hat presents the group's point of view.
So, we are developing the ability to objectively evaluate the phenomena of the surrounding world, simulate various situations and make a forecast of their development.

The final stage of the training: reflection

1. Everyone becomes in a circle.
Leading: Let's look at each other. Let's remember each of us, our actions, manifestations in the course of work (the trainer gives the participants the opportunity to think for 2-3 minutes). And now we will all, throwing this ball to each other in turn, talk about unconditional virtues, strengths who we throw the ball to. We will be careful that everyone has the ball.

2. Participants sit in a circle and answer the questions:

  • What feelings did you experience during the training?
  • were there any difficulties? If so, which ones?
  • what experience did you have today?