The wonderful world of stars. Research work. Amazing world of stars presentation

Antokhova Anastasia and Starostina Arina

A presentation that tells about the amazing world of the stars of the most famous constellations. Each constellation is dedicated to a presentation slide. There is a description of the constellation in poetic form, a description of people. born under this constellation, the image of the constellation on ancient maps. The work was done by 5th grade students within the framework of the project "Amazing World - It's Around" and was successfully defended at a school conference.



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The world of stars. constellations. The work of students of the 5th grade, school No. 7 of the city of Kirishi Antokhova Nastya and Starostina Arina

What is space? Space - great amount stars and star clusters. And the whole existing world, boundless in space and time, is called the Universe.

constellations. The stars have always been a subject of human curiosity. They have reliable constancy, which is why they have been used for navigation purposes since ancient times. And these familiar points of light in the sky easily add up to familiar shapes. The more a person looks at the stars, the more he can see in them (this is how drawings of different constellations appeared, but now scientists consider constellations not these figures, but certain parts of the starry sky). Total number There are 6000 stars that a person can see with the naked eye. The entire sky is divided into 88 constellations.

People have always wanted to know their future, therefore, even today, the ancient science of star predictions is developing - ASTROLOGY (appeared 3,000 years before the birth of Christ). Each person from the moment of birth has his own specific zodiac sign (star sign, a combination of planets, stars), according to which astrologers predict the fate of a person and his character. There are currently 12 zodiac signs.

Aries constellation. Here is the constellation ARIES! The Moon sometimes stays in it, Because this sign is headed by the ZODIAC. And although the lamb is small, Its asterisk - GAMAL For a long time in sea voyages Helps sailors! People born under the sign of Aries (03/21-19/04) are strong, determined, ambitious, full of new ideas, domineering, but can be unreliable.

Constellation Taurus. Orion's belt - Three stars obliquely, And from the right end - The path to the constellation Taurus - It points straight Into the red eye of ALDEBARAN. People born under the sign of Taurus (20.04-20.05) are slow, patient, careful, persistent and always achieve their goal.

Constellation Gemini. GEMINI - two true friends Walk side by side in a circle. How similar are their figures! These are the Dioscuri Brothers. CASTOR - one and POLLUX - two! Their rumor glorifies their friendship! People born under the sign of Gemini (05/21-21/06) are argumentative, often controversial, attractive, witty, emotional, inventive and versatile.

Constellation Cancer. The messenger hurried to the campaign, True, backwards. To deliver the letter on time Crawled all the time to the east, But could not manage to do it, After all, this messenger is CANCER! People born under the sign of Cancer (22.06-22.07) are sensitive, romantic, gentle, cordial, delicate, caring (often too much).

Constellation Leo. The golden-maned king of beasts Majestically and lazily lies on the ecliptic And does not look at the Lion cub REGULUS - a symbol of royal power Under the protection of a formidable maw, And on the tassel of the tail - Ah! What a beauty! - VIRGO jokingly pinned a Bright bow - DENEBOLU! People born under the sign of Leo (July 23-August 22) are strong, independent, powerful, noble, born leaders.

Constellation Virgo. People born under the sign of Virgo (23.08-22.09) are calm, reliable, punctual, accurate, smart, insightful. Outside the window it will “fall in September”, ... (Virgo) The sun will shelter.

Constellation Libra. In October, according to the owls, the Sun shines from ... (Libra). People born under the sign of Libra (23.09-23.10) are diplomatic, patient, love beauty and always carefully weigh everything.

Constellation Scorpio. And to the south in the midst of summer Blazes with red light Evil ANTARES - SCORPIO, And he wants to sting Ophiuchus right in the leg. People born under the sign of Scorpio (24.10-21.11) are secretive, extraordinary, creative with a very strong character.

Constellation Sagittarius. For many, many hundreds of years he has been following the SAGITTARIUS And he sighs incessantly... Do not recognize the forest Pan! People born under the sign of Sagittarius (22.11-21.12) are open, cheerful, honest, but often impulsive: they act before they think.

Constellation Capricorn. Poor, poor CAPRICORN! Fish tail instead of legs, Shreds of foam in the beard, And on the horns - a star. People born under the sign of Capricorn (22.12-19.01) are hardworking, ambitious, practical, determined, and often hide their emotions.

Constellation Aquarius. Then they called AQUARIUS, Pours and pours, he does not regret! Everything around was flooded with water, Therefore, there are very few conspicuous stars on the sidelines - They barely shine half-heartedly. AQUARIUS in the sky - wait for Autumn, puddles and rains. People born under the sign of Aquarius (20.01-18.02) are charming, calm, independent, creative, artistic, understanding, sometimes wayward.

Constellation Pisces. CEPHEUS-homebody Has a daughter ANDROMEDA, They chained that maiden To be eaten by a WHALE Here he is a WHALE - comes from the south! Scared all the PISCES in the area!... People born under the sign of Pisces (19.02-20.03) are nice, friendly, shy, modest, love to help others.

Sources: Copyright © 2005-2011. Astronomy for children. Project "Astrogalaxy" March 2005 - March 2008. The author of poems-remembrances, pictures of constellations and animation - Natalia Tennova, Fiona Richmond "Book of Predictions". Pleshakov A.A., Sonin N.I. Textbook "Natural Studies" Grade 5.

Relevance: The starry sky is mesmerizing! Large and small stars, collected in constellations, like rhinestones strew the blue-black sky. You can see the Milky Way, a light haze in the black void of space. And we will certainly see at least one shooting star... The starry night is addictive and attracts attention, you can sit outside for hours, just enjoying the starry sky. Many people would be interested to know how certain constellations appeared in the sky, what they mean and why such a name, so the topic of our work is relevant.

Ancient Constellations: Constellations - Memo ancient culture man, his mythology, his first interest in the stars. Some constellations were identified back in the Bronze Age, at a time when our ancestors had just begun to learn about the world around us, to observe the movement of the Sun and Moon.

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: A large northern constellation, whose seven bright stars form the famous Bucket. Large bucket; the middle star of the bucket handle is called Mizar, next to it is the faint star Alcor. The constellation is also known as the Little Dipper, called Ursa Minor.

Orion - a holiday of color The name of Orion - a hunter from Greek myth is the most prominent constellation of the winter sky. You can easily find it by the "belt" of three stars. The belt divides the constellation into two parts. Above, on the shoulders of the Orion, the stars Betelgeuse and Bellatrix shine. At the bottom is one of the most bright stars sky - Rigel.

Conclusion: The history of the names of the constellations is very interesting. A very long time ago, sky observers combined the brightest and most noticeable groups of stars into constellations and gave them various names. If you look at the old atlases of the starry sky, then the constellations are depicted on them in the form of animals. They gave a brief description of the most famous new constellations and learned how the zodiac constellations appeared in the sky. In this work, we talked about the mythology of some constellations.

Let's repeat the material of the last lesson ...

Guess the crossword


1. An astronomer who discovered a comet that visits the Earth's neighborhood every 76 years.

2. A small celestial body that revolves around the Sun, usually in elongated orbits. When approaching the Sun, a comet has a tail of gas and dust.

3. A cosmic body that fell to Earth.

  • Part of a comet stretching for millions of kilometers.

5. main part comets.


  • A small planet-like celestial body in the solar system that orbits around the sun. Also known as minor planets.
  • A phenomenon that occurs during the combustion of fragments of comets or asteroids in the Earth's atmosphere.

Peas Sparkling dust from sugar crumbs are scattered across the dark sky, And only when the morning comes, All the caramel will suddenly melt.

Stars are hot balls of gas located very far from our planet. Therefore, they seem to us in the black night sky only flickering dots.

With the naked eye, people can see about 6,000 stars.

With a telescope and binoculars you can see much more.

Scientists know many, many billions of stars.

Hubble telescope

The sun is the center of our solar system.

Looks almost like the moon in the sky

In fact, the diameter of the Sun is 400 times the diameter of the Moon.

and 109 times the diameter of the Earth. The mass of the Sun is 750 times greater than all the planets moving around it combined.

Structure of the Sun

The core is the central part of the Sun with a radius of approximately 150,000 kilometers

The photosphere (a layer emitting light) reaches a thickness of ~320 km and forms the visible surface of the Sun.

The corona is the last outer shell of the Sun.

Prominence - a giant fountain of hot gas that rises above the surface of the Sun

The sun, like the earth, rotates on its axis from west to east

Like all stars, the Sun is a giant flaming ball. The temperature inside it reaches 15 million degrees Celsius. It emits a huge amount of heat and light.

Only one two billionth of this radiation hits the Earth. The rest is dissipated in space. But even this is enough for the Earth to prosper.

People have been watching the Sun for a very long time, worshiping it, deifying it.

The world in the view of the ancient Egyptians: below - the Earth, above it - the goddess of the sky; left and right - the ship of the sun god, showing the path of the sun across the sky from sunrise to sunset.

In Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra, embodied in the form of a falcon, or a man with a falcon head crowned with a solar disk.

In Old Slavonic mythology, the god Yarilo was considered the god of the Sun .. Yarilo appeared at the right time of the year, spreading the spring solar heat.

The well-known Maslenitsa holiday is also associated with the Sun, because the pancake just symbolizes it.

Children love to draw the sun

Distance from the Sun to other stars.

The Sun is located at a distance of 150 million km from the Earth, and trillions of km from our planet to other stars. Trillion is a number with 12 zeros (1,000,000,000,000 thousand billion or one million million)

A light year is a unit of length equal to the distance traveled by light in a year. Is ~ 9 460 000 000 000 km

The world of stars is extraordinarily diverse. They differ in size, color, brightness, temperature, etc.

There are supergiants, giants, dwarfs and ordinary stars, which are the majority. Measurements have shown that the size of white dwarfs is several thousand kilometers, and the size of red giants is comparable to the size of the solar system.

The stars are different colors!

Their color changes from red to blue. The color of a star indicates the temperature of its surface (the range is from 3,000 to 40,000 degrees on the Kelvin scale (1 ° C = K - 273.15). And the stars are not like people. People usually blush when they are hot, and they turn blue when it's cold, but the opposite is true for stars: the hotter the star, the bluer it is, and the colder it is, the redder it is!

The coldest stars are red in color. The hottest ones shine blue.

The largest stars, hundreds of times larger than the Sun


Stars ten times larger than the Sun.

The sun and the like, as well as smaller stars.

A planet is much smaller than a star. It does not emit light, but on the contrary, it is warmed by the light of stars.

Distinguished by color:

white, blue, yellow and red stars

The Sun is in the middle of this scale, and since its surface temperature is about 6000 degrees Kelvin, the Sun is considered a yellow dwarf.

The radius of the star Betelgeuse exceeds the radius of the Sun by 400 times. Inside this supergiant, more than a million stars like the Sun could fit.

White dwarfs are very interesting - stars the size of our planet. One teaspoon of their substance would weigh several tons on Earth.

The brightest stars emit 100,000 times more heat and light than the Sun. There are also stars that shine a million times weaker than the Sun.

People have been observing the starry sky since ancient times. It helped to predict the onset of the seasons of the year, navigate long journeys, and keep track of time.

To determine the sides of the horizon by the North Star, it is necessary to find the constellation Ursa Major in the firmament. Then, mentally continue the segment of the straight line between the two extreme stars of the “bucket” towards its expanded part and set it aside five times.

The resulting point will indicate the position of the North Star, which is included in the constellation Ursa Minor and is always in the north direction if you stand facing it.

People have long observed that the stars form some kind of groups, clusters, figures. Such clusters of bright stars were called CONSTELLATIONS. Currently, scientists consider certain parts of the starry sky to be constellations.

The whole sky is divided into 88 constellations

The names of so many constellations came to us from Ancient Greece, they are associated with the characters of various

myths and legends.

Test your knowledge

1. What are stars?

2. What is the closest star to Earth?

3. How are stars distinguished by size and color?

4. What is a constellation?

Textbook pp. 48-50. Slave. notebook p. 23 (27). Complete the test.

Thank you for your attention.