Presentation “Rapid game “Articulation gymnastics with Smeshariki. Speech therapy simulator "Teach Smesharikov to distinguish sounds s-sh"; elementary grades

Subject: Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Topic: "The Journey of Smesharikov" - "Fruits and Vegetables" Part 1. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Conduct form: Individual, subgroup.


  • To consolidate the ability to classify objects on the lexical topic "Fruits and vegetables"
  • To form the grammatical structure of speech in children
  • Activate the vocabulary on the topic "Fruits and vegetables"


This material can be used at the stage of fixing the grammatical structure of speech on the studied lexical topic "Vegetables - Fruits" as a whole lesson or separate games, since only one game is presented on the slide, by teachers - speech therapists, educators, parents and children.

Minimum Requirements to hardware resources: interactive whiteboard, computer (laptop). Minimum software resource requirements: Ability to play documents Microsoft office power point 2016.

  • "Vegetables fruits"
  • "Domestic and Wild Animals"
  • "Animals of the North"
  • "Transport"

This presentation "Vegetables - Fruits" - part 1 is voiced by the author, is played automatically.
All slides have an icon to move to the next slide. On slide 14, to view the cartoon, you need to click LMB on the icon, and then on the white square of the screen.

Presentation Structure

slide number

Title page

Title of the presentation

Game exercise "Vegetables - Fruits" - to consolidate the ability to classify objects on a given lexical topic

4, 5, 6 slides

Game exercise "What jam?", "What juice?", "What soup?" - exercise in the formation and use of relative adjectives in speech

Game exercise "Big - small" - to consolidate the ability to form new words with the help of diminutive - affectionate suffixes -chik-, -chk-

8, 9 slides

Game exercise "Come on, count!" - exercise in agreeing numerals with nouns

Game exercise "One - many" - to improve the ability to form the plural of nouns

Game exercise "He - she - it" - learn to distinguish between masculine, feminine and neuter nouns in the singular

Game exercise "Describe an object" - continue to form a dictionary of adjectives, consolidate the ability to identify and name the main features of objects

Game exercise "Divide words into syllables" - to strengthen the concept of "syllable" and the ability to divide words into syllables

Game exercise "Come up with a sentence according to the scheme" - to consolidate the concept of "word", "sentence" and the ability to make a sentence according to the proposed scheme

Game exercise "Who is where?" - exercise in the use of simple and complex prepositions

Cartoon "Smeshariki" 9 episode 1 season "Uncultivated weed"


Educational institution: MDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Sun", Gavrilov-Yam, Yaroslavl region. Teacher speech therapist:

Speech therapy quiz game "Visiting Smeshariki" for first graders

This material is useful for speech therapists and teachers primary school. The quiz will help to consolidate children's knowledge of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, promote the development of phonemic ideas, activate lexical material on the topic "Berries", "Summer".
Target: consolidation of previously studied material on the topics of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words, the development of phonemic perception and coherent speech, the activation of the dictionary on the topics "Berries", "Summer"
consolidation of pronunciation skills acquired by children in spontaneous speech;
consolidation of knowledge on lexical topics"Berries", "Summer";
development of sound analysis and synthesis skills, phonemic representations;
development of verbal-logical thinking;
development of auditory and visual attention, memory;
education of self-control over speech, independence and activity;
fostering interest in speech therapy classes.
A laptop, a projector, red, green and blue circles for sound patterns, tokens for correct answers, a “chest” with prizes for winners and participants.
Lesson progress
Speech therapist: Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual activity.
In the classroom, we learned beautiful and correct speech, the ability to read and write correctly. And today we have a special final lesson - the heroes of the cartoon "Smeshariki" came to visit us. Let's remember the name of the hero of this cartoon?
Children: Krosh, Hedgehog, Nyusha, Barash, Losyash, Pin, Kar Karych, Sovunya, Kopatych.
Speech therapist: Well done, remember everyone! The first to visit us was Kar Karych. (Second slide included). He asks us for help - let's help him highlight the second letter in each word and then we will definitely get a new word.
Children from a series of words SHIRT, DONKEY, ORANGE, SWANS, PROTECTION highlight the second letter - the word SUCCESS is obtained. (Each child is given a token for the correct answer)
Speech therapist: Okay, we did it. Now Kar Karych offers these words (The third slide is included):
SCIENCE, BUCKET, ORANGUTAN, DREAMERS, PEANUTS. Be careful, we highlight the third letter in the word. What word is obtained?
Children: Luck.
Speech therapist: Well done! Kar Karych wishes us success and good luck in our quiz.

I Speech therapist: Guys, let's remember how many letters are in the alphabet?
Children: 33 letters
Speech therapist: Right. And how many vowels? How many consonants?
Children: 10 vowels, 21 consonants
Speech therapist: Okay, remember. And who will tell me how sounds differ from letters?
Children: We hear and pronounce sounds, we write and see letters.
Speech therapist: Our next hero, Pin, asks for help understanding special sounds - always soft and always hard. (The fourth slide is included). He accidentally mixed them up and forgot what sound he lived in in what house. It is necessary to distribute all the sounds into two houses.
Children alternately distribute sounds among the houses, each correct answer is a token. As a result, in the left house (always hard sounds) the sounds [Ж], [Ш], [Ц] settle, and in the right house (always soft sounds) - [H], [SCH], [Y].
Speech therapist: They did an excellent job, Ping is very happy. Only here is bad luck: there are two sounds left - [T] and [D], and Pin wants to know what kind of sounds these are. Why didn't they get into the houses?
Children: Because these sounds can be both hard and soft.
Speech therapist: Let's characterize them. Sound [D] - what?
Children: The sound [D] is consonant, voiced, solid, paired.
Speech therapist: And the sound [T]?
Children: The sound [T] is consonant, deaf, solid, paired.
Speech therapist: Great, and we have the next task. Krosh came to visit us and asks us to help him compose words (the fifth slide is included). To the syllables from the left column, you need to pick up the ending from the right column. What words will we get?
Children: holidays, friendship, summer, lesson, textbook. (each child gets a token for a correct answer)
Speech therapist: yes, we have just a little bit left before the holidays, the lessons will end and summer will come. And we have the next task. Nyusha brought us pictures and asks us to find one that fits the sound scheme. (sixth slide included).
Children: the net fits the diagram.
Speech therapist: right. And what will be the scheme for the rest of the words? (each child is given three blue, three green, three red mugs)
Children lay out a diagram - a blue circle, a red circle, a blue circle, a red circle, a blue circle.
Speech therapist: Well done, what is the difference between the scheme that Nyusha prepared from the one that we posted?
Children: There is a green circle in Nyusha's scheme, because the sound [H] is always soft.
Speech therapist: right. It's time to stretch. We stand next to the desks (the seventh slide turns on).

II Fizmin weaving
Karych stretched sweetly (pull hands up)
and turned to Sovunya, (turn left and right)
Pin jumped high- (jump up)
Apparently it was far away.
Krosh bent down to the ground - (bend over, reach to toes)
Did you see a beetle? (we straighten up, spread our arms to the sides)
And Losyash claps his hands (clap hands)
And he stomps his feet loudly. (stomp feet alternately)
Speech therapist: And we have the next task for you. (the eighth slide turns on). Sovunya sent Losyash a letter, but only a very strange one - in it all the words are not connected to each other, but scattered. We need to connect all the words in a sentence.
Children: Come visit me for dinner.
Speech therapist: Okay, but this is only the first part of the letter (the next slide is included). Let's find out what else Sovunya wrote to Losyash.
Children: I baked a delicious strawberry pie.
Speech therapist: Great, Losyash thanks us for the help. And here Sovunya herself brought the following task for us. (The tenth slide is included). It is necessary to color the empty squares in accordance with the fourth sound in the words. The first word is raspberry. What color will the square next to this word be?
Children: Red because the fourth sound in this word is the vowel.
Speech therapist: Okay, next word is currant. (further, similar work is carried out with each word)
Speech therapist: We did an excellent job with the task of Sovunya. Guys, what kind of words did she bring, how can we call it all together in one word?
Children: These are berries
Speech therapist: What word is redundant? Why?
Children: Margarine, because it is not a berry, but a food product.
Speech therapist: Right. Well, there are only a few tasks left until the end of our quiz. Be careful! (the eleventh slide is included) In the next task, you need to rearrange the letters in the given order. There was strength, but it became ...
Children: Fox
Speech therapist: There was a boar, but it became ...
Children: Jar.
The rest of the words are done in a similar way.
Speech therapist: Great, and we have the last task with you - these are riddles.
Warm, long, long day
At noon - a tiny shadow,
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
The strawberry ripens
What month is it, please?
We cry without him
And when it appears, we hide from it.
What a marvelous beauty!
painted gate
Showed up on the way!
Do not enter them
Neither enter
On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

I IISpeech therapist: What time of year are all these riddles about?
Children: About summer.
Speech therapist: So our quiz has come to an end. Let's find out who won (the number of tokens for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place is counted)
Smeshariki thank us for our help and offer to collect a word from the letters they have prepared (the thirteenth slide is turned on, the children collect the word "well done")
You were active participants and I want to reward you with gifts. (all participants will receive small prizes)
Have a great summer, see you soon!

Presentation on the topic: Quiz game "Visiting Smeshariki"

1 slide

2 slide

Purpose: fixing the correct pronunciation of the sound "R" in words. Tasks: - develop phonemic hearing: determining the presence of a sound in a word, selecting rhyming words; - exercise in the formation of relative adjectives; - learn to coordinate numerals with nouns; - exercise in inflection; - learn to divide words into syllables, determine the location of the sound in the word. Presentation management: flip through slides - button find out the task - button

3 slide

4 slide

Pyramid, comb, pen, shell, scarf, pear, mitten, guitar. Nyusha is cleaning the house. Help her clean up. Look for pictures (listed below), name and click on them. Pronounce the "R" sound clearly.

5 slide

Nyusha decided to decorate her house with a garland with flags. Select the checkboxes with pictures for the sound "r". Name the pictures and click the mouse on those in the name of which the sound “r” is heard. To remove the task text, click on it.

6 slide

Losyash looks through a telescope. Click on the circle and name what he saw. Pronounce the "R" sound clearly. To remove the task text, click on it.

7 slide

Kopatych prepares juices for friends. What is watermelon juice? - ... (watermelon). From carrots? - ... (carrot), currant? - ... (currant), etc. Click on the picture and name the juice. Pronounce the "R" sound clearly. To remove the task text, click on it.

8 slide

Barash composes a poem. Help him match the rhymes to the pictures in the frames, Name and click on the pictures in the middle. Pronounce the "R" sound clearly. To remove the task text, click on it.

9 slide

Karych went fishing. Count how many fish he caught. Click on the fish and say: “One fish, two fish, three fish…” To remove the task text, click on it.

10 slide

Krosh draws with paints. What drawings did he draw on each piece of paper? Name the picture, determine the place of the "R" sound in the word and click on the picture. Pronounce the "R" sound clearly. To remove the task text, click on it.

Speech therapy simulator

"Teach Smesharikov to distinguish s-sh sounds»

Destination : students of grades 3-4 of a correctional school of the VIII type, who have writing disorders due to underdevelopment of phonemic perception.

Goals : automation of the ability to differentiate sounds and letterss-sh in words, checkthe level of formation of phonemic perception, increasing motivation, cognitive activity and independence of students.

View : completed in the program Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007

Technical equipment : computers (laptops) according to the number of students or a computer, multimedia - a projector and a screen.

Application : individual and group work in speech therapy classes, independent performance by students in the form of homework. In all game tasks, a sufficiently wide field has been created for clicking on pictures and words with the mouse, which allows the use of this simulator for children with cerebral palsy, hyperkinetic behavioral disorders.

Relevance : the simulator can be used by school speech therapists in the work to eliminate acoustic dysgraphia, primary school teachers in Russian language lessons in order to individualize the correctional and educational process.

Forms of work:

Individual work: the child works at the computer, the control of the correctness of the tasks is carried out automatically, the results (correct and erroneous answers) are saved during the game.

Group work (using a computer, projector and screen): students go to the computer one by one, complete the task for 1-3 words, the rest comment on the correct execution, if necessary, provide assistance.

Instructions for using the simulator :

Slide 1. Title

An excerpt from “Songs about Smeshariki” sounds, creating a favorable emotional background (file in a folder).

By buttonPLAY transition toslide 2 "Menu" , by buttonSOURCES on the slide with the sources of illustrations.

Slide 2. "Menu".

Sections: Losyash, Kar-Karych, Barash, Nyusha, Kopatych. The choice of a task is carried out by clicking on the corresponding picture. All sections use hyperlinks, triggers, control buttons, animations and sound effects. Sounds, words and cues are built into the presentation. Work with the simulator ends with a hyperlinkEXIT.

Section "Moose".

Game situation: "Help Losyash seat the passengers in the trailers." The child, according to the instructions, clicks on the trailer with the letter C or Sh.

Help: when you click on the picture with the animal, its name is pronounced intoned.

Correct answer: the animal is in the trailer (sound - bells).

Error: the animal remains in place, a sign appearsSTOP (sound).

The execution time is not limited. The transition to the next "passenger" is carried out by pressing the buttonARROW.

Result: the train is leaving.

By buttonMENU transition to2 slide to select the next task (similarly in all sections).

Section "Kar-Karych".

Game situation: "Help Kar-Karych swim to the island."

Description: a wave with a word appears, if the letter Sh is missing in the word, the child clicks on it with the mouse, if the letter C is missing in the word, it skips.

Correct answer: the boat is sailing forward (the noise of the waves), a flag appears on the playing field. If the child misses the correct answer, the flag does not appear, but then, with the correct answer, the boat moves forward.

Error: the boat stays in place (sound), a shark appears.

Completion of tasks is limited by time frames. Waves appear and disappear automatically.

Outcome: the boat sails to the island, Kar-Karych receives a treasure chest (exclamation -Hurrah ).

Checking is carried out by clicking on the buttonLIFEBUOY.

Section "Barash".

Game situation: "Help Barash sign his drawings."

The child, following the instructions, clicks with the mouse on the letter missing in the word (C or W).

Help: when you click on the picture, its name is pronounced intoned.

Correct answer: the letter is inserted into the word (sound - bells).

Error: the letter is not inserted, it changes color to red, a blot appears next to the picture (sound - knock).

The execution time is not limited. The transition to the next figure is carried out by pressing the button.ARROW.

Bottom line: thanks for the help (sound - bells).

Section "Nyusha".

Game situation: "Help Nyusha clean up the house."

Poster with task and buttonPLAY disappears when you click on it with the mouse. Then the child clicks on objects that have the sound sh in their names. Correct answer: the object is in place (sound - bells).

Error: Object stays in place (sound).

The execution time is not limited.

Section "Kopatych".

Game situation: "Help Kopatych harvest."

When an apple appears with a word in which the letter C is missing, the child

clicks on it with the mouse. When a word with the letter Sh appears, it skips.

Correct answer: the apple is in the basket (sound - bells).

Error: an apple with a worm appears under the apple tree (error sound).

Completion of tasks is limited by time frames. Apples appear and disappear automatically.

Outcome: apples in a basket.


All functions in the simulator are editable. It is possible to replace pictures and words with missing letters, increase the time to complete the tasks "Kar-Karych", "Kopatych". This allows you to adjust the level of complexity of the simulator, contributes to the individualization of corrective work.

How to do it?

Replacing pictures: right-click on the picture, selectreplace drawing .

Word replacement: click oninscriptions , we print another word.

Changing the time to complete in the task "Kar-Karych":

ATanimation settings (slide 17) we find group 52 with the effectfading after previous (no trigger), go toeffect parameters , time , delay

Similarly for groups 25, 29, 38, 55, 70 with the effectfading after previous (no trigger).

Changing the time to complete in the task "Kopatych":

ATanimation settings (slide 19) find group 40 with effect (no trigger), go toeffect parameters , time , delay , increase or decrease the time (seconds).

Similarly for groups 43, 52, 55, 78, 81 with the effectdisappearance after the previous (no trigger).

Elena Sokolovskaya
Presentation "Running Game" Articulation gymnastics with Smeshariki"

One of the main tasks of a preschool speech therapy center is the formation of correct speech in children. Articulation gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds and the correction of violations of sound pronunciation. Daily Execution articulatory exercise tires children and reduces interest in gymnastics, which means that the effectiveness of exercises decreases. Because the game- the leading activity of a preschooler, then speech correction should take place in game exercises. In order to increase the interest of children in the implementation articulatory gymnastics was developed by a rpg game"Articulation gymnastics with smeshariki". Having tested this game on the children of the preschool speech center, an increase in the quality and pace of the movements performed was revealed. For each group of sounds, a hero from a popular cartoon was chosen, in whose name there is a broken sound. Children are happy to do exercises for the tongue with Karych, Nyusha, Losyash, Krosh and Sovunya. Moving from one exercise to another using the arrows, the children clearly see how many more tasks remain to be completed. child: "Well done, Andryusha, Losyash is very pleased with how you performed gymnastics for the tongue!"

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