Letter to mom for mother's day from daughter. Life is so short: a letter from daughter to mother that everyone should read (Photo). Examples of general letters

mother's day letter

Paris, May 1965

My mother's.

Her name - for everyone - Magda Schneider. We have known each other for 26 years, and during these 26 years she has received different names from me. So I'll start this letter like this:

My sweet mother (school time). My beloved mother (school years and a completely bad conscience). Favorite mom (the best time after school). My favorite is "Mom" (the transitional age of the Empress). Mom - dear Magda - dear beloved Magdalena - dear Frau Leni - You! (This is how it would be now.) So -

God bless you!

I'm sorry: I called you twice in the middle of the night, but I had to read you a heartfelt letter from a Viennese grandmother. I laughed to tears, lying in bed, and since I would not want you to hold me for a complete egoist, I think you will also laugh to tears - and after that you sleep so well! Now, you know now: my father bought himself a new car and was already having fun at seven in the morning, giving Rosa instructions on how to get in and out of it, and he bought car shoes for the dog - it’s like I see this circus with my own eyes and find, that's terribly funny!

From Berlin, I flew perfectly: I slept (which I did not work four days and four nights in a row when I saw Berlin again after six years of separation). You - it was great! (I think I shouldn't just say "you" to you, but try to return to my age - I want to write you a serious letter!) Yes, you and Berlin! Everything, everything is back! Going back to the past is always bad and old-fashioned if not for you. And so - this is the only good and always modern that I know.

Our return to the past - twelve years ago - my first film, together with you, in Tempelhof - for a long time I was "Shirley Tempelhof", "the last German lady", and you were "an evil guard dog".

But we didn't care. (On the contrary, we had a lot of fun, like a “new German love couple.”) Nobody could do anything for us, except for a few storms and bad weather, more or less - we, by the way, arranged them ourselves. Or was it - as you always say - "a higher power", nothing can be done against it, but we does not matter tried, you - against, I - against, we are together - against, we are against everything, everything is against us - before the big thunderstorm broke out, we laughed until convulsions! Because we both knew that we ourselves were a cramp. Hysterical with laughter. As if all this was like on a screen - like in a movie.

But not always, of course, not always. If we resolved every serious situation or quarrel with laughter or hysteria, then we would definitely get bored, and for a long time. And since you and I haven't seen each other that often for the past six years, a lot had to change. We made it. It was necessary to take an example from men: after all, there are so many ways to get used to each other - so many ways to love each other ...

In Berlin, we didn’t talk that much (and we could have been so great - until four in the morning!), But it wasn’t necessary - everything was right - and that’s why I’m happy beyond measure that everything is as it is, that we are what we are - together or not - and that all this can be said about the mother!

My brother and I are both well brought up in terms of taste, but our "mother's choice" remains the grand prize! So, as already mentioned, our meeting in Berlin and Berlin itself is the reason why I am writing all this to you, and even in my stupid style and manner.

It was beautiful - so beautiful, mother, and it will be even more beautiful, because you are getting younger, and I - gradually - older and wiser. I'm sorry that my understanding came a little late, I was too young then! Well, now it's five o'clock in the morning, and I'll leave you alone and call you at six to say good morning.

I smoked too much and now I bark like a dog and my back hurts from the daily dance lessons and my legs too, yeah. Yes - I'll put something on my back to get rid of the cough. By the way, they sent me cough drops yesterday, from Berlin - not very kind, is it? My breakfast? "Berlin cough drops". Please! I see in my second calendar that your Mother's Day is tomorrow. In Paris it is always a different number (and now my flowers will arrive too late). One year it's three weeks early, and you don't know why I suddenly send you a bunch of red roses, and this time - again I'm late. BUT! - after all, this should be a "Mother's Day Letter", and you should be moved to tears? So, unfortunately, I can’t show you such “courtesy”.

Because I absolutely do not care - Mother's Day or not (this holiday must have been invented by someone who sometimes forgets that he even has a mother!), right? If I didn’t have a small “side profession”, then I would write letters to you every day. Therefore (that's gorgeous!): All the best! All the best! For Mother's Day! Here!

And I am grateful to you for letting me into this beautiful, magnificent (sometimes nasty) world, and taking care of me and my brother, and allowing us to be the children we were and what we are for you! I hug you - God bless you!

Your Romi.

P.S. If you were here right now, we would go “in the freezer” together and eat bread and cheese and pickles; doing this alone is just longing, but I'm hungry - and I will think of you at the same time. I'll tell the cook tomorrow morning that it was you - come soon - and please, without a baggage car at the airport - only a couple of suitcases!

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Letter for Mother's Day Paris, May 1965 To my mother. Her name - for everyone - Magda Schneider. We have known each other for 26 years, and during these 26 years she has received different names from me. So I'll start this letter like this: My dear mother (school time). My beloved mother (school

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I am 1 year old. Mom, you are my whole world. Your hands, hugs, smile - this is the main thing I need now. I want to be with you every minute, feel your scent, hear your voice. I feel so good and safe when you are around. I'm learning to walk, talk, act like you. I want to be like you mom!

I am 5 years old. Mom, you are my first teacher - how to make sandwiches, cook pasta, how to make friends, what is good and what is bad, how the world works, and where does the rainbow come from? I love it so much when you and I are alone and chatting about this and that. You are the best mom in the world! And the most beautiful. All my drawings and crafts are for you, mommy!

I am 10. I am a schoolgirl. I have many girlfriends. But I really want to be friends with you, mom. So that you reveal to me the secrets of the female world, teach me how to take care of myself, pick up clothes, use cosmetics. So that we have our "female" secrets. So that I can tell you how Lyoshka looks at me from a parallel class. And also, how great that you can explain to me a difficult topic in mathematics!

I'm 15. I am a stubborn teenager. I ask you not to interfere in my affairs, not to educate me. I consider myself old enough to make my own decisions. I am terribly annoyed by your advice and moralizing, mother. I myself know what I need. But, mother, it is so important for me that you, despite all the stupidity and rudeness that I tell you, stay on my side, trust me, believe in me. In fact, it is infinitely dear to me that you are interested in my affairs and my life. I so hope that at home they love me and wait for anyone - with piercings, tattoos, black hair, a broken heart or in love with a new guy. Now it is so important for me to understand who I am, what I am, what I love and what I believe in. I need to feel like I'm standing on my own two feet. And I push back strongly from you and your support. But don't be afraid for me, mom. Let me go, and I will definitely return to you - matured.

I am 20 years old. I am a student. I feel mature, young, strong. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I am sure that I will achieve a lot. Men like me, I have money. Sometimes I feel like I understand life better than you, Mom. Your ideas seem outdated to me, and interference in my life - intrusive. Let me go, mom. Let me go my own way, make my mistakes. And yet, mom, I really want you to be happy, to have your own life, work, girlfriends. Your happiness makes me free. So it's much easier for me to become happy myself. Only mom, believe in me. I so need it now.

I'm 25. I live alone, I'm married. Now I am a mother myself - I have a baby. Mom, I didn’t know that right now it would be so difficult for me to be close to you. I try to be a good wife and mother. I want to take into account and correct all the mistakes that were in my childhood. These are your mistakes, mom. How many of your "mistakes" I see now. And I have so many whys to you. It turns out that I take offense at you for a lot, mom. I don't agree with you in many ways, and it's hard for me to take your advice. I am grateful to you for everything, but in my family I want to do everything differently. And one more thing. I can be aloof or harsh in asserting boundaries. But, mom, it is so important for me that you still be there and take my position - maternal, conjugal, feminine. To not criticize, but still believed in me and trusted me.

I am 30. I think I'm starting to understand you, mom. Understand why you did the way you did. Why couldn't she. I see again how you loved me as a child, how hard you tried. I resented you. But I so wanted to be perfect, and I so wanted you to be perfect. And now I see that I am also mistaken and cannot do otherwise ... And how important your experience is to me now - how you forgave yourself, how you aspired to me, despite my resistance. How you stayed by my side even when I thought that I didn’t need you. I want you to be my friend again and share your experience and knowledge with me. And yes, Mom, your help with the children and housework is simply invaluable to me now . I really need her. Because no matter how hard I try to keep my face, I get terribly tired.

I'm 40. Difficult period, transitional. The kids are growing up, I'm not so young anymore. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to do something, I won’t have enough strength for something. How was it for you, mom? What did you find yourself in when I grew up? I can imagine how hard it was for you to let me go! How I need your advice and support now! How wise you were then, but I did not notice ...

I'm 50 years old. So my children grew up and flew off to build their lives ... Age is already making itself felt, there are not so many forces ... I have good job, I am respected, I have achieved a lot. I am independent, everything is fine with me. But, HOW do I need you now, mommy! My dear person, who has passed by my side all my life, who saw me both strong and weak. How I want to put my head in your lap and be small again. I'm so tired of being grown up and strong. I hide it, but I'm scared. I am afraid of old age, weakness, loneliness. And how grateful I am to see how you grow old, how you fight diseases, how you love every day, how you strive to live!

I am 70. Mom, you're gone. But you are still by my side. You know, I love my old age, because I saw how you loved yours. I'm not afraid to move on because I've seen you walk your path. I remember your hands, hugs, your wonderful smile. I remember how you loved me, making mistakes, tired, afraid to lose. She loved, despite my obstinacy, alienation, claims, resentment. She loved me no matter what and believed in me. And thanks to this, I now love my life so much!

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

Campaign "Letter to Mom"

On the eve of the holiday, schools in Novocheboksarsk hosted an action “Letter to Mom”. During the thematic lesson, high school students wrote letters of revelation to their mothers. The recipients will receive these messages on Mother's Day. Some letters with the consent of the authors are given today in the newspaper.

The main word in every fate
Hello dear!
Today I remembered you, and the words of a wonderful children's song came to my mind: “Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny! Mom gave life, gave the world to me and you!” Who among us has not heard these wonderful words? And almost everyone thinks that they are said about his mother! Of course, this is about you, mommy, too.
In my letter I want to say a huge thank you to you for everything you do for me. You are the most main man in my life. And not only because she gave me life. Because you are always by my side. You accept me for who I am. Sometimes I feel like you know me more than I do. You always know how it will be better for me, but you never insist on your own. This is your wisdom: you understand that I only learn from my mistakes.
Of course, we also had difficult times. We quarreled, did not understand each other, but now everything is behind us. It is very pleasant to realize that you and I are best friends who have practically no secrets from each other. I am sure that your joy for my success is always the most sincere. And that my happiness is your happiness.
I really like to come home, because you tried very hard to make our hearth always warm and welcoming.
I still have many obstacles ahead, but I know that you will help me in solving all my problems.
I kiss you, Tanya.

Tatiana PETROVA,11 "a" class of school number 5.

You do everything to make me happy
Hello dear mother!
Today is a holiday, and I want to ask your forgiveness for all the bad things I have done. I am not always obedient, but I always try to improve. You are smart, kind, sensitive and simply the best. I know that you love me, and I will always love you, because you gave me life and do everything to make me happy.
Your loving son Oleg.

Oleg VASILEV, 8 "b" class of school No. 13.

Without you there would be no me
Hello mommy!
I want this letter to bring you joy, make you smile on this, I hope, sunny morning.
Today I want to thank you so much for all the earthly warmth that you give me. Thank you for making every day of my life like spring. It is a great happiness to know that you are loved. And yours, mommy, love is the most tender, sincere, devoted, unique and bright. She gives me hope and meaning in life.
Today is a holiday, and I want to congratulate you on it. I wish you happiness and health. I want every morning in your life to be sunny and clear. I'm not always attentive, but I always think of you. I remember you sang me a lullaby before bed. If you remember A. Pleshcheev's verse, then this is about you:
“... Who shakes the cradle for you,
Who amuses you with a song
Or tells a fairy tale
Who gives you toys?
“Mommy is golden…”
Even though I'm far away now, I remember every line of your face. Your expressive eyes. The look of these eyes is clear and kind. They reflect all thoughts and feelings. And what a wonderful smile! Sincere, funny, open. And I also love your caring, kind hands. You are the best, beautiful, unique and beloved. And no matter what happens in life, no matter what happens, I love you, because without you there would be no me.
Always loving you daughter Daria!!!

Daria PAVLOVA, 8 "b" class of school number 4.

You're an angel!
Hello, my good and dear mother!
Today I want to tell you that you are the most beloved, the most tender, the most affectionate, the most good-natured, the most dear to my soul, the closest to my heart, the most glorious, sweet, sunny, bright and damn charming.
You are the eighth wonder of the world for me, because you gave me the world, gave me life. You are a miracle of miracles, you are like a valuable piece of gold, a scarlet flower, a bird of paradise, you, mommy, are the most precious thing on earth. Your maternal tenderness sparkles like an invisible pure light, and your golden sensitive hands make you feel unusually strong love for you, your gentle voice always sounds in my heart. You are an angel and deserve only happiness and love. All angels deserve it!
Forgive me for not always being obedient, helping you, asking how you are doing. But I know that you will forgive me, forgive your little naughty girl, forgive me for everything no matter what she does, because this naughty girl is your blood madly loving you, a part of your world. I know that you love me for this, just as I love you because you are a mother. This “title” is worn by many women, and just because you are worthy of wearing it, I love you!
It was thanks to you that I learned to speak, walk, you taught me to love the world around me, people, I grow up as a sensitive and sympathetic person, you taught me what you know and know yourself. Thank you for this, mommy!
Today is Mother's Day, your day! Let it be the brightest! I love you!
Your daughter.

Svetlana Gerasimova, 8 "b" class of school number 4.

Even though I'm naughty
Hello dear mother!
On this special day, I want to confess to you - you are the most beloved and dearest.
I want you to have no problems in your life, to be understood and appreciated.
I sometimes quarrel with you over trifles, but I'm always ready to help you, listen, support and ask for forgiveness if I'm wrong. I know that you love me even though I'm naughty. And know that no matter what happens, no matter what happens, I love you, I don’t have a dearer person, and you are like that - the only one in the world!
Always loving you son Dima.

Dmitry NAZAROV, 10 "b" class of school number 20.

The most precious and dear!
Hello, the dearest and dearest person for me - mommy!
Know, no matter how I behave, no matter what I say, no matter what actions I do, you are always in my heart, I love you very much.
Today is a holiday, your holiday, and I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I am not always the way you want to see me, the way an ideal daughter can be: attentive, obedient, kind; but I am always ready to take your advice and try not to do stupid things.
Only you alone feel how hard it is for me, only you can understand me, only you have such gentle and gentle hands ...
Dear, I rarely thank you for sleepless nights, for warmth, for understanding, for the fact that I live. You are for me like air, which I need every second, like water, without which I will not last a day. Mom, you are the most important thing in life for me, the most precious and dear.
Always loving you your daughter Masha.

Maria VLASOVA, 10 "a" class of school number 20.

Infinitely dear!
Hello dear mother!
I want to confess that I love you very much. Mom, for me you are the most beautiful, kindest and most cheerful woman. You are the infinitely dear thing that I have in the world, you are a piece of my soul, without which I would not know life.
Today is Mother's Day, and I want to congratulate you with all my heart and with all my loving heart on this very important holiday for all children. And tell you a lot of the most affectionate words that exist.
Of course, I am not always next to you, I do not always listen to you when you scold me, but I have always loved, love and will love you. You are the dearest person to me and my best friend. You always know how to find comforting words when I feel bad.
I understand how difficult it is for you to be with me, I know what a bad character I have, but despite this, you are always there. And in general, you just love me, thank you, mommy, for this ...
And sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did without thinking.
Always loving you daughter Zhenya.

Evgenia GALKINA, 10 “b” class of school No. 20.

Jill Alaimo - blogger and beautiful daughter

Jill is a college graduate and now lives in Rochester (a city in the northern part of America) and works as an assistant at Tipping Point Communications. The girl grew up, but managed to maintain the most reverent and tender relationship with her mother. One day, she wrote her a heartfelt letter of gratitude, which quickly went viral on the Internet.

Dear Mom! I never told you about this, but I am very grateful to you. You gave me life, and every minute you took care of me, and gave all your love and tenderness. You have always been a role model for me, which only a girl can dream of. No matter what I did, you always knew how to find words that made me think about my actions. I know that you only want the best for me. And although I don’t show it, I always feel a feeling of boundless gratitude and love for you. Without you, I would just be lost in this vast world.

You taught me a lot, and even now, when I have difficulties, I go to you for help. You taught me to distinguish the bad from the good. And it doesn't matter if it was just the awful clothes I wore at 16, or something more serious. You taught me to listen, understand and love. Your words always help me to accept the right decision. Thank you for being there and protecting me. Your love inspires me.

You know how to cheer me up when I'm sad. You send me "I love you" texts just like that, for no reason. It's nice to chat with you about anything. When I have a bad day, one minute spent next to you makes me forget all the hardships. I know you always tell me the truth. It doesn't matter if I want to hear it or not. Because you always know the best thing to do, and you want to make sure I know it too.

I completely trust your advice, because only you feel me better than others. And that's what I love about you. Thank you for being my biggest fan. You are always there and sincerely share with me all the joys and failures. Whether it's raining, sunny, snowing, hurricane or earthquake, I know I can count on you. And to be honest, it's the best feeling in the world.

You are the smartest. Whatever question I have, you always know the answer to it. They say that mothers know everything, and this is true. I don't know how you do it, but your mind amazes me.

And finally, I want to thank you for being my best friend. Without your help, I would not be who I am today. I am the happiest girl in the world because you are my mother. And even if we sometimes argue, we still remain the most dear people for each other. I just want you to know that you are the best mom in the world and I hope that someday I can be at least half as good as you. Love you!

your little girl

Two weeks before Mother's Day of Russia, the local branch of the VOD "Mothers of Russia" organized creative project"A letter to my mother." The essays were written by students from many schools in the area. Today we publish the best works.

Letter to my mom

My mother's name is Sveta.

I would like to address her with the following words:

Mom, you are my favorite person on earth!

In these moments that you give me, I am the happiest of all in the world!

I'm trying to imagine what it was like...

I'm lying in bed ... You swaddle me with love and affection, sing a lullaby.

I’m a year old… These days you must be tired, because it’s very difficult to cope with a restless daughter.

I am five years old ... I already know how to properly hold a fork, a spoon, and make sandwiches.

AT kindergarten I have many friends - my mother taught me to value friendship.

All my drawings, plasticine crafts, were just for you, dear mommy!

I'm already ten ... I'm a schoolgirl. Mom taught me to be tidy, to keep clean, to choose clothes that fit me in style and color. I help with the housework, wash the dishes, feed the pets. I so want to be useful so that my mother gets less tired and smiles more!

Now I'm twelve... For my birthday, my mother baked a beautiful cake, cooked a delicious dinner and gave me a gorgeous gift! She teaches me how to use makeup. Mom began to let me go to the disco, allows me to take a walk in the evening with my girlfriends longer, but she always worries and waits for me. But you have to start trusting your daughter sometime!

I study to get a good education and to please my dear mother. Every day we discuss my school affairs, successes and failures, I trust my mother in everything!

If I'm in trouble, Mommy supports me, gives me advice and tells me that she loves me with all my "bells and whistles".

I love you very much, mom! I wish you happiness, health, stay as cheerful as now! I am grateful to you for the love, warmth and kindness that you give me all my life!

I know that for you I will always be a little daughter and that I can come to you for help and support at any time!

Your daughter Alena.

Alena Kuzhina, 7th grade student

MKOU "Secondary School No. 17" p. Lukyanovka

Hello my dear mother!

Your son Ilya is writing to you. You always protect me, help me, and I will love you forever. You know, mommy, as soon as I'm alone, I immediately begin to miss you. You are the most beautiful! You have such beautiful and soft hair. And your green eyes are as beautiful as emeralds. I love your warm and tender hands so much!

Every year on my birthday you bake a very delicious cake. I really like it and my friends too.

I feel sad when you get upset. I will try not to upset you. I want you to be healthy and happy. I want to spend all my time with you. I love you very very much.

Bye, my mom. Your son Ilya.

Ilya Kuverbin, 5th grade. MKOU "OOSH No. 23" v. Novokreshchenka

My sweet mommy!

I decided to write you a letter and tell you how much I love you. I know that every child thinks that his mother is the best in the world. And I think so. You are the closest and dearest person to me. Only you I can tell about my secrets and dreams.

Mom, you are the most beautiful, kind and sympathetic. You help me with difficult homework and are sympathetic to my occasional setbacks.

I like the way you cook food. I especially love your condensed milk roll.

I want to tell you, my dear, thank you for your affection, love and kindness! Your son Sasha.

Alexander Guzhva, 5th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Hello dear mother!

I love you very much and I want to write you a letter. I have no one closer to you. I love your smile, green eyes and cheerful laugh. You are my caring and kindest mother in the world. Many people respect you, and I respect you very much and take care of you.

When I was little, five or seven years old, you bought me toys almost every day. And once again you told me: "This is your last toy." But we both knew it wasn't. And you bought me toys more and more because you are very kind, mom.

Do you remember how many funny things happened to me? Once you sent me to the store for flour, butter, sugar and eggs. I came to the store and saw a very beautiful chocolate bar, which was simply impossible to refuse. I bought it and happily forgot about all the other purchases. When I came home, you were not angry, but laughed merrily. And instead of the planned cake that you wanted to bake, we had tea with delicious chocolate.

I think you did not scold me, because you are very kind and you know how to forgive. Mom, you are the best in the whole wide world! Your son Daniel

Daniil Khandoshka, 7th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Dear Mom!

How are you? I'm fine. Mommy, I want to tell you how good it is to have you! You always help me. I feel so good with you!

Mom is the most important thing in a person's life. You love me like no one else and you will never give me bad advice. I'm sorry for all the bad things I ever did to you. Sometimes, if I do something bad, you will, of course, scold me, and then you will hug me and regret it. And it is so pleasant, it becomes so good in the soul that it is beyond words. There was a case in my life that confirms this. Once I broke a cup, and I told you that a cat did it. Of course, you believed me, you were not angry with me at all, but my innocent cat had a bad time. But do you know how hard it is to live with guilt in your soul? The next day I confessed everything to you, my soul immediately felt better. And you didn’t scold me, but gently hugged me and whispered softly that you love me very much. That's the kind of mommy you are: sweet, kind, affectionate and very wise.

Until we meet again, mommy, live a long, long time and do not get sick!

Your beloved daughter Julia

Julia Forostovskaya, 5th grade, p. Newly baptized

Hello dear mother!

I want this letter to bring you joy and make you smile.

Today I say thank you so much for everything: for your daily care and love for me, for giving birth to me, for helping me do my homework, for you can listen and understand at a difficult moment. I am sometimes naughty and misbehave. But I know that you will forgive me. I want to ask your forgiveness, mommy, for sometimes upsetting you.

From the word "mother" breathes kindness, care, affection. Mommy is like priceless gold that cannot be compared with anything.

I love it so much when we do something together with you: we work in the garden or make dumplings on winter evenings. You can talk sincerely and frankly about everything in the world. You are my most beautiful, kindest, most tender, most beloved. I love you very much, because you are the closest person in my life. It's such a blessing to know that I have you. Your son Daniel

Danil Lebed, 5th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Hello, my dear, dear and beloved mother!

We see each other every day, but I don’t tell you the words that I should say every minute ... I think that on paper I can write the words that I didn’t say before. After all, people rightly say: “Better late than never.” Life is short, so you can't be silent.

My dear mother, I want to tell you that in this life you mean a lot to me. Of course, it would be better to say these words to you in person. I will definitely do it, I promise! You are for me the closest and dearest person on this vast planet. I think you will understand me. You are my closest friend. I can always ask you for advice. You can be trusted in any situation. You're very reliable person and never betray me. Dear mother, you gave me life. From birth, you surrounded me with care and love, did not sleep at night when I was still quite a baby. You always worry about me. I will be eternally grateful to you.

My dear, I want to ask your forgiveness. After all, we often quarrel over trifles, some word thrown not from evil hurts you very much. Please forgive me!

You taught me a lot. I promise I will try never to upset you. Oh, my dear mother, if you only knew how much I love you. You are amazing and unique. And also, my dear mother, I want you to never get sick, so that everything in our lives is good. I promise to help you in everything. My dear, dear, priceless, I love you! See you soon. Your daughter Tanya.

Tatyana Fraltsova, 8th grade, Novokreshenchka village

About mom

My mom is very caring. Her eyes are green and her hair is dark. And most importantly, mommy is patient. Mom helps me do homework. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles: clean the apartment, wash clothes, cook delicious food.

Mommy loves to drink tea and loves cleanliness and comfort in the house. During tea drinking, my mother and I talk about everything in the world. Mom is my best friend! Mommy will always help and support me. I love and adore my mother very much.

Julia Mikova, 2nd grade,

v. Vostretsovo

Why do I love mom?

I love my mother because she is the most precious thing on the planet for me. Mom gave birth to me, fed me, did everything so that I grew up and became an intelligent and educated person. She does laundry, prepares meals, does not sleep at night, worrying about me. My mother is the most beautiful and very smart. When I have a question, she will definitely tell me the answer to it.

I love my mom very much!

Mikhail Laletin, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo.


I love my mom because she gave birth to me. She gave me a beautiful name Albina. She is kind, funny and beautiful. She is the best mom in the whole wide world. Even when I grow up, I will visit my own mother and take care of her. And she takes care of me and wishes me happiness and success in my studies.

Albina Bochkova, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo


My mother is very dear to me and I love her very much. Mom is the dearest person, even more expensive than her relatives. She is kind, loving and beautiful. If she leaves, then I miss her. And when she is next to me, I feel warm and good at heart. That's why I love her more than anyone in the world.

Ilya Dyadchenko, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo