Renaissance (magazine). Emigrant publishing house "revival" and books published by it in the book museum of the Red Army CBS

1) Russian periodical, London: weekly newspaper (1926-35), weekly (1936-40). Editor P. B. Struve, leading literary critic V. F. Khodasevich (since 1927).2) Russian Literary political magazine, the organ of the Russian national ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

REVIVAL (periodicals)- "REVIVAL", 1) Russian periodical, London: weekly newspaper (1926-35), weekly (1936-40). Editor P. B. Struve (see Pyotr Berngardovich STRUVE), leading literary critic V. F. Khodasevich (see Vladislav KHODASEVICH ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

rebirth- I; cf. 1. The resumption of the ceased existence of what l .; rise after a period of decline, destruction. Economic c. countries. B. art. 2. [with a capital letter] The period in the cultural and ideological development of a number of European countries 14-16 centuries, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Renaissance (newspaper)- This term has other meanings, see Revival (meanings) ... Wikipedia

Magazine- printed periodical. Like the Newspaper, Zh. is one of the main means mass media and propaganda, influences public opinion, shaping it in accordance with the interests of certain social classes, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Conversation Moscow magazine

Conversation, Moscow magazine- scientific, literary and political journal. Published in Moscow without prior censorship by S. A. Yuryev under his editorship in 1871-72. monthly. The publisher, explaining his program in Art. What is our task, proceeded from such a point of view that ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Ukraine (magazine)- Ukraine Language: Ukrainian, Russian Country ... Wikipedia

Unknown (magazine)- The first issue of the magazine "Unknown" (March 1939) "Unknown" (another name is "Unknown Worlds") American literary magazine, edited by John Campbell in 1939 1943 and had a huge impact on the formation of fantasy as ... ... Wikipedia


  • Russian revival. Independent Russian Orthodox National Journal, No. 60-61, 1992-1993, RUSSIAN REVIVAL magazine sets itself the task of being a collector and spokesman of the spiritual aspirations of our people. Perceiving Orthodox Christianity and national self-consciousness as the main ... Publisher: The Way of Life, Buy for 390 rubles
  • Journal of Aristaeus. Bulletin of classical philology and ancient history. Volume XI. 2015 , Team of authors , This 11th volume of "Aristeas" is dedicated to two remarkable anniversaries of outstanding classical philologists, teachers of the Department of Classical Philology of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University Nikolai Alekseevich ... Publisher:

Savine Annotation: January 1949 - March 1974. For 26 years of existence, 243 issues have been issued. Set. Publishing font covers. Very good preservation. The first editor and main founder and ideologist of the "Renaissance" was P. B. Struve, who was guided by the state, imperial ideas of K. Leontiev and his cult of the Fatherland. The history of the emergence and entire existence of the journal is as follows: at first, Vozrozhdenie was a large daily newspaper of the "right" wing, conceived and published as a counterbalance to the "left" press abroad. The first issue of the newspaper was published on June 3, 1925. In the early thirties, Yu. F. Semenov replaced P. B. Struve as editor. He retained the direction given to the newspaper by its first editor and founder. This direction was preserved until the end of the existence of the "Renaissance". Since 1936, during the time of the "popular front", when it became difficult for the right-wing press to exist, the newspaper became a weekly newspaper. On June 7, 1940, on the eve of the entry of the Germans into Paris, the publication was temporarily discontinued. The years of war and occupation passed, and Vozrozhdenie began to be published as a magazine from January 1949. From 1 to 108 issues, from January 1949 to December 1960, the magazine was published under the name "Literary-Political Notebooks", "Renaissance". From 109 to 216 issues, from January 1961 to December 1969, the magazine was called: "Renaissance, a monthly literary and political magazine." From issues 217 to 243, the magazine began to bear the subtitle "Independent Literary and Political Journal". The first issue of the journal was edited by I. I. Tkhorzhevsky, then S. P. Melgunov became the editor, and finally, Prince S. S. Obolensky and Ya. N. Gorbov. The journal was divided into the following sections: literature, poetry, criticism, bibliography, politics, chronicle of events, memories of the Civil War, annals of emigration, events in modern Russia, discussions, architecture, cinema, theater, ballet, a Russian necropolis abroad… Poems, prose, memoirs, archival materials, a chronicle of cultural and literary life in emigration… The following authors were published in the journal: Odoevtseva, Adamovich, Teffi, Shmelev, Zaitsev , Bunin, Stepun, Zlobin, Ulyanov, G. Struve, I. Tkhorzhevsky, Yu. Annenkov, Karateev, Berberova, T. Velichkovskaya, I. Chinnov, Maevsky, M. Vega, Yu. Ivask, Prince S. S. Obolensky, A. Shimanskaya, N. Narokov, 3. Shakhovskaya, M. Goldstein, I. Bilibin, M. Hoffman, D. Merezhkovsky, S. Lifar, P. E. Kovalevsky, N. Healed, Yu. Odarchenko, B. Pasternak, V. Zlobin, A. Tyrkova-Williame, N. Fedorova, Iv. Lukash, V.N. Muromtseva-Bunina, V.N. Ilyin, Iv. Drozdov, 3. Gippius, I. Sagatsky, N. N. Evreinov, A. M. Remizov, M. Voloshin, S. Makovsky, Yu. Krusenstern - Peterets, K. Pomerantsev, L. Nord, B. Vysheslavtsev, V. Smolensky, V. Unkovsky, G. Ivanov, V. Maklakov, V. Ryabushinsky, E. Tauber, S. Rafalsky, G. Grebenshchikov, N. Turoverov, L. Wrangel, S. Yablonovsky, P. B. Struve, A. Kartashev, A. Denikin, P. D. Bark, General Maslovsky, French poets in Russian translations, B. Poplavsky, V. Pereleshin, G. K. Gins, A. Kashina-Evreinova and many other well-known and less well-known authors of Russian abroad . The journal published the most valuable critical literary materials and memoirs about Lossky, Tchaikovsky, Akhmatova, Teffi, Pasternak, Khodasevich, Chagall, Berdyaev, Platonov, Blok, Chekhov, Turgenev, Kuprin, Mendeleev, N. Otsup, Remizov, Anna Pavlova, unpublished letters from collections of Lifar, foreign Pushkinian, materials about Lenin, Gumilyov, Gogol, A. N. Benois ... "Renaissance" is among such major periodicals in the Russian diaspora, as "Modern Notes", "Russian Notes" and is, as it were, their continuation. "Vozrozhdenie" was issued in parallel with the "New Journal" and was its addition. It is very difficult to pick up a complete set of the magazine, the issues published in the seventies are extremely rare, the circulation of which did not exceed 300 copies, and few people in exile thought about preserving the whole set. Materials on the history of the Russian press in emigration. An indispensable reference material for Slavists, historians of Russian literature, historians of Russian art, bibliographers, historians of Russia. Exceptional rarity in the set. [notebook]. The first editor and main founder of the ideology of the Renaissance was P. B. Struve, who based the Renaissance on the state, imperial ideas of Konstantin Leontiev, on his cult of the Fatherland. In the beginning, Vozrozhdeniye was a large right-wing (but not fascist or autocratic) daily newspaper, conceived and published in opposition to the left-wing press of the Russian emigration. Its first issue was published on June 3, 1925. As editor, Struve was replaced by Yu. F. Semenov, who retained in the newspaper the character that its first editor gave it and who remained in Vozrozhdeniye to the end. Since 1936, the newspaper became a weekly newspaper, during the time of the Popular Front, when it was difficult for the right-wing press to exist, and on June 7, 1940, on the eve of the Germans' entry into Paris, the publication was temporarily discontinued. The years of war and occupation passed, and "Vozrozhdeniye" resumed its existence in January 1949, and by December 1954 it had already been published six times in the form of literary and political notebooks. From January 1955 until the end, the magazine was published monthly. After the Second World War, the Russian emigration experienced troubled times: the mood of the emigrants, partly due to the lack of true information, partly, fueled by the outbreak of patriotism after the victory of Russia: it was pro-Soviet ... The magazine, which steadily stood on the right anti-Bolshevik positions, accepted into its ranks writers who did not want and could not be published in the press of the left, monarchist-minded, standing on the positions of the right , of a national-patriotic nature: Surguchev, Shmelev, Odoevtsev, G. Ivanov and others. It is the Renaissance that deserves the merit of opening a new post-war literature (literature of Di-pi, or the second, military emigration), whose representatives were Ulyanov, Velichkovskaya, Chinnov and etc. The journal published the first testimonies about Russia of people who left Russia during the war, about the German occupation of Russia, about the Vlasov army and the Vlasovites. "Renaissance" played a big role in the life of the cultural Russian emigration, reflecting the thoughts and moods of the national-patriotic part of the Russian emigration, serving the cause of liberating Russia from the communist regime, reminding the Russian emigration of the debts and obligations that fell to its lot, also serving the Russian emigration, emphasizing her positive sides and protecting her interests. The magazine was and remains a monument to the vitality and fruitfulness of the Russian emigration, despite all the assertions about the futility, uselessness and simply absence of Russian emigrant culture. [card]. Savine Citation: [b. pp.] Staff Notes: Monthly Illustrated Magazine: No. 1-243: set. Approximately 200 pages per issue.; Over the years, the magazine was called: Literary-political notebooks; Renaissance; Vozrozhdeniye, monthly literary and political magazine; Vozrozhdeniye, an independent literary and political journal.; Savin also attached a copy (2 pages) from the Russian Bibliophile catalogue. Topical Subjects: Contributors:

The publishing house existed from January 1949 to March 1974. For 26 years, he published 243 issues of the same-name publication.
The first editor and main founder and ideologist of the "Renaissance" was P. B. Struve, who was guided by the state, imperial ideas of K. Leontiev and his cult of the Fatherland. The history of the emergence and entire existence of the journal is as follows: at first, Vozrozhdenie was a large daily newspaper of the "right" wing, conceived and published as a counterbalance to the "left" press abroad. The first issue of the newspaper was published on June 3, 1925. In the early thirties, Yu. F. Semenov replaced P. B. Struve as editor. He retained the direction given to the newspaper by its first editor and founder. This direction was preserved until the end of the existence of the "Renaissance".

Since 1936, during the time of the "popular front", when it became difficult for the right-wing press to exist, the newspaper became a weekly newspaper. On June 7, 1940, on the eve of the entry of the Germans into Paris, the publication was temporarily discontinued. The years of war and occupation passed, and Vozrozhdenie began to be published as a magazine from January 1949. From 1 to 108 issues, from January 1949 to December 1960, the magazine was published under the name "Literary-Political Notebooks", "Renaissance". From 109 to 216 issues (from January 1961 to December 1969) the magazine was called: "Vozrozhdeniye, a monthly literary and political magazine." From issues 217 to 243, the magazine began to bear the subtitle "Independent Literary and Political Journal".
The first issue of the journal was edited by I. I. Tkhorzhevsky, then S. P. Melgunov became the editor, and finally, Prince S. S. Obolensky and Ya. N. Gorbov.
The magazine was divided into the following sections: literature, poetry, criticism, bibliography, politics, chronicle of events, memories of the Civil War, chronicle of emigration, events in modern Russia, discussions, architecture, cinema, theater, ballet, Russian necropolis abroad ... Poetry, prose , memoirs, archival materials, a chronicle of cultural and literary life in exile...
The magazine published the first testimonies about Russia of people who left Russia during the war, about the German occupation of Russia, about the Vlasov army and the Vlasovites. "Renaissance" played a big role in the life of the cultural Russian emigration, reflecting the thoughts and moods of the national-patriotic part of the Russian emigration, serving the cause of liberating Russia from the communist regime, reminding the Russian emigration of the debts and obligations that fell to its lot, also serving the Russian emigration, emphasizing its positive sides and protecting its interests.

The magazine published: Odoevtseva, Adamovich, Teffi, Shmelev, Zaitsev, Bunin, Stepun, Zlobin, Ulyanov, G. Struve, I. Tkhorzhevsky, Yu. Annenkov, Karateev, Berberova, T. Velichkovskaya, I. Chinnov, Mayevsky, M. Vega, Yu. Ivask, Prince S. S. Obolensky, A. Shimanskaya, N. Narokov, B. Pasternak, 3. Gippius, P. B. Struve, A. Kartashev, A. Denikin, P. D. Bark, French poets in Russian translations, and many other well-known and less well-known authors of the Russian diaspora.
The journal published the most valuable critical literary materials and memoirs about Lossky, Tchaikovsky, Akhmatova, Teffi, Pasternak, Khodasevich, Chagall, Berdyaev, Platonov, Blok, Chekhov, Turgenev, Kuprin, Mendeleev, Remizov, Anna Pavlova, unpublished letters from the collection of Lifar, foreign Pushkinian, materials about Lenin, Gumilyov, Gogol, A. N. Benois ...
Vozrozhdenie is among such major periodicals in the Russian diaspora as Sovremennye zapiski and Russkiye zapiski and is, as it were, a continuation of them. "Vozrozhdenie" was issued in parallel with the "New Journal" and was its addition.

Among others, the publishing house published such books as:

Gurko V.I. Tsar and Tsarina: [about Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna]. - Paris: Renaissance, 1927. - 123p. Korchemny V. Man with geranium. - Paris: Renaissance, . - 213s.
Lukash I.S. Snowstorm. - Paris: Renaissance, 1936. - 253p.
Lyubimov L.D. The Secret of Emperor Alexander I. - Paris: Renaissance, 1938. - 219p.
Novikov V.N. Fascism: Essays on Italian Fascism with the text of the Law of April 3, 1926 attached. oh fascist. syndicates. - Paris: Renaissance, . - 121s.
Polovtsov P.A. Eclipse Days: (Notes of the Commander-in-Chief of the Petrograd Military District). - Paris: Renaissance, . - 207s.
Popov K.S. Temple of Glory: At 2 o'clock - Paris: Renaissance, 1931. Part 2. – . - 247s., 10l. ill.
The murder of Voikov and the case of Boris Koverda. – Paris: Renaissance, [after 18927]. - 118s., 1l. portrait
Yablonovsky A.A. Street children. - Paris: Renaissance, 1928. - 233p.

Bodrunov Sergey Dmitrievich, Doctor economic sciences, professor, academician of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy and the International Academy of Management (Moscow)

Editorial team

S. D. Bodrunov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor, editor-in-chief;
A. A. Zolotarev, cand. economy Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief;
D. L. Drandin, cand. economy Sciences.

V. V. Ivanter, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Scientific and Editorial Board;

A. A. Akaev, Doctor of Economics Sciences, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

L. A. Anosova, Doctor of Economics sciences, professor;

S. D. Bodrunov, Doctor of Economics sciences, professor;

R. M. Georgiev, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor (Bulgaria);

R. S. Grinberg

J. K. Galbraith, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor at the University of Texas at Austin (USA);

I. I. Eliseeva, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member RAS;

A. E. Karlik, Doctor of Economics sciences, professor;

V. L. Kvint, Doctor of Economics Sciences, foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

B. G. Kleiner, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member RAS;

I. A. Maksimtsev, Doctor of Economics sciences, professor;

A. D. Nekipelov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

P. Nolan, professor at Cambridge University (Great Britain);

L. Vasa, Doctor of Economics Sciences (Hungary);

V. V. Okrepilov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Yu. P. Panibratov, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAASN;

V. Regen, Doctor of Economics Sciences, professor, foreign member of RAASN (Germany).