First Deputy General Director of Surgutneftegaz. The history of Surgutneftegaz - one of the largest and most closed oil companies. Founders of OAO "surgutneftegaz", persons with signature rights, officials, personnel

Oil production

OAO Oil Company Surgutneftegaz

NGDU Bystrinskneft

NGDU Komsomolskneft

NGDU Lyantorneft

NGDU Nizhnesortymskneft

NGDU Surgutneft

NGDU Fedorovskneft

Oil and gas processing


Surgut GPP

Oil products supply







Other subsidiaries.

"SurgutNIPIneft" / (specializes in analyzing the development of reserves; clarifying prospective and forecast oil and gas resources; drafting field development projects)

LLC "Surgutmebel" / Russia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut district, pos. Barsovo

LLC "Insurance company "Surgutneftegaz"

LLC "Central Surgut Depository" / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

JSC "Sovkhoz "Chervishevsky" / Russia, Tyumen region, Tyumen region, s. Chervishevo

LLC "Oil-consulting" / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

CJSC "Surgutneftegazbank" / Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

LLC "Invest-Protection" / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

CJSC "Surgutneftestroy" / Location: Russian Federation, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

LLC "Investsibirstroy" / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

OOO "Surgutneftegazburenie" / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

Yuryevskneft LLC / Russia, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut

Associated companies

JSC "Surgutpolimer" / Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Surgut region, SGPP

Governing bodies.

The governing bodies are:

· General Meeting of Shareholders;

board of directors (supervisory board);

sole executive body (general director, board);

collegial executive body (executive directorate, executive director);

liquidation commission.

· audit commission (organ of internal control over the financial, economic and legal activities of the company).

Counting commission (permanent body of the general meeting).

The supreme management body of the Company is the general meeting of shareholders.

General management of the Company's activities is carried out by the Board of Directors, which has the right to make decisions on any issues of the Company's activities, except for those that, in accordance with the Company's Charter, are within the competence of the general meeting of shareholders. Members of the Board of Directors of the Company are elected by the annual meeting of shareholders, in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Company, for a period until the next annual general meeting of shareholders. Persons elected to the Board of Directors may be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

In accordance with the Charter, the Company does not have a collegial executive body.

The General Director is the sole executive body of the Company and manages the day-to-day activities of the Company in the manner and within the scope of competence determined by the Charter of the Company, as well as in accordance with the decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Meeting of Shareholders. The General Director of the Company is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company for a period of 5 years.

Upon the expiration of the term of office of the General Director, he may be appointed by the Board of Directors for the same term an unlimited number of times. The General Director is accountable to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.

The powers of the management bodies of the Company are determined by the Articles of Association.

Competence of the general meeting of shareholders.

Competence of the general meeting of shareholders in accordance with the Charter of the Company:

The competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders includes the following issues, the decision on which is made if voted for by the shareholders owning more than 50% of the voting shares of the Company participating in the General Meeting of Shareholders, unless otherwise provided by the Charter of the Company:

1. introduction of amendments and additions to the Company's Articles of Association or approval of the Company's Articles of Association in a new edition, with the exception of cases provided for by the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" and the Company's Articles of Association;

2. Decreasing the authorized capital by reducing the par value of shares, acquiring by the Company of a part of shares in order to reduce their total number or redemption of not fully paid shares, as well as by redeeming shares acquired or redeemed by the Company;

3. approval of annual reports, annual financial statements, including profit and loss statements (profit and loss accounts) of the Company, as well as distribution of profit and loss of the Company;

4. decision on the payment of annual dividends, approval of the amount of the dividend and the form of its payment on shares of each category (type). The decision is made on the recommendation of the Board of Directors. The amount of annual dividends cannot exceed the amount recommended by the Board of Directors;

5. election of members of the Audit Commission of the Company and early termination of their powers, approval of the Regulations on the Audit Commission of the Company;

6. making decisions on the reorganization of the Company;

7. adoption of decisions on liquidation of the Company, appointment of a liquidation commission and approval of interim and final liquidation balance sheets;

8. determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors of the Company, election of members of the Board of Directors and early termination of their powers;

9. determination of the number, nominal value, category (type) of authorized shares and the rights granted by these shares;

10. approval of the Company's auditor;

11. the procedure for conducting the general meeting of shareholders;

12. formation of the counting commission;

13. determination of the form of communication by the Company of information (materials) to be presented to shareholders in preparation for the General Meeting of Shareholders, including determination of the press organ in case of communication in the form of publication;

14. splitting and consolidation of shares;

15. decision on approval by the Company of transactions of interest, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", with the exception of transactions made between the Company and Open Joint Stock Company "Oil Company "Surgutneftegaz" (JSC "NK" Surgutneftegaz ") in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Company;

16. decision on approval by the Company of major transactions in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 79 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies";

17. increase in the authorized capital by placing additional ordinary shares by open subscription if the number of additionally placed ordinary shares is more than 25 percent of the ordinary shares previously placed by the Company;

18. increase in the authorized capital of the Company by placing additional shares by closed subscription;

19. Placement by closed subscription of emissive securities convertible into shares.

Placement by means of open subscription of convertible emissive securities that can be converted into ordinary shares, constituting more than 25 percent of previously placed ordinary shares;

20. increase in the authorized capital of the Company by increasing the par value of shares;

21. decision-making on participation in holding companies, financial and industrial groups, associations and other associations of commercial organizations;

22. approval of internal documents regulating the activities of the Company's bodies;

23. other issues provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Issues related to the competence of the general meeting of shareholders cannot be transferred for decision to the Board of Directors and the General Director of the Company.

Competence of boards of directors.

The competence of the Board of Directors, determined in accordance with the Charter of the Company, includes the following issues:

1. submission for decision of the general meeting of shareholders of the issues provided for by the Charter of the Company;

3. determination of priority areas of the Company's activities;

4. convening the annual and extraordinary general meetings of shareholders of the Company;

5. approval of the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders;

6. determination of the date of drawing up the list of persons entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders, the date, place and time of the general meeting of shareholders, notification to shareholders about its holding, the list of materials (information) provided to shareholders in preparation for the general meeting of shareholders, forms and the text of the voting ballot;

7. preliminary approval of annual reports, balance sheets, profit and loss accounts of the Company;

8. increase in the authorized capital of the Company by placing by the Company:

· additional ordinary shares by open subscription within the limits of the number and category (type) of declared shares, if the number of additionally placed ordinary shares is 25 percent or less of the ordinary shares previously placed by the Company;

· additional preferred shares through open subscription;

· additional shares at the expense of the Company's property;

9. approval of the report on the results of the issue and acquisition of the Company's shares by the Company;

10. introduction of amendments to the Charter of the Company related to the increase in the authorized capital of the Company by increasing the par value of shares;

11. introduction of amendments to the Charter of the Company related to the increase in the authorized capital of the Company by placing additional shares;

12. placement by the Company:

· bonds and other issue-grade securities convertible into shares, if the said bonds (other issue-grade securities) are placed by public subscription and at the same time can be converted into the Company's ordinary shares amounting to 25 percent or less of the previously placed ordinary shares;

· bonds and other issue-grade securities in the event that, under the terms of placement, they are not convertible into shares of the Company;

13. determination of the market value of the Company's property;

14. acquisition and redemption of shares, bonds and other securities placed by the Company in cases provided for by the Company's Charter;

15. disposal of the shares acquired and redeemed by the Company, as well as shares that came into the Company's disposal due to the buyers' failure to fulfill their obligations to pay for them;

16. election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors from among the members of the Board of Directors;

17. appointment of the General Director of the Company, determination of the amount of remuneration and compensation paid to him;

19. determination of directions for using the reserve, target and other funds of the Company;

20. approval of internal documents of the Company, with the exception of internal documents, the approval of which is referred to the competence of the general meeting of shareholders by the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", as well as other internal documents of the Company, the approval of which is referred to the competence of the General Director of the Company by this Charter;

21. creation of branches and opening of representative offices of the Company;

22. amendments to the Charter of the Company related to the creation of branches, opening of representative offices of the Company and their liquidation;

23. adoption of a decision on approval by the Company of major transactions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies";

24. decision-making on the approval by the Company of transactions of interest, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", with the exception of transactions made between the Company and the open joint-stock company "Oil Company" Surgutneftegaz "(OJSC" NK "Surgutneftegaz") in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the Company;

25. making a decision on concluding an agreement on establishing relations between the main and subsidiary companies between the open joint-stock company Surgutneftegaz and the open joint-stock company Oil Company Surgutneftegaz;

26. approval of the registrar of the Company, approval and termination of the contract with him;

27. other issues stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Competence of executive bodies.

Competence of the sole executive body in accordance with the Charter.

The competence of the General Director of the Company includes:

· implementation of decisions of the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company;

· issuance of orders, instructions, directives, directions and other acts on the issues of the Company's activities, binding on all employees of the Company;

· fulfillment, within the limits of the rights granted to him, of all necessary actions for the exercise of the powers of possession, use and disposal of the Company's property, including the conclusion of contracts for the acquisition, alienation of the Company's property; conclusion of loan agreements, credit agreements; in addition, due to the impossibility of determining, as of the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, transactions to be made in the course of business relations between the Company and OAO NK Surgutneftegaz, in which the General Director of the Company may become interested in the future, to establish that the transactions of the said nature, including loan transactions, as well as transactions related to the acquisition or alienation by the Company, directly or indirectly, of property, including shares, in the maximum amount of 10% of the book value of the Company's assets as of the date of the decision to conclude such transactions can be made by the General Director independently;

· representation on behalf of the Company in relations with any Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals, conclusion of agreements, contracts and other transactions on behalf of the Company on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, including the conclusion of contracts for the acquisition of property, worth up to 25% of the balance the value of the Company's assets, determined according to the Company's financial statements as of the last reporting date, disposal of the Company's reserve, target and other funds in accordance with the directions specified by the Board of Directors of the Company, issuance of powers of attorney for transactions, opening settlement and other accounts in banks and other organizations and institutions;

solving issues related to investments in the development of enterprises and organizations;

· approval and change of the structure of the Company, formation and termination of the activities of the structural divisions of the Company, approval of regulations on the structural divisions of the Company;

· approval of the staffing table, cost estimates for maintenance, amounts and forms of remuneration of the Company's employees, internal labor regulations and job descriptions for all categories of the Company's employees;

hiring, appointment and dismissal, dismissal of employees of the Company, heads of structural divisions, setting official salaries and allowances for them, applying incentives and disciplinary measures to them, making decisions on bringing them to liability, concluding employment contracts on behalf of the Company (contracts) with employees;

· solution of issues of social development of the Company and its subsidiaries;

· making decisions on filing claims and lawsuits on behalf of the Company against legal entities and individuals both in the Russian Federation and abroad in accordance with the law.

The General Director of the Company is also entitled to make decisions on any issues of managing the current activities of the Company and its subsidiaries that do not fall within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Company. The General Director independently makes decisions on issues related to his competence.

The General Director, during his absence and under other circumstances, has the right to appoint from among the Company's officials a person acting temporarily as the General Director.

The wealthiest resident of the administrative center of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. He is co-owner and CEO of the country's largest oil and gas producing public joint stock company. Surgutneftegaz.

Childhood and education of Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov

The family of Vladimir Leonidovich lived in the village of Suerka, Uporovsky district, Tyumen region. The future billionaire was born twenty eighth May 1951. At school, he showed organizational skills and diligence in mastering the school curriculum. Vladimir's favorite subjects were physics and mathematics. Teachers remember Volodya Bogdanov as a diligent and hardworking student. He was a true Komsomol leader. Since childhood, he strove to achieve his goals, and also motivated his peers. After school, Bogdanov went to serve in the army.

He received his higher education at the Tyumen Industrial Institute. In 1973 he defended his degree in engineering, and began to work. The billionaire didn't stop there. He went to the second higher education at the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and graduated from it in 1990. In 2000 he became the owner of the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, and three years later - Doctor. Currently he is a full member of the Academy of Mining Sciences, as well as the Academy of Natural Sciences.

Bogdanov's career

The tycoon started his career from the bottom. From 1973 to 1976 he mastered three leading professions in his specialty. A young specialist, rapidly climbed the career ladder. He began working at Surgutneftegaz in 1976. Vladimir Leonidovich went on promotion. From 1978 to 1980, he conscientiously served as deputy head of the drilling department, deputy general director, head of software Yuganskneftegaz Ministry of the oil industry of the Soviet Union.

In June 1984, thirty-year-old Bogdanov was appointed to the post of general director of Surgutneftegaz, a joint-stock company since 1993. The general director worked until late at night without days off and holidays. In addition, the head of Surgutneftegaz was actively involved in political activities. From 1985 to 1993 he was a deputy of the Tyumen regional Council of People's Deputies, and from 1990 to 1993 he became a deputy of the Supreme Council, later the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.


From 1990 to 2000 Bogdanov served on the board of directors of many companies. In April 2001, he joined the ranks of entrepreneurs LLC "Business Russia". From 2009 to 2011, a member of the Board of Directors of NK Rosneft, which belongs to. In 2008, he became one of the independent directors in "Zarubezhneft". In 2012, he joined the commission on the strategic development of the fuel and energy complex and environmental safety, which he leads.


Bogdanovat the award

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich is an honorary citizen of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, the Leningrad Region, as well as municipalities of the Tyumen Region - the city of Surgut and the Surgut District. He was awarded many honorary titles for his work for the benefit of the Russian oil and gas industry. For high achievements, he was awarded the Orders of Merit to the Fatherland of the second, third and fourth degrees, and many others. In May 1998 he was in the list of the top ten directors of enterprises in Eastern Europe, and in December 2000 he was named "entrepreneur of the year".

In 2016, for special labor merits aimed at ensuring the well-being and prosperity of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Leonidovich was awarded a medal "Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation". On June 12, 2017, in the Kremlin, Bogdanov became the laureate of the state award for "creating rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas and oil fields in Western Siberia", which he presented himself President of Russian Federation.

The head of Surgutneftegaz Vladimir Bogdanov became the Hero of Labor

Compromising evidence and articles in the media

It is not surprising that the personality of a businessman is of interest to many journalists, because his person often appears in the rankings of the wealthiest people in the world.

Vladimir Yakushev and General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz

Media opinion is divided. Some consider him a dark horse, while others call him a true hard worker who achieved everything with work and diligence. The billionaire himself does not pay attention to the press, does not communicate with journalists, prefers not to shine. The last time he gave an interview to Forbes magazine was in 2004. The less information journalists know, the more rumors they spread.

State of Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov

The billionaire is in the top ten of the largest Russian oligarchs, and also appears in the forefront of the wealthiest residents of Russia. In 2002, he owned about five billion dollars. Forbes estimated his fortune at only one billion dollars. The media claims that the value of the businessman's company is more than fifteen billion dollars. According to Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov, he owns minor stakes in enterprises: 0.005% of OJSC Surgutneftegaz, 0.122% of Surgutneftegazbank and 0.12% of Mosbusinessbank. For 2018, his income is $1,800 million. To date, Bogdanov is ranked fifty-fifth in the ranking of "Two hundred richest businessmen in Russia."

Personal life of Vladimir Bogdanov

In ordinary life, Bogdanov is very modest, despite his colossal earnings. He does not like to talk about his personal life, he does not communicate with journalists, which is why he was nicknamed the country's most closed oligarch. In ordinary life, Bogdanov is very modest, despite his colossal earnings. Vladimir Leonidovich considers it better to walk to work than to drive luxury cars with a driver. He is not afraid to walk without protection, he can be found in any store.

It is known that Vladimir Leonidovich was married twice. His second wife's name is Tamara, she is an engineer by education. There are no children of their own. The couple is raising an adopted daughter, Elena. The family lives in Surgut in a simple high-rise building. He tries to spend his holidays in his native parental village, the location of which is unknown. Also, the whole family try to visit the spa town of Karlovy Vary. In her free time, she enjoys reading historical books and riding a motorcycle.

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich today

Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov, also known as "oil general", today is included in the list of the richest people in Russia. Despite the fact that the level of his income was declining, Vladimir Leonidovich never stopped exploiting domestic technologies, reducing the dependence of the Russian oil industry on imports. Surgutneftegaz is one of the largest oil companies Russian Federation, a city of 100,000 workers, is the result of the passion and dedication of an engineer in his profession. Thanks to his production policy, aimed at maintaining service units on a par with drilling and production, Vladimir Leonidovich is a symbol that identifies social stability and the successful development of the city.

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich is a real hard worker who, with hard work and zeal, went to his goal. This extraordinary man made himself, therefore he is an authoritative person for the inhabitants of Yurga. He was able to overcome all the difficulties in his life and become one of the wealthiest people in the Russian Federation and the whole world. Few Russian tycoons can boast of having their name on the lists of the top ten Forbes state awards. And Vladimir Leonidovich has been on all lists of the magazine since 2004.

1973 - graduated from the Tyumen Industrial Institute as a mining engineer for drilling oil and gas wells. In 1990 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Active member of the Academy of Mining Sciences and the Academy of Natural Sciences.

© Vedomosti, 01/10/2007

Ekaterina Derbilova

Surgutneftegaz on New Year's Eve reported on the deal - perhaps the largest in the history of Russia. He sold Leasing Production LLC, the holding's former parent company, which previously owned 37% of its shares. The further fate of this package, which is now worth more than $20 billion, is unknown. Experts are wondering who got it and why Surgut started this deal - to protect against a hostile takeover or as part of pre-sale preparation.

Surgutneftegaz is the fourth largest oil company in Russia, in 2006 it produced 65.5 million tons of oil. Revenue for the nine months of 2006 - 389.8 billion rubles, net profit - 74.2 billion rubles, capitalization - $57.9 billion.

On December 29, the company announced that since December 22 Surgutneftegaz does not own shares in Leasing Production LLC. On the eve of the transaction, he bought out from LLC 87.2% of the shares of Lennefteprodukt, which owns a network of filling stations in the Leningrad region. And on December 28, Leasing Production and its 100% subsidiary, InvestContract Ltd, disappeared from the list of Surgutneftegaz affiliates. Representatives of Surgutneftegaz declined to comment on the deal, and a request sent to the general director of Surgut, Vladimir Bogdanov, remained unanswered.

"Leasing production" was the main secret of "Surgutneftegaz". Surgut does not disclose its shareholders, and experts tried to discern behind the mysterious LLC one Bogdanov, the other one of Vladimir Putin's friends. It was created at the end of 2003 - NK Surgutneftegaz, the former parent company of the holding, was transformed into it. Until mid-2002, she was listed in the reports of OAO Surgutneftegaz as the owner of 36.7% of its shares - while she herself was 99% owned by OAO. Then the owners of the controlling stake in Surgut hid behind four nominal holders. The last time “Surgutneftegaz” disclosed information about the owners was at the beginning of 2003 - then the NPF “Surgutneftegaz” owned 8.1% of the shares. According to the company's latest report as of September 30, 2006, 6.9% of its charter capital was nominally held by ING Bank (Eurasia) and 0.3781% (0.4544% of voting shares) belonged to managers.

According to calculations by Hermitage Capital Management, published in 2004, about 62% of the shares belonged to the seven subsidiaries of Surgutneftegaz. At the same time, the largest stake - 42.1% of voting shares (36.77% of the authorized capital) - was owned by Leasing Production, 93% owned by Surgut. Based on yesterday's quotes, this package was worth more than $20 billion.

This deal has raised more questions than answers, says Aton's head of analytics Steven Dashevsky. For example, it is not clear whether there are Surgut shares on the balance sheet of the LLC or its structures.

Vladimir Bogdanov launched a punitive operation at Surgutneftegaz

All quarterly reports provided by Surgutneftegaz to the Federal Financial Markets Service indicated that Leasing Production did not own its shares, Deutsche UFG writes in a special review, but the shares of the oil company could be on the balance sheets of Leasing Production subsidiaries, and such information was not required to be disclosed.

There is no answer to the question whether LLC was sold to a third-party buyer or remained with structures close to Surgutneftegaz, Anatoly Yushin, managing partner of AST Legal, continues. Russian laws do not provide an exhaustive definition of affiliation, and the fact that Leasing Production and its subsidiary disappeared from the list of Surgutneftegaz affiliates does not yet prove the change in the ultimate owner of the LLC, says Yushin. Dashevsky believes that the shares of Surgutneftegaz have not changed their final owner: it is impossible to make a deal for $ 20 billion, which would not be reflected anywhere else.

Perhaps this deal is a step towards the transfer of Surgutneftegaz shares to those persons who actually control the company, Denis Borisov, an analyst at Solida, believes.

Deutsche UFG analysts also admit the opposite option: perhaps Surgutneftegaz is seeking to complicate the corporate structure in order to “hide treasury shares and protect itself from a hostile takeover”. A source familiar with the managers of Surgut says the same thing: “Leasing production” is one of the last threads left in order to unwind the company's ownership structure, he argues, and managers simply “hide” it too. Market participants have been waiting for the takeover of Surgutneftegaz by the state-owned Rosneft for years. Deutsche UFG analysts described a possible takeover scenario in December: Rosneft buys Surgut shares owned by its subsidiaries, and then pays $42.5 billion in dividends (about $15 billion in Surgut’s savings and the money that they receive “ daughters” from the sale of his shares). But yesterday a representative of Rosneft told Vedomosti that his company did not buy OOO Leasing Production.

© Internet-library "Antikompromat"

Database "Prosopograph - descriptor of persons";
database "Labyrinth"


Surgutneftegaz is an oil and gas group that has historically focused on the production of hydrocarbons in the KhMAO.

Surgutneftegaz, unlike many oil and gas companies, is not a “product of the collapse” of the global Rosneftegaz in the early 90s. On the contrary, there is continuity in the history of the company: Surgutneftegaz as a separate state enterprise was established back in 1965, in 1991 it became a state production association, and in 1992 an open joint-stock company was formed on its basis, which also received important oil refining assets - Kirishinefteorgsintez, St. oil processing and Surgut gas processing plants, as well as a number of marketing structures.
The geography of Surgutneftegaz has practically not changed over all this time: almost all production is in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, processing at the Kirishi refinery.

Now the main fields of Surgutneftegaz are still Fedorovskoye, Lyantorskoye, Zapadno-Surgutskoye. At the same time, oil production at the old fields of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug is falling due to high production, and production is becoming more and more complicated. In this regard, the company is refocusing on promising projects - the active development of fields in Eastern Siberia (Yakutia), the key of which are the fields of the Talakan and Alinsky groups, as well as the search for and commissioning of new fields in Western Siberia, such as the Baibakov and Shpilman fields .

Surgutneftegaz is the most closed, non-transparent Russian oil and gas company. Here are two facts related to Surgutneftegaz.

The owners of the Surgutneftegaz company are unknown.

Surprisingly, it's a fact. The parent company of one of the largest oil and gas groups is an open joint stock company, shares are traded on the stock exchange, IFRS reports are published - however, one can only guess who actually owns Surguneftegaz.

The fact is that the ownership structure of companies is confusing, its shares are listed on the balance sheets of subsidiaries and non-profit partnerships, some of the shares are on the balance sheet of the company itself, like treasury shares.

Some believe that the permanent head of the company - Vladimir Bogdanov - is in fact the real owner of the company. However, he himself claims that he owns no more than two percent of the shares. And in life, Bogdanov gives the impression not of an owner, but of a responsible manager: a true professional oilman, lives and works in Surgut, where the company's head office is located, does not buy football clubs and Greek islands, as is customary among Russian oligarchs, tries to be as non-public as possible figure.

Against this background, there are often rumors that Surgutneftegaz is directly affiliated with the country's leadership, but there is no actual confirmation of this.

Surgutneftegaz is a giant piggy bank.

It is a fact. Surgutneftegaz is consistently increasing the amount of accumulated funds; recently, its cash reserve is about $30 billion. At the same time, the company practically does not acquire assets, as its competitors do - the only case, perhaps, is the purchase of a stake in the Hungarian oil and gas company MOL. Foreign expansion failed, after years of trials, Surgutneftegaz had to sell shares. After that, apparently, the mysterious owners of the company became convinced that the management performs two functions well: to extract oil and store the money earned, acquisitions are not his forte.

Who is behind Surgutneftegaz. Surname list

Therefore, the company has few non-core assets - a bank, a pension fund, an insurance company, an airline - and a few other small enterprises outside the oil and gas sector.

During the crisis of 2008, an amazing event was repeated several times - Surgutneftegaz shares on the stock exchange cost less than cash on its balance sheet.

The absolutely non-market behavior of the company in terms of replenishing the “money pocket” has no clear explanation, one of the most plausible options is a possible merger of the state-owned Rosneft and Surgutneftegaz, in which Rosneft, together with Surgutneftegaz, will also receive access to the money necessary for further acquisitions.

Considering how quickly events begin to unfold with the arrival of Sechin in Rosneft (transactions on TNK-BP, Itera), it is possible that the intrigue will be resolved in the near future. We will follow developments.

OAO SURGUTNEFTEGAZ is the parent company of Surgutneftegaz.

Companies that are part of Surgutneftegaz by business areas:

Processing of petroleum products, petrochemistry:

Sales of petroleum products:
Novgorodnefteprodukt, Pskovnefteprodukt, Tvernefteprodukt, Kaliningradnefteprodukt, KIRISHIAVTOSERVICE.

Finance, investments:
Surgutneftegazbank, SO Surgutneftegaz.

Provision (service, construction, engineering, IT, design, security, etc.):

Non-core assets, media, social projects:

News from Surgutneftegaz companies:

"Surgutneftegaz" urgently refuses the dollar. What should an investor do?

Water polo players of KINEF-Surgutneftegaz won the second victory in a row.

Surgutneftegazbank offers to choose your package service size.

X-Com has scaled the infrastructure of workplaces of the Lengiproneftekhim company.

The company "Novgorodnefteprodukt" opened a new modern office on the street. Herman.

The Pskovnefteprodukt LLC team expresses condolences to the families of Anna Levshova, who was killed at a gas station.

"Kaliningradnefteprodukt" filed a lawsuit against a woman who left the gas station with a gun.

In St. Petersburg, the filling station "Kirishiavtoservis" was fined 200 thousand rubles.

Surgutmebel was included in the list of US sanctions.

Vacancies of Surgutneftegaz companies:


to Kaliningradnefteprodukt()

to Novgorodnefteprodukt()


Key employees of enterprises

Vladimir Bogdanov (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Denis Bashuk(KINEF)

Vyacheslav Chirkov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Mikhail Kirilenko (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Vyacheslav Nikiforov (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Natalia Litvinyuk(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Alexander Rezyapov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Andrey Korol (Surgutneftegazbank)


Vladimir Erokhin(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Andrey Demyanenko (SO Surgutneftegaz)

Vladimir Bagdanov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Konstantin Vysotsky (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Nikolai Kozhevatov (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Kirill Molodtsov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Sergei Sobesednikov (Kaliningradnefteprodukt)

Igor Shestakov (Surgutneftegazbank)

Vyacheslav Egorova (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Olga Demina(Surgutneftegazbank)

Valery Tatarchuk (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Leonid Bogdanov (SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Yuri Maleshin (Pskovnefteprodukt)

Alexander Bogdanov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)

Alexander Bulanov(SURGUTNEFTEGAZ)


Deposits often mentioned in the news

Shpilman(news: 17)




West Surgut(5)

Main achievements

He went from a simple driller's assistant to the head of one of the largest oil and gas companies in the country, heading it at the age of 33.


Married (wife Tamara, engineer), has an adopted daughter (Elena). In the personal life of the president "Surgutneftegaz" always distinguished by modesty. He lives in Surgut in an ordinary high-rise building, spends his holidays monotonously - he goes to the village to his parents for haymaking.

I went abroad for the first time on vacation in 1999. V Karlovy Vary, before that he left the country only on business. "The company is saying that Bogdanov's deputies are not very happy with his - and, consequently, with their own - ascetic lifestyle," Forbes wrote several years ago.


Vladimir Bogdanov was born on May 28, 1951 in the village of Suerka (Uporovsky district in the Tyumen region). After school he entered Tyumen Industrial Institute, who graduated in 1973 with a degree in mining engineer for drilling oil and gas wells.

After graduating from the institute, V. Bogdanov worked for the first three years in the Nizhnevartovsk drilling department No. 1, then for another two years - in the Surgut drilling department No. 2 of the Surgutneftegaz association. The young specialist was noticed, and already in 1978. he becomes deputy general director "Yuganskneftegaz".

Since 1980 V. Bogdanov's career is developing more than rapidly: Deputy General Director of Surgutneftegaz, Head of the Drilling Department of the Production Association Surgutneftegaz, Deputy Head of the Main Tyumen Production Directorate for Oil and Gas Industry for Drilling of the USSR Ministry of Oil Industry. Finally, he becomes the director of Surgutneftegaz, and has retained his post to this day.

At the same time, the head of Surgutneftegaz began to be actively elected to local and federal authorities: in 1985-1993. he was an MP Tyumen Regional Council of People's Deputies, from 1990 to 1993 - Deputy of the Supreme Council, then - Deputy of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO).

In 1990, V. Bogdanov received a second higher education, graduating Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (now - RANEPA).

In 1995 V. Bogdanov bought Surgutneftegaz at a loans-for-shares auction according to a rather cunning scheme, according to which the company is still managed. Then the subsidiary - the non-state pension fund "Surgutneftegaz" - bought out the parent.

It turned out that the two companies belong to each other, but formally - to no one, and are actually controlled by managers, namely, V. Bogdanov. Cross ownership is used to this day, which allows V. Bogdanov, who formally owns less than 2% of the shares, to control the entire company. Who is the real owner, no one knows for sure.

The guarantor of NPF Surgutneftegaz at the loans-for-shares auction was then Vladimir Potanin and his "ONEKSIM". As a sign of gratitude, V. Bogdanov kept billion-dollar accounts of his oil company in ONEXIMbank for several years. True, during the crisis of 1998. a billion dollars was "stuck" with the company in this bank, but the head of Surgutneftegaz managed to return it, although not immediately.

At the same time, Surgutneftegaz is not only the most closed and mysterious company in the Russian fuel and energy complex, but also, perhaps, the most honest. "Surgutneftegaz has the highest export earnings. Because "Surgutneftegaz" has never had any dummy structures in the West, as others do, who sell oil to themselves. We have never used transfer schemes," Russian Forbes quotes V. Bogdanov.

Moreover, V. Bogdanov is categorically against benefits and state support. In his opinion, competition should be fair, and the conditions for all companies should be equal. "We have never asked the state for anything, except for normal laws, and we do not intend to ask or bargain for special conditions for ourselves in the future," the head of Surgutneftegaz believes.

Despite all the possibilities, V. Bogdanov remained a patriot of his region and city and did not move to Moscow, for which he received the nickname "Surgut recluse". As a result, Surgutneftegaz is almost the only major oil company in the Russian Federation whose head office is not located in the capital.

In the 90s and 2000s, V. Bogdanov was on the boards of directors of various companies - the same ONEXIMbank, Mosbusinessbank, and even Nafta Moskva, owned by a Dagestan senator Suleiman Kerimov. In the 1990s, Surgutneftegaz exported oil abroad through Kerimov's Nafta, but in the 2000s it switched to cooperation with co-owner structures GunvorGennady Timchenko.

It is noteworthy that from 2009-2011. V. Bogdanov was a member of the Board of Directors of another oil company - NK "Rosneft"(heads Igor Sechin).

"Bogdanov and Sechin have already agreed." The main intrigue of the Russian oil industry was revealed in Ugra

Having sat in it for two years, during the next re-election of directors, he recused himself, citing a possible conflict of interest between Surgutneftegaz and Rosneft.

Since 2008 was also one of the independent directors in "Zarubezhneft". However, the business press then wrote that the Surgut businessman appeared at the meetings infrequently - in a year out of 9 meetings, he participated in only two.

Since 2012 is a member of the commission on strategic development of the fuel and energy complex and environmental safety. The President of the Russian Federation heads the commission Vladimir Putin, and the executive secretary is the head of Rosneft, I. Sechin.

V. Bogdanov - full member Academy of Mining Sciences And Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economic Sciences. He is the author of a number of articles and monographs published in industry and scientific and technical publications and dedicated to improving the management system of the fuel and energy complex of Russia, the effectiveness of the sustainable development of an oil and gas company, and modern oil production technologies.

For his contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex, he was awarded a number of state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, the Order of Honor, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and others.


V. Bogdanov's main income comes from his activities as the head of Surgutneftegaz. However, its size is difficult to estimate, because due to the non-transparent structure of the company, it is not clear which stake belongs to its CEO, and how he participates in the distribution of profits.

Nevertheless, for several years in a row, the Russian Forbes has consistently assessed the state of V. Bogdanov on average at $3 billion. (plus or minus $200 million).


The main question that worries everyone is whether V. Bogdanov is the real owner of Surgutneftegaz or not. The majority is inclined to the version that it is he who controls the company. V. Bogdanov himself traditionally ignores the issue of beneficiaries.

“Bogdanov assured us that everything was going well. In particular, he said that he owns only two percent of the company’s shares, and therefore he has no right to demand disclosure of the ownership structure. True, I must say, he said this with a very telling smile. I don’t think,” said a well-known oppositionist after attending a meeting of shareholders of Surgutneftegaz Alexey Navalny.

According to another version, V. Bogdanov is just a manager, and the real owners and beneficiaries of Surgutneftegaz are some "Petersburg security forces" close to Vladimir Putin.

According to some information, V. Bogdanov is included in Kremlin personnel reserve. Rumors circulated that he was to become energy secretary; according to another version - even the chairman of the government. The head of Surgutneftegaz himself categorically rejects these rumors, arguing that no one has ever made such proposals to him.

In ordinary life, V. Bogdanov is distinguished by modesty on the verge of asceticism. Unlike many other wealthy heads of oil and gas giants, he prefers not to drive an expensive foreign car with a flashing light and escort cars to work, but to walk.

He likes to ride a motorcycle, visiting his parents living in the countryside. Many consider the head of Surgutneftegaz to be somewhat eccentric. So, V. Bogdanov personally and without security can go to the store for bread or easily lie under a broken car.

The head of "Surgutneftegaz" is quite absent-minded: they say that during lunch you can slip anything you want on him; while reading the newspaper, he will not even notice what he ate - a boiled egg or a lobster. Perhaps that is why he mostly eats at home, since he is not far from the office.

Appearance attaches secondary importance - so, for a long time he went to all kinds of official events in the same suit. When this fact became the subject of jokes from colleagues - "they say, Vladimir Leonidovich is so rich, but he cannot buy a second suit for himself," he acquired several sets. However, the details (such as sometimes stretched socks) indicate that there have been no deep shifts in this sense, and the costumes were bought only in order to get rid of the increased attention to one's person.

At the same time, he is constantly immersed in work and thoughts about it: there is a story when, when he was an engineer, he went to the store on a day off, thinking about work, and fainted from overwork and nervous exhaustion. The habit has remained to this day - for example, V. Bogdanov can torture his interlocutor at a social event by discussing production issues.

He does not like to communicate with journalists, and in his entire company the main principle is this: the less they know about Surgutneftegaz, the better.

In business, as in life, he is conservative and socially responsible. He prefers to work at home: a share in the only foreign project - Venezuelan Junin-6- Surgutneftegaz recently sold Rosneft. "The money earned in Russia should work in Russia," V. Bogdanov believes.

At present, Surgutneftegaz has accumulated 1 trillion rub. on their accounts, but is not in a hurry to buy new assets on them or distribute them as dividends. "We have something to spend on: we are developing new provinces. This money is a safety mechanism: no one knows what will happen to oil prices. We need them so that the team can live in peace. If the situation of 1998 happens again, what will we do then ?” V. Bogdanov said at the last meeting of shareholders.



Extraction of crude oil and natural gas; provision of services in these areas / Extraction of crude oil and natural gas / Extraction of crude oil and petroleum (associated) gas.

Crude oil and natural gas production; rendering of sservices in these spheres / Crude oil and natural gas production / Crude oil and oil (passing) gas production.

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OGRN: 2747924804647

TIN: 4441741943

Checkpoint: 224365234

OKPO: 84045104

OKATO: 33010864255

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Open Joint Stock Company “Surgutneftegaz”- one of the largest Russian oil companies.

OAO Surgutneftegaz is the fourth oil company in Russia heavily dependent on the situation on the domestic market due to the insufficient capacity of its Kirishi refinery. It is fully controlled by a management team that has managed its assets for the past 20 years. Management style is conservative. The company has accumulated an abnormal amount of cash on its balance sheet, which is either dead weight or brings the company minimal profitability. Surgutneftegaz strictly adheres to the letter of the law and therefore is not exposed to the risks associated with tax payments and the fulfillment of its license obligations. It is the leader in the industry in terms of exploration and development drilling volumes.

Surgutneftegaz stands out from other Russian oil companies with its low level of corporate governance, lack of transparency and hostile policy towards minority shareholders. Surgutneftegaz's focus on developing depleted and shallow fields in Western Siberia also has a negative impact on the company's performance. At the same time, the company is well positioned to address these issues and convert its good government relations and cash reserves into new acquisitions.

The scope of the company's activities covers exploration, development and development of oil and oil and gas fields, production and sale of oil and gas, production and marketing of petroleum products and petrochemicals.

Surgutneftegaz is stable.

Territory along the middle reaches of the Ob River, near the city of Surgut, in the mid-sixties it became one of the first oil and gas production areas in Western Siberia. In 1993, on the basis of the property complex of the production association Surgutneftegaz, a joint-stock company of the same name was founded.

Currently, more than 50 subdivisions of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” perform a full range of works on exploration, development and development of oil and oil and gas fields, production and sale of oil and gas.


Proved oil reserves (SPE), as of 2001 = 924 Mt

Proven gas reserves (SPE), as of 2001 = 334 bcm m.

According to an independent assessment carried out in accordance with international standards, the recoverable oil and gas reserves of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” amount to about 2.5 billion tons of oil equivalent. Replenishment of the raw material base occurs due to the acquisition of new promising areas and the conduct of geological exploration at the fields.

The share of Surgutneftegaz in Russian oil production has increased from 11% to 13% over the past few years. At the same time, Surgutneftegaz was the first Russian company to overcome the industry recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s and began to increase oil production.

Production growth at OJSC “Surgutneftegas” is primarily due to significant capital investments.

The company's policy allows us to maintain the highest volumes of exploration and production drilling in Russia, as well as the commissioning of new wells, to occupy a leading position in the field of advanced methods of enhanced oil recovery.

Thanks to the latest, including unique proprietary technologies, the company has the ability to constantly improve the efficiency of the operation of existing fields, as well as to put into operation hydrocarbon reserves that are inaccessible with conventional technologies. For example, OJSC “Surgutneftegas” has developed a technological scheme for the development of complex reservoirs with a system of horizontal wells, and since 1996, about 90 horizontal wells have been built annually, the flow rate of which is 4-5 times higher than the flow rate of those drilled using the conventional method.

The company's specialists actively apply methods of enhanced oil recovery. The company uses about 30 such technologies. For example, the success rate of hydraulic fracturing is 99%, which is one of the best indicators in the industry, with more than two hundred such operations performed annually.

Surgutneftegaz produces more than 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year, which is about a third of the gas produced by Russian oil companies. Moreover, the company not only produces gas as a raw material, but also prepares it to a marketable product that meets the requirements of state standards. The level of associated petroleum gas utilization is the highest in the industry, and this figure is growing year by year due to the introduction of new gas utilization capacities.

In the future, the company has the opportunity to increase gas production to 22 billion cubic meters. m per year. The gas produced at the fields of Surgutneftegaz, in terms of methane content (94-96%), differs slightly from natural gas, where the methane content is 98%. Such characteristics of the produced gas, in the future, make it possible to supply it to main gas pipelines, as well as to increase gas supplies to power plants, including our own, created to service remote oil fields.

Oil refining - Kirishi Oil Refinery

The oil refining sector of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” is represented by a plant in the city of Kirishi, Leningrad Region, LLC “PO “Kirishinefteorgsintez”.

The construction of the Kirishi refinery began in 1961, in December 1965 the refinery received the first oil, in March 1966 the refinery produced its first products, and already in 1972 it entered the top five largest refineries in the country in terms of refining volume. The installed capacity of primary oil refining is 17.3 million tons per year.

Commissioned as an exclusively fuel-producing plant, since 1974 Kirishinefteorgsintez began to develop petrochemical processes, and today more than a third of the main product range is petrochemical products.

Kirishinefteorgsintez produces 40 types of products, and about 60% of the product range meets international standards. The plant uses a flexible scheme for refining oil and intermediate products, which allows you to quickly respond to changes in the quality of raw materials and reagents, and effectively use oil feedstock. For example, the subdivision of Kirishinefteorgsintez, the Isoflex plant, is the first in Russia and the largest enterprise in the CIS producing bitumen-polymer welded materials for roofing and waterproofing.

In 1996, Kirishinefteorgsintez put into operation a complex for the production of linear alkylbenzene (LAB-LABS) - the basis for synthetic detergents with a biodegradability of 95%. This product is supplied to almost all Russian manufacturers of synthetic detergents.

Prospects for the development of the plant are associated with the construction of a complex for deep oil refining, which will increase the depth of refining up to 96%. This will ensure the possibility of obtaining light oil products that meet international standards. In addition, the universality of the technology of the complex for deep oil refining will allow changing the range of products depending on the demand in the oil products sales market.

Sales and sales of petroleum products

The third most important area of ​​activity of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”, along with oil and gas production and oil refining, is the sale of petroleum products. The company's marketing enterprises - Pskovnefteprodukt, Kaliningradnefteprodukt, Tvernefteprodukt and Novgorodnefteprodukt - are located in the north-west of Russia. These enterprises have inherited the traditional sales network of fuels and lubricants. At present, these enterprises remain the largest operators of local oil product markets.

The sales sector of Surgutneftegaz has more than 300 auto and gas filling stations, 32 oil depots and 24 oil depots. Filling stations are located on major international highways, equipped with multi-product fuel dispensers and international service standards.

The North-West of Russia is a region of traditionally highly developed large-scale industry and agriculture, as well as a major transport hub, which ensures a stable and growing demand for petroleum products.

Surgutneftegaz is working on the development of the sales sector in four main areas, these are the reconstruction of the existing network of gas stations and oil depots in accordance with international standards; expansion of the sales network; improvement of existing and development of new schemes for the wholesale sale and export of petroleum products; improvement of the range of products sold. In the medium term, OJSC “Surgutneftegas” plans to build and reconstruct about 200 filling stations.

The technological policy of Surgutneftegaz is aimed at increasing production capacities, renewing funds, and reducing the cost of oil production and refining. The company's specialists carry out careful work on the study and competitive selection of the best offers on the market of equipment and technologies, taking into account the technical level, quality, price, compatibility with existing technologies and environmental safety.

Research base

Surgutneftegaz has a serious research and development base of its own. The subdivision of the company - “SurgutNIPIneft” specializes in the analysis of the development of reserves; clarification of prospective and forecast resources of oil and gas; drafting field development projects. The Institute carries out design and survey work on the development of deposits; solves problems in the field of geology and development, drilling of wells, oil and gas production; for enhanced oil recovery. Research is underway on the impact of drilling waste on the environment and the development of methods for their collection and disposal.

Social responsibility.

To ensure sustainable development and environmental safety, Surgutneftegaz relies on the introduction of nature- and resource-saving low-waste technologies that allow oil production, refining and marketing of petroleum products in accordance with international environmental safety standards.

The result of the long-term stable financial position of Surgutneftegaz is the ability to pay sufficient attention to social and charitable programs: for a number of years, assistance has been provided in preserving and replenishing the masterpieces of the State Tretyakov Gallery; close cooperation with the Moscow State Academic Theatre. Evg. Vakhtangov and the St. Petersburg Academic Maly Theater (St. Petersburg). With the help of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”, a children's music school was built in the city of Surgut, where hundreds of gifted children study, many of them have already become laureates of regional and Russian competitions for young musicians.


The specialists of the institute have a number of developments that have no analogues in the world. For example, the adaptive waterflooding system, which made it possible to bring into commercial development off-balance water and gas deposits with an oil rim thickness of up to 10 meters with a system of vertically inclined wells and up to 5 meters with the use of horizontal production wells.

She conquered the big oil of Western Siberia. Surgutneftegaz has become the guarantor of Russia's energy independence, remaining the most closed oil company in the country

Reference Information:

  • Company name: OJSC Surgutneftegaz;
  • Legal form of activity: Public corporation;
  • Kind of activity: exploration, development and development of oil and oil and gas fields, production and sale of oil and gas, production and marketing of petroleum products and petrochemicals (57 in total);
  • Revenue for 2016: 992.5 billion rubles;
  • CEO: Vladimir Bogdanov;
  • Beneficiaries: are not disclosed;
  • Number of staff: 114.3 thousand people;
  • The site of the company:

OJSC Surgutneftegaz is one of the largest Russian oil companies. Exploration and production of oil and gas, gas processing and supply of electric energy, oil refining and marketing of petroleum products, oil and gas chemistry, research and design activities have been developed in it. The enterprises belonging to the concern carry out a full range of works:

  • scientific and design support of the entire scope of work;
  • search and exploration of hydrocarbon raw materials;
  • extraction and processing of oil and gas;
  • production of electrical and thermal energy;
  • production and marketing of petroleum products, related products and services;
  • production of an extensive range of oil and gas chemical products.

The history of Surgutneftegaz has only a few years, but its achievements are quite convincing.

history of the company

The official countdown began in 1977. It was then, 40 years ago, that a diversified production association appeared. But that was preceded by other events.

Important dates in the history of Surgutneftegaz

  • March 1964 - the oilfield department "Surgutneft" is created. The development of Big Oil in Western Siberia began. By the beginning of next year, the first 7 wells were producing oil - 134,000 tons.
  • 1965 - the first echelon of oil entered the Kirishi refinery. Surgut was transformed from a workers' settlement into a city.
  • 1968 - NPU "Surgutneft" reached the level of production of 1 million tons of oil per year.

And then there was the year 1977. The period of the 70s for the West Siberian fuel and energy complex became the "golden" age. More and more new deposits were put into development:

  • Bystrinskoye;
  • Lyantorskoye;
  • Solkinskoe;
  • Savuyskoe;
  • Fedorovskoye (later unofficially called the "second Samotlor").

Oilfield facilities were automated one by one. Surgutskaya GRES started its work.

The company has concentrated its activities in the Russian regions from the Baltic to the Far East. Its main resource base in Western Siberia is located in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous regions, in the Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions.

And Surgut itself acquired the status, albeit unofficial, of the Siberian oil capital.

The use of science-intensive high technologies (environmentally and resource-saving), the implementation of innovative potential, and full cost control allow the company not only to solve even the most complex production tasks, but to do it as efficiently as possible, while observing environmental standards and industrial safety rules.

Oil production

Surgutneft, the oldest enterprise in the structure of the company, was created more than half a century ago from scratch. Only the Ob connected him with the outside world. Not a single capital building, not a single paved road, and only all-terrain vehicles served for off-road travel.

Until 1967, seasonal oil production and field development was organized - for navigation, the extracted oil was sent by barges to the Omsk oil refinery along the river, and the wells were idle in winter. The Ust-Balyk-Omsk oil pipeline made it possible to organize year-round operation of the fields.

The share of this oilfield enterprise was to be a kind of testing ground, where the possibilities of performing geological developments in incredibly difficult climatic conditions were tested.

Oil refining

The Kirishi oil refinery became the All-Union shock construction site. Having started in 1961, already in 1966 he issued his first products. And six years later it entered the top five largest in the country. Its task was to provide fuel to the northwestern Russian regions.

And when the operation of the Yaroslavl-Kirishi oil pipeline began in 1969, oil from the fields of Western Siberia began to be processed for processing. Moreover, an opportunity has opened up for the export of oil products to Western Europe, which was facilitated by proximity to the Baltic ports.

By the end of 2013, the largest complex for deep oil refining in Europe was operating on the basis of the Kirishi Refinery.

Sales area

Novgorodnefteprodukt and Tvernefteprodukt, two marketing companies of Surgutneftegaz, are directly related to the Nobel brothers, who became the founders of the first Russian organizations trading in petroleum products.

During the years of industrialization of the country, such enterprises were rare, because the automotive industry in Russia had not yet received proper development, steam locomotives, as a rule, needed coal as fuel. And only ships, river and sea, began to use fuel oil, and the population needed kerosene. So, only by the end of the 1940s and 1950s there was a real need for large volumes of oil products, and, finally, oil product supply enterprises were developed.

Kaliningradnefteprodukt was created in 1946 on the basis of the facilities of firms that operated in East Prussia - Shell and Nitag. Until now, the gas station building and tanks made of Krupp steel have been preserved.

Each of the sales enterprises of Surgutneftegaz sells only high-quality oil products and occupies a leading position in its region in terms of service level.

Rice. 4. Filling station "Surgutneftegaz" in Veliky Novgorod

Access to financial markets

The company's shares were issued in October 1993. They were distributed like this:

  • in state ownership - 45%;
  • went on sale - 8%;
  • the company redeemed for vouchers - 7%;
  • put up for a mortgage auction - 40%.

The latter went to the winner - NPF Surgutneftegaz.

The company does not make any efforts to attract a strategic investor, rather, on the contrary. It seeks to keep large blocks of shares in its hands, and sells the rest to small investors from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The company coped with the task. By 1996, outside investors were unable to acquire enough shares to gain the right to influence the operation of Surgutneftegaz.

The year 1997 was marked by the entry into the world financial market, placing in the Bank of New York American depository receipts of the 1st level, each of which was equal to 50 ordinary shares of OJSC.

The crisis that broke out in 1998 did not affect the company itself. Only the exchange quotes of shares fell by a factor of 10, and this had nothing to do with the attitude towards Surgutneftegaz, the shares of any Russian company were questioned.

But he also showed how effective the policy was, which was declared by the management of the joint-stock company, when the calculation was made only on their own strength. The company survived without much loss both low oil prices and the depreciation of the ruble.

In June 2003, by the decision of the shareholders, the OJSC was transformed into Leasing Production LLC, 93% of the authorized capital of which was the shares of OJSC Surgutneftegaz. So the company eliminated the danger of a hostile takeover. In addition, the minimum requirements for disclosure of information by an open joint-stock company are established by law.

Company today

Surgutneftegaz is known all over the world as a company with a reliable reputation, sustainable competitive advantages, developed international relations, high-tech business and a high production culture. And, speaking about it, first of all they mention the financial situation, which remains stable despite the crises. Surgutneftegaz has a sufficient reserve of funds so that external factors do not affect the implementation and financial support of the planned projects.

According to Forbes, at the end of 2016, the company ranks second in the TOP-10 largest private companies in Russia, second only to LUKoil.

“There is no point in changing your financial policy in pursuit of guessing where the ruble or the price of oil will go. We are focused on our tasks: ensuring production efficiency, reducing costs, introducing technologies.” V. Bogdanov in an interview with INTERFAX

The company does not create joint ventures, does not attract large foreign loans, preferring to rely on its own strength.

Forty years after its inception, the company is engaged in exploration, production and processing of oil and gas, power generation, development of petrochemicals and gas chemistry products, and marketing of its own products.

Sources: company website

The company's achievements in oil production have become possible thanks to three main areas of activity:

  • commissioning of new deposits;
  • non-decreasing activity of development drilling;
  • use of technological solutions applicable in given specific conditions and features.

Source: OJSC “Surgutneftegas” annual report for 2016

Investment strategy

The investment policy of Surgutneftegaz is aimed at ensuring stable growth in production, exploration and processing. Their direction is rather strict. The Company does not invest in non-core assets.

Tab. 3. Investments of the company for 2012-1016, billion rubles

in oil production

in oil refining