A decorative rabbit has spotting. Bloody discharge from a rabbit. Types of vaccine and vaccination schedule against the disease

In rabbits, the normal color of urine is yellow. Sometimes urine can be red, pink, brown, or orange. This happens to both sick and healthy rabbits.

If in doubt, at home, the presence of blood in the urine can be determined using this test, but it is better to collect urine and take it for analysis.

But a 100% fact of the presence of blood in the urine can only be indicated by laboratory tests and an examination by a veterinarian, who can track the cause of blood entering the urine during a visual examination.

But there are factors that affect the color of urine, turning it red. This phenomenon is called "red urine".

Causes of blood in the urine in a rabbit and treatment

1. Vegetable pigments.

In healthy rabbits, red urine can be caused by porphyrin and other plant pigments. Sometimes a reddish tint can be caused by food that contains a large amount of beta-carotene (carrots and spinach). It can also happen when eating needles, pine and spruce. A given color of urine may not appear in all rabbits eating the same food. For example, two rabbits can eat the same food, and one of them will change the color of the urine, while the other will not. If the reason for the discoloration of urine is in the rabbit's diet, then treatment is not needed, these changes are not permanent and disappear after 2-3 days.

2. Antibiotics.

Prescribing certain antibiotics can raise the levels of pigments in the urine.

3. Stress.

Some veterinarians suggest that a stressful condition, and sometimes just a change in season, can affect the color of a rabbit's urine.

4. Dehydration.

With dehydration of the rabbit's body, the urine becomes more concentrated, darker, and its pigmentation increases. Animals with dehydration receive a subcutaneous or intravenous fluid infusion.

5. Blood.

In most cases, we tend to associate the fact of the red color of urine with diseases of the bladder and urinary tract infections. However, "fresh blood" in the urine is difficult to see with the naked eye. And if you notice that your rabbit sits for a long time on the tips of its hind legs with its tail held high, and the volume of urine excreted is measured in drops - sound the alarm, especially when the urine is red.

Kidney diseases (sand, stones), bladder diseases (sand, stones) are accompanied by difficult urination. And only laboratory tests, ultrasound, x-rays can determine the true cause of hematuria.

If blood gives the red color to the urine, this is a sign of diseases of the urinary tract, such as:

  • Kidney or bladder infection.
  • Stones in the kidneys or in the bladder.
  • Polyps in the bladder.
  • Cancer of the kidney or bladder.

It is important to observe exactly how urination occurs in a rabbit. It is very dangerous when a blockage of the urinary tract occurs in a rabbit. But if this happens, then the stone is removed under anesthesia.

Often, to confirm (or exclude) the diagnosis, it is ultrasound diagnostics internal organs and x-ray studies are the dominant fact.

Hypercalciuria (sand content) irritates the bladder and often causes cystitis. The clinical picture with such a content of "mud" sediment in the bladder is standard: red urine, wet genitalia, frequent urge to urinate, urinary incontinence.

AT this case mechanical cleaning of the bladder was performed using a catheter. Treatment includes fluids to help eliminate sand in the urine and antibiotic therapy in case of blood in the urine or current infections.

Kidney stones are a big danger. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to the removal of the kidney. But this is a very delicate issue and requires an individual approach.

Blood in uterine or vaginal discharge usually appears as bloody discharge at the vulva or a few drops of blood before or after urination.

Discharge from the genital tract, which can stain the urine of unsterilized rabbits red, can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium (increase in the thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus).
  • Uterine infection.
  • Uterine cancer.
  • polyps of the uterus.
  • Miscarriage.

6. Bilirubin or urobilinogen.

In very rare cases, a change in the color of the urine of rabbits can be caused by the presence of a chemical element called bilirubin or urobilinogen. An increase in the level of bilirubin and urobilinogen in the blood and urine of a rabbit is observed in liver diseases.

In any case, a change in the color of urine is a sign of some diseases that threaten the life of your animal. And only a timely appeal to a specialist will help save your life.

Today we will tell you all about breeding domestic rabbits. We will describe the behavior of the female during the approaching birth. We will explain how rabbits are okrol, and we will also talk about the features of caring for mothers and rabbits in winter and summer period and on what factors the proper development of babies and the health of the female depends. We will also talk about when it is possible to cover the rabbit again.

Signs of an upcoming birth

The behavior of the female mother is significantly different from normal. If rabbits are mostly calm animals, then before birth, the rabbit becomes more aggressive, behaves anxiously. In some individuals, on the contrary, too calm behavior is observed, the animal can hide in a corner or hide in secluded places in a cage.

A pregnant rabbit is especially aggressive towards males, therefore it is not recommended to let a rabbit near a female rabbit. Also, if a female rabbit is in a cage with a male, mating can occur and there is a chance that the female rabbit will become pregnant again. Re-fertilization is possible due to the peculiarities of the uterus of rabbits; it is bicornuate in them. Babies from the second fertilization of the rabbit are born, as a rule, dead. The embryos during repeated fertilization develop very quickly, and childbirth occurs on the 28th day after coating.

One of the signs that the female is pregnant is her special behavior during the control crossing. The rabbit in this case will avoid the male, fight him off or hide in the corner of the cage.

One or two weeks before birth, the rabbit begins to equip a nest for babies. She drags straw into the queen cell or the most secluded place in the cage, and also pulls out wool from the abdomen in order to insulate the nest before the birth of babies. But this behavior is also characteristic of rabbits with a false pregnancy, so it is very difficult to determine whether a rabbit is pregnant in the early stages.

From the third week of pregnancy, you can inspect the animal and feel the already formed fruits. In order to perform this examination, it is necessary to turn the rabbit on its back and feel the lower abdomen. On examination, the female should be relaxed and the abdominal muscles should not tense up. Thus, you can feel the already formed fruits. If you have little experience in such a diagnosis, then you may not be able to determine pregnancy.

Video Rabbit prepares a nest for okrol

The video shows how a rabbit prepares a nest for rabbits.

how many pregnant rabbits walk and how many times a year they breed

Egor Kurenkov Student, closed 3 years ago

Climber. Supreme Intelligence 3 years ago

The rabbit is characterized by very high fecundity and rapid growth. From one full-fledged rabbit with 5-6 births per year, you can get more than 30 rabbits, that is - after fattening - 65-75 kg of meat and 28-30 skins.

Amateur farms generally contain no more than 10-20 rabbits.

It is not difficult to feed such a number of queens and get economic benefits. At 4-5 months of age, rabbits reach puberty and can be bred. After okrol, the uterus comes into hunting on the 1st - 2nd day. With a certain skill, this feature can be successfully used to obtain compact rounds.

Sexual hunting in unfertilized rabbits lasts for 3-5 days and periodically repeats in the warm periods of the year after 5-7 days, and in the cold season - after 8-9 days. Pregnancy lasts an average of 30 days.

Okrol takes place at night. Rabbits bring mainly 6-12 rabbits, sometimes up to 19. In terms of precocity, rabbits are much superior to farm animals of other species. At birth, the weight of the rabbit is only 40-80 g. After 2 days, it increases by 1/3; on the 6th day, it reaches 80-160 g. By the end of the third week, the live weight increases by 5-6 times, and by the end of the 4th than - 10 times.

The milk of the uterus is very nutritious. It contains 10-20% fat, 13-15% protein, 1.8-2.1% milk sugar, 0.64% calcium, 0.44% phosphorus, as well as vitamins and other substances. A rabbit during lactation secretes an average of 50 to 200 g of milk daily. The life expectancy of rabbits is up to 8 years.

Other answers

Is it possible to receive rounds in winter

Science and advanced rabbit breeding practices have proven the possibility of obtaining winter, compacted and semi-compacted litters, using young females in the year of their birth. The judicious use of these intensive methods of breeding rabbits allows you to get at least 4 litters per year from each adult female.

The rounding of females, especially in winter, is a crucial period in rabbit breeding. The early start of reproduction allows you to get four births from the females of the main herd until September, while the duration of the suckling period of rabbits is 40-50 days. From rabbits born in January-March, females are selected for one-time summer births. Winter rounds contribute to an increase in the productivity of females, best use cells.

When carrying out winter births, you can get them even when keeping rabbits in outdoor cages. In preparation for birthing, the mesh doors are covered with plywood or straw mats at night and on cold days, bedding is placed on the floor of the cage, and before birthing, the mother liquor is stuffed with straw or soft hay. On very cold or windy days, winter births are usually carried out in rooms where the females are transferred a few days before giving birth, and after 25-30 days, the queens, together with the rabbits, are transferred to outdoor cages. Some rabbit breeders build special lightweight rabbitries for this purpose. Others adapt chicken houses, duck houses and other buildings that are empty in winter; for their best use, cages are placed in two or three tiers.

Much attention must be paid to maintaining cleanliness in the cages and ventilation of the room. Practice shows that in order to carry out rounds in the room, the air temperature should be 5-10 ° C. At higher temperatures and poor ventilation of the premises, females do not care for their offspring well, and the death of rabbits is possible. Does not give positive results and the content of females with rabbits in cages smaller than typical.

To organize winter birthing, the rabbit breeder must have the appropriate knowledge and skills. The mating should be held in the middle of the day. Carrying out mating within 3-4 days provides a friendly round of females.

The success of winter birthing largely depends on feeding. Rabbit breeders must create in advance a supply of the best quality feed: from coarse - small-leaved hay, from root crops - carrots are desirable. It is very important that the diets include food rich in vitamins, in particular, excellent vitamin food - greens grown by hydroponic method, as well as branches of coniferous trees. Winter diets inferior if they lack succulent feed. Every day, 200-250 g of root crops should be added to the total diet, this contributes to a better absorption of other feeds, and in lactating females it enhances the activity of the mammary glands. Sucrose and lactating females should be given mineral supplements: 2 g of salt and 2 g of chalk per day each.

The positive thing about obtaining winter births is that the rabbits of such births grow well, are less susceptible to diseases and have higher productivity in the future.

Puberty in rabbits and features of their reproduction

Reproduction of rabbits differs markedly from the reproduction of other farm animals. The former are characterized by early puberty, high fertility, a short period of pregnancy, the combination of lactation with pregnancy - dopinfo.ru. Sexual maturity in rabbits large breeds occurs at 4-5 months, and in the middle ones even earlier - at 3.5 months. In the first mating, it is recommended to start up rabbits at the age of 5 months when they reach a live weight of at least 3.5 kg, males - at the age of 6-8 months.

Sexual hunting in rabbits lasts 3-5 days, repeating in the warm seasons of the year after 5-7 days, and in the cool season - after 8-9 days. The rabbit in the hunt becomes restless, refuses to feed, plucks out the fluff; her external genitalia are reddened and swollen. Often, estrus in rabbits appears immediately after birth.

Embryonic development in rabbits proceeds intensively, the fetus completes its formation on the 28-32nd day, reaching a weight of 40-90 g. By this time, the preparation of the birth canal for the removal of the fetus is also completed. It is believed that the period of sukrolnost is equal to an average of 30 days.

Okrol occurs mainly at night. Childbirth proceeds easily, within 10-20 minutes, sometimes up to 1 hour. There have been cases when the birth took place in two stages with an interval of up to a day. Most of the rabbits after the birth lick the rabbits, feed them with milk, cover with fluff. The average one-time fecundity of rabbits of many breeds is 7-8 rabbits. There are frequent cases when there are 10-12, sometimes up to 19 rabbits in the litter.

It has been established that the duration of pregnancy of rabbits depends on the number of rabbits in the litter. With infertile litters, intrauterine development takes longer and, conversely, with multiple litters - faster. So, with 4 rabbits in the litter, the duration of intrauterine development reaches 34 days, and with 11 rabbits - 29 days. A similar dependence, by the way, is observed in other farm animals.

You must remember that it is not uncommon for rabbits to have estrus immediately after birth. Such a female excitedly runs around the cage, tramples the rabbits, loses her appetite, and calms down after mating. In this case, there is a combination of new fertility with lactation. This important biological feature of rabbits allows the use of compacted and semi-compacted rounds, intensifying the production of rabbit products.

At the same time, of course, the load on the body of rabbits increases dramatically, metabolic processes intensify, and this requires the creation of favorable conditions for their maintenance and full feeding.

Failure to comply with these conditions adversely affects the health, reproductive abilities of rabbits, reduces the time of their economic use. There is a simple way to determine the pregnancy of rabbits early, which you can successfully use - dopinfo.ru. After two weeks, the embryos reach a size of 2-2.5 cm and are easily palpable through the abdominal wall: they are elastic embryos the size of a hazelnut, grouped in a chain. At favorable conditions experienced rabbit breeders can receive up to 6-8 or more litters per year, or 45-60 rabbits from one queen.

Compacted rabbit rounds - what is it?

Speaking of compacted okrol, it should be noted that this is a fairly common question during the breeding of rabbits of meat breeds. arising from both beginners and experienced rabbit breeders.

Rabbits are characterized by numerous biological processes, and one of them is the ability to combine pregnancy with lactation.

It is on it that the use of such technology as compacted okrol is based. Compacted birthing is carried out when mating females on the second day after the main birthing. If, with a normal birth, the cubs can be separated from the mother no earlier than after 45 days, then with compacted birth, this can be done as early as a month, that is, on the 29th day after birth.

At the same time, it should be noted that compacted rounds are effective only if rabbits are kept in appropriate conditions: optimal temperature regime, clean cells. healthy eating, etc. In order for the females to retain this biological feature, special cages are made for them, the so-called eco-farms. The most popular are Mikhailov's mini-farm and Rabbitaks. After all, provided that the female feeds the young and she has pregnancy, she spends a lot of energy on the production of this process. In the literal sense of the word, nature sucks out of the body all useful and nutritious substances and microelements. Accordingly, constant feeding is necessary. Even with a balanced diet, when using special dietary supplements, it is necessary to follow the regimen. And this is possible only if the appropriate feeders are created. which are characteristic of mini-farms.

Compacted rounds in rabbits give a large offspring, respectively, and increase profitability if breeding is based on a commercial platform. This factor is the main advantage.

Thanks to research activities rabbit scientists, compacted rounds have become standard procedure. Thanks to them, the female can bring offspring up to 8 times a year! And thanks to the improvement of technology, it was possible to achieve the same results, in terms of the number of offspring, as with boiler cultivation. But unlike broiler, compacted rounds are characterized by much lower costs. In addition, if these are meat breeds, then the meat of rabbits with compacted rounds is much tastier.

The fact that compacted rounds are well known in the West, where this technology has been used for several decades. It's only growing in popularity with us.

Rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) is an acute infectious disease that affects the organs of the animal, especially the liver and lungs. The disease is also called necrotizing hepatitis and hemorrhagic pneumonia (popular name - hemorrhagic). It is distinguished by the suddenness of its appearance, lightning-fast development and the instant onset of death. The disease spreads very quickly among the adult population of rabbits.

As a rule, the disease proceeds so quickly that it is not possible to detect any symptoms and changes in the animal, incubation period can range from several hours to several days. That is, if today the rabbit looks quite normal, not expressing signs of illness, then tomorrow he may be dead. Some observe convulsions in the animal, the rabbit refuses food, becomes lethargic and lethargic, pregnant females can abort. Possible bleeding from the mouth and nose, inflammation of the eyelids, diarrhea, tachycardia. 30 hours after infection, the rabbit shows signs of intravascular coagulation.

32 hours before death, the body temperature of the animal rises to 41.2 degrees. Before death, the rabbit has a red-yellow discharge from the nose, while it can make groans and squeaks. Sometimes it happens that even a few minutes before death, a sick rabbit is no different from its healthy counterparts.

The cause of death of animals with hemorrhagic disease is severe liver damage, as well as the appearance of edema in the lungs in the pre-agonal state. To establish a diagnosis, fresh corpses of rabbits are sent to the laboratory, they are accompanied by records with epizootological data on the farm. The corpses are placed in a disinfected box, and then in a vessel with ice.

Cause of the disease

The rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus is spread by alimentary (through food, water) and respiratory tracts (when living together with the carrier of the infection). An animal can become infected from bedding, food and water used by an infected rabbit. The virus is also present and persists for three months in down, skins and, accordingly, in products made from these raw materials. Therefore, carcasses and skins of dead animals are disposed of, and the room and tools are disinfected.

The disease can occur at any time of the year, adult rabbits older than three months and weighing more than three kilograms are considered the most susceptible to the pathogen. Young individuals, up to one and a half months, are less prone to the disease. The virus can spread through the importation of infected rabbits, contact between infected and healthy animals, including during mating, as well as during the transportation of animals in infected vehicles.

Rabbit skin and meat processing plants, slaughterhouses and refrigerators that are not previously disinfected, sewage, veterinary institutions that do not take precautions when conducting examinations - all this is the result of the emergence of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus. Thus, we can conclude that it is the person who is the cause of the spread of this pathogen.

Treatment of a rabbit affected by HBV

Unfortunately, as such, there is no treatment for hemorrhagic disease, since none medicinal product cannot kill the virus. But there is a specific serum against viral hemorrhagic disease of rabbits, if used at the time of the first signs of the disease, it will have a protective effect within two hours after injection. It is administered once in a volume of 0.5 ml, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

The serum is a clear liquid with a red-yellow pearly tint. During storage, a precipitate may form, which disappears when the ampoule is shaken. Serum retains its medicinal properties up to two years after manufacture, it must be stored in a dark and dry room with a temperature of +2 to +10 degrees. Storage at -8 to -10 degrees extends the shelf life of the serum to five years. Before use, the liquid must be heated to 36 degrees and shaken.

Prevention of the disease, instruction

In order to avoid the risk of damage to rabbits with VGBK, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures - vaccination.

The vaccine against hemorrhagic disease of rabbits is as follows:

  • Tissue inactivated aluminum hydroxide formol vaccine;
  • Tissue inactivated lyophilized formol vaccine, thermovaccine and teotropin vaccine;
  • Serum against rabbit hemorrhagic disease (treatment and prevention).

The first time rabbits are vaccinated at the age of 45 days, the second time after 3 months, after - every 6 months until the end of the animal's life. Pregnant females are vaccinated at any period of pregnancy, rabbits under the age of 30 days, in this case, receive 100% protection against the virus.

At the height of the disease, serum is used not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes, the persistence of the rabbit population will be at least 90%. You can also use the vaccine against the rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, this will save about 50-60% of the livestock, since immunity sets in on the third day after vaccination.

Video lesson on rabbit vaccination against VGBV

Watch the video on how to properly vaccinate against viral haemorrhagic disease of rabbits.

Restoration of the economy after illness

When a hemorrhagic disease is detected on the farm, a thorough examination of the entire livestock for infection is carried out. In the absence of serum, sick animals are slaughtered by a bloodless method. The bodies are disposed of. The remaining livestock are vaccinated against the hemorrhagic disease virus. Then mechanical cleaning and disinfection of the premises and transport for transportation, where the infected rabbits were located, is carried out. It is also necessary to process overalls and all equipment for the care of rabbits.

The skins that were in an unfavorable point are disinfected, and the litter, feed, manure are burned. Disinfection is carried out using a 2% formaldehyde solution, a 5% chloramine solution, a 1% glutaraldehyde solution, and a bleach solution. Importation of rabbits is allowed after 15 days from the date of the last case of the disease and vaccination.

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5660 07/31/2019 6 min.

Red urine in a rabbit is one of the symptoms that may indicate an animal's illness, stress, or malnutrition. The most dangerous urine with bloody patches - it may indicate the presence of cancer in the animal, polyps, severe inflammatory processes in the kidneys. In this article, we will analyze why a rabbit’s urine can turn red, whether such a symptom indicates the presence of a particular disease, how to properly deal with it with medication and folk methods, and also what other color of urine in animals should cause concern. at the rabbit breeder to contact the veterinarian.

Reasons for what it means if a rabbit pees red or brown urine

The red color of urine in rabbits can be caused by various factors. Among them:

  • acute lack of fluid;
  • animals receiving antibiotics;
  • temperature change in the enclosure;
  • animal stress, including those associated with the appearance of new animals in the aviary.
  • weather change;
  • infectious diseases genitourinary system, such as:, mastitis, vgbk;
  • polyps in the genitourinary system;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the kidneys.

How to make a cage for rabbits read on.

Also, in rabbits, urine can turn red after eating carrots. Such a symptom usually appears within a few hours after consuming such a product. It is not considered a pathology.

If the pet's urine has returned to normal color after removing carrots from the diet, a visit to the veterinarian can be postponed. If this did not happen, then there were other factors.

If the color of the urine

Red urine is not the only type of pathology that can be seen in rabbits. Also, in these animals, with certain disorders, orange, white, or too thick urine can be observed. All descriptions of the symptoms are deviations from the generally accepted norm (normally, urine in these animals is yellow or light brown), they have their own reasons and require special attention from a rabbit breeder. It must be remembered that if any atypical discharge appears in animals, their owner must immediately show the animals to the veterinarian. The faster he does this, the higher the chances of successfully treating the rabbit. Only a veterinarian can determine the level of threat to an animal.


Turbid urine of a whitish color, having a uniform consistency, should not cause excitement among rabbit breeders. Its appearance indicates the specific processing of calcium by the body of the animal, due to which crystals and salts appear in the urine. This phenomenon is considered a kind of norm and does not require specific treatment.

White color is a sign of an excess of calcium in the diet.

You need to show the rabbit to the veterinarian if there are sediments in the white urine or blotches of a different color, for example, bloody blotches. This condition may indicate urolithiasis and other pathologies of the urinary system.


This shade of urine should also not cause concern to rabbit breeders, as it is a normal variant. Usually, the appearance of such a pigment in the urine is caused by some foods included in the diet of adults: carrots, needles, spinach. The composition of these products includes beta-carotene, which stains the secretions of the animal. In some cases, this shade of urine may also indicate a lack of calcium in the body.

Due to a large amount of beta-carotene, or due to a lack of calcium in the body, the discharge changes its color to orange

Usually a few days after changing the diet in rabbits, the urine returns to its normal color. If this does not happen, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. As with reddish discharge, orange discharge can be caused by kidney stones or kidney infections.


This type of secretion indicates dehydration or heat stroke suffered by the animals. As a rule, it has a rather sharp smell. X. The animal, which has such discharge, usually moves sluggishly, it can refuse to eat, hide in the corner of the cage. When it appears, the rabbit breeder must immediately deliver the animal to the veterinarian. Lack of special assistance in this case can lead to the death of the animal.

If the animal has already appeared brown thick urine, you should not rely solely on your own strength in rescuing the animal. This condition cannot be stopped with ordinary drinking water.

What physical illnesses are we talking about?

The red color of urine can indicate a number of diseases. These include infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract of animals, malignant neoplasms. In females, the appearance of blood in the urine may indicate uterine cancer.

Drops of blood in the urine should be of particular concern to the rabbit breeder.. In the vast majority of cases, they indicate cancer.

The red color of the discharge may indicate urolithiasis, malignant neoplasms, stress

Rabbits with suspected oncology should be removed from the general aviary. They cannot be sold and slaughtered for further consumption of animal meat for food.

What to do and how to treat

When changing the color of urine in rabbits, the breeder must first of all pay attention to the conditions in which the animals are kept. If there is a suspicion that individuals have certain diseases, they must be isolated from the herd as soon as possible and brought to a veterinarian for examination. The doctor will have to determine the cause of the change in urine color and give recommendations for treatment, as well as further care for the animal. In most cases, to combat this phenomenon, the rabbit is prescribed conservative therapy. Surgical treatment is possible only if individuals have cancer; it involves the removal of fragments of damaged organs. However, this type of treatment is rarely used.

Basic Rules

If red urine is found in rabbits, proceed as follows:

  1. Individuals that have been noted to have red urine should be isolated from the herd.
  2. You should monitor the behavior of rabbits, the process of urination. In the event that the rabbit has discomfort during this process, it must be shown to the veterinarian. This symptom indicates the presence of an infection.
  3. Animals must be provided with access to clean water. Do . This will prevent dehydration of the body.
  4. Avoid foods containing beta-carotene n in high concentration.

If the color of the urine has not returned to normal in the animal after a few days, it must be shown to the veterinarian. This should be done even if he does not have any accompanying symptoms of illness.


Medicines can be prescribed to rabbits only in the presence of urolithiasis or infection. With urolithiasis, animals are prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • litholytics (means that dissolve stones);
  • painkillers;
  • medications that increase the acidity of urine;
  • antimicrobials.

If rabbits have a urinary tract infection, they are prescribed antibiotics and dietary nutrition. Medications and their dosage should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

The dosage of medicines for rabbits in any case should be determined by the doctor. Violation of his recommendations can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the animal and the development of comorbidities in it.

Folk remedies: purified decoctions

Help with the appearance of red urine in rabbits and folk remedies. To eliminate this symptom, purified decoctions of pharmaceutical herbs are used, including tansy, plantain. They must be given to animals once a day through a syringe without a needle. In order for the therapy to give the desired result, it is recommended to exclude dry food from the diet of the rodent, food containing beta-carotene in high concentration and also give him more clean water. What feed is best for rabbits read.

Tansy is used to treat the genitourinary system of rabbits.

This treatment strategy cannot be used if the rabbit's urine contains red patches. Such animals need exclusively professional veterinary care (including surgical treatment). Without it, they may die.

Prevention of red urine in rabbits

You can prevent discoloration of urine in rabbits by following general preventive recommendations:

  • provide animals with enough clean drinking water both winter and summer;
  • monitor the diet of rabbits, make sure that it contains foods rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. Or add separately;
  • use antibiotics to treat rabbits only as directed by a doctor;
  • regularly examine the cages of rabbits (this will allow you to control the color of the urine remaining on the hay).

Read about do-it-yourself winter drinkers for rabbits in.

It is also necessary to monitor the health of the rabbit herd and regularly inspect the animals. If they have any accompanying signs of disease: problems with urination, fever, mucous discharge, or suspected illness, they should be immediately isolated from the herd and shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


The video shows a case of blood in the urine in a rabbit.


  1. The appearance of red urine in rabbits may indicate malnutrition of rabbits, dehydration (let's drink more water), infection in the body of animals, or cancer.
  2. The owner of the animal also needs to worry if red blotches appear in the urine, it becomes thick or turns orange, or for some reason it starts to splash. If the discharge has a white color and a homogeneous structure, they can be considered a variant of the norm.
  3. When red urine appears, the rabbit should be physically examined. If he developed this symptom on the background of malnutrition or stress, no specific treatment the animal does not need it, the symptom will go away in a few days by itself.
  4. If the rabbit has a fever, anxiety, discomfort when urinating, the animal should be examined and treated. According to indications and properties, antispasmodics, agents that soften kidney stones, and antibiotics can be used for this purpose.
  5. In order not to encounter this problem in the future, the breeder needs to monitor the diet of rabbits and show them to the veterinarian twice a year (do your rounds and examinations weekly) in order to establish in advance the presence of diseases, be it myxomatosis or rhinitis.

Read about a runny nose in a rabbit.

Did you know?There are more than 200 breeds of rabbits in the world - from the smallest weighing up to 500 g to the largest - weighing up to 12 kg. For economic purposes, no more than 30% are used, the rest of the breeds are of a decorative type.

From the anus

In the event of blood from the anus, the rabbit should be given a hemostatic agent, for example, Calcium Borogluconate 20%. It is administered subcutaneously at a dosage of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. After the introduction of a hemostatic, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. Blood from the anus may be a sign of:

  • internal bleeding;
  • the presence of helminths;
  • ulcerative or inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

An accurate diagnosis can be established on the basis of tests and ultrasound. After the examination, treatment will be prescribed.

From the nose

A rabbit's nose contains many blood vessels, so the most common cause of nosebleeds is heat stroke. To prevent a problem, cages with pets should be kept out of direct sunlight.

Heat stroke symptoms:

  • the animal lies motionless;
  • ears are hot to the touch;
  • body temperature is increased;
  • shortness of breath;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • the rabbit does not eat;
  • blood is present in both the nasal and oral cavities.

  • take the pet to a shaded place;
  • put a wet cool compress on the ears and neck area;
  • inject 1 ml subcutaneously to increase the body's natural resistance to stress factors;
  • subcutaneously inject "Sulfocamphocaine" at the rate of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of live weight 2 times a day for 2-3 days to stimulate the work of the heart muscle.
rabbits can also cause nosebleeds. This is an acute infectious infection, as a result of which the entire livestock can die. The causative agent of the disease is an RNA virus that causes swelling of the internal organs and further death of the animal.

Important!If the formol vaccine is administered to a rabbit that has a virus in its body, then such an animal will die within 2-3 days.

Symptoms of VGBK:

  • refusal of food;
  • lethargy;
  • convulsions with head tilting back;
  • bloody discharge from the nose.
The most effective treatment in this case is timely vaccination of pets and compliance with preventive measures. In the acute phase, the animal may die in 2–4 days. If the diagnosis is confirmed, quarantine is declared in the village, all rabbits are examined. Patients are killed and disposed of, and healthy ones are vaccinated with a polyvalent formol vaccine.

From the ears

The most common pathology is ear plugs. To get rid of them, the rabbit can comb the ear until it bleeds. The reason why the animal begins to scratch its ears may be that appear as a result of contact with an infected animal.


  • plaque in the ears;
  • the rabbit tries to scratch his ears all the time;
  • skin rashes in the ears, skin irritation, wounds.


In pregnant first-year rabbits, blood from the anus may appear before the onset of labor (a week before birth) and may pass on its own. For rabbits who have already given birth, this phenomenon indicates pathologies of the birth canal and complicated childbirth. In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian.

Did you know?Water rabbits live in the southern United States. These animals swim well and can escape from enemies by diving under water, leaving only their nose on the surface for breathing.

Until the exact cause of bleeding is clarified, the animal must be given a hemostatic agent. With complicated labor, the animal may need intramuscular injection of 0.5% oxytocin (1 ml per 1 individual) to stimulate labor. The rabbit also needs increased drinking and fortified nutrition. If the body of the female suffers from dehydration, then she can eat newborns.

Why is there blood in the urine

Red-colored urine may contain blood or be pigmented due to certain components of the diet:

  • branches of fruit trees (apple, plum);
  • needles;
  • root crops (, carrots);
  • drugs (antibiotics).
If the change in the color of urine is associated with nutrition, then when changing the diet, the dark shade disappears. The presence of blood in the urine may be a symptom of:
  • dehydration;
  • stress
  • kidney disease;
  • internal bleeding;
  • polyps in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blockage of the urinary tract.
The diagnosis is specified by the veterinarian after examination of the animal. Surgery may be needed to remove stones from the urinary tract. Medical treatment will be prescribed depending on the specified diagnosis.