Product affiliate programs with the highest conversion. Affiliate programs of online stores Affiliate products

How to organize earnings on the Internet without a website, without an investor, without investing your own funds? There are many options, and we will tell you about one of them. You will learn how to use a ready-made foreign business for your own benefit and organize earnings on affiliate programs.

Searching for sources of income on the network, start by studying yourself. What are you good at? If you have ever repaired a watch, then you should look at the partner offers of the watch store. If you have dealt with furniture in the past, study offers from furniture stores. Love to read? In this case, you should look for offers from bookstores.

Affiliate programs of online stores - a good way to earn money

We will immediately indicate that if you want to earn money using affiliate programs of modern clothing stores, shoes, children's goods, toys, cosmetics, books, bed linen, fishing equipment or any other goods and services, you must at least be well versed in this industry. Earnings of this type are connected, first of all, with the ability to promote and sell.

Long gone are the days when it was enough for a person to show an ad, and he laid out money from his wallet to get the product from the picture. Today, in order to interest the buyer, it is important to be an industry specialist, to know all the strengths and weaknesses of the promoted product.

You need to constantly be active, be positive and creative, communicate with customers, form your sales base - these people will become your main source of profit. This way of earning can really become the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity and bring good income, if you approach the matter with all responsibility.

How to make money on an affiliate program of online stores - detailed instructions

So that you understand what your earnings will be and what kind of goods it is better to trade, check out the statistical information. Clothing is the most purchased product on the network, so if you want to sell a lot, a clothing store product affiliate program is right for you.

Choosing the right product allows you to get more income

As an addition to the assortment, connect the sale of bags and children's clothing. The main seller of light industry is Chinese platforms from the developer Alibaba. Since they charge low prices, take a good look at them, perhaps the aliexpress programs will help you become a regional dealer and make a constant profit.

In second place are electronics sales sites, in third place are food products. It is not difficult to find a representative of confectionery products online (as an option - Alenka chocolate) and help him sell more, receiving a percentage for promotion.

Step 1. Choose an online store and contact its owners

If there is no "affiliate" or "collaboration" button on the site, do not rush to click the cross in the corner of the window. You can also create business relationships in non-automated mode. Contact the owner of the resource directly and offer him cooperation.

Main rule:

Don't be afraid to ask people and offer them your services. Statistics show that 70% of all requests have a positive result.

It is likely that the owner simply did not have time to create a script for cooperation, and they are just waiting for your call. If information about the terms of cooperation is not published on the pages of the project, ask to send such a document in writing by e-mail.

Do not contact companies that refuse to draw up a cooperation agreement. This document acts as a legal confirmation of your right to receive a part of the cost of goods purchased by attracted customers.

Step 2. We receive promotional materials and links to promoted products

The main task that needs to be completed in the process of establishing contacts with the business owner is to get the affiliate program script for further use. This will be a link or code that you will use to refer future customers.

As a rule, such scripts are placed on their own sites, pages or pages of open resources in the process of communicating with buyers.

If the resource cannot offer you an affiliate program with a script for automatically counting purchases, you must be provided with a list of products, links to which you will distribute.

In this case, it is necessary to discuss in advance how the buyers who came from you will be taken into account, and how the purchase amounts will be recorded in order to collect your percentage of economic interest from them.

Step 3. We get traffic as part of an affiliate program

The easiest way to make money in this way is for those who have their own web projects with traffic. If you don't have one, think about it: perhaps you should create your own thematic non-commercial site and direct all the traffic received through links.

Or distribute links to products on live thematic forums or social networks. Try to launch your own advertising campaigns using banner networks, advertising services. Use all possible options and evaluate the return.

Step 4. We receive and withdraw profit

With the help of an automated service provided by partner stores, you will receive statistics on how many visitors you have attracted and how many of them buy products. The percentage of the sale is credited automatically and withdrawn to your wallet upon request or in another way provided by the contract.

An alternative way to earn money is to create an affiliate online store

What is an affiliate e-shop? Today, the promotion trend is the creation of a community of brand fans. But this is possible if you have chosen affiliate programs from manufacturers of high-quality branded products.

An effective format is a forum where new offers, promotions, recommendations, information about products will be discussed. We can say that in such cases you take on the work of an additional, and even the main marketing sales department.

How much does it cost to create an affiliate online store?

Large investments are not expected. A WordPress site costs about $20-30 per year for a domain and hosting. You can create an Internet service for free on blogging, or better yet, vlogging services.

Create entire networks to attract customers on Youtube, make videos about the goods or services of the service, write articles and comment.

Where to get traffic

If you are building your business from scratch, you should try all traffic sources and focus on the few with the highest returns.

Remember the Pareto rule: 20% of your sources will bring 80% of the income, but this is only possible if there are other alternative options for obtaining customers, which will be at least 80%. Create your list of effective channels.

From own site

Traffic from your own site is sometimes difficult to monetize with Adsense or other advertising. But if you manage to form a certain audience that will be interested in the product, feel free to look for stores with affiliate programs and experiment with them.

From a community on a social network

A permanent job at the office is often complemented by a constant presence on social networks. Relax in pleasure and at the same time form an audience for the promoted product. There are many options - a fan page, groups and publications of posts with an affiliate program.

Do you love auto business?

Create a page with a car review and daily posting, and you will see how very soon such a page will bring you income from the sale of, for example, auto parts.

Use affiliate programs with different products, and you will be able to reach a large audience of buyers. Remember the main rule of promotion in social networks: for every 30% of advertising, you need to post 70% of useful information.

Use contextual advertising

The most effective advertising is native (from the word native - natural). That is, advertising will act when it is not imposed, but added to the word, acts as part of the content. If you want to reach a larger audience, try connecting ads to the Adwords or Yandex Direct service.

Using Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords helps increase profits

Track how many people register on the site after your ad and wait for the first purchases. This is the most effective way to promote the affiliate program of the women's clothing website. Become a partner in a commercial project by simply promoting it - that is, by investing in the distribution of your unique code.

On banner and teaser exchanges

Advertising on banner and teaser exchanges works similarly to contextual advertising. Of course, it is ideal if your site is connected to such exchanges, which will unwind ads. Thus, you will exchange your traffic for a more profitable one for the theme of your affiliate program. But if you don’t have your own project, you can buy impressions.

The best product affiliate programs that generate income

We have selected the best and safe affiliate programs of online stores with our own script and their description.


An affiliate that pays a percentage of the sale of goods. The company offers a wide range of products, so it can be considered a leader in partner offers.


You register in the affiliate program of the service and receive a code for an online store, ready to use and optimized for SEO needs. You just have to place the code on your pages and attract buyers. Any kind of promotion is allowed. You receive 15% of the value of orders placed through your website.


Affiliate program that pays a percentage of purchases on ebay and other American and European selling services.

You can also look at the programs of Chinese sellers of the aliexpress store, and the sites joom, pandao, white label.

How to Choose an Online Store Affiliate Program – Useful Tips and Tricks

Some expert advice on choosing a program.

Learn and don't forget to put into practice.

If you have an audience for a certain product category, then you should establish cooperation with niche enterprises.

But if you do not have such an audience, pay attention to the presence of a wide range. Only in this way the potential buyer will find the right product for himself.

Not every affiliate program that offers high percentages will allow you to make good money. You will direct the client to the affiliate program page, but he will refuse to buy because the price is too high. Therefore, for starters, it is worth comparing prices in the promoted store with competitors.

The number of purchases is directly affected by the availability of alternative payment methods. Find out how the automated payment system works, and if it is set up to be accepted by different methods, this is another plus in favor of a partner offer.

Tip 4. Ask about call center hours

If you are looking for the best online shopping programs, start by looking for the best shopping resources with good customer service. If the service is 24/7, you will get more customers.

About affiliate programs in video format:


Affiliate programs of online stores with a ready-made website always provide for the presence of traffic. The main task that needs to be solved is to attract a flow of potential customers and direct them to the store with maximum efficiency.

Let's get acquainted - we are an online store from the city of Ivanovo, which is famous for high-quality clothes and bed linen. For partners, we offer chic conditions - 15% for each redeemed order. With an average conversion to order of 3%, this makes our offer one of the best in the field of affiliate programs.

Product affiliate program, where only well-selling products in different categories are collected. The webmaster receives a percentage of each paid order. The percentage depends on the type of product.

We have been creating online stores for more than 3 years. We have created an online store build called Rublemag.

Commodity partner. Payment for the completed order. Reward from 500r to 2000r for 1 product. Charges for each item in the order.

The company "Wedstyle - Wedding Style" offers you participation in the Affiliate Program of the wedding online store

In May 2014 Minsk will host a world-class event, namely the Ice Hockey World Championship. The affiliate program allows you to earn on ticket sales for this event.

PrintClick service is the largest online printing service in Russia. The company has its own production facility, equipped with the latest printing equipment and an automated order processing system.

BrandsCash is an affiliate program for the sale of branded shoes and accessories from world-famous premium fashion designers.

Online store of gifts and souvenirs invites you to participate in the affiliate program of our store. We have been working for 3 years, we have more than 3000 products. Register and earn with us.

Here are affiliate programs of online stores. Describing affiliate programs of ALL online stores does not make sense, because. there are a lot of them. Below are just a few of the most popular examples of affiliate programs of online stores, you can cooperate with them or find a more suitable theme for your site. More options can be found in the affiliate CPA section (links to affiliate programs are available after registration).

3.8333333333333 Rating 3.83 (24 Votes)

Description: Affiliate program from an electrical equipment store (voltage stabilizers, generators, UPS, inverters, etc.) Offer a free affiliate store script. There are no classic options for banners, links, you can work only through your domain using their free script.

Participation rules: They pay a commission of 15% of the value of orders. There is a referral system, you will receive 5% of the earnings of the webmaster you attracted.

Payouts: There is no minimum payout amount. Payments are made on the 1st day of each month to the Webmoney R-purse.

Registration: Register with


3.4 Rating 3.40 (5 Votes)

Description: ARTWALL - online store of paintings, posters and interior decorations presents its affiliate program, which will be an interesting earning option for those who have a website dedicated to interior design and related topics. The affiliate program is also suitable for those who know how to work with advertising and find the target audience in this area.

The owners emphasize that the average check amount is about 4,000 rubles. Affiliate commission is 20%. Commissions are accrued immediately after the customer pays for the purchase. Profit will also come to you from the next purchases of a client who came through your link within six months.

Registration: Register in


3.0588235294118 Rating 3.06 (17 Votes)

Description: PRINTBAR is a clothing store partner program with unique all-over prints. Pay from 25% of the order value. A wide range of promotional materials is provided for partners: from regular links to landing pages and banners to a fully functional affiliate store (you can attach your own domain) . The average check of the order is 2500 rubles.

The store itself has a huge selection of t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. on the most relevant topics: games, music, sports, entertainment, patriotism, etc. They promise high quality products and worldwide shipping.

Registration: Register at


3.6666666666667 Rating 3.67 (27 Votes)

Description: Affiliate program for an online store of women's clothing. The site has a huge selection of products, mainly women's underwear, clubwear, etc. With each order, a discount of up to 20% is provided, depending on the amount of the order.

Participation rules: They pay 5-10% of customer orders, and 30-150% of the earnings of invited partners (check the conditions on the site).

Payouts: The minimum payout amount is 10 rubles. Pay on Webmoney WMR-purse, Sberbank card, mobile phone or postal transfer.

Registration: Register in


3.7142857142857 Rating 3.71 (7 Votes)

Description: The SHOPOZZ affiliate program generates income from advertising products in the largest online stores: eBay, Taobao, Amazon, Yahoo and others. Work in many countries of Europe, Asia, USA. Due to the purchase by customers of several goods in one parcel, the partner's profit increases. Catalogs in Russian are used. The conditions for participation are very simple. You need to bring the client to the online store for shopping. After he makes payment for the goods, you receive a reward of 25% of the SHOPOZZ profit for 1 year.

You can cooperate without having a website, but by posting a link on social networks, forums and other well-visited resources. A reward is paid in the amount of 25-30% of the amount spent by the client you attracted. There is a 10% referral program.

Registration: Register at

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2.5 Rating 2.50 (8 Votes)

Description: They sell copies of unusual phones, radio-controlled models, unique gadgets, vacuum cleaner robots, etc. All products are made in China, so the prices are very low (for example, the iPhone 5C costs only 6900). All products are covered by a 6-month warranty, delivery time is 7-14 days to anywhere in Russia, products are also delivered all over the world. Webmasters are paid 25% of the cost of the product. A lot of promotional materials, including ready-made landing pages.

Registration: Register on


3.8 Rating 3.80 (5 Votes)

Description: SELLUS - affiliate program of an online sports nutrition store (proteins, supplements, amino acids, etc.) , also work on the CPA model with offers such as eyelash extensions, hair extensions, sensation enhancers, etc.

It is possible to place an online store and landing pages of goods on your own domain. Affiliates are paid from 10% from the sales of a sports nutrition store and from 25% from the sales of other goods. All promotional materials are provided.

Registration: Register with Sellus

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3.5714285714286 Rating 3.57 (7 Votes)

Description: The largest search engine in Russia for profitable airfare rates. The site has a very convenient and beautiful search form, which is quite simple to use. They work with 728 airlines around the world, 40 ticket offices. The company itself does not sell tickets, but directs you to the agency's website, where you can book a ticket at a favorable price for you.

Registration: Register on


2.5 Rating 2.50 (4 Votes)

Description: MAKEUPPROFIT - affiliate program of an online store of French cosmetics, also work on the CPA model, offer several beauty products as direct offers (remedy for weight loss, eyelash growth) . There are landings, pre-landings, detailed statistics, good deductions for the sale of goods.

At the moment they pay from 20% of the sales of the store magic-glance and from 550 rubles for a direct offer, geo - Russia. They promise an average conversion of 1.5%. On request, a free White Label store script is provided.

After the partner earns 2000 rubles, a bonus of 1000 rubles will be added to the balance. Money can be withdrawn immediately.

Registration: Register at

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4.2 Rating 4.20 (5 Votes)

Description: The online store of Chinese goods KITMALL is a real find for both the most experienced in online shopping and for beginners. Everyone will find a product to their taste and wallet. KiTMALL is optimally adapted for Russian-speaking customers, all products have a detailed description and colorful photographs. They sell interior, sports and leisure items, electronics, clothes and shoes, smartphones and tablets. Regular KITMALL promotions provide an opportunity to get the most favorable conditions for the purchase of various categories of goods. Free shipping.

Benefits for partners: Average check: 9000 rubles, Reward (Category "Electronics", "Automotive": 3.26%, all other categories: 6.52%) , Site traffic more than 200,000 visitors per month, Huge selection of promotional materials.

Registration: Register at
then select offer KITMALL in the list "catalog of programs"

Affiliate programs on the Internet are the easiest way to earn money, where they receive from 30 thousand rubles. let's consider best affiliate programs 2016. Which allow you to create an excellent passive income!

Partnership programs- this is cooperation with sites that provide services or products, where you have a chance to receive a percentage of attracted customers using links.

That is, in order to start earning, you just need to leave a link on the forum or on a social network where someone may be interested in the service and it is not necessary to have a personal website for this.

Top 10 Best Affiliate Programs 2016-2017

I cooperate with more than 1,000 different sites, someone pays a lot, and someone comes from pennies. So I decided to highlight the top 10 affiliate programs for 2016-2017 that really pay good money!

1. LetyShops is the largest cashback service

LetyShops is the best cashback service in Russia. Considering that more and more people are buying online, this is a great chance to make money on the service by recommending it to friends!

Cashback is a return of part of the money (1-10%) to the account when a purchase was made in a partner store.

At the moment, LetyShops cooperates with 1,000 largest online stores, here are a few examples: AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon.

How is partner money accrued?

There is also another strong cashback service in this direction, where they give 100 rubles for registration - KopiKot.

2. EPN is the best earning affiliate program on AliExpress

EPN(commercial affiliate network) is the most profitable affiliate program to work with AliExpress. Where you just need to send an affiliate link to a friend for any product in AliExpress.

After purchasing the product, you get 7-12% of the profit to your account. Moreover, the partner is assigned to you for 30 days, and even if he makes a purchase not today, but in a few weeks, you will still receive money in your account.

Moreover, the service has a cashback system, like LetyShops. That is, you can recommend your friends to shop with EPN and you will receive additional income from each item purchased.

In Russia, people very often buy goods from China through AliExpress, and some bloggers on YouTube manage to earn more than 300,000 rubles a month on affiliate links!

3. BinPartner - high earnings on binary options

BinPartner- recognized as one of the most profitable affiliate programs in binary options. Where the average check is - 1,200 rubles!

Binary Options- this is the redemption of options for a small period (from 15 seconds to 48 hours), where you need to determine the price, it will go up or down. When guessing the course, the player receives a fixed profit, which depends on the amount of investment.

Binary options have already gained more popularity than Forex. And people are more willing to invest big money in options.

The affiliate program brings people to the Binomo site, which is beautifully designed and works well. At the moment it has excellent reviews and reputation.

Affiliates receive from each unsuccessful bet, where the income is 40%. That is, if the client made a deposit of $100 and lost everything, then the partner earns about $40.

4. Admitad is the largest CPA in Russia

Admitad is not just the largest CPA network in Russia, but it also offers some of the most favorable conditions. The service has over 1,000 different affiliate programs to work with.

CPA(cost per action) is an affiliate program where payment occurs for certain actions: transition, registration or order, where the partner earns his percentage from such actions.

And in order to make it easier to choose a store for cooperation, they introduced a special rating, where you can see in detail what sells best and which store partners speak best about.

Thus, you can find out how much you can earn on affiliate programs in Admitad before you try to advertise some store products or games.

By the way, thanks to Admitad it became obvious that now most profitable affiliate programs:

  1. Cashback services;
  2. Chinese products;
  3. Online Games;
  4. Household goods stores;
  5. Cosmetics.

5. BetAdvert - Real Sports Betting Predictions

BetAdvert is an affiliate program from the site BetFaq, which make betting predictions on sports events. By the way, they manage to make the correct forecast in 70% of cases.

They differ from other sites in that they have free predictions that work really well. And if they do not guess the outcome, they do not change the result, but honestly put all the statistics on display.

On BetAdvert, you get 50% of the income from each attracted client. And the minimum check is 1,000 rubles. What makes this affiliate program one of the most successful!

6. VseMayki is the best partner for selling outerwear

AllMikes is the most popular online store where you can create your own style of clothes, dishes and covers, while all things are quite cheap.

Moreover, if someone buys the things you create in this store, then you are paid 3% of the sale. About a million people visit the site every month! And you have a chance not only to create a beautiful thing, but also to earn on sales.

Another interesting way to make money is to create a VKontakte group, where a person sees original things and will go to the site to order. Well, you get 25% of the profit from sales for this.

The last and most popular way to make money on this site is simply to recommend it to friends. Having said that there you can buy cheap things of good quality and at the same time create your own design! From what you will also receive 25% of the profit.

7. ApiShops is the best product affiliate program

ApiShops is a unique affiliate platform that allows you to earn on various products. For example, a webmaster can create an entire store and earn a percentage of sales.

And a marketer can launch contextual advertising or add ads manually in various blogs, forums and even social networks, where there is a high income from goods.

ApiShops has been recognized as the best affiliate program among the sale of goods for several years now. The average income per 1,000 visitors is 1,500 rubles, which makes it number 1!

8. QComment - earnings on tasks on the Internet

QComment- the most profitable job exchange on the Internet, where earnings vary from 200 to 1,500 rubles per day (if you complete tasks).

Only one attracted user will already bring 10% of the profit from their own income on the exchange. That is, if he earns 200 rubles a day, then you get 20 rubles from him.

Well, if you brought a customer to the site, then you get 20% of the profit from each order. I almost forgot that attracted partners are assigned to you for life!

It is enough to attract about 100 referrals to create an income of 1,000 rubles per day. Therefore, this job exchange is considered the best in its segment.

9. Air is the best affiliate program for YouTube channel

If you are going to make money from YouTube ads, then you should definitely look at the affiliate program. Air. True, she requires to have from 10,000 views and at least 500 subscribers.

Most popular video bloggers cooperate with them and advise others. All because they provide the most transparent scheme of work.

Standard payments of partner rewards are:

  • 70% receive weak channels;
  • 75% - from 500 thousand views per month;
  • 80% - from 1 million views per month;
  • 85% - from 5 million views per month;
  • 90% - from 10 million views per month.

And the minimum payout is $100, which is quite easily and quickly transferred to a bank card.

10. PrivateFX - turned out to be a pyramid (SCAM)

PrivateFX is a new forex broker that is rapidly gaining momentum. Thanks to constant contests and promotions, I easily find clients.

Just imagine that for one registration your client already receives $100, though they can be spent on investments in PAMM accounts or something else within the broker.

But when people start investing money, you will receive $100 for each active client, 10% for investments in PAMM accounts and 5% for any investment in binary options.

Of course, there are many other profitable affiliate programs on the Internet that can be safely called “the best 2016-2017 in their segment”.

However, I provided the best affiliate programs with which I had to work and they now bring the biggest profit of all, so do not judge strictly.

As I said at the beginning, to make money on affiliate programs, you do not need to create a website. And if you are wondering what other ways there are to make money on PP, then go - .

Evgeny Malyar

# Business on affiliate programs

The best product affiliate programs

Find out where to connect with an affiliate program selling jewelry, original t-shirts and hundreds of thousands of other products.

The volume of sales of goods via the Internet is constantly increasing. This year, the turnover of online trading in the Russian Federation exceeded 1.1 trillion rubles and continues to grow.

Now every person who owns a computer and has access to the Internet can become a partner of a large retail network with a strong desire. The easiest way to earn money in this sector of the economy is provided by commodity affiliate programs.

Product affiliate programs for online stores

The list of affiliate programs for the online store is quite large.

There are many products to choose from: auto parts, dietary supplements, clothing, shoes, jewelry and much, much more. We will present you the TOP 5 affiliate programs, which have proven themselves well on the Runet, with high-quality, exclusive and profitable goods.


  • A wide range of product offers (beauty and health, electronics, toys, emergency goods);
  • Variety of promotional materials;
  • Many types of traffic are allowed, including teaser networks, doorways, email newsletters;
  • Instant payouts, no hold;
  • Flexible statistics with an excellent set of analytics tools;
  • Individual working conditions for all offers are possible;
  • Friendly and prompt technical support.

CPAgetti is suitable for both experienced webmasters and beginners, and a huge selection of offers will allow you to monetize any traffic.

Positions itself as "CPA-network No. 1 in the CIS." We cannot confirm or deny this, since there are a lot of criteria for evaluating such sites, and each network has its own advantages and disadvantages in one aspect or another.


This program has the main advantages that the partner is provided with:

  • Optimization for search engines;
  • Comfortable settings for the affiliate store account;
  • Stable accrual in the amount of 25% of the check with the possibility of additional "cheating";
  • Withdrawal of money without lower limit.

On the product affiliate website, you can create t-shirts, cups or mouse pads with your own design.

Go to colorado


Another very interesting trading partner of an online jewelry store, however, within the framework of this specialization, it is possible to focus the attention of the audience on a narrow assortment, for example, rings or earrings. The participant of the program operates with an assortment of 10,000 pieces of jewelry, each of which is always in stock. Wherein:

  • The average order amount is 5 thousand. rub;
  • Commission affiliate percentage is chosen independently up to 30%;
  • Orders are processed very quickly.

Go to Gold Affiliate

lead bit

Well-known foreign commodity partner. She started her work in 2013.

Network advantages:

  • Higher payouts compared to Russian counterparts;
  • Wide range of geotargeting (Eurasia, South America);
  • Payments in dollars;
  • Fast withdrawal of funds.

Also on the site there is a large selection of offers, a user-friendly interface and a functional personal account. The network constantly holds promotions and drawings of gifts for webmasters.

Go to LeadBit

Commodity CPA network

Many online stores and websites prefer to cooperate with CPA networks. The advantage of cooperation with similar sites is a wider selection of products for promotion. You can promote just about anything – credit cards, clothes, food, games, books… The list is endless. Your attention - the most popular commodity CPA-networks in Russia and the CIS.


The most popular platform among webmasters. More than a thousand different offers, stable payouts and regular promotions. For thousands of users, admitad is the main source of high income.

Go to Admitad


Another authority among Russian CPA directories. Offers more than 20 million products, and a wide geography for advertising. Among the advertisers you will find well-known American, European and even Australian companies. Webmasters are provided with landing pages, statistics and a lot of promotional materials. Depending on the chosen offer, payments are made in euros, dollars or rubles.

Go to actionpay

CPA network whose main product is financial services. Among the offers there are well-known banks in the CIS, online lending services, payment systems. Promotions are regularly held among webmasters, in which you can win decent amounts of money, a car, and even an apartment.

Go to Leads

Where is the elephant

Affiliate network cooperating with well-known online stores from all over the world. The site features 3 million products from a variety of categories. A wide range of webmaster tools and a large selection of promotional materials are offered.

Go to gdeslon


Relatively young CPA network, which is already popular among users. Payments to any payment system are possible, the minimum amount is one ruble. The network does not limit the affiliate in the form and sources of traffic, it accepts leads from any country.