File sharing services that pay per download. How to make money on file hosting all the secrets and chips for high profits. Where to place links, we are looking for warezniks with high traffic

File hosting is a service that provides a place for storing and transferring information. The essence of such earnings is that the person who posted his file (video, music, image, text document) receives a reward for each download of his information.

Very often you need to transfer some information to relatives or friends, but send it to e-mail for too long, posting on social networks will give access to unwanted people. In such situations, file hosting will help. All the required information is loaded there, and then the resulting link is sent to the people to whom these files are intended. Information can be downloaded from anywhere in the world using the link provided.

By the same principle, the organization of earnings on file hosting occurs. With each download, the money will be credited to the account from which the distributed file is uploaded. For maximum profit, you can simultaneously register on multiple file hosting sites.

How to start making money on file hosting?

  1. Register e-wallet. Almost all Russian services work with the most popular webmoney payment system, when working with foreign file sharing, it is best to have paypal;
  2. Register and activate your account on the most famous and reliable services that provide the opportunity to earn money by distributing files;
  3. Upload to your accounts in file sharing interesting and relevant files. Many beginners are interested in the question: where to get files to make money on file sharing? Of course, it is better to create your own unique videos, images, etc. But you can also distribute downloaded information on the Internet. Torrents are the best for this. You need to select the most popular movies, clips, tracks, software installers and upload to your storage on the service to earn money. But do not forget about copyright, not all information can be used for your own commercial purposes;
  4. Maximum Link Spread to download uploaded files. Platforms for advertising their links can be anything: messages to friends, social networks, forums, comments on blogs, sites, own Internet resources, bulletin boards. It is necessary to describe the file offered for download as fully as possible so that the user would certainly want to have it on his computer.

Factors affecting earnings

There are many circumstances that can affect profits. And at work it is worth considering them in the first place.

  • Income directly depends on number of files filled for distribution. By placing 100 text documents on the service, the profit can and will be, but very low. A good file sharing business can be built with thousands of file sharing databases;
  • Number of downloads. The more interesting and relevant the information, the more users will want to download it;
  • The price per thousand files depends primarily on the size of the file. Therefore, it is more profitable to upload videos (movies or training videos) to file hosting services than text documents or images. But this does not mean that small files should be discounted, with videos it is much easier to violate copyrights and receive a warning from the administration of the service. Money is credited to the account after each download, and not for the total 1000 downloads;
  • Cooperation with affiliate programs. As a rule, file sharing does not just pay money to all registered users. To be able to earn on the dissemination of information, you must read and agree to the rules of affiliate programs;
  • The country in which the user is located that downloads the information also affects the income. For users from the USA, Germany and a number of other countries, they pay more.
  • Link socialization. The more posts with a link to download will be posted on the Internet, the greater the likelihood of downloads;

You can use special software with which to place links on the pages of Internet resources. Most of this software is paid - AllSubmitter, ADDNEWS, Khrumer. There is also a free option - Fillin.

Most popular earning sites

For good earnings, you should post as much interesting information as possible on file hosting services, it is better if it is also unique. Here are some of the most common services for making money:

  • DepositFiles is the most popular file sharing service. This service is considered the most popular resource among users, which is designed to store and send information on the Internet. To start earning, you must enter into a partnership agreement.
  • The next after in the list of popular file sharing services is DepositFiles. An interesting and good free hosting that does not set limits on file storage, subject to certain conditions. The project has closed.
  • is a universal hosting service that is also a free file sharing service. There is a limit on file storage, after the last download, the file is stored only 45 days.

File sharing is an excellent option for building passive income, since once you post a file and links to it, you can still receive income from its downloads for a long time.

The service allows copywriters to earn money - they pay for writing articles for sites, creating new topics on forums, writing comments on them. You can also earn on rewriting, copy-paste and translations of the text. Excellent promoted service, a lot of work...

Hosting for Drupal 8

Developing a new site, as usual I chose "Drupal" (at the time of writing, the newest stable version is 8).

In general, I think this "engine" is the best. But, as you know, there is not as much documentation in Russian as we would like, and in view of the wide possibilities of Drupal, its lack can sometimes create difficulties for webmasters who have recently started working with this system, and not only for beginners... For example, I have been working with this CMS for more than 8 years, but when solving complex problems, sometimes there are difficulties, because I do not speak English at the proper level. Although, when the problem can be solved, once again you are convinced of how good and convenient Drupal is in terms of its capabilities.

Sliding panel on "Mootools"

In this lesson, we will devote to creating pop-up panels for the site.

We will need the slightest idea about "Mootools" and, of course, knowledge of the CSS styles needed to create its design.

Before you start, download the source archive file. There you will also find an example of the resulting panel (index.html).

Let's start implementing...

How to make a lot of money on the Internet - with what you can do it

Fundamentals of internal optimization of sites for search engines

The process of optimizing websites for search engines is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Internal optimization- optimization of internal site factors (code, site structure, content). It is necessary to initially make your site attractive to search engines, so as not to increase the amount of work for yourself as you move forward.
  2. External optimization- improving the position of the site due to external factors (buying links, exchange, etc.).

Today I would like to talk separately about internal optimization and highlight the main points.

How to Take a Screenshot in Windows 7, 8, 10 or XP

Screenshot (screenshot) Screen is a feature that allows you to quickly copy everything that is currently displayed on your monitor. In fact, this is an instant photo of your monitor, automatically saved (mostly in .png format).

A quick screen shot may be required in various situations. For example, if you receive error messages, which can greatly help the master who will perform the repair, if you need to write instructions to explain how to work in any program or on a specific site, or if you have achieved certain results in a computer game and would like to save their display for memory.

How to do a system restore in Windows 7, 8, 10 or XP

Self-installation of software on a PC is associated with a certain risk, which can be expressed in damage to the correct operation of the entire system or the removal of some useful functions and settings that were convenient for the user.

That is why, very it is important to provide for the possibility of a quick return to the original state without losing important settings and files.

For this purpose, Windows provides a special function for system recovery, which allows you to create Windows state checkpoints. The latter make it possible to restore the PC software to a previous state.

How to make a bootable USB flash drive in Windows 7, 8, 10 or XP

Despite the fact that initially the licensed operating system is provided on CD-ROMs, they are not always suitable for installation on a PC. This may be due to a drive failure or its complete absence, which is a common practice for netbooks and budget laptops.

However, if a CD drive may be missing, then it is difficult to imagine a modern computer without a USB port, which means that in order to install the Windows OS on such a device, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive.

What is an error when executing a server application

The disk space of the PC fills up quite chaotically... In other words, when you create a folder with data, it is only displayed as a single entity, but in physical form it can be located in different parts of the hard disk.

When filling a disk with a large amount of information, and taking into account the modern size of a hard drive, this is sometimes terabytes of information. Such a mess can cause various problems in the operation of the Windows operating system (7, 8, 10 or XP).

First of all, - This is displayed on the speed of the PC, which sometimes makes it difficult for various applications and programs to work.

To solve this problem Windows OS performs hard disk defragmentation, which is the process of sorting and redistributing the files of each program into the nearest memory locations.

Defragmenting is pretty easy. At the same time, strictly following the sequence, you can not be afraid to delete any information. However, it is better for beginners to pre-set a system restore point.

Evgeny Malyar

# Online business

Where and how much can you earn?

For example, Turbobit pays $30 for 1000 downloads of your file. Find out the rates and conditions of other services presented in the article right now.

Article navigation

  • How to make money on file hosting
  • Where does the money come from
  • What can be downloaded
  • Content and copyright
  • Beginning of work
  • Promotion
  • earnings
  • The best file sharing services to make money in 2019
  • Domestic and foreign file hosting, TOP-5

It is difficult to find a person who has never downloaded anything on the Internet. Movies and other videos, books, photos, games, some programs and other products are usually available for free. But few have thought about why anyone would upload files for public use.

By uploading interesting content to file sharing services, users provide themselves with the opportunity to receive passive income.. How to implement this method of earning, will be discussed further.

How to make money on file hosting

There are a lot of ways to earn income on the Internet, and file hosting is one of them.

At its core, a file hosting service is a site that provides storage of large amounts of information and two-way access to them. This means that files can be both downloaded and uploaded.

By posting this or that information on such a site, the user seeks to earn. A beginner does not always understand the schemes for making a profit, and, frankly, they are generally far from being of interest to everyone. At the same time, people tend to strive to understand the processes in which they participate, and therefore this issue requires clarification.

Where does the money come from

There are only three sources of income for file sharing services: download fees, the sale of "premium packages" and the traditional income from advertising for all popular Internet resources.

Paid downloads

The scheme works very simply: the user must pay a certain amount for the file. From the point of view of the owner of the material, this order seems to be the most logical.

In an ordinary store selling books, CDs or software, it is difficult to imagine a situation where the buyer demands to give him the goods for free. Free files are available on torrents.

Premium Packages

A method that is obvious to anyone who has ever tried to download a movie or music album to their own computer. It consists of a proposal to do it very quickly. The visitor is given a choice between an increased speed, at which information will come from the resource in just a few seconds (or minutes, depending on the size) and a regular channel, through which the same thing will sometimes last for hours.

For the time saved, you will have to pay some rather modest amount. The premium mode is purchased not forever, but for a certain period or in relation to a specific file, and does not attract everyone. The reason is simple: why pay for something you can get for free? Cases of extreme and urgent need for information are quite rare, and the download process does not interfere with other activities at all. But objectively there are premium users and they bring their share of income to file hosting services.


This income needs no explanation. Any site that gathers a large number of visitors can serve as a means of promoting commercial products. It hosts affiliate links, ads, banners. It is also practiced to wait for the start of the download, accompanied by a commercial.

So, how a typical file hosting site makes money is clear. Now it's time to move on to ways to fill it with content, without which the existence of the resource loses all meaning. Visitors come here to download something. They are looking for different information, and the wider the choice, the higher the likelihood of success.

What can be downloaded

Earnings on files presupposes their presence. A legitimate question arises about the sources of information that serve as content or can act as content, and different advisers answer it in different ways.

Exploitation of someone else's material

The simplest, and therefore the most common method of finding "hot" materials is to determine their popularity. The service will help with this, which will show how many requests in the search engine have been made for a particular product. It remains only to take possession of the desired file and move it to the file sharing service, but already on its own behalf. The method is good and efficient, if only because of its low labor intensity, but it has a number of drawbacks, especially in terms of copyright compliance (more on that later).

Own content

In fact, this is not about writing a literary work that is stunning in its artistic merits (although, of course, such an approach can only be welcomed), but most often about using materials that are unique for some reason.

For example, a user owns a collection of acetate discs that he inherited from his great-grandfather. These vintage records can be digitized and made available to lovers of history and similar music. Another case - there is a file of the Niva magazine for 1904 or "Workers" half a century ago, which remains only to be scanned. There are many options, but when implementing them, one should objectively assess the degree of likely popularity of such specific content.

Content and copyright

Any materials for which the copyright has already expired can be used as files.

In practice, this rule is often violated due to the problematic control and mass character of the phenomenon. However, everyone who was looking for some music or movies on the Internet is familiar with the inscription on the screen notifying about the deletion of the file at the request of the copyright holder. It should be borne in mind that file hosting sites are not required to check information for compliance with intellectual property rights - all responsibility rests with the releaser. But these consequences do not frighten many at all - the worst thing that can happen is that the file will have to be deleted.

Beginning of work

Now that the main theoretical points are clarified, it's time to move on to practical issues. Earnings on downloading, like any other, requires compliance with the technological stages.

The sequence of actions in cooperation with file-sharing sites looks something like this:

  1. Choose a thematic focus. An “omnivorous” releaser who focuses only on the popularity of individual materials is practically doomed to failure in the same way as a copywriter who willingly takes on any task, regardless of knowledge in a particular area. Those who understand the laid out material have the advantage.
  2. Register on a file hosting site;
  3. Create an electronic wallet (WebMoney is recommended as the most popular payment system);
  4. Download content;
  5. Provide information support;
  6. Get income.

This scheme, of course, is described in general terms and needs clarification, especially in terms of the penultimate paragraph. Any, even the most high-quality and demanded materials, will not be downloaded in quantities sufficient for normal earnings, if potential consumers do not know about their existence and location.


The advantage of making money on downloads is that the releaser does not sell anything, and therefore the rules that apply to almost all resources regarding advertising do not apply to his actions. You can use any channels to post links, including social networks, forums and other available resources. If you have your own website and it is quite popular, then you can’t think of anything better.

The most important channel for notifying the audience about the appearance of new content available for download is reasonably considered to be warez sites, whose task is to advertise information, in particular, news. They are something like a virtual bulletin board where everyone can find something interesting for themselves.

The rules used by a releaser in promoting their posted material are broadly consistent with marketing practices for any other product, including with regard to:

  • choice of target audience;
  • brevity and capacity of the information provided in the accompanying text;
  • expressiveness of means of design;
  • promises of positive results.


Any commercial initiative begins with finding out how much you can earn on a particular activity, and cooperation with file hosting is no exception. As in all such cases, no one ever names a specific amount, and the possible “fork” of income is so wide that it makes no sense to specify it.

The process of accruing earnings is based on one thousand downloads and on different resources it ranges from three to $45, depending on the size of the uploaded file. The main criterion for the amount of income is the number of downloads of your file.

You should not discount the possibility of earning using referral links, attracting new users and receiving a percentage of their income.

The best file sharing services to make money in 2019

All sites for making money for uploading files can be conditionally divided into Russian and foreign. They also differ in the volume available for free for filling by each of the releasers.

Some of the listed file-sharing sites pay for the installation of advertising software, which at the same time saves the user from annoying banners and ads. You can read about these and other additional conditions on the registration page.

Domestic and foreign file hosting, TOP-5

According to various criteria, the top best file sharing services that pay for downloading have been compiled. This is what it looks like in 2019.

Hi all! In the last article, I wrote about and in the sequel I decided to write a review about the best file hosting services for making money on the Internet. I will tell you how you can make money on file hosting what are file hosting services, what is their purpose.

Earnings on file sharing services quite a powerful tool that brings high income. You can work with file hosting even without your own website. Having accounts on blogs, forums, you can easily get rich, the main thing is that your files that you provide are in demand, since earnings will depend on the number of downloaded files. Briefly tell how to make money on file hosting.

  1. First you need to register on all the file sharing services below.
  2. Next, look for files that are in demand and download them
  3. We prepare the file, come up with a tempting thematic file name.
  4. After preparing the file, upload it to file hosting.
  5. We give the file a description and characteristics on the file sharing service.
  6. All the file is ready for download, you can distribute the link on thematic blogs or forums. If you have a site you visit, use it.

As you can see, it is very easy to make money on files, the main thing is to upload files that are of interest to users. Many are looking for the secret to making good money on file hosting, I'll tell you this - there are no secrets, it's all a lure, follow the rules for making money on files that I have listed and you will succeed.

And now it's time to list best file hosting to make money money on the Internet.

List of file hosting

SKA4AY- a file hosting service that offers to earn money by downloading your files, has a referral program. It is the best file hosting service in 2016, and I hope it will not let you down in 2017 either. I advise everyone!!

GIGAPETA - it seems like they write that it’s a good file sharing service, but I didn’t use it much and haven’t withdrawn money yet, it was founded in 2007, we try it and comment.

RAPIDGATOR - File hosting offers to earn money by downloading files, it seems like not bad money, up to 1000Mb 20$, over 1000Mb 40$.

DISCSPASE - this file hosting service pays the most, for downloading one file from 2 to 3 rubles, payments to a Yandex wallet, webmoney and qiwi will soon appear.

COSTACTION is an affiliate program of file sharing services that includes TURBOBIT and HITFILE, so let's say 3 file sharing services in one, very convenient.

TURBOBIT - excellent file sharing, pays 30 dollars for 1000 downloads of one file, the file must weigh at least 1 mb, imagine how much you can earn from downloading your files.

HITFILE - newest file sharing, looks like TURBOBIT, the conditions for earning are the same.

FILE SEVEN- I supplement the list with a file hosting service. This file sharing service pays, verified! Added new features, landing pages for downloading your files. Payouts to different payment systems. They pay 5 r for one download.

Today we will try to reveal the main secrets of making money on file hosting (FO) or downloading files, which, in principle, are the same thing. This type of income is remarkable in that the user does not have to be a web specialist and load himself with some specific skills. In addition, you do not need your own website to make money with the help of file hosting. Nevertheless, this type of income cannot be called passive, so you will have to put in a lot of effort to get a good profit.

What is a file host?

Before we outline the main stages of making money on the Internet on file sharing services, let's take a closer look at what it is. FO is a resource that provides its users with a place to store data. There can be video content, music, photos and any other information.

It is here that the selfish component appears, that is, earnings on file hosting. You, as they say, kill two birds with one stone: share files and earn money at the same time.

Earning scheme

All FIs pay their users to download their shared data, which means that for each download of your file, you will receive a predetermined monetary reward.

The scheme for earning money on file hosting is quite simple: you place files in the selected service, then distribute links to them over the Web and to friends, users download them, and you get a reward. Everything looks simple, but there are some little tricks here that allow you to get noticeably more profit.

Most of these services do not pay for individual data, but on the basis of 1000 downloads, where for this conventional unit you will be paid from about $5 to $15. If you think about it, not everyone will have a thousand friends, and moreover, they must also be interested in downloading your files. Yes, and such a modest income on file sharing, like $ 5-15, is unlikely to suit you. This is where you need to know some tricks and tricks to get an acceptable income. But first things first.

Why does the service pay us?

For a complete picture of what is happening, let's figure out why FIs pay their users. Yes, they spend a lot of money to maintain their resource and give webmasters a huge amount of data storage space. So why do they also pay extra for downloading?

Everything is simple here. Such services make a very good profit on all kinds of advertising, as well as on the distribution of premium accounts among webmasters, which, by the way, cost a lot of money. By and large, all rewards from the FI are a percentage of the visitors brought, that is, of the traffic.

Site owners

One of the main advantages of making money on file hosting is the ability to receive money without having your own website. However, for resource owners, there are brighter prospects for making a profit with the help of FIs.

First, it is space saving. The provider charges money from the webmaster for the used gigabytes, including a lot of them, so here you can not only save on data storage, but also earn at the same time.

Secondly, it is visibility. Visitors to your site see a detailed description of the downloaded file or some images, supplemented by a video sequence. Having thoroughly read the necessary information, the user is more likely to click on the download link, as if it were on the FO itself.

And thirdly, service loyalty. Almost all resources of this kind are held for webmasters who have their own sites, some promotions, enter into long-term contracts, provide access to a more flexible price range, etc., allowing you to significantly increase earnings on file hosting. Reviews of many Internet users point to the fact that, having your own website, you can increase your profits by almost several times.

How to increase income?

Let's try to figure out how to increase earnings and get a decent income from these services. As mentioned above, income can be obtained without a website and with one. The only thing worth clarifying is that the profit directly depends on the number of visitors to your resource, that is, the more users, the higher the income. Everything is clear here.

Consider the option when there is no site of your own and there are no opportunities to make it up either.

What we need to earn:

  • content to fill in the FD;
  • resources where we will provide links to this content;
  • users who will download this data.

The algorithm is usually the following. We are looking for information in demand on the Web, that is, data that will be of interest to a large circle of users. Next, we download them to our computer and, if necessary, process them (archive, classify, etc.). Then we upload them to a file hosting service to earn money and get links for subsequent placement.

Business features

Now you need to find thematic resources on the Web with high traffic. In order to designate a list of such sites for yourself, it is enough to type a key phrase in a search engine and the first ten links will be exactly what we need. For example, you uploaded an archive with some mods for the Skyrim game to the FD. We score in the search for "Skyrim mods" and open each site in turn. As a rule, each resource has, if not a forum, then the possibility of commenting - for sure. We leave our links there.