Find a factory in China. Where and how to find suppliers of any goods in China or Russia for online stores and not only. Where to find suppliers from and how to check them

Today, a significant number of factories are concentrated in the Middle Kingdom, but it is quite difficult to find manufacturers. Starting to search for a manufacturing plant, no one guarantees that you will not fall into a reseller. Often, a promoted site is actually a Chinese reseller who does not have an office that has its own percentage. An even worse option is that you will stumble upon real scammers, the number of which is growing every year.

How to contact Chinese manufacturers and not be deceived? How to check the production scale and directly the quality of the goods? There are several ways to find manufacturers to start cooperation.

The best Chinese manufacturers: how to find

  • The Internet has become the most widespread. Take advantage of business platforms such as alibaba, made-in-china, etc. It will not be possible to list all of them. On the Internet you will find a huge amount of resources with a database that lists the best Chinese manufacturers.
  • Visiting exhibitions in China, which are held every year. However, remember: everyone can exhibit - even trading companies, even manufacturing plants. An opinion is immediately formed that reputable companies participate in exhibitions. But some manufacturers who have managed to prove themselves can afford to miss such events. After all, they already have a load on orders, or the line has already been planned and there is not enough time for new orders.
  • Printed business publications.
  • Portals. It also happens that manufacturers themselves enter the Russian market in order to find wholesale customers. This is beneficial for new producers. You can meet something similar on the corresponding b2b portals.
  • Please contact your business representative in China. This method is the most correct and provides guarantees. There is a very small chance that a request you place on free classifieds will work. If you need cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, which brings good profit, then this method is for you. You can safely cast aside fears and inexperience and boldly get down to business. Start your activity through intermediary companies with many years of experience in this field. So you protect yourself from economic, financial and legal risks in China.

The largest Chinese manufacturers: what to look for when choosing

The first thing worth noting is information about the area of ​​the plant, production lines, and the number of employees. Not all Chinese understand that a factory is a large-scale workshop with several production lines. Some of them suggest that it can be passed off as a handicraft workshop, in which there is not a single competent specialist. Accordingly, the quality of the goods is at a low level. Ideally, if you personally visit the plant and see firsthand what you have to deal with.

Check the factory for certificates. This document indicates the quality of products and allows you to establish a real manufacturer. The certificates must indicate the manufacturer of the goods - MANUFACTURER. In the document you will also find the actual address of the production.

When requesting a price and invoice, be sure to compare the name of the company and their location. Because there are some inconsistencies. If the factory is located in one place, and the invoice indicates a company located somewhere in the province, then you have landed on a trading company.

For those interested in serious investments, there is one correct and effective option - a personal trip to China.

Why Yiwu
In the city of Yiwu in southern China, entrepreneurs from Russia are attracted by the Futien wholesale market. This is a huge complex of five buildings 3-4 floors high. All their interior space is occupied by showrooms of factories located in the vicinity of the city. In total there are over 70 thousand representatives of Chinese factories.

Futien Market in Yiwu, China, is a huge city within a city. Only instead of districts it is divided into commodity niches

It is not easy to navigate on the Futien without preparation. You need at least a guide, and better - an experienced and qualified guide. Well, for starters - recommendations and first-hand information from a knowledgeable person. Your personal interpreter in Yiwu is ready to take on the role of a knowledgeable person. He knows where and what to look for on the Futien.

What can you buy at Futien

A short list of the hottest items at Futien Market in Yiwu:

  • accessories, bijouterie, accessories;
  • dishes and household goods;
  • toys, goods for children, stationery;
  • sporting goods;
  • artificial flowers;
  • fabrics, yarn, clothing, hosiery, bedding;
  • belts, bags, wallets;
  • manicure products, cosmetics, hairdressing products.

Why Futien is better than Alibaba

Two key differences between the Futien market and online marketplaces like Alibaba, Taobao or

  1. On Futien you can find goods cheaper. Not always, but possible.
  2. Futien has goods that are not available on the Internet sites where most wholesalers from Russia buy.

Previously, we purchased products for manicure and beauty, which we supply in bulk to Russia, at now - on "Futien" 20% cheaper.On the Internet bought from an intermediary. Now - directly from the manufacturer.

Previously, we took these and other manicure products from an intermediary on the Internet. And at Futien we found a manufacturer from whom we buy 20% cheaper

How to use the service "Personal interpreter in Yiwu"

You can start your acquaintance with the Futien market with a virtual visit. Here is how to organize such a visit:

  1. You order the service "Personal interpreter in Yiwu" from us. For this on our website. In it, you indicate the product niches of interest and your wishes for price, quality, and the minimum lot of goods.
  2. Our specialist selects from 10 to 40 suppliers for each product niche you are interested in, collects their prices, business cards and photo samples and sends it all to you. This job will take him one day.
  3. If everything suits you, we interact with the suppliers of your choice: we order and pay for the goods, check them in our office, pack and ship to your address. Delivery will cost from $1 per 1 kg and will take from 14 days.

The result of the service "Personal interpreter in Yiwu" - business cards, price lists and product photos from 10 to 40 suppliers

If at the stage of ordering the goods you want to communicate directly with the supplier, we are ready to provide a qualified, experienced translator. And if you decide to visit Yiwu yourself - help in the optimal organization of the trip.

When to go to Yiwu

The trip will be justified if you plan:

  • develop business with China;
  • find new ideas for development;
  • launch new lines of business;
  • place production orders in China - including under your own brand;
  • find new suppliers;
  • cut costs;
  • expand the range;
  • buy goods from the manufacturer, and not through intermediaries.

If you already have suppliers in Yiwu, it's time to meet them in person. And with a new partner, it is optimal to start a relationship with a personal meeting.

In Chinese business culture, personal relationships between partners are of key importance. Therefore, a personal meeting is an additional protection against marriage and deceit. And also - the opportunity to negotiate a personal discount.

Our specialists are located in China, rotate in the local business environment, know the realities of the market and the peculiarities of the mentality. All this will allow them to help you get the most out of your meetings with potential Chinese partners.

If you want to visit Yiwu in person, we will help you organize a trip, visits to the market and factories of interest, provide an experienced translator

During your visit to Yiwu, you will be able to:

  • visit the showrooms of interested suppliers and the factories themselves;
  • choose a product that is suitable for price, quality and minimum lot;
  • establish personal contacts with suppliers.

Our services in Yiwu:

  • meeting at the airport and hotel accommodation;
  • provision of a qualified and experienced translator - $70 per working day from 9:00 to 18:00;
  • ordering goods according to your wishes;
  • quality control and deadlines for the execution of your order;
  • sending goods to Russia.

Not all vendors in the Futien market have an export license. And without it, China cannot accept payments from foreign buyers. We are ready to take over the solution of this problem. The money will go to our account, and we will pay the supplier. In this case, all negotiations, including those about a personal discount, you will conduct directly with the supplier.

Image: Reuters

China remains the world's largest supplier of industrial and consumer goods. And if earlier the competitive advantage was based on the principle of "a lot and cheap", now technologies and innovations are becoming a new vector of economic development. How to find a manufacturer in China? Where to look and where to start? We suggest considering several search methods.

Specialized Internet Platforms

What are their advantages? The platforms guarantee the trustworthiness of the supplier, ensure the security of transactions and have a clear dispute resolution algorithm. However, you should carefully approach the choice - study the description and rating of the seller. It must be remembered that not all participants are manufacturers; trading companies are also registered here.

These sites have several language versions, including Russian. But still, we recommend that you always additionally use the English version, it is always the most complete and reliable. Also, these platforms have quite convenient mobile applications with a wide range of options.

Note that has a Chinese analogue - the wholesale B2B platform, focused exclusively on the domestic market of China. Not all suppliers on it have an export permit, and someone is not at all interested in working with a foreign buyer, since they do not have such experience. However, you can write to the manufacturer, ask about the availability of permission, payment options and logistics. But most likely, it will have to be done in Chinese. Because the platform is targeted at the Chinese market, the registration procedure and payment methods are also designed for users from China.

Wholesale markets and shopping "cities" in China

Of course, this way of finding a Chinese supplier is not relevant for all industries and forms of business. But if this option is suitable for solving your problem, you should not neglect it.

On the map of China, several centers of international trade can be distinguished - entire market cities. Each of them has its own specialization: Yiwu, for example, is light industry, consumer goods and toys, Zhengzhou - textiles, Shenzhen - electronics, Foshan - furniture and ceramics, Guzhen - light. Guangzhou occupies a special place among them, there are dozens of specialized markets of various subjects.

As part of our project, we have compiled a list of the most interesting markets and shopping centers.


Visiting thematic exhibitions provides an opportunity to see samples of goods, personally meet a representative of a factory or plant, ask questions and discuss the terms of cooperation.

Hundreds of the largest trade events, highly specialized and multidisciplinary exhibitions are held in China with amazing frequency.

The largest event is the Import and Export Goods Exhibition, or Canton Fair, which is held in Guangzhou twice a year, attracting about 25,500 exhibitors and almost 200,000 buyers from all over the world. Each session of the exhibition is divided into three stages dedicated to certain product groups. Machine tools, equipment, special equipment, transport and spare parts, electronics, chemistry, building materials and light are presented in the first week. The second stage - consumer goods, decor, furniture, toys, gifts and souvenirs. The final week is devoted to clothing, shoes, textiles, bags and suitcases, sporting goods, medical products and food.

How to get to the Canton Fair? You can easily do it yourself - just go through a simple pre-registration procedure on the official website of the exhibition and get a buyer's badge on the spot. The site provides instructions, including in Russian. If you wish, you can order escort and translation services - find a translator in specialized communities, focusing on positive reviews, or contact a company providing such services. In the first case, there is a risk of getting a low-quality service, in the second case, the guarantor of quality work is the company's reputation.

It should be taken into account that a trip to an exhibition in China requires additional time and financial costs, including visa processing, flights, accommodation, meals, transportation costs within the country, and translation services. What's the alternative?

Many Chinese manufacturers interested in expanding the sales market are actively participating in foreign exhibitions, including in Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, you can start your search at domestic exhibitions, where the Chinese themselves come. As a rule, on the website of the event, you can familiarize yourself with the list of foreign exhibitors in advance, “google” the names of participating companies in order to learn more about them.

Many people know about or have heard of it. Although for some reason this resource remains not the most obvious solution for finding a manufacturer in China.

Behind the abbreviation is not a wholesale online store and not just a marketplace. HKTDC - Hong Kong Trade Council, Hong Kong Trade Development Council. This public organization with over 60 years of history hosts over 300 exhibitions and special trade events per year, networking meetings and promotional events.

HKTDC provides a B2B platform to search for products among more than 130,000 verified manufacturers. These are Hong Kong legal entities, which, as a rule, have production directly on the territory of mainland China.

The trading platform has versions of the mobile application for both iOS and Android, as well as the ability to select the Russian language. A feature of the platform is its focus on medium and small volumes of purchases and assistance in finding a particular product.

Partner in China

Can be trusted to a third party. Options for solving this problem may be different depending on the volume of supplies, the specifics of the business and other factors - from freelance services to comprehensive services in a company with a strong reputation.

If you are planning to supply goods in large volumes, but are not ready to participate in the process in China, then it is advisable to consider working with a company specializing in supply chain management. In this case, you save yourself from dealing with all operational, legal and financial nuances, issues of quality control and logistics organization. You will receive ready-made schemes of work, you will be able to assess the volume of necessary investments and eliminate possible risks.

Do you have any questions? or us, we will help you find a manufacturer that meets your needs and needs.

China is the largest supplier of goods in the world. There are several tens of thousands of enterprises producing everything from clothing to modern smartphones. Low labor costs and high competition oblige entrepreneurs to sell goods cheaply and in bulk from China.

Many people are making millions simply by reselling Chinese goods for a great price. To start running such a business, in addition to the initial investment and business estimate, you need to find a reliable supplier.

How to find suppliers from China

A great advantage of doing business with Chinese factories, relative to Russian ones, is a significant difference in the initial price of the goods for which it is sold in China. And the one for which the entrepreneur implements it. The greater the difference, the greater the profit the businessman expects. No other country is capable of competing in this respect. In China, there are several well-developed ports that trade with the whole world.

However, every tidbit has a downside, tasteless side. You may encounter the following issues:

  • Poor quality of the ordered product. Relevant for clothing and technology.
  • Error at the starting point.
  • Delays in the agreed and actual time of arrival.
  • False product claims.
  • Difficulty in communicating with Chinese suppliers.

To reduce risks, you need to find a reliable partner with whom it is easy to establish regular supplies from China. Following the steps below will help you find the right person or organization. All information was provided by a person who has been working in this field for a long time.

Analyze competitors

The first thing to do before buying a product from China is to conduct a competitor analysis in the area in which the business will operate. If you wish, call the manager, who, describing the positive aspects of the product, will tell about the supplier. With a serious approach to the conversation, it will be possible to pull out the necessary information. Or ask to see a certificate of authenticity. From there you need to find out the coordinates of the supplier.

Attend themed exhibitions

This option is for travelers who want to see or purchase factory-made goods. Chinese manufacturers and small factories arrange several hundred exhibitions. On them they try to demonstrate the advantages of their products or organize catalogs. There, distributors themselves are looking for buyers, so it will be easier to establish contact.

The advantage of this method is the opportunity to see and touch the goods for sale before purchasing. There is an opportunity to conclude a deal on favorable terms and have good connections in China.

*At such meetings, the exchange of contacts is a prerequisite for long-term cooperation.

Attend specialized workshops

It's always better to figure it out on your own. No one will give the correct instructions on how to sell and purchase goods from China. But attending some specialized workshops can provide several benefits:

  • Additional knowledge and advice.
  • Motivation.
  • Communication experience.
  • A good example of other businessmen.

Don't waste your money on these trainings. But if there is free time and money in reserve, you can improve your skills and supplement your knowledge.

Where to find suppliers from and how to check them

» Search for manufacturers, wholesale suppliers - factories and plants in China

With all the diversity and saturation of the Chinese market, choosing a truly reliable supplier suitable for your business, whose conditions will satisfy you both in terms of cost and quality, is a very difficult task that can require a lot of time and money. Thanks to the services of a personal, you can find any product without leaving your workplace, as well as place an order at the best prices!

Search for manufacturers in China - define goals and objectives

Businessmen resort to searching for Chinese manufacturers mainly in two cases:

  • If necessary, cheaply and efficiently produce an analogue of a certain Russian or foreign product that is already on sale;
  • If necessary, find a reliable manufacturer for a fundamentally new product, which has no analogues yet.

The second option is especially tempting. For example, if you have developed a certain product that currently has no analogues in the world or country, then at a low cost for its production, you can receive significant profit from your innovation until an analogue to it is created and even later - for an established brand in the market.

Chinese industry seems to many to be the most fertile field for the implementation of low-cost projects that promise big profits for their developers, but not everything is so simple. China is a huge country with a developed industry, which means that the prices for production at different plants and factories are far from the same.

In addition to objective factors, such as the price of raw materials, transportation costs, and more, even the language of communication affects the cost of the products of a Chinese factory. Only those entrepreneurs who are ready to communicate with their Chinese partners in Chinese can count on cheap production of their goods in China. And this means that at least you will need.

Looking for a suitable manufacturer on your own, without the help of a specialist, you risk wasting time and money. Search for factories in Guangzhou- for the implementation of this service, you need a person who not only knows the language of this country perfectly, but also understands economic aspects, who can easily navigate the situation and choose the best one for you from a variety of potential partners. Moreover, such a specialist does not base his activities on unfounded assumptions and conjectures, but on clear market analytics, experience and knowledge of the PRC.

Business services in China - Russian speaking assistant

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