How to open a mini-bakery - business plan. We open our mini-bakery from scratch: the correct algorithm of actions How much does it cost to open a bakery

  • Current trends
  • Purpose of the business plan
  • Required documents, permits
  • Project implementation - choice of premises
  • Starting capital for opening
  • staffing
  • Current expenses

A confectionery bakery is a business that does not know crises; pastries always remain a popular product. Even the economically difficult 2015 showed a slight decrease in demand for bakery and sweet products - pastries. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to open a bakery and pastry shop from scratch in 2019.

Current trends

In Russia, bread and other flour products worth 4 billion dollars are consumed annually. At the same time, the quality of bread often leaves much to be desired, so the consumer is willing to pay for rich and tasty pastries. It can only be offered by a private confectionery-bakery. Large plants cannot 100% satisfy the needs of the market in this part.

In European countries, this niche has long been filled with mini confectionery-bakeries combined with small shops or cozy cafes. In Russia, this concept is only gaining momentum, so the level of competition is not so high. Especially if you open such a business in a small town. Megacities are less attractive in this regard.

You can also open your own bakery at home or use franchises to cut down on your initial investment. To achieve success, the main thing is to provide quality to the consumer, and the choice of business concept depends on the entrepreneur himself, his financial capabilities and plans for its development.

Purpose of the business plan

The calculations below are the foundation for starting and building a business. This is a classic scheme for organizing a small bakery and confectionery, which lists what is needed and how much the essentials cost to start the project. The current prices in 2019 are taken as the basis, allowing novice entrepreneurs to find out how much it will cost to open a turnkey bakery, create a business plan for individual requirements.

The business plan allows you to open a bakery and confectionery with the following economic indicators:

  • the cost of 1 kg of products - 60 rubles;
  • daily sales - 200–400 kg of bakery, sweet products;
  • monthly operating profit - 360,000–720,000;
  • net profit - 65,000–366,000 including all expenses and taxes.

The profitability of the business is 50%, the payback period is from 6 months to a year.

We offer to download detailed confectionery bakery business plan with all calculations. We guarantee quality!

Required documents, permits

To open a small pastry bakery from scratch, you need to obtain many permits:

  1. Sanitary and epidemiological permit for production. Requirements for the premises will be discussed below.
  2. The conclusion of the SES, which is necessary for working with third-party organizations - shops, supermarkets.
  3. An environmental review should be carried out.
  4. Fire department permit. To receive it, the premises where the bakery and confectionery is located must comply with regulatory industry requirements. The main ones are: the presence of fire alarms and primary fire extinguishing equipment - fire extinguishers.
  5. Certificate of Conformity of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

A mini-bakery is a small enterprise specializing in the production of bakery products. It can work both independently and as part of HoReCa establishments, super- and hypermarkets.

Moreover, in some cities there are entire networks of bakeries that sell products through mobile points, for example, trailers. However, start-up entrepreneurs most often open one enterprise, which is located in a separate room. And for this they need to take several steps.

Step #1 - Registration Procedures

It is necessary to start opening a mini-bakery with the registration of an enterprise. In the case of a mini-bakery, you should choose from 2 options: IP and LLC. If you are already an individual entrepreneur, check if the list of activities that were indicated in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur contains a code that allows you to engage in this type of business. For example, 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes." This category involves the sale of baked goods at the place of production, i.e. if you are going to produce products and immediately sell them, then this option will be ideal for you. In addition, retail trade should be added to the list of codes, but production should be set as the main activity.

If you are not going to share the business with anyone, then the easiest way is to work as an individual entrepreneur, but if there are several founders, it is best to organize an LLC. However, the choice of organizational and legal form is far from the only issue to be resolved. Immediately after registration, you will have to choose a taxation system.

The best option is UTII, if, of course, it is applicable. The fact is that this tax regime is introduced by municipalities and applies only to activities approved by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If UTII is not available, it is better to choose STS 6% or 15%. The simplified tax system can be applied by all enterprises whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles. (clause 4.1. 346.13. Tax Code of the Russian Federation). An application for the transition to a simplified taxation system should be submitted immediately after the registration of the enterprise.

Note: You can keep records while under special taxation regimes on your own, using the My Business online service.

Step number 2 - Finding and preparing the premises

Since the products will be sold to the end consumer in the mini-bakery, it is desirable to place them in a passable place. In large cities, you can organize a business in the immediate vicinity of the metro, next to shopping and business centers. At the initial stage, it is better to rent a room, but it is advisable to immediately discuss the possibility of a subsequent purchase. The cost of rent directly depends on the city in which the bakery will be located and the attractiveness of the place. Prices may vary greatly. The monthly maintenance of a mini-bakery in Moscow varies from 250 to 1,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

As for the square itself, then just right it will be 150 square meters. m. This is enough to organize production and a small trading floor. Such a room can be found for 75 thousand rubles. per month. Separately, it is worth calculating the costs associated with repairs and other work on the organization of the enterprise.

SES requirements

To open a mini-bakery in accordance with the law, the following requirements must be met:

  • availability of hot and cold water, sewerage;
  • the room should not be a basement;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • the necessary household and utility rooms must be present, incl. warehouse, toilet;
  • ceilings should be whitewashed and walls tiled.

Step #3 - Buying Equipment

For a small bakery full cycle 2 types of equipment will be required: production and trade.


  • oven (cost ~ 600 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (~ 250 thousand rubles);
  • proofing cabinet (~ 40 thousand rubles);
  • table for cutting dough (~ 40 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (~ 20 thousand rubles);
  • cart for baking (~ 12 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (~ 9 thousand rubles).

To get started, you can purchase 1 unit of each type of equipment. On average, 1 oven per day is capable of baking 1 ton of flour. This is equivalent to 1600 kg of finished products.

Can arrange part-time production. In this case, you will save yourself from the need to knead the dough and focus solely on baking and selling finished products. The initial investment in equipment will be significantly reduced as all you need is an oven, a heat showcase and a freezer.

Commercial equipment will cost no more than 150 thousand rubles. Need to buy:

  • showcase;
  • cash register (it must be registered with the tax office);
  • money box;
  • safe for storing cash and documents;
  • storage cabinets.

Also, one should not forget about furniture and household equipment, an average purchase will take 30 thousand rubles.

Step #4 - Staff search

The bakery must have technologist is a key figure in the organization of production. In addition to it, you need:

  • bakers who will be engaged in the preparation of products (4 people, 2 per shift);
  • cashiers (2 people);
  • cleaning lady (1 or 2 depending on the workload, hourly payment can be provided).

An accountant is optional, you can use the services of an outsourcing company, or involve a specialist on a part-time basis. In any case, it will be several times cheaper than maintaining another full-time employee.

Step number 5 - Registration of permits

Since a mini-bakery involves the production of food products, special permits are indispensable. Each employee must have a personal medical book, the execution of which, together with the necessary tests, will cost 600 rubles. In general, the cost of obtaining all permits should not exceed 60 thousand rubles.

To open a mini-bakery from scratch, the following documents are required:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production - is issued free of charge at Rospotrebnadzor, but for this it is necessary to provide the results of the examination;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products - issued by Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the examination;
  • certificate of conformity - issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety requirements.

Step #6 - Purchase of raw materials

Baking is a perishable product, it does not keep for a long time. It is worth buying raw materials immediately before starting production. Of course, it is possible to negotiate with suppliers even before registering an enterprise with the tax office, but it is unacceptable to purchase their products “in reserve”. As soon as the premises are ready to start production, it's time to take care of what to bake bakery products from.

The main raw material is flour. For buns, only the highest grade is suitable. In extreme cases, you can use the 1st. When calculating the required amount of flour, it should be borne in mind that the weight of finished products will be more than raw materials by about 30%. Naturally, this is achieved through other ingredients that are mixed into the dough. The wholesale price of flour is about 10 rubles. for 1 kg.

The issue of finding suppliers can be particularly acute. It is worth considering intermediary firms that offer flexible terms of cooperation. Trying to contact flour mills directly is impractical. Firstly, they are not interested in the purchase volumes that a mini-bakery can afford, and it is stupid to agree to large batches: flour requires special storage conditions. Secondly, it will take a long time to ensure that a large enterprise works directly with a small one. It doesn't benefit him. Thirdly, in the event of a disruption in the supply, most likely, a refusal to further cooperation will follow.

In addition to flour, pressed yeast, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vanillin, baking powder, stabilizers, food additives, thickeners, etc. are needed. By the way, according to GOST, 1 ton of white bread will require 740 kg of premium flour, 9.6 kg of salt, 7.4 kg of pressed yeast, 1.2 kg of vegetable oil. As for buns, the final consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the technologist.

Step #7 - Getting Started

When the premises are completely ready, employees are hired, equipment is purchased, and all permits are in hand, you can start mass production. Separately, it is worth thinking about advertising and marketing. It is not at all necessary to invest a lot of money at the initial stage, you can get by with “little blood”. For example, a promoter will be a relatively inexpensive pleasure. It is enough to print leaflets and put a person for 100 rubles. at one o'clock. distribute them near the bakery, somewhere in a passable place. Or on bulletin boards located at nearby public transport stops, hang a small brochure. And, of course, no one canceled word of mouth.

Only large players in the segment of a certain area with considerable capital can organize. To date, the situation has changed radically, which allows you to open your own business with minimal investment. In this regard, the production of bakery products is not only one of the most profitable enterprises, but also affordable for the organization. And yet, in order to understand how to open a bakery from scratch, you need to know certain subtleties of this area, as well as take into account technological and legal nuances. In the case of a competent calculation, the created enterprise will bring high income, requiring minimal effort to maintain the business.

Registration questions

As in any industry, you need to open your own business after registering with the relevant authorities. But first of all, it is necessary to determine the legal status of the enterprise. For a bakery, it is advisable to choose an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship), but it is important that its category allows you to engage in restaurant activities, which include the manufacture of bakery products. If you expand the category with the possibility of retail, then you can safely think about starting from scratch and expanding it in the future by the type of network points of sale. This is the best option if the business is managed by one person without partners. However, if a large enterprise with the participation of several people is planned, then it is better to form an LLC.

Taxation system

The next step is to choose the form of taxation. If possible, it is better to prefer UTII. This tax format is provided by the municipalities and can be applied to all types of activities provided for in the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Since UTII may not be available, you should immediately consider the possibility of working with the USN tax system, which can be used by all enterprises with an annual turnover of no more than 60 million rubles.

How to choose a room for a bakery?

It is advisable to focus your own bakery on the possibility of retail sales. The fact is that the supply of catering establishments is not always profitable for small industries, as they have to compete with larger organizations. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to start from scratch in a passable place accessible to the maximum number of people. Ideally, this could be a room near the metro, markets, as well as entertainment and shopping centers. But it should be borne in mind that the cost of renting such objects will be higher. If long-term work is planned, then it is better to stipulate in advance the possibility of buying out the premises. However, you don't have to buy it right away. Equally important is the area of ​​​​the premises for the bakery. On average, private institutions have 150-200 m 2. This is enough to organize both the production department and the area for a cafe or shop.

SES requirements for the premises

The main difficulty in organizing food production lies in the fact that they are subject to high requirements of supervisory authorities. To enter this business, it is not enough to know how to open a bakery from scratch by providing the premises with special equipment and furniture. You can start work only if the facility meets the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service:

  • The bakery cannot be located in the basement.
  • There must be a supply of hot and cold water.
  • A sewer drain is required.
  • A ventilation system is required.
  • The list of available utility rooms should include a toilet and storage.

In addition, the sanitary and epidemiological service subsequently checks the production process, drawing up conclusions based on their results. Only a complete set of permits will allow you to finally resolve all questions regarding how to open a bakery from scratch. Documents authorizing this activity include the following conclusions:

  • Conclusion on production, which can be issued at Rospotrebnadzor. However, it requires satisfactory results of the examination.
  • Conclusion on manufactured products. Registration is carried out according to the same scheme.
  • Certificate of conformity. It is also obtained on the basis of checks at the Federal Agency for Metrology.

Equipment for the production process

There are various approaches to the technical support of production facilities for the manufacture of bakery products. The list of equipment may vary, but if the question is how to open your own bakery and pastry shop from scratch, allowing you to produce a full range of products in this category, then you should consider the following:

  • Test mixing plant.
  • Flour sifter.
  • Dough sheeter.
  • Bake.
  • Table for working with dough.
  • Rack cabinet.
  • Carts for baking.

At first, it is worth limiting yourself to this equipment, purchasing it one copy of each type. In the future, based on work experience and sales success, it will be possible to purchase additional pieces of equipment for the production of bakery products in large volumes.

Equipment for trading purposes

This category of technical equipment is often considered as secondary. It usually has such a value if the company is mainly focused on wholesale distribution - for example, when supplying other stores and catering establishments. However, most private entrepreneurs, in deciding how to open a bakery and confectionery from scratch, rely on retail sales. In such cases, it is necessary to provide the trading premises with the following equipment:

  • Special showcases for bakery and confectionery products.
  • A cash register, which will also require registration with the tax office.
  • Safes for storing money and documents.
  • Trolleys and mobile boxes for moving products.
  • Racks for storage of released products.

bakery staff

All personnel involved in the maintenance of the bakery can be divided into several groups according to the type of their activity. It is worth starting with the main figure of any bakery production - this is a technologist. It determines what the products will be and partly the assortment of the enterprise. Next comes the working staff, which includes the bakers. Their number in a small institution can be 4-6 people. Again, if the question is how to open a bakery from scratch for retail, then waiters will be required. The role of the accountant is also very significant. To ensure its function, large organizations enter into an agreement with an outsourcing company, but in a small bakery it is more economical to hire your own accountant. Also required are technical staff who will be engaged in setting up equipment, repairing it and, possibly, solving other related tasks.

How to form an assortment?

Despite the outward ease of this issue, the success of the business largely depends on it. Think over the assortment should be even before the start of the search for premises. Which products should be produced in a particular case will depend on the location, technical equipment and capabilities of the bakery as a whole. Of course, the wider the range, the better. But this is not always possible, and specializing in specific products often also brings a lot of income. A win-win option is a focus on the needs of potential customers. For example, if we are talking about how to open a mini-bakery from scratch in the village, then the assortment may include a basic set of products in the form of 2-3 types of bread, buns, cheesecakes, donuts, loaves and pies.

In the city, a similar list can be limited to metro areas and markets, where it is important for people to have a quick bite without any special culinary delights. However, if a bakery with a store is located near large shopping centers, parks or entertainment complexes, then the assortment should include cakes, biscuits, cakes, croissants, baguettes, and always with a wide selection of toppings.

How to open a mini-bakery from scratch?

The peculiarity of the mini-bakery is that it uses a minimum set of equipment to produce products for retail sales. This is the best solution if financial possibilities are limited and the organization of production is planned in a small room.

In answering the question about what is needed to open a bakery from scratch in this format, it is worth noting the expediency of organizing production with an incomplete cycle. This approach to technical support allows you to save money on the purchase of dough mixing equipment. In addition, the process of working with ready-made dough does not require a large area, which makes it possible to use small rooms. The main production operations will be baking products.

Raw materials for production

To begin with, it is important to note that the production of bakery products excludes the storage of initial products “in reserve”. By the way, the same applies to finished products, as they quickly deteriorate and lose their commercial qualities. Initially solving organizational issues regarding how to open a bakery from scratch, it is important to think over a clear supply chain with the further use of raw materials without delay. It is recommended to choose large factories. So, flour mills will provide the main ingredients for the dough. In addition to flour, you will need yeast, sugar, salt, butter and other ingredients. The choice of stabilizers, thickeners and various food additives should be approached carefully - their amount should be minimal. It is advisable to focus on natural products. In the long term, customers will appreciate the quality of the products, and it will become a good advantage over competitors.


With all the difficulties of organizing the production of bakery, this line of business is one of the most profitable. This is facilitated by the relatively low prices for the raw materials used, and the fact that the products of this category are always in demand among the population. However, such favorable operating conditions quite naturally contributed to the formation of fierce competition.

No matter what crisis comes, people cannot do without bread. So baking bread and bakery products is a great idea for your own business. But how to open a bakery from scratch in order to successfully start and firmly gain a foothold in the chosen niche? You will find the answer in this article. And you will also learn a lot of useful things: about the intricacies of state registration, equipment of the premises, selection of assortment and personnel, advertising and expenses for starting a business. If you are planning to open a business, and it will be a bakery, then our tips will come in handy.

Why a bakery?

There is always a demand for bread and bakery products. These are essential goods, which means that they will always be in demand. Therefore, a bakery from scratch is a reliable and profitable business with relatively low competition.

Small bakeries compete with bakeries. But a mini bakery compares favorably with them. It offers fresh, varied and tasty pastries, while the range of factories is narrower and not so fresh. What is one warm bread with a fragrant crispy crust! This can only be bought at the bakery. It is no coincidence that the business idea "How to open a mini-bakery" is now of interest to many.

We do not recommend immediately organizing a large-scale enterprise. To begin with, it is much more profitable, and safer, to open a mini-bakery. This is a small enterprise, whose specialization is the production of baked goods and its sale. It is better if it is placed in a separate room. Although there are mini-bakeries on the premises and as part of other organizations (for example, in supermarkets).

What documents are needed to open a bakery?

A mini bakery as a business requires legalization in the eyes of government agencies. Its owner has a choice: register everything as an individual entrepreneur or choose an LLC for state registration.

  • If the company has one owner, the first option is suitable - IP.
  • If you have a partner, it will be more convenient to work as an LLC.

Most bakeries in our country operate as individual entrepreneurs. It is easier to register, bookkeeping, and there is an opportunity to switch to a simplified taxation system.

It is important to choose the right type of activity. The main activity in the design of the bakery is production. It is also necessary to obtain a package of permits.

Opening a mini-bakery means strict product quality control. That is, constant checks of the sanitary and epidemiological station. This is dictated by the peculiarities of specialization - the manufacture of food products. Get ready for the fact that SES representatives will become frequent guests at your enterprise.

Choose a place

The first thing you need to open a bakery from scratch is to find a room. This may take more than one week. But haste is inappropriate here. The right choice of place and premises is already half the success of the whole business.

For starters, a room of about 100-150 m² is enough. It is divided into 2 parts: production and a small trading floor. If both production and sales are in the same premises, then one of the main selection criteria is traffic. The more people pass by, the more customers there will be. It is important that there are no competitors nearby - other bakeries.

The rental price depends on the city and the popularity of the place. For example, in Moscow, renting a room for a small bakery will cost at least 250 rubles. for 1 m². In crowded places, the cost per square meter can reach up to 1,000 rubles. To make the premises cheaper, you can rent it somewhere on the outskirts of the city, and then export the products for sale. A room up to 150 m² will cost an average of 75,000 rubles. monthly.

In the room where it is planned to open a bakery, there should initially be:

  • hot and cold water;
  • good ventilation system;
  • waterproof floor;
  • back entrance for the supply of raw materials;
  • toilet;
  • warehouse space.

It is forbidden to engage in the production of pastries in the basement and semi-basement premises.

Equipment and materials for the bakery

Most of the capital will go to the purchase of equipment. To open a mini-bakery from scratch, you will need modern equipment for baking bakery products.

Production equipment:

Table. Production equipment necessary to open a bakery

The total cost of production equipment is from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. The answer to the question: “How much does it cost to open a bakery from scratch?” largely depends on this amount. Prices for equipment can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer, country, degree of brand awareness and the power of the equipment itself.

You can buy everything separately (which is more troublesome) or purchase a ready-made kit for a mini-bakery. To save money, entrepreneurs sometimes buy used equipment. It is offered by restaurants, bakeries, factories, etc. (see ads on the Internet). But first you need to figure out how efficient the proposed equipment is, and carefully test it. So it will not be superfluous to use the services of a specialist in the field of such technology.

For the full operation of the bakery, you will need commercial equipment:

  • cash machine;
  • refrigerators;
  • shelves;
  • cabinets;
  • showcases;
  • signboards;
  • tables and chairs for a tea corner;
  • document safe.

You will also need office furniture (at least tables and chairs) and household items. All this will take up to 40 thousand rubles. The estimated cost of the main commercial equipment is 150-200 thousand rubles.

After installing the equipment, you must obtain a permit for production. It is issued on the basis of the conclusion of the SES. The cash register must additionally be registered with the tax authorities.

Product range and price

A mini-bakery can be generalist or have a narrow specialization (for example, baking snacks or sweet baked goods). This point must be considered in advance. After all, different specializations require different equipment.

The standard assortment of the bakery includes products with regular high demand: popular types of bread and loaves, pies with various fillings, buns, muffins, croissants, kalachi, etc.

Experienced bakers and technologists will help in the selection of the “menu” for buyers. They know which positions are less expensive and quick to prepare, how they can be varied and how to surprise customers. Offer something that competitors do not have (or present something in a different “cover”), and the chances of getting ahead of them will increase.

The baking process will not do without many products, such as flour, eggs, sugar, water, milk, yeast, butter, etc. So, to open a bakery, you need to find reliable suppliers of raw materials and provide the necessary conditions for its storage. Pay special attention to flour, since the quality of products mainly depends on it. It must be of the highest quality, of very high quality, and stored in proper conditions.

When setting prices for products, it is important to focus on the average market in the area where your products will be sold.

bakery staff

Before you open a bakery, you need to select a staff of reliable and skilled employees. To ensure the operation of the bakery, you need:

  • Technologist. His area of ​​responsibility is the recipes for the manufacture of products. To develop a recipe for baking and improve it qualitatively, you need special education and considerable work experience.
  • Confectioner. It will be needed in the staff of the enterprise if the bakery is engaged in the manufacture of confectionery (cakes, pastries, desserts, etc.).
  • Bakers. Key figures in the baking process. Their selection is one of the important points of opening a mini-bakery from scratch. The main selection criterion is skills, practical experience, because baking is not an easy job. Not everyone can take the test. The number of employees depends on the size of the enterprise. Start with 2 shifts. There are usually 2 bakers on each shift.
  • Cleaning woman. Maintaining cleanliness in the bakery is very important. She simply needs a diligent cleaning lady.
  • Sellers. Baking is only half the battle. The other half is her sales. To do this, we hire courteous salespeople who will sell products, keep records at the checkout, and design shop windows. For starters, 2 sellers are enough, who will work in shifts.

This is an approximate composition of workers to ensure the life of a small bakery. It can change or expand depending on the volume of production and specialization of the enterprise. When it comes to bookkeeping, it is more profitable to use outsourcing services.

bakery promotion

The advertisement is engine of the trade. Don't forget about it

Before opening:

  • Immediately place a sign with the name and the inscription "Opening soon" on the facade of the rented premises.
  • Create pages on social networks in advance and slowly gain subscribers.
  • Place colorful ads on boards in the area in which sales are planned.
  • Organize distribution of leaflets at the opening.
  • Use the services of promoters.

After opening:

  • Gain a positive reputation (monitor the cleanliness and freshness of products, beautifully decorate the premises, select polite and friendly sellers).
  • Make discounts on unsold products at the end of the day.
  • Give away free samples of new recipes.
  • Periodically arrange promotions and tastings.
  • Arrange a small coffee shop for 2-3 tables in the trading floor.

Before you open a bakery, you need to draw up the most complete business plan. But there will still be weaknesses. After working for a couple of months, you will see for yourself what points in the organization of your business need to be improved or a fundamentally different approach.

For sale, you can also look for wholesale buyers. It can be cafes, tea and coffee shops, offices, buffets, grocery stores.

Projected income and expenses

Now we have come to the main question: “Is it profitable to open your own bakery or not?”. Every day a small bakery produces from 500 kg to 1.3 tons of ready-made pastries. The average profitability of rich pastries is 50-60%. Bread turns out to be less profitable - its profitability is only 20%.

Income in the first months after opening a bakery from scratch - from 300,000 rubles. monthly. After promotion, it increases to 600,000 rubles. Full payback - 1.5-2 years.

Calculate the costs at the start and every month:

Table. Starting and monthly costs

For everyone who is interested in how much money is needed to open a mini-bakery, experts name the approximate amount - 1.5-2 million rubles.


Now you know how to open your own bakery, and in what order to do it. In general, opening a bakery is a business that now has good prospects for growth and development. It is not difficult to open a bakery from scratch, and in a year it is really possible to reach a decent profit. In the future, you can not stop there and expand your business - open a whole network of mini-bakery, where customers will be pleased with fresh fragrant pastries and friendly service.

In order for a business to bring a stable profit, it is necessary to open a type of production, the products of which will always be in demand. Opening your own from scratch is not an easy and responsible undertaking, but if everything is done according to the rules, you can count on a high level of profit and a quick payback for this type of business.

The first step is to think over a development plan

To make it easy and simple to carry out the process of running a bread business, it is necessary to foresee all possible expenses in advance, study the experience of established businessmen in this area, and calculate the approximate level of investment.

Almost all people use bakery products for food, and even with a high level of competition in this segment of production, you can find your niche. It is necessary to immediately provide for the possibility of business development, to think over the range of products that the mini-bakery will produce. It is from this type of calculation that the quantity and type of equipment purchased for the bakery will depend.

How to register a mini-bakery?

Registration of this type of business does not take much time, and the cost often does not exceed the amount of the paid state duty. To open a mini-bakery, it is enough for a businessman to register an individual entrepreneur. In order for the application for the provision of individual entrepreneurial activity to be approved, the following documents must be submitted to the tax authority at the place of registration:

  • A copy and original of the national passport.
  • IP registration application.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Many entrepreneurs who plan to open a mini-bakery make a transition to the simplified tax system when registering an individual entrepreneur. A simplified taxation system allows you to make the most efficient use of income, and tax deductions, when switching to this method of payment, will be optimized as much as possible.

If the future entrepreneur does not have the necessary amount of free time to independently process documents at the tax office, you can use the services of intermediary firms to register an individual entrepreneur.

With this option, you will need a notarized power of attorney for the representative. This method of registering a business will require additional financial costs, but will save a considerable amount of time.

Choosing a business premises

To organize a food production business, you need a room that will meet the requirements of the SES. To open a mini-bakery, a room is rented or built, which:

Usually, for a warehouse, utility rooms, and a production workshop, a total area of ​​​​100 m2 is sufficient. The room must be equipped with proper ventilation and transport entrances for loading and unloading.

Equipment - what to buy?

In order to minimize the cost of purchasing equipment, you should purchase ready-made kits of domestic production. Some ready-made kits for a mini-bakery can be purchased for 0.5 million rubles. Such ready-made business solutions have the following equipment:

  • Convection oven.
  • Refrigerator.
  • Freezer cabinet.
  • Spiral kneader.
  • Flour sifter.
  • Planetary mixer.
  • Electric stove.
  • Portion scales.
  • Commercial scales.
  • Juicer.
  • A set of additional equipment.

To accommodate the equipment, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 100 m2. The purchase of ready-made kits allows you to save money, as well as minimize the time spent on selecting equipment.

Staff and advertising for the bakery

Without competent and educated staff, a mini-bakery cannot function. When hiring, preference should be given to specialists who already have experience in this field of activity.

Beginners who have just graduated from an educational institution are not able to competently organize the work of the enterprise from the very beginning. Such applicants can be employed as "apprentices". For the efficient operation of the mini-bakery, you will need to hire the following workers:

  • Technologist.
  • Baker.
  • Room cleaner.
  • Watchman.

It may be necessary to hire another driver if the sales volume through the company store located in the bakery building cannot cope with the implementation. Bakers will need a minimum of 2 people per shift.

Accounting services can be outsourced, or you can do your own accounting. A well-organized advertising campaign will allow you to reach the full workload of the enterprise in the first time. If the manufactured products are of excellent quality, then in a short period of time it will be possible to acquire regular customers who live or work in the immediate vicinity of the bakery.

Where to sell products?

For a mini-bakery, very often, an outlet opens in the same building as the production of bakery products. In this case, labor costs for moving products are minimized. If the volume of bakery products produced is significant, there will be a need to purchase a vehicle for delivering bread to retail outlets

You can conclude an agreement for the sale of bread produced at a mini-bakery with any grocery store. For the delivery of a small volume of bakery products, the most suitable vehicle is a pickup truck, which is based on a car. Due to its maneuverability, the use of such a vehicle will allow faster delivery of products in urban areas.

How to open a bakery from scratch on a franchise?

For many entrepreneurs, starting a franchise business is the most viable option. In this case, the risk of losing the invested funds is significantly reduced. With this type of cooperation, it is possible to obtain advisory assistance from the franchisor, which provides an opportunity to work with its brand, and also provides assistance in training and recruitment. Currently, there are a large number of companies in this market that sell franchises to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Among the most famous in this field of activity are:

  • Cinnabon.
  • Bonape.
  • Volkonsky.


It is a French brand that produces various pastries. The company has been on the market for more than 30 years, so you can acquire a franchise of this company and start making cinnamon rolls - a branded product of this company. To start cooperation, you must meet the following conditions imposed by this company to its partners:

  • the fee for bakeries that have a room larger than 46 m2 is 28,000 euros. If the area of ​​the premises is less than 46 m2, you will need to pay 18,000 euros for the right to cooperate with this European brand. Investments in the business also depend on the production capacity of the enterprise, and can be up to 10,000 euros.
  • For the entire period of cooperation, you will need to pay royalties in the amount of 6% of the monthly income of the mini-bakery. Advertising fee of 1.5%.

Despite the high cost of buying a franchise from Cinnabon, the return on investment in this type of business will be no more than 1 year. The popularity of the brand and the original recipe for making dough products will win the love of a large number of visitors from the moment the mini-bakery opened.


Cooperation with Bonape can also be beneficial for a novice entrepreneur who decides to open his own mini-bakery. This European brand offers profitable cooperation. The conditions for concluding a franchise agreement are as follows:

  • The lump-sum contribution is 25,000 rubles.
  • Royalties - 0%.
  • Investments in business - 1 million rubles.
  • The room - from 12 m2.
  • Possibility to connect to the mains with a power of at least 7 kW.

With proper business organization, the payback period is from 2 months.


To cooperate with the Volkonsky bakery, you will need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Investments in business - 50 million rubles.
  • Royalties - 6%.
  • Lump sum - calculated individually.
  • The room - from 80 m2.

Cooperation with a franchise will allow you to fully work under a promoted brand and reach a full return on investment within 2-3 years.


Opening a mini-bakery on your own or entering into a cooperation agreement with a well-known brand is up to an entrepreneur who dares to engage in this type of business, but in any case, bakery products will always be in demand by the population, and therefore will bring a stable income.

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