How to make money on youtube channel. How to earn money for views on YouTube? Advertising from Google AdSense

YouTube video hosting was founded in February 2005 and is owned by Google. At the beginning of 2019, it has several billion active users. Many of them already have their own channels.

Recently, more and more people are starting to create video blogs and videos with their subsequent placement on video hosting sites. For some, this is just a hobby, for others, a way to earn money on the Internet from 5,000 rubles a month. Whoever is not there, both children and pensioners are already involved. In our age, it is difficult to find such a person who would not know that all this, in addition to entertainment, can bring money. Yes, not just a few thousand rubles, but some of the most successful and millions of dollars a year! But we will talk about this at the end of the article, where you can also see reviews about this direction on the Internet.

Let's take a closer look at YouTube video hosting, because it is the most popular in the world and hosts millions of videos on which the authors have been making money for a long time.

How do you make money on YouTube?

5 steps, instructions for making money on YouTube

1. The first thing to do - if there is no account, then register on the site Everyone can do it without any problems, registration there is of course free.

2. Work on the channel, that is, shooting / creating videos. This is the main and most difficult. To make money on a video, people need to watch it, subscribe to the channel, put likes (like rating) or dislikes (dislike rating). The video should be interesting, informative and original. You can only post your own video! By the way, you can only use the music in your videos that is in the special section "Music Library". You can’t use everything in a row, they won’t be allowed to monetize.

You can shoot live using a video camera or a camera with the ability to record video or shoot from the monitor screen showing and telling something. Regardless of what you shoot, the video quality should be high and the sound clear and understandable.

3. The third step is account monetization!

You will be required to take certain measures without which Internet earnings on YouTube will be impossible. Until you have the required number of views, namely 4000 hours for the last 12 months + at least 1000 subscribers, it will be impossible to register an affiliate program.

From YouTube's help section:

To check the possibility of connection, you need to go to the section on your channel: "Video Manager" then to "Channel" then to "Status and Features" and enable monetization if possible. The reputation of your channel plays a huge role in this.

4. The next step - you are approved for monetization, great! So earnings will not be long in coming!

As for Adsense, everything is quite simple. There you need to register, add your channel (in this case, it is better to follow the recommendations of YouTube itself, it will be easier).

An important point - Adsense will pay you your earnings only after you receive an email from him with a code and enter it on their website. Not by e-mail, but in a physical mailbox, it will arrive (some take 2 months). Checking the address, you know. My letter is 4 years old, maybe the design is different now...

As you already understood everything is more than serious! Therefore, when registering, enter reliable data everywhere. I’ll also add to the payout account - there are two options for receiving earned money on YouTube through Adsense.

1. To a dollar account opened with a bank. All you need to do is take your account details for international SWIFT transfers and enter it all in your Adsense account in the payments section.

2. Through the Rapida payment system - this is the same payment system as Yandex Money. Funds will be received for it, and then you can do whatever you want with them - pay for the Internet, withdraw to cards, buy something on the Internet, etc. Their website even has a special section dedicated to withdrawing money from Google Adsense.

5. The last step is the most important and is to systematically shoot video. You need to shoot constantly. A couple of times a week is best to start with. This is the only way to attract a large number of subscribers and get thousands of views. People will not be interested in subscribing to a channel where new videos appear every six months. Please note this very important point. All posted videos must be optimized for key queries and a correct description created. For key queries, search engines and the video hosting itself will post the positions of your video.

These are the main actions and rules, without which you will definitely not be able to make money on your video.

A little patience, a little luck, a lot of perseverance - today everyone can become a Youtube star. Someone is promoted on gaming channels, someone is on beauty blogs, or flaunting their lives. And the number of people who want to get their own channel and declare themselves to the world is growing every day.

After all, in addition to popularity, you can also get very good income on this. Earnings on YouTube of famous bloggers are calculated in 5-digit, and sometimes 6-digit amounts, and in dollars. Therefore, such zeal is not surprising.

There are many ways to make money on YouTube. We will discuss how to make money on YouTube using views on your channel or using other people's videos. Consider different types of advertising on video hosting and talk about how much bloggers are paid for watching their videos.

Earn money on your Youtube channel

If you are studying a topic from scratch, then you will need to start, then, so that your creation looks attractive, start filling it with content and only then learn the basics of making money.

If you have a channel and viewers are actively subscribing to it, then it's time to connect monetization. But first, let's decide what the income on this popular video hosting depends on. Indeed, situations are not uncommon when the number of subscribers and views for channels seems to be similar, but the profit received from them varies by an order of magnitude.

What influences earnings in YouTube

The first question that is most often heard when it comes to making money on video hosting is “How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views”. If we take the average temperature in the ward, then 1 thousand views is 1 dollar. That is the most common answer. The figure is actually very approximate and may vary depending on many factors. That is why it is difficult to immediately say how much bloggers earn on Youtube.

Niche profitability. This is the first and important point. It is logical that a lot more money is spinning in automotive or finance than in entertainment or culinary. And therefore, if your main goal is not to express yourself creatively, but to earn money seriously, before creating a channel, we make sure that the niche is monetary.

The number of subscribers. The more subscribers, the more views - every student understands this truth. Therefore, the promotion of the channel should be given close attention. We work with keywords, fill in the description correctly, create an attractive title. And of course we are promoting the channel to the masses in every possible way.

Stability. In order for the channel to successfully bring in money, you need to work hard on it. New videos should be coming out all the time. This will keep the existing audience and attract new subscribers.
Quality. Clear sound, bright saturated picture, clear structure of the video, competent text - all this plays an important role. To do this, you need to get a good camera and microphone and plan ahead for future video.

Much depends on the country. As you know, channels aimed at the English-speaking audience earn much more than those designed for the Russian-speaking audience.

Luck Yes, yes, you heard right, it was luck. No matter how much they talk about creativity, hard work, and so on, there are a lot of examples when a channel that seems to be nothing mega outstanding has shot. And others go out of their way to surprise the audience, and the number of subscribers stubbornly refuses to grow up.

How to find out how much a youtube channel earns

To have at least a rough idea of ​​how much youtube channels earn, you can use special services that offer you to view statistics and approximate income figures. For example,

Types of earnings on YouTube

Channel monetization can be approached in different ways. You can choose one of the ways and stop at it, being content with the income that it brings. And you can combine different options, achieving the maximum.

Advertising from Google AdSense

As you know, YouTube belongs to the Google search engine. Therefore, you can cooperate with the service directly through AdSense. To do this, create an account in the AdSense network and connect to the channel. In this case, during the playback of your videos, advertising ads appear on top of them or next to them. You get your share of views or clicks on them.

Youtube offers the following ad formats to choose from:

  • Overlays are translucent rectangles at the bottom of a video with graphic or text content.
  • Short 15-30 second ads that appear at the beginning, middle or end of the video. There are options both with the ability to skip 5 seconds after the start, and without it.
  • Media - are displayed mainly at the top of the list of recommended videos, to the right of the main video.
  • Short 6-second screensavers before the main video.
  • Hints about products that were mentioned in the video.

Partner media networks

Cooperation with YouTube through media networks is the same adsense only through intermediaries. Such companies are more loyal to new YouTubers, help develop the channel, resolve issues on controversial issues, claims to your content.

Each of them has its own requirements for the minimum number of subscribers on the channel and other parameters. There are even networks that are ready to work with beginner channels that have zero audience. Affiliate programs take part of the income for their services - from 10 to 40% on average.

Popular media networks:

  • VSP Group;
  • QuizGroup;

Direct Advertising

The main rule is to try to advertise products and services that somehow resonate with the theme of your channel. For example, if you are reviewing tech and suddenly advertise baby diapers, your viewers may not understand you. The exception is broad channels, vlogs - here you can advertise whatever your heart desires.

If you have already gained a decent audience and advertisers are increasingly starting to drop in on the light, get a personal manager who will resolve advertising placement issues on your behalf. This immediately raises the status of the channel in the eyes of advertisers and, accordingly, you will be taken much more seriously.

There were examples when channel owners created a fake page on social networks and passed off this character as their manager.

How to enable monetization on Youtube

To enable monetization on the channel, follow the simple instructions. We go first to the "Creative Studio" ("Creator Studio"). In the main menu on the left, select the "Channel" tab and in it the "Status and functions" submenu. In the center we find the section "Monetization" and click on the "Enable" button.

  • accept the terms of the affiliate program;
  • Associate AdSense with the channel;
  • We set up ad formats that we will show to our viewers.

You can monetize both individual most popular videos, and make sure that ads are automatically connected to all downloaded videos. Only videos that belong to you and the copyright for which you can confirm will generate income. And this applies to any fragments of the video, background music.

We attract traffic to our web resources using the channel

If you have no desire to become famous, you can find many other uses for the YouTube channel. For example, using a channel to drive traffic to your sites. Sell ​​goods or offer services - create a channel and shoot videos on the relevant topics. Make reviews, video tutorials, step-by-step instructions and redirect viewers to your online store, company website or third-party resources that you want to advertise.

Earn money on YouTube on other people's videos

If you are not a creative person, you do not have the opportunity to shoot copyright videos, then the question arises "How to make money on youtube on other people's videos." We will leave aside the ethics and morality of this process, since we do not recommend brazenly stealing content. YouTube has a Content ID system that tracks any copyright infringement. As a result, sooner or later the channel with such videos will be banned anyway. Secondly, copyright holders can also sue.

However, there is a way out. On Youtube, you can absolutely legally add videos with a Creative Commons license to your channel. The easiest way is to click on the video download icon in the upper right corner (1), then go to the video editor (2)

Here we find the Creative Commons icon, click on it and enter the topic that interests us in the search bar. For example, "funny animals". YouTube will display videos that you can add to your channel absolutely legally.

If you absolutely do not want to develop the channel even on other people's videos, you can stop at such small earnings as performing certain actions on other people's channels. A vivid example is to leave comments or like videos for money. You can find similar tasks on freelance exchanges, for example, on Advego. There are also services on the Internet where you will be paid for watching other people's videos.

  • 5. Conclusion
  • In the age of computer technology, the Internet is developing very rapidly. A wide variety of video hosting sites have gained great popularity among ordinary users. And many people are interested in the question - how to make money on YouTube. After all, this is one of the most visited video hosting sites in the world. YouTube contains a huge number of videos and video clips from which the creators earn money through advertising.

    If you compare earnings on YouTube with social networks, then the policy is much simpler. With the advent of this video hosting, many people began to think: “How can I make money on YouTube?”. After all, there are many who want to shoot a video and get paid for it.

    Today, YouTube is considered the third most visited resource after Google and Facebook. This is a huge video hosting, where millions of different videos have been accumulated. These are clips, movies, trailers and just home videos. One of the keys to its popularity is that anyone can easily post their own video here. But not all Youtube visitors know that you can earn decent money.

    1. How to make money on YouTube on your channel

    There are quite a lot of opportunities to earn money on the YouTube channel. First, you will need to register with the video hosting. Registration itself is quite simple and you should not have any problems with it. (We recommend reading -)

    So, you have successfully registered. Now let's learn how to make money on YouTube. There are a lot of options for earning money in the service. Let's take a closer look at each of them in our article site site

    What makes money on YouTube

    Surely, you have noticed more than once on YouTube, when watching any video, some kind of advertisement offering a service or product. Sometimes not one ad is shown throughout the entire video, but several.

    How does it work?

    We can give an example of earning money through advertising. Let's assume that there is some company, for example, producing coffee or tea. This company needs customers for its products. To do this, advertising is ordered from the world famous company Google. Google is the owner of YouTube video hosting, but as you and I understand, customers should be targeted users who are interested in tea or coffee.

    How to find target users?

    There are many small videos about tea or coffee on YouTube. For example, a video about how our morning begins with a cup of aromatic coffee, how to choose the right kind of good tea. Here's where you can put ads in these videos. ? For such advertising you get money. Google pays a percentage for each click (mouse click) on an ad.

    The type of advertising that we have described is called targeted, that is, for people who are interested in tea or coffee. In addition to targeted advertising, there are also branded and others. Whatever advertising is, we think you have caught the essence of earning and understood how you can get money through YouTube.

    Now let's talk about the video itself, which you will shoot and upload to the channel. It should be interesting, of high quality, with a clear, and without extraneous noise, sound.

    Be sure, the video must be only yours or those people who give you permission to post this video on the network. It will be good if you constantly shoot interesting videos and upload them to the network. This will allow you to gain permanent subscribers.

    So, you can make money on YouTube with the help of advertising on your video. Yes, for some such advertising is worse than an annoying fly, but for others it is a means of earning.

    The best way to sell anything with Youtube

    Did you know that by showing any product you can not only earn likes, comments and earnings on the channel itself, but also sell the product very effectively. How do you like this option, 2in1. And where now in the vastness of Runet can you find cheap goods and there are quite a lot of them? . After all, there are a lot of different things for sale. And it's pretty easy to negotiate the price. Then make a good video review of this product, put it on YouTube, and the product on Avito, backing up this video. We share with you a course in which there are enough ideas that you can sell.

    Download the free checklist

    18 ideas that you can sell on Avito right now to make money

    1. Promotional video in the video. A small commercial can be both at the beginning of the video and in the middle. One ad can be watched for about 5 seconds and skipped, and the second has to be watched to the end. The owner of the video receives money only for the ad that the user has watched to the end. Otherwise, he gets nothing.
    2. Advertising on the side of the video. This ad unit is placed next to the video in the upper right corner. The owner of the video only gets paid if the interested person clicks on the ad. This is a rather "cunning" advertisement, because it contains exactly what you have been looking for in the search engine the last time. For example, you wanted to buy a bike and searched Google for suitable options. But then, having closed all the links, you go to YouTube to watch an interesting video. And then you see an advertisement for the sale of bicycles on the side. That is why this method is very effective, and you can earn good money on it.
    3. Pop-up windows. Banners and other ad windows often pop up at the bottom of the video. If the viewer clicks on it, then the owner of the video will receive money from the advertiser. The window can be closed by clicking on the cross in the corner. But it does not even close, but collapses so that the viewer can open it again at any time.

    Earnings on advertising is the easiest way to make money on YouTube. But for this you need to create your own channel and upload your videos there. Also, it is necessary to optimize them so that as many viewers as possible view them (Read also -). And Youtube will insert its own commercials into your video. This is only possible when connecting advertising from Google Adsense.

    In order to connect this advertising service, you need to enable the monetization function in your YouTube channel settings. It is very easy to do this. After that, ads will automatically appear on your video. This is very convenient, because you do not need to figure out how to put this or that type of advertising. And you can withdraw money from Google Adsense either by postal transfer or to a WebMoney wallet, which is quite convenient and accessible to everyone.

    2. How much can you earn on YouTube

    You have already learned how you can make money on YouTube for views, and now you need to figure out the amount of possible earnings. To do this, we use the following example. Everyone knows that the video of Korean singer PSY for the song Gangnam style has been viewed by more than 2.2 billion viewers.

    In addition to worldwide fame, the singer received $ 2 million from Google Adsense advertising for this video.

    If we talk about the average earnings on YouTube, then for every 1000 views of your video, you can get about $ 1. But this is only an approximate number, and you can figure out the amount of earnings as follows. It depends on the theme of the video and the click-through rate for advertising - CTR.

    In addition, the cost per click on advertising plays an important role. It depends on the subject of the video and your entire channel. For example, the financial sector is highly competitive. This means that there will be more people who want to advertise on the video, and therefore the cost per click is higher.

    To earn about $3,000 per month, your channel should be viewed a day before 100 thousand users. Yes, this is a rather large number, and in order to achieve such a result, you need to try hard. The main thing is to create interesting videos.

    If you do not have such skills, then you can ask your friends or acquaintances to do it together. These can be videos of different plans: voice acting for various jokes or films, shooting funny clips, and so on.

    It is clear that you will not earn a large amount in the first months. It will take perseverance, patience and attitude only for the best. After all, it will depend only on you - whether you will have an interesting and unique video or not, how many subscribers you will have, how you can interest them. There are channels on YouTube that easily bring millions of dollars to their channel owners in a year (we have already given an example above).

    The main rule of this job, as well as in any other job, is to get more money, you need to work harder. Popular Russian well-known video bloggers claim that on YouTube it’s enough just to make money from 40 thousand before 150 thousand rubles per month. Of course, this is not millions of dollars, but you must admit, it's pretty good.

    It should be noted that these video bloggers produce entertaining content. He, of course, is gaining a lot of views, which in turn is very good. But it is poorly converted into money, or, as they say now, it is monetized.

    You can view the most popular channels on YouTube to understand their secret of popularity. If you have found an interesting foreign channel, which has no analogues in Runet, then you can try to remake it in your own way. Either way, it's not easy, but it's worth it. And do not think that you will receive $ 3,000 in six months. It takes years for people to reach this level. There are, of course, exceptions when videos gain hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of days, but this is an exception to the rule. To make money on YouTube, you need to stock up on strength and patience.

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    3. What affects earnings in YouTube

    You can immediately highlight several main components of the parameters, which to a certain extent will affect the amount of your earnings on YouTube:

    1. Topic and number of videos. We can immediately say that there is commercial advertising. It can bring in a good income, but, unfortunately, it does not have many views. Therefore, you need to shoot as many videos as possible. The more views your videos have, the more you earn. In addition, each of your new videos will give you additional income from watching it by your subscribers. Really, is it good?
    2. Promotion. This method gives you the opportunity to increase the number of views of your video through promotion on the Internet, through advertising in various services. In turn, this increases your profits.
    3. Use various monetization tools. They are provided to us by Google. There are several types of monetization tools. If all of them start to use, then the income from advertising can grow significantly.
    4. Content Language. In other words, we can say that if English-speaking users also watch your video, then the profit will also increase. Their cost per click is much higher. In addition, you can gain popularity not only in your own country, which is undoubtedly a plus.
    5. Partnership programs. Google is an official partner of YouTube video hosting. But besides this company, you can also cooperate with other private companies, which will only affect your earnings in a positive way.

    4. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - step by step instructions

    To start making money on YouTube from scratch, you need to follow these steps in sequence:

    • Register on youtube. With registration on YouTube, you should not have any problems - you specify your username and email. And you are registered, if something is not clear, follow the instructions of the service.
    • Define the topic of your video. A little earlier, we discussed that commercial topics can bring you much more money than others.

    An example of a YouTube channel on the topic of making money

    But she has a significant disadvantage - much less views than popular videos.

    Therefore, this matter must be treated with creativity. You can make reviewing your product fun and exciting. This can attract you a lot more users. So you can kill two birds with one stone - advertise the product and attract potential buyers, which in turn will bring you considerable earnings from advertisers.

    Agree that if you don’t like the theme of your video, then for sure, this work will not bring you any joy. So always do what pleases you.

    What video to upload to your YouTube channel to earn money?

    Here are a couple of examples on the topic of which you can upload your video to earn money:

    1. , where you are (or consider yourself) a master, or just a video about your hobbies (home repair, playing the guitar, various pastries, recipes, etc.)
    2. Video reviews on a topic that you like (movies, games, music, various gadgets, shopping, etc.)
    3. Video gameplay of your favorite games (game walkthrough)
    4. Your personal video (on an intellectual, political, humorous topic)
    • Design a channel by first creating it . To attract a large number of users (subscribers), you need to create your own YouTube channel. Today, the service offers you flexible options for customizing and beautifully designing your channel. It will be much better if you decide to cooperate with the company for a long time and then order the design of your channel from a specialist. You can create a channel for free - there is a lot of information on creating a channel for this. But in order for the channel to be created quickly and efficiently, you will have to invest a little money, which will soon pay off. There is nothing difficult in creating and designing your YouTube channel. To create it, just follow the link. Your task is only to follow the step-by-step instructions. And you can change the design of the channel in the settings of this channel.
    • Capture high quality video and edit it . To shoot a quality video, you must understand that the video itself must be of high quality, with good sound design and proper lighting. The quality of the recording should also be at a high level. Also, never forget about the background. Don't be afraid to experiment. Always delete frames that you did not succeed or turned out badly.

    Well design your YouTube channel. If people see that the channel has a beautiful and original design, then feel free to subscribe to it

    How to name a channel on Youtube

    Do not be too lazy to re-shoot some moments of the video, pay attention to high-quality digital processing. Do not think that users will not see and appreciate it. Believe me, it's always nice to look at a good quality video.

    • Promote your channel . In order to, you need to optimize the video itself for the search query. This is not at all difficult to do. You will need to go to the site for the selection of keywords. You can select keywords in the service - this is a word selection service where you can determine the number of words that users drive into the Yandex search engine. Agree that what people are interested in Yandex, as a rule, is also interested in YouTube. Naturally, there can be deviations; for this, there are other services that break keys in Youtube.

    An example of choosing a keyword for your video. Under this key phrase, you need to promote and record a video, since it is requested in Yandex 734 times

    By choosing the keyword that you like, you can use it everywhere: in the video itself, in the comments, in the title and description of the video. You can also advertise your videos on social networks, which will increase the chances of your video being viewed.

    • Get started with the partnership program . Becoming a Google partner is not easy. To do this, your video must have a lot of views. You can read all the conditions in detail on the official website. You can do it differently. You can change the country of your video channel. For example, it will be the USA. Then turn on video monetization. To do this, you must select the dollar icon.

    Types of monetization on Youtube videos, check the boxes everywhere

    Income will be more if you put all types of monetization.

    Read 5 more articles

    In fact, there are several ways to make money on YouTube. All of these opportunities are available to anyone.

    That is, today, right now, you can try your hand. We will talk about how to make money on youtube from scratch and what exactly needs to be done for this.

    Looking ahead a little, I want to note that you don’t have to have your own channel at all (although the earnings on the channel are higher). No need to shoot videos and upload them to the Internet. It turns out that you can also get money for watching someone else's video on YouTube. If you are interested, I suggest that you figure out how to make money on YouTube videos and choose some option for yourself.

    Or read the article. Which describes the options for earning money for beginners.Of course, gold coins and millions of dollars do not shine for a beginner. It is clear that immediately such earnings on the Internet will be modest, do not expect a lot of money. But you do not need any investments, additional payments and replenishment of accounts.

    While you are only interested and sniffing out how to make money on YouTube, hundreds of people have been making a profit for several years. It's time for you to join this company and try to earn your first money on youtube. Moreover, there is nothing over natural and super complex here.

    How to earn real money on YouTube - an overview of the possibilities!

    As always, I offer the most basic and reliable options. There will not be many of them, and more precisely, only two. Yes, and so, there are not enough ways and they are very different from each other. And so here they are:

    • Earn money from your youtube channel.
    • Earn money on youtube for watching someone else's video.

    As you can see, you will need completely different actions. Income will also differ, and at times. Well, then I propose to delve into the details in order to understand which option is right for you.

    Earn money on someone else's video on YouTube

    This option is the best for a beginner who is just figuring out how to make money on youtube. You do not have to promote your channel, shoot videos and wait for acceptance into an affiliate program. You can start earning today, or rather right now. But the income will be less, since no one will pay much for watching video clips.

    What should be done?

    • You will increase the number of views of other people's videos and subscribe to the desired channels.
    • Also write good comments and put likes. This is for those who want to promote their channel. They will gladly pay you for these actions. But where can you find them all?

    There are special sites where they post tasks and pay everyone who completes them correctly. Your task is simply to register on the desired site, find this task, complete it and get the well-deserved money. The best project for such work for many years is SEOSprint.

    If we talk about the cost, then the price of one such task starts from $0.01 and can reach up to $0.05. The amounts are certainly not super, but by completing 20-30 such tasks every day, you can get 30-50 dollars per month.

    How to make money on your youtube channel, features

    This is the most profitable way. It is he who will bring you a good and more or less stable income. Which, by the way, will also be passive. Experienced earn huge money on YouTube.

    Everything would be fine, but you can only receive money after a while. I'll explain why. In fact, you can create a channel for yourself in a couple of minutes, but this is only the beginning. After all, in order for him to start giving returns in the form of money, you will have to work a little.

    Here's what you need to do to make money on your youtube channel:

    • Upload videos to it, the bigger, the better. Well, at least 20-30 pieces of video materials. All videos must be copyrighted, that is, shot by you, since the use of strangers is prohibited. You can shoot at least with a camera, but the quality is desirable better. Today, people like to watch not just a good video, the better the recording, the better.
    • Get each video to have a certain number of views. Your videos should be interesting and useful. Have positive ratings and good reviews.
    • Have the right amount of followers on your channel.
    • Become a youtube partner by entering into an agreement with him. But here it is already more difficult. Since from Russia and Belarus you can’t just connect to an affiliate program to earn money. You will have to submit an application, which must be approved by the administration. But not everything is so bad, there is another option. You can enter into a partnership agreement with an intermediary. YouTube has official partners who offer their services to everyone.
    • If you are accepted and approved, then we start earning. And it consists in placing ads in your videos. It can be at the beginning of the video, or pop up in the process of watching it. And also there is an option to place an advertising banner to the right of the video. Payment goes for each click of the person under this advertizing. The cost of one click starts from $0.01 and up. There are clicks for 0.5 and even 1 dollar. The youtube site will pay you 50% of their earnings.

    That's all in a nutshell. As you can see, you will have to spend some time and effort to start earning at least some money on youtube. What will be the amount, how much can you earn on youtube? If someone thinks that advertisements are not being clicked, then you are wrong.

    It is clear that starting from scratch is difficult, because you need to create a channel and promote it. Not to mention filming videos. But it's worth it, because today experienced video bloggers earn $ 1,000 or more per month. However, you will have to spend more than one day on the Internet reading all the details.

    Well, now the choice is yours. Which method to choose and where to start is up to everyone to decide. Today on youtube successful channels earn more than one thousand dollars a month, join us!

    Hello new youtubers! Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today's article we will begin to analyze, I think, the most important topic of this column - how to make money on YouTube.

    The essence of the method is that you simply shoot videos that people watch, YouTube itself shows them ads and pays you a small percentage for these impressions or clicks on ads.

    YouTube media networks

    Media networks, or, as they are also called, “YouTube affiliates” (not to be confused with) - this can be said to be the same as Google AdSense, only from private companies. Advertisements are displayed in exactly the same way, and payment for impressions and clicks is exactly the same.

    The only difference is that media networks can pay more, allow you to withdraw your earnings in more convenient ways and have technical support to help you sort out if problems arise. For example, with a complaint about copyright infringement.

    In the next part, we will analyze popular YouTube affiliate programs and which network to choose for your channel.

    Partnership programs

    In my opinion, this is the best way to monetize for beginner YouTubers.

    I have a whole section on my blog dedicated to, in which I share my experience on how you can get them consistently from 100,000 rubles a month.

    In short, the principle is that you take a product, register in its affiliate program, get your link, advertise it (put the link in the description of the video) and receive a percentage of each sale of the product. On average, the size of the commission is 5 - 30% of the cost of the product.

    Even with a small but targeted number of views, you can already earn good money.

    Sale of goods and services

    Very often, many companies create their own channels in order to talk about their product. If you are engaged in the production of some things or the provision of services, you can sell them through videos without any financial investment.

    The scheme is very simple, I think there is nothing more to explain.

    Direct Advertising

    If you do not yet have a large audience and several tens of thousands of subscribers, then this method will not be relevant. It makes no sense for an advertiser to buy an ad that too few people will see. But to disassemble this method, so that you understand what to strive for, I think it is necessary.

    Direct advertising is when an advertiser contacts you with the goal of advertising his product in a video for money. For popular channels and bloggers, this type of monetization is the biggest source of income. One advertising insert can cost from 10,000 rubles to infinity.

    For example, on channels where each video gets 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 views, advertising costs an average of 300,000 - 600,000 rubles. And such videos can come out in 2 pieces. a week or more. Here also consider.

    • Pre Roll - a short insert at the very beginning of the video.
    • Mid Roll - an insert somewhere in the middle of the video. Like a TV ad.
    • Post Roll - promotional video at the end of the video.
    • Integration - when the author of the channel makes a special advertising story.
    • Hidden advertising - when the author simply uses the product of a brand and does not mention it in any way. For example, he wears Nike clothes or constantly drinks coffee from Starbucks.
    • Like on Youtube. The essence of a like is that by putting it, the video gets into the “Liked Videos” album, and some part of the channel’s subscribers will definitely see it.


    Recently, I have been observing such a popular type of income for video bloggers as a donation, or in Russian speaking, a donation. Through a special service, any viewer can donate some amount to the authors of the channel.

    The author registers on the service, receives a special link (for example, and inserts it into the video description. All services are integrated with YouTube and you can see live streams.

    Here you can see what this way of earning looks like.

    It may seem like begging to some, but this is just your belief in life. I myself often send donations to projects that I read or watch, simply in gratitude for the fact that they share useful information.

    Youtube traffic monetization

    I don't know what to call this method, but so be it.

    By developing your YouTube channel, sooner or later you will have a large audience that will subscribe and follow you on social networks. Or switch from videos to a site with text material.

    One of my channels KNOWLEDGE BASE I monetize in this way, I drive traffic from YouTube to the blog and then I already advertise something.

    Bloggers lead their followers on social media. networks and then sell additional advertising on VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook and other sites.

    Now, let's say you don't have your own channel and you don't want to start one, let's look at what you can do to make money.

    Providing your services

    You can make money with YouTube, as a freelancer or as a remote employee. For example, to engage in the creation, design, promotion of channels, consulting, etc.

    Or get a permanent job as a YouTube channel administrator and receive a fixed salary for your work. The duties of the administrator include uploading videos, SEO optimization, compiling a content plan, analyzing statistics and providing reports, promoting videos, moderating comments, and much more. Cope, I think, everyone can if they want.

    Video Maker

    For sites, there is such a profession as. YouTube likewise requires people who make videos for money.

    In order to develop several of my channels, I am currently looking for such people. Therefore, if you are interested in making videos (mostly educational screencasts), then write to me on VKontakte (