Advertising leaflet. Flyers: the secrets of a successful PR campaign How to make a flyer better

A flyer is a widely used way to present your product or service to a number of people who may be interested in it. The methods of distributing leaflets are different: they are sent by mail, handed out on the street from hand to hand or through special distribution stands, pasted on the walls. There are many factors to consider in order to write a good flyer.

Present your product or service

This is the most important thing in any flyer. The main inscription should correctly represent the name of your product or service. In the conditions of fierce competition of various companies, it is necessary that your offer be the most noticeable and interesting for the buyer. And that's why your title block should:

Why should they buy your products or use your services? It is necessary to create an incentive that is not of a long-term nature, but is relevant precisely “here and now”. To do this, be sure to highlight the following aspects:

  • promotions valid for a short time;
  • discounts provided to certain groups of the population (students, pensioners, single mothers, the unemployed);
  • several days of sale at the lowest prices;
  • benefits for regular customers;
  • present specific figures, facts, information;
  • mark the most attractive offers in bold, but not as large as the main advertising phrase;
  • the leaflet itself can serve as a coupon for a discount of any number of percent.

The appearance of the leaflet is the face of your company

  • the leaflet should be made of quality paper, which is durable (so that it does not tear easily), flexibility (so that it can be easily folded and placed in a purse or purse) and smoothness (should be pleasant to the touch, because some people tactile sensations dominate all others);
  • the general background of the leaflet should be pleasant, not cause negative feelings, it should not be excessively bright (such colors should be inherent only in the main inscriptions); soft, warm and soothing pink, light green or orange shades are best suited;
  • the quality of the ink used to print on the leaflet should be high - this will once again confirm your solvency and give customers confidence in your reliability and high quality of the product or service itself, do not allow the ink to flow from raindrops or be printed on hand skin.


Do not neglect the information on how you can be contacted. You can miss out on many customers just because they are used to using the services of other mobile operators or would like to first familiarize themselves with the goods or services they need on the Internet. That's why:

  • phones in your flyer should be presented by the most common mobile operators: MTS, Velcom, Megafon, and so on;
  • your address should be clearly described, mentioning the most significant places and attractions that are nearby, you can supplement the leaflet with a small map of directions to your company;
  • it's great if you have your own website on the Internet, where everyone can get acquainted with the services or products you provide.

A few more important points

When creating a leaflet, you must also consider the following points:

  • do not use excessive exaggeration, otherwise it may seem unrealistic, a deceitful move and cause distrust among customers - restraint and specificity will be liked much more;
  • attractive photographs, funny or touching drawings that are directly related to your product or service will significantly increase the number of interested people, because on a subconscious level they are perceived much better and faster than any words;
  • your information provided in the leaflet must be absolutely reliable in order to avoid misunderstandings and problems in the future;
  • it is forbidden to use the “not” particle, since psychologically, on a subconscious level, it is perceived as negative and causes rejection;
  • mandatory literacy of the written text, any mistake, whether spelling, punctuation or even stylistic, can significantly lower the rating of your company in the eyes of some people;
  • focus on the main client, if your product or service may be of interest only to a certain group of people (new technologies - young people or children's clothing - young mothers), make the leaflet more interesting for them - it is impossible to please everyone.

A flyer (from the English flyer or flier - a flyer) is an effective, cheap way to quickly and massively advertise. By attracting a consumer audience, it contributes to the expansion of the sales market; allows you to quickly inform about upcoming events, promotions, discounts, receipt of goods, etc.
As a rule, flyers have the form of a small leaflet, often colored, double-sided, and contain information about planned events; sometimes give the right to a benefit or discount. The main purpose of their distribution is to attract the largest number of interested parties in the shortest possible time. The creation of flyers as advertising printed products makes it possible to reduce the cost of promotions and marketing campaigns. Allowing you to briefly and informatively present information, they are in demand among companies in various areas of the market (shops, nightclubs, beauty salons, cinemas, etc.).

where to start when creating a flyer

In order to make an effective flyer, it is important to outline a number of key aspects.

Scheme 1. Preparing to create a flyer

Depending on the marketing functions, distribution features, the nature of the target audience, flyers can be:
fashion - they are created more often in color on high-quality thick paper, sometimes they are subjected to post-print processing;
informational - in the manufacture, priority is given to the most accessible presentation of information.
They may contain various information about prices, product benefits, etc. Often they are a pass to an event, a coupon for a benefit or a discount, they are exchanged for a certain service or product.
It is important that the flyer matches its content, purpose, place and method of distribution, and the interests of the target audience. This should be reflected in the choice of the format of products, their color, design.

How to choose the paper size and type

When creating flyers, preference is given to the following formats:
  • A6 (105x148 mm);
  • A5 (148x210 mm);
  • 1/3 A4 (100x210 mm).
The smaller the size of the flyer, the more convenient it is to place it in a pocket, handbag, etc., since this type of printed product is rarely folded. At the same time, the format of the product should be convenient for applying information.
If it is necessary to present certain information that requires a relatively large print space and at the same time provide a discount (a ticket to attend an event, a business card), it is advisable to make a flyer with a separate tear-off edge (coupon), which the consumer can save after studying the general information.
The choice of type and density of paper directly depends on the planned service life of the product. For products of a one-time nature (information about an ongoing promotion, new service, receipt of goods), you can use inexpensive medium-weight paper (including thin, offset). To create image printing that has additional functions and is focused on temporary storage, as well as subsequent use, it is advisable to use higher quality dense materials (for example, coated paper).

What are the secrets to successful content and design

In order for an advertising flyer to be read and saved, it must be understandable to the consumer.
It is recommended to present information in a concise, accessible form. The main gist of the information presented should be clear after the first few seconds of viewing. There are several rules for preparing the content and design of a successful (working) flyer:
  1. Clear, catchy title. It needs to be concise, contain understandable words (without complex, difficult to pronounce, poorly remembered terminology) and reflect the main essence of the product.
  2. Long texts should be avoided. They tire, require careful reading and waste of time, which is not always convenient (for example, when distributed on the street, when a person is passionate about his own business). It is recommended to use short, easy to understand sentences.
  3. The use of graphics must be thoughtful. Illustrations should complement the text, contribute to its correct understanding. Pictures should be placed in such a way that they do not interfere with reading, do not tire the eyes.
  4. It is advisable to highlight the main proposals. The consumer needs to immediately see their benefit, this will serve as an incentive to study and use the flyer.
When developing the design, it is important to use the general requirements for the creation of printing.

Scheme 2. Features of design development

In addition to the general design rules, it is also important to take into account the specifics of the target audience. Products should be not only informational, but also outwardly interesting to the consumer. This matters for the choice of color, graphics, overall design style.

What determines the choice of printing option

After the development and approval of the final design, flyers are printed. Application can be done by offset or digital method, less often - on a risograph. The choice of application method depends on:
  • circulation;
  • print color;
  • desired production time;
  • the need for individual changes.
Risograph allows you to perform black-and-white printing of polygraphy for addressless distribution or mailing. You can use colored paper. Recommended for relatively large print runs. The production time of the order is from half an hour to several hours (depending on the circulation). The savings are not great.
Offset printing makes it possible to produce flyers from 500 pieces to 5-6 thousand copies using a limited or full palette. This manufacturing method is suitable for those who are not constrained in time - large orders can be completed up to 7 days.
Digital printing allows you to make individual changes to products. This application method is convenient for making flyers from 50 copies to about 4 thousand (if the circulation is exceeded, the cost of printing increases significantly). Digital printing is suitable for those who need finished products "here" and "now". The print is of high quality, good color reproduction. It is possible to use a palette with any number of colors.
Printing on flyers is carried out on one or two sides, depending on the purpose of the product.
Post-print processing for flyers is used to a minimum (cutting, creasing).
A beautiful, well-made flyer is the most convenient handout for promotions. Its price, due to the smaller format, is lower than the cost of producing a leaflet, and the benefits provided to the consumer (discount, invitation to attend events, etc.) make them more attractive in the eyes of the target audience. That is why the flyer often becomes a more effective tool for print advertising.

Probably the most popular marketing tool is flyers. An easy way to talk about your unique offers, discounts, promotions and bonuses, thereby stimulating demand. Or simply attract new customers by talking about your company, its product offering.

What should be in a leaflet so that a person starts reading it? To be useful?

The informational part of the leaflet gives the complete information the customer needs to get to know you, contact you and purchase the product. Who are you, what do you sell, what favorable conditions do you offer, how to find you and place an order.

The selling part makes it clear to the client that he will lose the meaning of life if he does not buy your product. That's it, and nothing less. Benefits, benefits, benefits. Why your product for the client or your company is good. What will he get and what problems will he solve forever in his life if he buys your product.

Let's take a closer look…

Information for the client

What does the informational part of the leaflet include?

You must indicate the name of the company, otherwise the client simply will not understand who you are. Next, you reveal the essence of your product offer, product concept. What do you offer, what do you sell. Here the client already decides whether you are interesting to him or not.

Be sure to include ways to contact you. Where does customer comet buy goods? How can he find you? How to find out more information?

Indicate phone numbers by which you can place an order or find out details about the product, the promotion being held. Phones must be with city and international codes, otherwise it will be difficult for you to get through.

E-mail and website addresses are also necessary for the client, because not everyone has the opportunity to call.

Information about the operating mode of the enterprise and the timing of the promotion itself or discounts will be very useful, and they must also be indicated. Moreover, the limitation on the duration of the ongoing promotion can encourage the client to make a purchase.

If there are restrictions on the purchase of your product, or the conditions for participation in the promotion, be sure to focus on them so as not to mislead your buyer.

Therefore, specialists in the preparation of advertising texts - copywriters - are engaged in it. For him, compose a catchy headline that will make it easier to start reading the leaflet than the average person.

But if the headline grabs attention, then the list of benefits that the customer will receive by purchasing the product make him read everything. This is the key to creating effective promotional material. What will you get if you buy from us?

The art is to get the client to come to the conclusion that you can better meet his needs. And for this you must know them.

And the most important thing is the call. A call to action that encourages the customer not to think, but to buy. If you do not give the client a stimulating push, then he may simply put your flyer aside. "Now is not the best time, I'll do it later."

Attract the attention of the client, tell him about the product. Show him a photo of the product. Show him what he gets if he buys from you. Or what will he lose if he does not buy. Encourage him to make a purchase immediately and solve his problem. Then your flyer will sell and attract customers, and not lie in the wastebasket.


Communication channel.
Having found out who your target audience is, conduct monitoring - where do people get information that encourages them to buy? Perhaps these are housewives who watch TV during the daytime, or business people, then it is better to choose the peak time - from 7 to 9 in the morning or from 19 to 23 in the evening. Maybe it's car enthusiasts listening on the radio? Or young people reading about the product on forums and websites? Maybe your target audience is family people who once a week go to a large grocery store and take part in promotions with pleasure? Find your communication channel.

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The flyer must be easy to understand. Consider structure. Even in a small text, you should not abandon the traditional construction "introduction - main body - conclusion". Focus on the main idea. State it clearly and supplement it with a few supporting arguments and facts. Write a short text that will take a person less than a minute to read.

The text of the leaflet must be unambiguous. Don't make contradictory statements. Avoid hints, innuendo, dots. Leaflet appeal should not cause bewilderment in a person. Avoid specific terms and jargon. The former make the text heavier, the latter can cause the reader to disparage your message.

When giving arguments, do not overload the text with facts. The abundance of additional information distracts from the main idea. If you need to provide numerical data, present them in the form of graphs and diagrams. Place only one good quality photo on the flyer to illustrate the text.

The design of each leaflet should attract the attention of potential readers. Highlight the most important thought (phrase) of the text in a special way: large or unusual font, bright color, noticeable location on the sheet. Use colored paper or full color printing.

The information leaflet must be accurate. If it is not possible to order it from a printing house, print it on a printer. But even if you write by hand, use quality A4 paper. When filling with text on both sides of the sheet, take high-density paper: the type should not show through from the back.

There are several ways to distribute a leaflet: stick it on bulletin boards, distribute it to passers-by on the street, put it in mailboxes, leave it on park benches or on supermarket shelves.

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A special offer is placed in a slightly smaller font. It consists, for example, in the low price or high quality of the offered product or service. This sentence is read next after the key phrase and helps to interest the person.

The size of the leaflet depends on its purpose. For distribution of leaflets, you need to choose a smaller size, for example, in the form of a calendar card or a business card. It should fit in a handbag or pocket. The maximum leaflet size should be A4 (landscape sheet size). This size is more appropriate for sticking, rather than distribution.

In order for the leaflets not to be thrown away after reading, you need to make it valuable for a potential consumer. For example, it can be made in the form of a discount coupon, an invitation to a promotion, or a calendar. You can also place a subway map or a list of useful ones on the leaflet.


  • flyer design

Flyers are an effective marketing tool. They are cheap to make. At the same time, with the help of distribution by mailboxes or distribution by promoters, it is possible to cover a sufficient percentage of the desired audience. The main thing is to make flyers eye-catching.


Choose a good quality photo that matches the theme of the flyer. Ask the printer in advance what size they should be. Find as many beautiful images as you can so you can arrange them in different ways.

In the design program, combine text, photo and slogan. Lay out all the components on a colored substrate. Try several options. Ask your manager to approve the layout. Correct it according to the technical requirements of the printing house.

Burn the layout to disk, remembering to attach separate text files and images. Check if the folder opens from disk. Send it to the printer. Be sure to wait for a test copy of the flyer to print. Check if it looks the way you wanted. Only after that, launch the entire circulation.

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Helpful advice

Planning a PR campaign includes a set of activities, including the publication of various types of printed products, and the most popular among them are flyers. The rational use of this effective way of bringing information to the consumer audience will help to attract the attention of potential partners and customers.

Challenges and Opportunities

In the world of marketing, a printed leaflet (flyer) is known and popular. She reports on new products, promotions, cultural events. The main feature is a small format that allows to present a significant circulation to the mass consumer. Budget and ease of distribution make leaflets popular. The price allows you to release flyers systematically, updating up-to-date information.

For this, an effective design of advertising leaflets is developed, causing interest and a desire to get to know the presented goods better and purchase them in the future. Slogans, appeals, logos, a combination of text, graphics, drawings, photos, the correct interaction of colors will help make PR products exclusive and effective.

A Few Secrets to Improving Efficiency

  • discount coupons located on one of the flyer fields guarantee that a certain part of the target audience will definitely use the service or purchase the product;
  • a message about gifts and bonuses helps to intrigue the reader and is distributed among his inner circle;
  • an invitation card is a great tool to attract the public to the opening of a store, restaurant or fashion salon, to a presentation, sale, charity event, music festival.

You can order flyers on high-quality thick paper at a reasonable price in any required circulation. Small-run printing is done by digital printing, large runs can be made on the basis of digital or offset technologies.

Order flyers

  • flyers to attract a wide audience of buyers are distributed in large shopping and entertainment centers or at the place of residence;
  • flyers with accompanying advertising attached to an already completed purchase represent a production or company that may be of interest to this visitor to a fashion store, cafe, concert, that is, they contain targeted content;
  • small flyers that fit in a wallet or notebook, representing a coupon for a discount or bonus or a free ticket to visit a beauty salon, cultural and entertainment event, etc.
  • a compact sticker placed on surfaces in the consumer's field of vision, for example, in public transport;
  • flyer booklet, which is a sheet with 2-3 folds, convenient for mailing.

How to make your own flyer

You can create a flyer layout yourself using special services on the Internet. Templates have been developed in MS Word, Microsoft Office Publisher and Adobe Fotoshop, with the help of which the layout is “assembled” like a designer, and then goes to print. In such blanks, you can place materials of any kind: author's photos, pictures, flowcharts, etc.

Designers provide collections of fonts, autoshapes, graphic elements, and allow you to select a specific color design. Making your own flyers can save you money. But it is unlikely that you will be able to save time and effort, as well as get a quality product. The right decision is to immediately order flyers from a professional designer in a printing studio.

Reasonable price, quality and short terms - these are the three fundamental principles of the studio for the production of PR materials. The site contains samples of flyers that give an idea of ​​the activities of the printing house.

Its employees undertake not only the development of the layout, taking into account all the wishes of the ordering party, but also provide advice on improving the effectiveness of promotions, carry out production and delivery. Professional equipment and certified computer programs ensure the printing of elite-class flyers.

The designer guarantees the correct positioning of the content on the flyer:

  1. Highlighting relevant "selling" semantic blocks using large letters and color on the top margin of the page;
  2. The predominance of simple syntactic constructions from short words;
  3. Inclusion of diagrams, graphics, stickers;
  4. "Gifts", bonuses and additional useful information.

Creating flyers can increase sales if you follow a few simple tips. It is not necessary to place full, comprehensive information about a product or service on a flyer so that the consumer has a desire to personally ask questions.

There is no need to publish data about the company, its history, leaders and achievements: they are not needed, as they will distract from the central idea. Slogans and all content are aimed at creating a positive reaction of the addressee, therefore they should not contain “negative”, “intimidating” text and graphic content, “not” particles, prohibitions, warnings.

As a result, the design of flyers is built in such a way that an attractive image is created that forms positive motivation and evokes positive emotions by pointing out the advantages, benefits, compliance with fashion trends and personal significance of the advertised product group. You can order cheap flyer printing by examining the offers of the printing house and choosing the best option.

Flyer design

A flyer is a printed product that attracts attention with its brightness and originality. Examples of flyers posted on the site show that the element that determines success is a “selling” headline, accompanied by a visual presentation of a product or service that is perceived instantly and remains in memory for a long time.

If pictures or photos are inserted, they must be crisp, clear, with well-defined details. Visual materials illustrate the advantages of the product, and the visual image helps the potential buyer to assess the significance of the presented brand for himself.

Required contact details that are easy to find and easy to remember. The address can be accompanied by an indication of simple landmarks, the route on the city map. Most customers prefer to call first or study articles, reviews, prices and catalogs on the site, so the phone number and email address are written quite large and legible.

Having prepared layouts of flyers, look at them through the eyes of the reading public: will they attract your attention, will they make you want to read to the end and become the owner of a unique package of VIP services. If you want to answer “yes!” to all these questions, then the original layout can be put into production.

Production of advertising leaflets

  • do not use the union “if”, which awakens the desire to reflect, analyze the situation and make a choice, since a person is likely to postpone solving the problem for an indefinite period and will not contact the advertiser’s office, even if the services are cheap;
  • do not promise "fabulous" prospects, a cure for all diseases, that is, do not present deliberately false information;
  • when ordering printing of flyers, do not strive for an abundance of extraordinary design techniques, since a “variegated” sheet is perceived worse, and an extravagant decorative font and complex pictures are distracting;
  • the creation of flyers is designed to highlight significant points that will attract recipients;
  • use terminology that is understandable to the reader, do not dive into the details of the technological process and do not “scare away” with an abundance of technical terms;
  • do not point out to the reader his shortcomings and problems (overweight, age, insufficient income, lack of success, etc.);
  • you should not “teach” how to live, give advice, philosophize, so as not to provoke a negative reaction to what you read.

Each PR campaign ends with a performance analysis and adjustment to increase the effect of the production of flyers.

How to properly distribute flyers

You want advertising to reach the consumer and arouse his interest, and not be money thrown away. Depending on the purpose of the PR campaign, flyer distribution channels are thought out. One of the ways is to distribute hand-to-hand flyers in the immediate vicinity of the cafe, shop, entertainment center that is being advertised.

A fairly effective way is to distribute flyers through mailboxes. Together with correspondence, they fall into the hands of the addressees and in most cases are read at home, when a person is not in a hurry, is not busy solving production issues and is able to study them seriously and thoughtfully.

One of the most effective ways is to distribute related advertising to the client group most likely to be interested in your offer. Distribution of flyers is an actual way of non-aggressive and prompt delivery of information, which gives the main effect in a period of one day to a week, and is also aimed at a delayed result.

It is used as the only promotion tool or in the program of complex promotional events. The key to success in creating a corporate style and image of the organization is the versatility, mobility, budget and the ability to quickly act, which are necessary for business development.