Poems for children from sons to mother. Children's poems for mom Open day

Mom in the rooms
In a white apron
Will slowly pass
Walks through the rooms
busy with business
And, in between,
Cups and saucers
I smile
Doesn't forget
And sings.
But here today
The voice is familiar
It's like it's not the same at all.
Mom is still
walks around the house,
But he sings differently.
The voice is familiar
With special power
Suddenly sounded in silence.
good something
He brought to my heart...
I would not burst into tears.

Agniya Barto


Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

Why Velcro

Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom knows everything
Knows everything in the world!
Why do wasps bite?
I ask directly.
And to ALL my questions
mom answers.
Will tell me where from the sky
Snow is taken in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why is the dog barking?
What will dream in a dream?
Why does the icicle melt
And trembling eyelashes?
Why is there a cloud in the sky
And in the forest - a lawn?
What a mom!

Tatyana Bokova

Let's sit in silence

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

Elena Blagina

Rose for mom

The boy chose a rose carefully,
So that the rest do not crush,
The saleswoman looked worried.
Help him or not?

Thin fingers in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns
I chose the one that revealed
Petals this morning.

Raking your change out of your pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
He was embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom..." he whispered softly.

Birthday, she is thirty today ...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.

Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I'm in my forties, she's in her fifties.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this!

Dear mommy

She warms with love
And everything in the world succeeds
And even play a bit

She will always comfort you
And dress and comb
Kiss on the cheek - smack!

Who is this?
This is my own mother!

colorful gift

I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then, behind the red immediately
Purple broke
And then the blue broke
And the orange broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

P. Sinyavsky


Mommy, mommy, sleep
I won't make noise.
I'll go to the kitchen
I'll wash the dishes.
And with my sister in the corner
I'll play with dolls
I'll sing a song to her
I'll read the book.
Today I will go to school
I'm already big
And the sheets of the primer
I'm not scrolling in vain.

The best mom

It happens: the dog barks,
The rose hip will prick, the nettle will sting...
And at night I dream of a huge hole,
You will fail, falling, you will shout out: "MOM!"
And my mother will appear next to me,
And everything that frightened will pass away,
Sores will leave, splinters will disappear,
And the first bitter tears will dry...
How lucky, I think.
What is the best mom MY!

Vladimir Borisov

If I were a girl

If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste my time!
I wouldn't jump on the street
I would wash my shirts
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room
I would wash cups, spoons,
I'd peel the potatoes myself
All my own toys
I would put it in place!
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"

Edward Uspensky

You are Mom

You are Mom. Is it a lot or a little?
You are Mom. Is it happiness or a cross?
And it's impossible to start over
And now you pray for what is!
For crying at night, for milk, diapers.
For the first step, for the first words.
For all children, for every child.
You are Mom! And therefore right.
You are the whole world! You are the rebirth of life!
And you would like to hug the whole WORLD.
You are Mom, Mom! It's a delight
No one can take away from you.

Lullaby for mother

Bye-bye, mom!
Go to bed early.
Lie down and I'll sing to you
Your lullaby.
Bye-bye, mom!
I know you're tired.
All day with your warmth
You warmed our house.
Bye-baby, mom!
The night is full of fog.
I will wrap my hand around you
I will give you peace.
Bye-bye, mom!
I won't play pranks.
I lie next to the bed
I will lie down and I will ... sleep. Bye-bye!

Tatyana Bokova

Song about mother

You know mom, an ordinary day
We can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
From the first days we speak!
You just have to take a look -
The whole world is warm around
The warmth of a mother's heart
Gentle, kind hands ...
Our troubles and tribulations
Retreat before you
Everything is clearer to us every year,
How are you fighting for us!
Mom, - there is no friend more expensive -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else can help like you?
Who else understands like you?

What a mom!

Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.
White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.
Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.
Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...
That's how mom did it.
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!

Elena Blaginina

Mommy's favorite

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day
I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!

My mommy

You can probably believe
Or maybe not
Now in white
There is sorrow and there is light
Will always support me
She is the loveliest and most beautiful
My mommy!

I love mom

Mom brings me
toys, candy,
But I love my mom
Not for that at all.
funny songs
She sings
We are bored together
Never happens.
I open it
All your secrets.
But I love my mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for
That she is my mother!

Mother's day

I walk, I think, I look:
"What am I going to give my mom tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?"
Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - light!

Elena Blaginina

On mother's holiday

I got up early today.
Why? There are a hundred reasons.
I am, firstly, the oldest,
After dad, from men!
I washed, combed my hair,
I made my own bed,
Three minutes dressed and went,
But do not walk!
Went to the store for bread
And more milk
Played with three-year-old Gleb,
Knocked out the carpet with a fist,
I ate all the porridge for breakfast:
For myself and for Hatashy!
Nata said quietly to me:
- I love such a brother!
And then dad and I deftly
They baked a pie in the oven.
Ho! First y neighbor
Before lunch, there was a conversation:
How much milk do you need?
Where is the vanilla? And where is the flour?
And what kind of jam to take?
What's in the pie? What's in the cookies?
My dad and uncle Pavel
Learned a lot of rules:
Everyone flipped through the manual
Under the name "Housekeeping".

Gaida Lagzdyn

Thank you mom

You gave your family so many years -
Cooked, washed and baked
She gave us the light of her smile,
The family hearth was sensitively protected.
Answering care with care,
We all adore you.
Be healthy and happy, dear.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!

Mom's birthday

What happened in our house?
Why the commotion?
Why do I have porridge in the morning
I ate it all and drank the juice?

Why did I get up early
even dad didn't hear
And packed up my toys
did you comb the tiger's bangs?

Why is school today
got two fives?
Why is the poem
learned without hesitation?

Why did you brush your teeth
and washed eight times,
And in my favorite book
read the big story?

Why is dad today
vacuumed all day?
And wash the dishes for him
whole hill - not laziness!

We go to the market with dad secretly
came in at five o'clock
And bought a huge cake
and a big bouquet of flowers!

For some it may be a mystery
but I will tell you not melting:
birthday today
meet my mom!

Because today with dad -
we're behaving well
Mom is eighteen again!
Congratulations on this day!

Mom, we wish you
always be beautiful!
Let you go further
and adversity and misfortune!

May joy be with you
and fun and warm!
We kiss you a hundred times
we are always light with you!

Mikhail Shinko

My beloved mom

You are so kind, dear,
My beloved mother.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
And I heartily congratulate you!

I offended my mother

I offended my mother
Now never ever
Let's not leave the house together
We will never go with her.
She won't wave out the window
And I don't wave to her
She won't say anything
And I won't tell her...
I take the bag by the shoulders,
I'll find a piece of bread,
Find me a stick stronger,
I'll go, go to the taiga!
I will follow the trail
I will look for pydy
And through the wild river
Build bridges go!
And I'll be the chief boss,
And if I'm with a beard,
And be always sad
And so silent...
And now it will be a winter evening,
And many years will pass,
And here's a jet plane
Mom will take the ticket.
And on my birthday
That plane will fly
And mom will come out of there,
And my mother will forgive me.

Emma Moshkovskaya

wish mom

What do you wish dear
On one of the best days?
So that there would be no end, no edge,
Your bottomless joy!

Take care of your mothers

Take care of your mothers
Like flowers from a cold blizzard
Their love is a hundred times hot
Than friends and beloved girlfriend.
Mother's love cannot be embraced
In the summer heat, and in the blizzard, and in the cold
She is ready to give you everything
Everything down to the gram ... And even the soul.
Take care of your mothers
No one can replace their affection for you,
Among the cloudy days of life
Who will understand you and who will appreciate.
Who will take all the pain
All the torment of the soul and torment,
Mother will not give salt instead of bread,
Mother will always reach out to you.
Do not leave them without participation,
Always take care of them, children,
After all, there can be no complete happiness,
If there is no mother...

Our mommy

Our mother, dear,
Don't count your years.
You are young with us
And always beautiful!
So stay like this
You for many years
Be you a shining star
And never fade!

mom's birthday

For Mom's Birthday
There is always sweet cake
He is baked with good hands for all of us
And there is nothing tastier for all your children
How there is no dearer than you,
More beautiful and cute!

This is my mommy!

There are many mothers in the world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mommy.

Nastya baby

Wonderful mom

The most beautiful, kind, beloved
The sun is a clear ray, a beautiful person
Tender as a flower-gentle petal
Such a caring, glorious, dear ...
Be always so - sweet and dear
The most amazing mom and wife!


Mom's holiday

You dedicated your life to me
And I'm grateful to fate
Because I have such a mother,
Who gives her soul for me.
Thank you, thank you, I say
And at this moment I want to congratulate you.
After all, this is your holiday.
'Cause this is your hour
Which comes only once a year.


If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is tasteless.

If mom is not around
It's cold in the apartment
If mom is not around,
Bad in the whole world.

If mom is far away
It is very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!

I am proud - a holiday date,
A dream come true!
Dad took me with him
Mom buy flowers!

Them descended from a children's book,
I carry, and follow me
The boys look with envy:
Wonderful bouquet!

Get out of bed early in the morning
I was not at all lazy
Indeed, today
Mother's Day - Women's Day!

I want my mom to smile
To never be sad in life
So that you always succeed,
So that you do not know that there is trouble.

On mother's day, my love, I wish
May you stay like this forever!
I dedicate these lines to you
Beautiful mother, tender and dear!

It happens -
The dog is barking
Rosehip prick,
The nettle stings.

And dream at night
Huge hole.
You will fail.
As you fall, you cry out:
- Mother!

And mom will show up
Next to me
And everything that scared
Will pass by.
She will smile -

Splinters will disappear
scratches, abrasions,
Bitter tears...
“What luck! -
I think -
What is the best mother -

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Mommy, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,
I don't know what to wish you
On this wonderful day
I wish you joy and happiness
Peace and good luck for your life,
So that the heart does not break into pieces,
My dear, my dear, man!
How many stars in a clear sky!
How many spikelets in the fields!
How many songs the bird has!
How many leaves on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
But I didn't play either!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh

Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!

Mom's dresses are innumerable.
There is blue and there is green
There is blue with large flowers -
Each serves its mother in its own way.
In this she goes to the factory,
In this he goes to the theater and visits,
She sits in this, busy with drawings ...
Each serves its mother in its own way.
Thrown carelessly on the headboard
Old, tattered mother's dressing gown.
I serve it carefully to my mother,
And why - guess for yourself:
If you put on a colored robe,
So, the whole evening will stay with me.

I take care of my mother's work,
I help in any way I can.
Today mom for lunch
Cooked cutlets
And she said: "Listen,
Vyrychi, eat!”
I ate a little
Isn't it help?

I will collect a bouquet of words -
Of the kindest, gentlest!
I will weave my love into it -
And I will give a bouquet to my mother!

Happy birthday to you, dear!
My closest person.
Bright smiles, happiness and luck,
Health, mommy, you forever!

As a son, I congratulate my mother,
And on a holiday I sincerely wish
Let there be no empty worries
May you always be lucky

Today, on your birthday,
I wish you happiness with all my heart
I love you more than anyone
Let success accompany!

Go around the world around
Just know in advance:
You will not find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother's.

You will not find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mother to each of us
All people are more precious.

One hundred ways, roads around
Go around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mom!

Mom is a wonderful word
And I can't find another.
I want to wish you happiness
Help my mom

I promise every moment
I wish mom joy
May you always be lucky
Happiness is always waiting for you!

Thanks for the sleepless nights
For your good hands
I love you, mom, and remember
Be happy, live long!

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!

“The BEST MOTHER It happens: the dog barks, the dogrose pricks, the nettle stings. And at night you will dream of a huge hole, You will fail, falling, you will shout out: Mom! And my mother will appear next to me, ... "


It happens: the dog barks,

The rose hip will prick, the nettle will sting...

And at night I dream of a huge hole,

You will fail, falling, you will shout out: "Mom!"

And my mother will appear next to me,

And everything that frightened will pass by.

Sores will leave, splinters will disappear,

And the first bitter tears will dry...

How lucky, I think.

That the best mom is mine!


The field gets wet

Under rain -

Under a canopy

Let's wait.


Doesn't want to wait

Let the storm Let the thunder rumble!

He beats with hooves Through the puddles, He is happy that he is disobedient!

RABBIT Brother Hare has a brother Rabbit.

A separate house was built for him.

Lives at work:

Crack-crunch, crunch-crunch...

Everything that you give takes on the tooth.


Where did you go, chickens?

Look for worms in the garden.

Will it rain and hail?

We're turning back

To a sweet mother under the wing:

It's cozy and warm there.

TURKEYS - Klu-klu-klu! - the turkey cries.

With a red beak, a crust - a bale ...

Where are you lagging behind, crumbs!?

Peck crumbs with a strong beak.

Key-key-key! - run, hurry, Six nimble turkeys.

The donkey had a family:

Donkeys have grown up, As if in a warm summer rain Under a pine oil.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

Whole donkey family

Out of nowhere shouts:

RAM, SHEEP, LAMBS - B-ee! - said the ram to the rams. - - It's time for us to get a haircut!

The sheep brought the lambs:

Let's take an example

From father:

Let's cut our curls - People will make shirts.

DUCK AND DUCKINGS - Quack! - said the mother duck. - We will swim and dive.

Where there is a pond, a dam, a river - Just a wet place, Oceans and seas ...

Do you agree kids?

The goose cackled looking at her son:


My gosling, white, smooth, Has become a dirty gosling - ugly!

Where did you smear your paws?

Did you play in the swamp?

Aha! Ha-ha...

CALF The red calf drank mo-lo-ko in the morning!

And everyone was surprised at him - How beautifully he jumped, how easily he ran,

How long did you pull:

"Moo-u-u!" DOVE Ghouls, pigeons, Big pigeons to match, And beautiful, and winged - Isn't it time for you to fly?

Following mom, following dad, Who will rise - do not fall!

Dove ghouls sighed, They fluttered into the blue sky!


The piglet has an appetite:

He climbed into the trough, And there he does not sit idle And gains weight.

DOG This mother does not scream - Just barks and growls.

On the shaggy son of the Naughty puppy.

In the morning he managed to quarrel With a bully cat And now he cannot wag With a scratched tail.


In the thick grass you can't see How, bending your knees, They lie and slowly grow From deer - deer.

From birth, it is customary in the family To wait for the children quietly, quietly While grazing aside Their mother deer.

GOAT A gray goat scratches his forehead, With his forehead, just a little, in a birch - bang!

And butts until the horns appear.


The little camel is interested

Do not walk, but run briskly:

In the desert, barefoot - What's in the sandbox.

So he runs barefoot - On his feet he stuffed corns.

stubborn donkey

Sand ahead, Sand behind

On the way - dune:

How high!

In front of him is a donkey.

And not one step!

What have we offended you, donkey?

It's not you, it's your parents' fault.

I was raised to be stubborn

I can not all the time Straight!

Hedgehog Along the forest path

In the late evening - the rustle:

The invisible man drags a pile of yellow leaves.

The owls are excited:

Who's there? Unclear!

On the path again Stomps back.

Month curious Came out in the middle of the night -

It immediately became clear:

This hedgehog is busy...

The cat has an ik-cat:

Someone remembers!

Sparrows on the roof? Hardly...

Maybe mice in the basement?

Or is it a fish in a pond Guessing: I will come - I will not come?

And if this is a neighbor, a red bully cat?

I woke up in the morning a little light, I remembered about the fight And v-now!

MISHUTKA On a frosty winter at her mother's side, Mishutka has a dream about a distant summer.

In the bear's lair, he remembered the smell of raspberries and honey on his mother's paws.

BUNNY In winter at the bunny, Only snow fell,

One concern:

Confuse the trail.

He tangled his trail, He sat down under a bush - On white - white, Like school chalk.

The fox is angry, the wolf got off his feet - No one could find the bunny ...

TOAD Toad offended Stupid boys - So they didn't read books about animals.

Fairy tales have not been heard Not a single line - Clay was thrown over the swamp hummock.

–  –  –

The heron walks through the swamp.

The heron sips water with its beak.

Hush, frogs, Stop croaking!

Bird Heron Can grab.

It happened during the week:

Mom and dad overlooked, As in the hallway, choosing a post, Appeared in the house - Tail!

My, unkempt, shaggy, The tail has four paws, A pair of eyes, an excellent scent And an extraordinary hearing.

It growls and barks at the enemy, wags faithfully at the Friend.

He follows me back and forth, I sit down to eat - he has food.

I'm out the door - fast on my paw Tail hurries into the yard.

Wherever I am, here and there, The tail is on my heels.

If there is no tail, my friends shout to me that - I, not I ...

ACQUAINTANCE I am unfamiliar with this cat.

Swinging branches, She meows outside the window And asks to warm herself in the house, But there is no neighbor at home.

Output sad:

Meow! - Like, where are you sitting there?

Night in the yard You save my life from the cold!

In the frosty hoar glass.

She's chilly there.

I'm warm here.

I opened the window wide open - A muzzle buried in the palm of my hand.

Cold-cold, Hungry-hungry.

Gave milk to her, Kasha.

And I say

And I look:

Let's get to know each other, Yura!

Purring cat:

KINDNESS A cat has claws, And crayfish with claws, A kid has horns From enemies, for a fight.

–  –  –

Only to live, swear So uninteresting.

And why push, If we are not crowded?

I will reveal the secret

To make it clear:

I will never offend in vain.

The cat will purr, Let me pet him, The dog will lick his hand And get along with me.

Not enmity, but friendship Is valued more.

My neighbor Seryozha will give me a hand.


What's around?

Around - the earth.

There are trees on it:

Over poplars White fluff ...

And there, Raven counts out loud, On the top branch Vitka is a friend.

He knows better:

And what is around?

IMPACT Good impact

Comes randomly:

For one, the wagging of the Dog's tail.

And for others, From the mouth, Growling and barking.

And this means:

Hello! - Don't forget to say.


Good mood- Raspberry jam.

And so that the bank is healthy, Pot-bellied! Three-liter!

You can take a few.

Maybe a tablespoon.

You can - a whole ladle For breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

The sun is reflected in the glass, And so far to the bottom!

VINAIGRET I'll make a vinaigrette for lunch today.

Myself. Without any help I will cut vegetables.


Little by little, I pull the peel from the potato.

We cooked it whole. In uniform.

I clean beets and carrots.

Cap. A drop of blood fell.

But I stand still:

This is beet blood.

If I suddenly sobbed, Then the onion is to blame.

I'll wash myself with water, I'll immediately calm down.

As I cut the cucumber, Mom will say: “Well done!”

KING OF THE MOUNT I am at the top and for the time being Master of the snow, king of the mountain!

I won the hill, Pushing Borka out of here.

He himself, pushing Seryozhka, was pretending to be the Tsar.

I sit on a snowy throne - Who will touch the sovereign?

Below are two friends, both Laughing from a snowdrift.

They lie to themselves, laughing, Nobody wants to take the throne.

They are fine, they are both.

Everything! I don't want to be king.

I'm from top to bottom, like a snowball, I roll to the guys somersault.

BROOM In the sleepy morning silence A rustle whispers - not a soul.

Who is it in advance Sowing early sounds?

Step by step came to life, Moves the foliage ... a broom!

With chic, with noise,


Zilch! - to the left.

Zilch! - to the right.

HORSE Horse legs at the chair - To clatter along the path.

I'll tie a harness to the back - I take a cheerful horse For a walk.

Porridge Mama said to Glasha Shchi and porridge is our food.

Glasha cooked porridge, fed Sasha with porridge.

I fed Pasha, Dasha, Misha, Masha and Natasha.

I put the porridge in the bowls for the dog and for the cat.

She put the porridge in bowls so that the mice would eat the porridge.

Kenar Keshu pecked at the porridge - He praised Glasha for the porridge.

Gave porridge to pigeons, Gave porridge to sparrows, And cocky crow - Eat porridge for health!

And there was still porridge:

Come, it will be yours.

SWING The swing grumbled, capriciously creaked,

Did not want to download:

They were angry about something.


And we apologized - We bowed.

More often. Faster.

Forward and backward.

And now, underfoot, The garden was moving.

The swing no longer creaked - They laughed and sang!

TOY And the midges waltz, And they circle in the morning.

The day is full of fun.

Late night game.

Everything is buzzing over my favorite toy, Over my patient crown.

HAMMER Rusty - the hammer has rusted, He fell ill, fell ill, fell ill!

His handle became short:

Everything goes under the hammer.

It is impossible to hit a nail - So the abyss will not be idle for long!

Hammer disappear to anything!

I'll take it and fix it.

CLOTHING PEG What do you need for a clothespin?

Spring, chip to chip.

Something like this will come out:

Neither a crocodile, nor a pike, But deftly clicks its mouth And - a rope is on its teeth.

And for what?

But simply:

To keep the sheets, And T-shirts with shirts Hanging upside down.


The summer rain chattered With the window glass, It was out of tune with the red roof

He deduced:


Drummed on the eaves, Rolled down the pipe.

Soda water, Foamed on the pavement.

Well, where was he in a hurry?

All, to the droplet, spilled.

Is over.

Has stopped.

GIFTS There are different gifts - Guests buy sweets, Flowers, plates, spoons, cups, Stockings, socks, scarves, shirts ..

Once again they bring, All that they are not asked for.

But this time a miracle happened!

I don't believe in him for now.

All the time the hand reaches out to stroke the puppy's head.

Yes, not some kind of rag, But the real one. Alive!

My gift lies, yawns, Luck does not know my.

NAME What's your name, puppy?

Ginger - for the red side?

Ears down - Lopushok?

Fluffy wool - Fluff?

I step back and forth, And the puppy does not lag behind.

What's your name baby?

Why are you silent?!

I'm half a step, he's a step.

Like a true friend...

CHARACTER Lop-eared puppy of a cheerful disposition.

He is where the boys are played by a mob.

He runs with them, squealing with delight.

How many friends!

Who else has so many?

But for the angry Puppy - touchy.

Even on a kitten He yapping severely.

The puppy's father is an angry dog, And the puppy's mother is strict in earnest.

Everyone was waiting: the son would be born evil, And the dog grew up - mischievous.

He would bite and growl, And he - let's be naughty.

Now he carries a bowl into the room, Then he gnaws at new shoes.

And if someone comes to the house - Wags his tail merrily.

translation from a cat The dog barks and growls, He runs around the yard after the cat!

Why is the cat in such a hurry? - Ask where she's going...

HVASTULKA Everyone to the joy!

Everyone envy!

The owners have a cat - Handsome!

The most dexterous!

The fastest!

The smartest and fluffiest!!!


The horned yellow moon shone in heaven, A cat came out of the house With daisies in its mustache.

The whole skirt is in frills, And the hat is just Ah! ..

A cat is hurrying somewhere With daisies in its mustache!

Ah dear cat! - I said, breathing a little. - To see you off a little?

Too damn good!

But she waved her tail And hid in mugs Shy cat With daisies in her mustache.

DREAMS Paws, ears, tail fell asleep, And on the eyes - Velcro ...

When I sleep, I see dreams, When I doze - drowsy!

–  –  –

Tamara's cat has a grandmother somewhere...

She sits in the evening By the samovar And squints sleepily From the bright light.

She writes memoirs about her youth - she remembers friends, good girlfriends...

There is a grandmother somewhere Tamara's cat - A beautiful grandmother With gray polka dots.

OPENING If you water the flower beds, flowers will grow.

If you water the sidewalks, umbrellas will grow...

translation from canine I am cool!

I am jumpy!

The best in the world!

If they ask for a paw - Dam All four at once !!!


I serve the owner - I guard the gate!

All day I growl and bark - I guard the gate!

A thief will not pass through the gate - Let him climb through the fence !!!

–  –  –

Right paw!

Left paw!

Back paw - One and two!

It's ears, tail and head jumping up the stairs!

Left paw!

White paw!

With a bold paw - Three And Five!

Paws are jumping - This means We are going for a walk!

ABOUT CATS Cats are worse than dogs Because they're pushy!


The fun begins!

Everything sparkles and sings!

All spring and spring The sun warms at the gate!

Swings creak in the yard!

The sound of drops!..

In each puddle - On the dog, From the ears And to the Tail!


Hearty dinner of bones Better than all other sweets.

Every adult AND puppy knows this by heart!


–  –  –

AUTUMN The merry-go-rounds in the garden are empty, And the bushes in the yard are bald...




Merry time!

Great things await us

And we scream:

Bugs! Dragonflies!

Roses!.. - Such a beauty!

And the stars bloom at the tip of the tail!

CONVERSATION - Tick-tock? - asked Hodiki.

So-so, - said the Clock.

The saucepan gurgled:


Broom asked:

And the cat replied:

Knives said:


One Spider was silent in the corner.

He did not like to talk since childhood

And importantly thought:

It is not worth studying for the sake of trifles Five foreign languages.

ABOUT THE GIRAFFE The giraffe has a neck!

Two meters!

Or maybe even longer!

The giraffe thinks

"I'm above everyone!"

And looks up at the sky!


The sun is shining - the day is very hot, Not a soul on the boulevards and in the park.

And in the surrounding gardens - not a soul!

Babies don't scream in the yards...

Residents hid in apartments!

There are tamers on the fences!

The announcement rustles on the arch:


One loafer came into the forest.

Twisted, turned around And went to the neighboring spruce forest.

Tuesday. Fifth of July.

No one - one granny.

Drags an old cart, crushed russula.

After rain on Thursday, I accidentally looked up ...

Mushroom after mushroom!

I covered myself with a diary.

–  –  –

You speak so well!

But it seems the rain has stopped And you must be in a hurry?..

Oh, what are you! .. - The umbrella said.

The hat walked under the umbrella, The umbrella sighed in the rain...

See you, - the Hat said.

Before the rain, - Umbrella said.

–  –  –

We are friends from Kaluga


They say that spring is completely Canceled?!

And Spring in the forest lodge Tried on sandals,

Ran to the village

Sorry! Overslept...

WISH Neighbor has a dog at home!

This is such a big dog!

We played with her for half a day yesterday! ..

–  –  –

It was boring and dark...

The cat jumped into my window

And said to me:

Good evening!

Boring? And have nothing to do?

Maybe we can have some tea together?

I'm the only one who always misses.

The cat jumped on a stool, Deftly tied a napkin, Grabbed a fresh newspaper

And put on my glasses:

Reporting from Amsterdam...

I said quietly: - Mom!

Some weird cat!

The cat sneezed in response.

It's boring to live with you, friends!

You can't even joke...

–  –  –

Duck and ducklings Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Geese Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Calf Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Pigeons Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Piglet Author V. Borisov, artist A Baginskaya Dog Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Deer and deer Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Goat cub Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Little camel Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Stubborn donkey Author V. Borisov , artist A. Baginskaya Hedgehog Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Hiccup Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Mishutka Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Bunny Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Toad Author V. Borisov , artist A. Baginskaya Tsaplya Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Khvost Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Acquaintance Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Dobrota Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya And what is around?

Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Influence Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Good mood Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Vinegret Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya King of the Hill Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Broom Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Horse Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Porridge Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Swing Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Toy Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Hammer Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Clothespin Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Summer rain Author V. Borisov, artist A. Baginskaya Gift Author V. Borisov, artist E. Smirnova At the tip of the tail Author E. Lipatova, artist A. Baginskaya Frivolous stories Author E. Lipatova, artist A. Baginskaya UDC 821.161 BBK 84 (2Rus=Rus) С17

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96 p. : ill. - (First library).

The First Library series brings together works for the youngest readers. With the help of parents, children will get to know the most popular authors world literature.

The collection "The Best Mom" ​​includes colorfully illustrated poems by famous Russian authors.

ISBN 978-5-86415-316-1 © Adonis CJSC Publishing House, 2010 Literary and artistic edition

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Printed from the finished files of the customer at OAO IPK Ulyanovsk Printing House. 432980, Ulyanovsk, st. Goncharova, 14

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