From what they sit on the neck. How not to let yourself sit on your neck. When colleagues go too far

They say that selfishness in small doses is very useful. One of the Biblical commandments says: "Love yourself ...". I come to the conclusion that there is nothing shameful in loving oneself, but what if there is so much self-love that you turn from a normal person, almost into a Narcissus. What if others call you nothing more than arrogant. And this means that you have already gone too far.

I know such people who believe that everyone owes them something, they do not hesitate to "sit on your neck." People of this type will constantly chat about themselves, considering it unnecessary to ask about your affairs. To some, such people will seem harmless, and very often, without realizing it, we follow the lead of these self-satisfied egoists. I consider such behavior the simplest bad manners, which must be eradicated by all possible means!

For example, there are 5 ways to put an arrogant egoist in his place and not let him sit on his neck.

1. In no case do not go on about pity. Yes, it’s so hard for her poor thing, she’s been sitting hungry without money for a week now. And, the fact that she does not go to work because of the fear of ruining her manicure and unwillingness to do "dirty work", she did not forget to mention? And Vasya generally has a rolling ball in the refrigerator, but a full freezer of vodka. People who complain about the fate of the villain, in most cases, simply do not want to lift a finger themselves, because they are used to everything being presented to them on a saucer. Know how to say no to another request, do not be afraid that behind your back they can call you an insensitive cracker. I'm not saying that you shouldn't help people. Just give help to those who need it. As the Bible says: "Do not throw pearls before swine..."

2. Do you know that a friend who constantly complains about her broken life not only drips on your brains, but also steals your energy. How to deal with such pressure? Just start talking more about yourself, about your life. The person will be confused, may begin to avoid your company. And you, moreover, will be able to find out who is your friend and who is not.

3. Your boss constantly overwhelms you with a lot of work, while other employees chat cutely during lunch break. Think you'll earn a promotion this way? Trust me, you are wrong. Your boss found a scapegoat, that's all. In order to prevent such disrespect on the part of the authorities for your time and work, clearly and directly formulate your claims. By no means be silent. People always respect those who are not afraid to defend their rights.

4. Your husband is a real selfish person. You spend all day at the stove, and besides, you work in two shifts. Do you feel like you're only giving and getting nothing in return? The situation needs to be changed. Don't say everything in hysterics. Try to speak calmly. It does not work? Then start doing everything exclusively for yourself. And do not suffer remorse. People often value what they give more than what they receive. So give them the opportunity to give.

5. Ignore people's selfish behavior! Nobody will be offended. An egoist will turn his attention to you if you show a little inaccessibility and coldness.

How to get rid of the manipulations of "irreplaceable" workers?

Remember the famous dialogue between Ostap Bender and Pound in The Golden Calf by Ilf and Petrov?

“Do you need a chairman?

- Which chairman?

– Official. In a word, the head of the institution.

- I'm the head.

"So you're going to sit out on your own?" That would have been said right away. Why have you been fooling my head for two hours now?”

This scene very well reflects all the realities of our reality. You have seen situations when, driven to the extreme, angry at the laziness or huge demands of his manager, the manager threatened him with immediate dismissal. And the subordinate, confident in his own indispensability and infallibility, sarcastically clarified: “Chief, won’t you change your mind”?

Are you familiar with the situation when you have to beg an employee to go on a business trip, or go to work on a non-working day, promising him double pay for this favor? Or, for example, such a situation. Your subordinate has a habit of being late for work from time to time, and in response to your comments, he threatens not to come to work at all. Or he says: “Fire, what is there!”. And now you already feel the whole horror of this situation, because tomorrow you will have to do all the work of this subordinate tomorrow?

There are worse situations. In our client's company, top-level employees told the manager that if he refused to comply with their conditions, then he would work himself. And the condition was a considerable amount of annual bonuses.

Why do business owners, seasoned wolves who have eaten a dog in their business, allow their "valuable" employees to sit on their necks and show outright impudence?

The reason is simple - they cannot fire them, because they are afraid that they cannot do without these workers. These are good shots. They know the market, customers, company (you can substitute any) better than others. And because of this, leaders are forced to bend and make numerous concessions and compromises.

Acting according to this template and delegating some of the powers to your tops, up to making important decisions, you can get to the point that you will soon have to share your dividends with such employees. And soon, the company itself. Because human needs are limitless.

So let's get to the bottom of this problem. We are dealing with the dependence of the owner and the company on "irreplaceable" workers. There are two reasons for this addiction:

  • not hiring or recruiting staff;
  • lack of employee training official duties and functions;

Let's dwell on this in more detail. There is a well-established, but, nevertheless, erroneous opinion that an organization needs to recruit personnel only when one of the current employees leaves, or a new branch opens. Managers are dragging their feet on recruiting new staff and are often anxious about hiring new staff as it creates additional costs.

It comes to the point that managers do not hire staff until the critical moment when the lack of staff begins to threaten the survival of the company. As the company grows and the work gets bigger, this recruiting approach is fatal. Employees of the company are becoming more and more overloaded, productivity and efficiency are falling. Instead of growth, the company comes to a state of stagnation.

Without a reserve in the form of trainees, the leader has to hold on to prof. unfit employees as there are no others. In such conditions, the manager tries to keep any employee at any cost, even if it becomes obvious that this employee has more problems than good. And, it would seem, the circle closes. But someone still finds another job.

What does the leader do? He advertises for employment and announces a competition to fill the vacancy. Over time new employee located and set to work. But for some reason it doesn't work. It turns out that this employee is not professionally fit. He is fired. A tender is announced again, and a week later a new employee appears again. Thus, there is a monthly downtime of this department, when the work was not performed or performed poorly.

However, even after placing a new productive employee in a position, the company may face a new problem: the predecessor did not leave any recommendations or instructions on how to do work in this position.

It turns out that the new employee will have to build this communication anew, act by trial and error. And by the time he finally figured out what's what, he suddenly decides that this job is not quite like the job of his dreams. The circle closes and the whole cycle repeats itself. As a result, the work in the company is getting worse, the quality of the product (or service) of the company is declining, the company is starting to lose its customers, income is falling, and losses, on the contrary, are growing.

A simple rule to learn once and for all is that under-recruitment results in underproductive workers because it has to hold on to unfit or unproductive staff members.

So what can be done to avoid this? There is a simple solution: constantly recruit and train staff.

For example, you can create a division of trainees (employees with probationary period). Part of the working time, interns must study, and part of the time, they must work in those departments of the company that do not require specific knowledge and skills.

This will help to select personnel more efficiently and with high quality, there will be a chance to see how this or that trainee works, how fast, independent, quick-witted, and productive he is. No tests or recruitment interviews will show you that.

Moreover, there is one significant plus from the idea of ​​​​creating a subdivision of interns- this is a kind of veiled reminder for existing employees, allowing the manager to discipline the team. Try it, be bold, or be late for work when two or three almost trained interns apply for your place!

Well, let's recap:

1. Rule number 1 - a continuous set of new frames./p>

2. Rule number 2 - training in work skills and internships in the company. Rule three is the transfer of experience, or the hat rule.

What is a "hat"?

In the course of its work, any organization accumulates certain experience, knowledge, know-how. This experience and know-how is accumulated in every post of the organization. And so that this knowledge and experience is not lost during the rotation of personnel, they must be recorded in the so-called "hats" of employees. The hat is the materials with which the one who takes over the post is taught.

Situation #1
The employee forces the director to make a decision urgently, "on the run", so as not to waste time and effort on a detailed conversation in his office. How to resist it?

Employees can manipulate the bosses only if the bosses themselves allow it, if the intellectual level of the director is lower than that of his subordinates. It is worth signing a paper once "on the go", expect the employee to sit on your neck and discuss work issues with you anywhere (in the corridor, on the street), but not in the office. Personally, I do not allow this: until I get acquainted with the document, until the information contained in it settles in my head, I will never put my signature. If a subordinate begins to manipulate the boss, it means that he is trying to minimize his efforts when doing work. I stop such attempts, but not in a rude way. I say: sorry, if you do not think that your question deserves a detailed discussion, then I am of a different opinion. And I appoint the time at which I am ready to receive the employee in my office.

Situation #2
The subordinate comes to the boss with a good idea, but refuses to draw up a detailed plan for its implementation, personally guaranteeing a worthy result. Whether to trust such "guarantor"?

There are no personal guarantees. President B. Yeltsin gave guarantees, "put his head on the rails" to prove that he would fulfill his promises. However, the matter, as we remember, did not go beyond words. You can’t take an employee’s word for it, because behind the refusal to draw up a clear plan for the implementation of the project lies the desire to avoid personal responsibility. In such cases, I gather a technical council to convey to all its members the idea of ​​a new project. Be sure to allocate responsibilities, because one person, no matter how professional he may be, will not cope with the task. If there is no work plan, then the proposed idea is a fiction and there is no point in wasting time talking with its creator.

Sergey Chirkov, director of the Eurosnek company

Situation #3
An employee constantly complains about a difficult family situation in order to beg for time off, vacation or a free work schedule. Pity is followed by blackmail - resentment, failure to meet deadlines, the threat of dismissal, and so on. How to deal with it?

In such a situation, counter-manipulation on the part of the director should be used. I try to translate an emotional conversation with an employee into a business channel. First I praise my subordinate: yes, you valuable employee, worked for a year and a half without a vacation and, according to the law, you have every right to it. But this month I cannot let you go, because I have not yet found a worthy replacement for you. Let's talk about next month, shall we? In any case, the position of the director is stronger, you just need to use it wisely - to enter into the position of your employee, thus causing respect for yourself, and then calmly, without unnecessary emotions, justify your decision.

Situation #4
The employee understands that he faces a difficult task and tries to shift the responsibility to the boss. It all starts with a request for help, but it comes to the point that soon the subordinate does not really make any efforts to solve the problem. How to counter this?

If the situation began to unfold in this way, it means that initial stage the manager made a mistake in the distribution of duties. To prevent this from happening, everything must be negotiated "on the shore." Be sure to familiarize the subordinate with the golden rule for completing the task, which includes three points:
1. Responsibility for the performance of the task lies with the employee from the moment he is given the appropriate authority.
2. Responsibility for the timely report on the performance of the task lies with the subordinate.
3. In the event of unforeseen obstacles, the employee must:
a) evaluate whether he can overcome them;
b) if able, accept sole responsibility;
c) if an employee decides that it is impossible to overcome obstacles, he is obliged to notify the manager in a timely manner;
d) in the case of item "c", the manager evaluates:
- the degree of the complication that has arisen and shares responsibility for the performance of the task in a quality manner and on time;
- the employee's ability to find independent solutions in difficult situations and his general professional competence.

Undoubtedly, you are an excellent specialist (otherwise would you have received a promotion?), But the problem is the lack of managerial experience. In such a situation, anyone will start to panic, because subordinates are not just a nice bonus to a new position, but very important people on whom the development of your career largely depends. The most important thing is to take control of yourself. It is quite possible to deal with this problem.


Maria(26) She worked as a sales manager for a cosmetics company for four years, and when she was appointed head of the department, she had no doubts about her success. Relations with colleagues were good, but everything turned out to be not so simple. “Fearing that they would think that I was arrogant, I decided to remain my boyfriend for everyone: I forgave being late, I was sympathetic to the need to take a day off or delay the report,” the girl recalls. - As a result, subordinates sat on the neck. The company's sales dropped, and I had to urgently change the style of behavior.
On the one hand, Maria chose the right tactics. After all, drastically changing the way you communicate with people who are used to being equal with you is a sure way to find ill-wishers. On the other hand, the girl admitted typical mistake- began to indulge subordinates in everything. “Reducing the distance between the boss and his employees is perceived by some employees as permission to evade the performance of official duties. And one of the manager's talents is to be able to determine the length of this distance. Ideally, if the boss is limited to neutral vocabulary and formal communication style, ”comments CEO recruiting agency PennyLanePersonnel Tatyana Dolyakova.
The boss simply has no right to be too soft.
“In such a situation, colleagues will either sit on your neck, or take advantage of your weakness and go around the corner. Someone who is not afraid to seem like a stricter boss will sit in the coveted chair instead of you, ”adds psychologist Eva Veselnitskaya.
Troubles can also arise if, before being appointed to a managerial position, you closely communicated with colleagues: you talked about fun adventures in bars, and even gave out your family secrets to someone. The basic rule of a careerist is to work at work, and not share the details of your personal life. Subordinates who know not only weak sides his boss, but also the juicy details of his biography, cannot be taken seriously by the boss.
The psychologist warns: you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to rebuild relationships, become more detached - stop discussing personal experiences with colleagues. By the way, you yourself probably noticed: the higher the position of a person, the less employees know about him.


For the sixth year of work as an ordinary auditor Elena(29) I realized that I was ready to grow professionally. But the company made it clear to her: the prospects for promotion are vague. The girl sent out a resume and soon got a position financial director in another firm.
“It turned out that I took the place of a beloved boss who moved to a new job,” says Elena. - And the whole team looked at me as a stranger. They coldly communicated with me, ignored comments, and received new proposals with hostility. For the first six months, she came to work like an exam - subordinates tested her for strength literally every day. As a result, the test still passed, but how difficult it was!
Experts consider Elena's strategy to be the most correct: if you become the boss in a close-knit team, you should not try to immediately destroy the old foundations. “Only a daily constant demonstration of your skills and competencies will disarm the most ardent full-time aggressors,” Tatyana Dolyakova believes. In such a situation, it would be good to learn simple rules self-presentation. For example, dress in accordance with the accepted dress code, monitor the literacy of speech. It is also important to memorize all employees by name as soon as possible. Calmly, slowly, to prove to subordinates their worth as a leader. It will gradually become clear how professional each of your employees is, who is more of a leader, who shares your thoughts and goals, and who does not. In short, you need to look for like-minded people. Eva Veselnitskaya advises you to start communicating with your equals horizontally, that is, with the heads of other departments. When you need to get used to a new status, this is the best way to "get used to the image."


When Rita(27) took the position of chief designer of a furniture company, she was given the task of bringing new technologies to the business. The talented girl was full of enthusiasm, but her subordinates did not share it. “The youngest of them was 40, the eldest was 59. I seemed to them young and inexperienced, they sincerely wondered why I was sent to lead them,” the girl recalls. - I was exhausted, trying to explain why now it’s no longer possible to do what it was 10 years ago, but they only chuckled condescendingly and answered my respectful “you” only as “baby”. It was unsettling, and every day I lost confidence in myself ... "
According to the psychologist, Rita initially began to build communication with her subordinates incorrectly. You should not allow yourself to be referred to as "you" and just by your first name. After all, this is an office, not a meeting with the participation of older relatives. Of course, there are exceptions when people, for example, creative professions, easily turn to each other, regardless of age and status. But if this is not accepted in your company, do not allow familiarity. “Marivanna”, who once again called you Lenochka, can be gently said: “I'm sorry, but I'm Elena Nikolaevna!” Endurance in this situation is the main weapon," says Eva Veselnitskaya.
Do not forget about such an important tool as compliments. find strengths your employees and tag them. Add also that, having mastered new technologies, subordinates will be able to show their professionalism more clearly. It is important that they can be convinced that the young leader did not come to break everything, but to build something new and better, and together with old employees. This approach will help to prove to colleagues, confident in the ideality of the old school, the need for change. “In the conditions of reorganization, the age of the chief is not of fundamental importance. The main thing is his professionalism and leadership qualities,” sums up Tatyana Dolyakova.


The fact that over time you will acquire all the necessary professional skills is beyond doubt. Therefore, at the initial stage, it is important first of all to pay attention to your psychological mood.
“Try by any means to restore inner peace, not to make hasty and fussy actions, to form a plan for consistent actions for yourself, determining exactly what result should be the output,” advises Eva Veselnitskaya. The success of a young boss largely depends on whether a person has the courage to admit his shortcomings.
It is also worth remembering that it is important for a newly minted leader to win the sympathy of employees. Psychologists assure that positive psychological contact in most cases simplifies mutual understanding, which means the speed and accuracy of work. From the very first day, the boss needs to learn how to show and develop his leadership qualities, inspire the team to labor exploits. The main thing, having become the boss, do not doubt your abilities. If it was you who was appointed to the position, then they are confident in your professional qualities. And remember: there is nothing wrong with a young leader feeling uncomfortable in a new position. But it is important to determine the cause of the uncertainty. Understand whether you want to be a boss in principle, whether you are focused on a vertical career, or a horizontal one is closer to you.
In the latter case, by the way, there is nothing wrong either - it only means that you are more comfortable answering only for yourself.
If you are still ready for vertical growth, then, as Aleksey Zakharov, president of the recruiting portal, advises, you can fill in the gaps by receiving additional education or sign up for training.

The main mistakes of a novice boss

1 Distribute useless tasks so that subordinates do not sit idle. Realizing that the work is done in vain, they will begin to perceive the boss as a petty tyrant and a despot. And soon they will stop fulfilling important assignments.
2 Be superficial and believe that the main task is to lead,
and let narrowly focused specialists delve into the details. The more regularly subordinates notice your incompetence, the faster their respect disappears.
3 Rush to the other extreme - try to control all the nuances of the work of employees.

TEXT: Ekaterina Babkova

Remember the famous dialogue between Ostap Bender and Pound in The Golden Calf by Ilf and Petrov?

“Do you need a chairman?
- Which chairman?
– Official. In a word, the head of the institution.
- I'm the head.
"So you're going to sit out on your own?" That would have been said right away. Why have you been fooling my head for two hours now?”

This scene very well reflects all the realities of our reality. Surely, you yourself often encountered situations when, driven to the extreme, angry with laziness or huge requests from his manager, the manager threatened to immediately dismiss the delinquent. And the subordinate himself, who deeply believed in his own indispensability and infallibility, at the same time sarcastically clarified: “Chief, won’t you change your mind”?

Maybe you are familiar with the situation when you have to beg an employee to go on a business trip, or go to work on a non-working day, promising him double pay for this favor? Or, for example, such a situation. Your subordinate has a habit of being late for work from time to time, and in response to your comments, he threatens not to come to work at all. Or he says: “Fire, what is there!”. And now you already feel the whole horror of this situation, because tomorrow you will have to do all the work of this subordinate tomorrow?
But this is not the most illustrative example, there are worse situations. In one of the companies we supervise, top-level employees told the manager that if he refused to comply with their conditions, then he would work himself. And the condition was a considerable amount of annual bonuses.
Why do business owners, seasoned wolves who have eaten a dog in their business, allow their "valuable" employees to sit on their necks and show outright impudence? The reason is simple - they cannot fire them, because they are afraid that they cannot do without these workers. These are good shots. They know the market, customers, company (you can substitute any) better than others. And because of this, leaders are forced to bend and make numerous concessions and compromises. Acting according to this template and delegating some of the powers to your tops, up to making important decisions, you can get to the point that you will soon have to share your dividends with such employees. And soon, the company itself. Because human needs are limitless.

So let's get to the bottom of this problem. Here we are dealing with the dependence of the owner and the company on "irreplaceable" workers. Where do the legs of this addiction come from? There are two reasons for its occurrence:
not hiring or recruiting staff;
lack of training of employees in their job duties and functions;
Let's dwell on this in more detail. There is a well-established, but, nevertheless, erroneous opinion that an organization needs to recruit personnel only when one of the current employees leaves, or a new branch opens. Managers are dragging their feet on recruiting new staff and are often anxious about hiring new staff as it creates additional costs. It comes to the point that managers do not hire staff until the critical moment when the lack of staff begins to threaten the survival of the company. As the company grows and the work gets bigger, not less, this approach to recruiting is fatal. Employees of the company become more and more overloaded, productivity and efficiency of their work falls. And instead of proper growth, the company again comes to a state of stagnation.
For the reason that, having no reserve in the form of trainees, the leader has to hold on to prof. unfit employees as there are no others. In such conditions, the manager tries to keep any employee at any cost, even if it becomes obvious that this employee has more problems than good. And, it would seem, the circle closes. But someone still finds another job.
What does the leader do? He advertises for employment and announces a competition to fill the vacancy. After some time, a new employee is located and gets to work. But for some reason it doesn't work. It turns out that this employee is not professionally fit. He is fired. A tender is announced again, and a week later a new employee appears again. Thus, there is a monthly downtime of this department, when the work was not performed or performed poorly. However, there is one more subtle nuance, even putting a new productive employee in a post, the company may face a new problem: the predecessor, leaving, did not leave any recommendations or instructions on how to do the work in this post. It turns out that the new employee will have to build this communication again, by trial and error to find effective way. And by the time he finally figured out what's what, he suddenly decides that this job is not quite like the job of his dreams. The circle closes and the whole cycle repeats itself. As a result, the work in the company is getting worse, the quality of the product (or service) created by the organization is declining, the company begins to lose its customers, income is falling, and losses, on the contrary, are growing.

A simple rule to learn once and for all is that under-recruitment leads to low worker productivity, because it has to hold on to unfit or unproductive staff members, for lack of others. So what can be done to avoid this? The solution to the problem is quite trivial and simple: constantly recruit and train staff.
For example, you can create a division of trainees (employees on probation). Part of the working time, interns must study, and part of the time, they must work in those departments of the company that do not require specific knowledge and skills. This, moreover, will help to select personnel more efficiently and with high quality, since there will be a chance to see how this or that trainee works, how fast, independent, quick-witted, and productive he is. No tests or recruitment interviews will show you that. Moreover, there is one significant plus from the idea of ​​​​creating a trainee unit - this is a kind of veiled reminder for existing employees, which allows the manager to discipline the team. Try it, be bold, or be late for work when two or three almost trained interns apply for your place!

Well, let's recap:
The first rule is a continuous recruitment of new personnel.
Rule number two is job skills training and internships at the company. Rule three is the transfer of experience, or the hat rule.

What is a "hat"?
In the course of its work, any organization accumulates certain experience, knowledge, know-how. This experience and know-how is accumulated in every post of the organization. And so that this knowledge and experience is not lost during the rotation of personnel, they must be recorded in the so-called "hats" of employees. The hat is the materials with which the one who takes over the post is taught.

Marat Said-Galiev