Aerobatics which does not exist. From "loop" to "chakra". Five aerobatics invented by the Russians. What is overload

Previously, we learned how to perform some simple aerobatics in flight simulators. Today we will master more complex aerobatics.

Barrel- rotation of the aircraft 360 degrees around the longitudinal axis. To perform a roll, you need to tilt the steering wheel in the direction of the intended coup. Our plane will begin to roll over. When the aircraft reaches a position close to the initial one, it is necessary to set the steering wheel to the initial position. It is necessary to return the steering wheel to the initial position a little earlier than the aircraft reaches a position similar to the initial one, due to the fact that the alignment of the aircraft will not occur instantly, and the aircraft may not turn 360 degrees, but, for example, 380 or 400.

You can try out a barrel roll in War Thunder's free flight simulator.

What can be used for reception - barrel?

The barrel makes it difficult for the enemy to aim and reduces damage to our aircraft, usually only slightly. Also, when performing a barrel roll, your gunner will be able to hit targets that were outside the arc of fire during direct flight.

Smeared barrel. tub

More effective defensive maneuver - smeared barrel or tub.

Smeared barrel this is also a 360-degree flip of the aircraft around the longitudinal axis, but the axis (aircraft fuselage) also moves in space in a circle. To perform a smeared roll, you need to slightly lift the nose of the aircraft, pulling the helm towards you about a third of the way, and tilt it to the side, as well as when performing a regular roll. Our plane will begin to perform a complex movement, roll over around the longitudinal axis, while rotating in a circle. It is unlikely that the enemy will be able to shoot accurately at you.

Keep in mind that with such a flight, your plane does not fly in a straight line, so if you want to break away from a slow enemy at speed, you should not perform a smeared roll. But if you are flying on a slow plane and the enemy is chasing you, then you can reduce engine thrust and perform a smeared roll, the attacker most likely will not be able to reduce speed so sharply and will simply overtake you, the main thing is not to overdo it and not enter a stall.

What is a dump?

stall occurs when the speed drops below the minimum allowable for the flight of this aircraft. In World of warplanes, this threatens us with the fact that the plane will start to fall down, picking up speed, typing desired speed the aircraft will become controllable again. In real life, the consequences of stalling are much more deplorable.

Barrel and Smeared Barrel are excellent defensive maneuvers, so I advise everyone to master them and use them in combat. In this case, you can combine some defensive techniques, for example, perform a smeared roll with a horizontal shift.

Bell of Kvochura

The aircraft lifts its nose up at zero speed and then tips it down, simulating the movement of a bell's tongue. Hence the name of the figure.

The figure was first presented in 1988 at the air show in Farnborough, England. Test pilot Anatoly Kvochur sat at the helm of the fourth-generation MiG-29 fighter.

Initially, the bell was regarded as a maneuver in which the fighter aircraft becomes invisible to radar-guided missiles. Nowadays, this figure can be seen not in battles, but during the performances of the aerobatic teams "Swifts", "Russian Knights", "Rus".


The aircraft rotates 360 degrees around its horizontal axis. Depending on the number of revolutions, the barrel is single, one and a half and multiple.

The maneuver was first performed by American Daniel Maloney in 1905. During World War II, this figure saved more than one life.

Thrice Hero Soviet Union Alexander Pokryshkin once watched the flight of inexperienced pilots. One of them decided to make a barrel, but at the same time he significantly lost speed and dived down. At that moment, the pilot flying behind him jumped forward and the acrobat was on his tail. Pokryshkin and his colleagues dubbed the figure a “boiler” and more than once used the technique in the fight against Nazi aircraft. Now the barrel is included in the complex of figures performed at competitions in aircraft sports.


The aircraft makes a combat turn - a half-barrel at the top of the half-loop.

The figure was first made on a Fokker E.III monoplane by 25-year-old German Max Immelmann in 1915 during the First World War. This maneuver allowed Immelmann to be above and behind the enemy aircraft, although they had previously been on a collision course. During the year of flights, Immelman shot down 15 enemy aircraft, and the British pilots, only seeing that the German had taken off, went to land.

The figure of Immelmann began to be taught in flight schools. And today it is included in the basic figures that all military pilots should be able to do.

flat corkscrew

The aircraft descends in a steep downward spiral with a small radius.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a corkscrew was the main cause of the death of pilots. It was believed that it was impossible to get out of the corkscrew. But on September 24, 1916, pilot Konstantin Artseulov on a Nieuport-XXI aircraft at an altitude of 2000 meters deliberately put the plane into a tailspin and got out of it. The next day, Artseulov submitted a report to the authorities of the Sevastopol Aviation School, in which he proposed to introduce a corkscrew into the training program.

Today, this once deadly figure is practiced in all aviation educational institutions on propeller-driven machines, it is included in the regulations of competitions in aircraft sports. However, in Russia, the performance of a spin on jet fighters is prohibited for safety reasons, they perform only a flat spin. Despite the fact that they learned to fight with a corkscrew, it still claims lives to this day.

Chakra Frolov

A figure in which the aircraft turns around its tail at low speed, forming a dead loop with a very small turning radius.

It was first shown to the public on a Su-37 fighter by Evgeny Frolov in 1995 at the air show in Le Bourget.

The figure is named after an ancient Indian weapon, which is a ring with a cutting inner edge. The Frolov Chakra can only be performed on aircraft with variable thrust vectoring. The figure was not used during air combat. It is demonstrated during demonstration performances at exhibitions and aviation festivals, proving the aerodynamic perfection of Russian 4+ generation fighters.


The plane goes up like a candle, hangs in the air and, turning its nose to the ground, goes down.

It is believed that the figure was first performed by a German pilot, world champion in aerobatics and aircraft designer Gerhard Fieseler in the late 1920s.

The use of this figure during an air battle is tantamount to signing a death sentence on oneself. An aircraft hovering in the air becomes an ideal target for the enemy. But during demonstration flights, the vertical turn causes a stir among the audience, because it looks very impressive. This figure is included in the complex of exercises in aircraft sports, but jet fighters do not perform it.

The figure of Pugachev

A figure in which the nose of the aircraft rises up 110 degrees (on the Su-27, on the Su-37 - up to 180 degrees) relative to the direction of movement, and then falls back.

It was first performed in a test flight by Igor Volk, Honored Pilot of the USSR. The cobra was demonstrated to the general public by Viktor Pugachev at international salon at the French Le Bourget in 1989. When the Russian pilot's Su-27 fighter turned up its nose sharply, the organizers of the air show decided that there was a malfunction in the system and the aircraft was about to fall. But the plane did not fall into a tailspin, but flew in the same direction. Pugachev received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the development of new technology, and the figure, despite the fact that it was invented by another pilot, received the name of the first demonstrator.

The maneuver is suitable for avoiding not only an enemy fighter, but also missiles with infrared homing heads. However, the cobra has not yet been used in combat.


The figure is done in much the same way as a hammerhead, but not with a hover, but with a turn on a hill (aerobatics figure, when the plane is gaining altitude with a constant angle of inclination).

Presumably overturning (as the name of the figure is translated from French), or turning on a hill (under this name the figure is known in Russia), appeared in the 1930s. The difference between the Ranversman and the Hammerhead maneuvers is that the aircraft moves away from the enemy in the opposite direction, not strictly vertically, but at an angle of 50–60 °, uphill.

Those pilots who could cope with this complex figure gained an advantage in battle. After all, it can be used during attacking and counterattacking actions, it allows you to quickly change the direction of flight without losing altitude.

By type of execution it can be fast and slow, by the number of revolutions - single, one and a half and multiple, by the slope of the flight path - horizontal, ascending and descending.

Execution technique

A roll is performed at a speed of at least 300 km / h. First you need to give the aircraft a pitch angle of 15-20 °. On single-engine propeller-driven aircraft, a barrel against [ clarify] direction of rotation of the screw (usually right) is more sluggish and requires vigorous movement of the handle.

For the Yak-52 aircraft, a horizontal controlled roll is performed at a speed of 230 km/h with an engine crankshaft speed of 82% and full boost. In level flight, mark a landmark in front of the aircraft, relative to which the roll will be performed. At a given speed, by pulling the control stick, create a Pitch angle of 10-15° and fix this position. After that, with an energetic movement of the control stick towards the barrel, start the rotation of the aircraft around the longitudinal axis, helping the rotation with a slight deviation of the pedal in the same direction. After passing a roll of 45 °, start to give the control stick away from you, without slowing down the rotation. At the first moment, this is necessary to prevent a turn, and then, when the aircraft is in an inverted position, to prevent the aircraft hood from lowering below the horizon line. In the “on the knife” position (90° and 270°) it is necessary to slightly deflect the upper pedal to keep the hood above the horizon line. In the inverted position, the pedals must be neutral so that the aircraft does not go away from the landmark. 30-20° before the end of the roll, the control stick is pulled towards itself to keep the aircraft from turning and from lowering the hood below the horizon line. As soon as the aircraft approaches the level flight position, give the control stick to the output in the opposite direction of rotation, and after the rotation stops, put it in neutral.



  • Catalog of figures aerobatics FAI Aresti = FAI Aresti Aerobatic Catalogue. - Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 2002.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Barrel (aerobatics)" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Aerial manoeuvre stunts) the highest degree of flying art, that is, the ability to make complex evolutions (figures) on an airplane. Aerobatics include: a dead loop, a corkscrew, a barrel, sliding on the tail, etc. Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary ... Marine Dictionary

    Aerobatics, usually characterized by the following figures: slow down. roll, one-and-a-half and multiple rolls, ascending and descending rolls with an inclination angle of the trajectory to the horizon of more than 45 °, vertical. figure eight, age-old combinations of figures and their elements ... ... Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

    Flight by plane with the performance of maneuvers of the highest complexity. Such maneuvers include: V. p. figures (single horizontal slow roll, immelman with a loop, double immelman, vertical eight, etc.) performed by a single ... ...

    Aerobatics- the highest degree of flying art, which consists in the ability to perform complex figured flights "loop", "combat turn", "coup" ("Immelman"), "barrel", etc., mainly in a vertical plane. The art of V. p. makes it possible ... ... Concise Dictionary operational-tactical and general military terms

    Wiktionary has an entry for barrel A barrel (a unit of volume) is an old Russian unit of volume. Barrel (aerobatics) aerobatics figure. Barrel ... ... Wikipedia

    Maneuvering in flight of aircraft and helicopters in the conduct of hostilities, during the training and training of pilots and for sporting purposes; figure flights demonstrating the skill of pilots and the flight qualities of aircraft. Maneuvers... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    This term has other meanings, see Aerobatics (film). Aerobatics (fr. pilotage) spatial maneuvering aircraft, which has as its goal the defeat of the enemy or the execution of figures in the air. ... ... Wikipedia

    Barrel aerobatics, rotation of the aircraft around the longitudinal axis by 360 ° or more without changing the direction of movement. By type of execution it can be fast and slow, by the number of revolutions single, one and a half and multiple, by inclination ... ... Wikipedia

    - (French pilotage, from piloter to fly a plane) spatial maneuvering of aircraft or gliders in order to perform various figures in the air. P. is subdivided: according to the degree of complexity of execution into simple, complex and higher; on… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

We have all at least once seen how skillfully aircraft pilots perform aerobatic maneuvers in the air, making both dead loops and barrel rolls, and almost falling vertically towards the ground, but in an instant they level their plane, forcing it to fly again. Naturally, such skill requires a number of skills, techniques honed to the smallest detail, so that even with eyes closed know how and what to do in a given situation.

However, have you ever thought about how different aerobatics performed on an airplane? It should immediately be noted that aerobatics differ from the so-called figures of simple and complex aerobatics in that they require the utmost composure from the pilot himself - one wrong action, and a catastrophe will be inevitable, and not every aircraft is capable of performing such complex actions.


  1. Cobra

The principle of this aerobatics consists in the fact that the aircraft lifts its nose sharply, but at the same time continues to fly along the previously planned trajectory. In terms of execution, this figure may seem quite simple - at the right time, the pilot simply turns off the anti-roll bar, but on the other hand, the pilot subsequently needs to keep the car in a given position, not allowing it to roll over in the air.

As regards the practical application of this aerobatics, then first of all it can be used in air combat to perform an aerodynamic braking maneuver. Aerobatics "Cobra" may not be performed on all fighters.

  1. Bell

Execution aerobatics is to lift the aircraft into the sky almost at an angle of 90 degrees, performing the so-called sliding on the tail, after which, the aircraft, having reached the maximum angle of attack, sharply falls nose forward, thereby imitating the movement of the bell. First aerobatics "Bell" was carried out in 1977, and today it is used in order to deceive the radar for some time - the plane freezes motionless in the air, turning into a fixed point on the radar screen.

The Hook aerobatics is a slightly modified and more complex Cobra maneuver. The essence of this aerobatics is to apply aerodynamic braking, as seen in the aerobatics "Cobra", to turn around and get away from the enemy for a considerable distance. The "Hook" maneuver itself is very complicated in its execution, because the aircraft still needs to be deployed in the air, and the countdown here goes for a fraction of a second. It is performed exclusively on a turn.

  1. Chakra Frolov

Aerobatics is to perform a turn of the aircraft in the pitch plane at an angle of 360 degrees. In fact, the aircraft performs a turn in a very small circle, practically around its tail section, which is very difficult. In total, there are only three aircraft in the world capable of performing the Frolov's Chakra aerobatics - these are the Su-37, Su-30MK and MiG-29OVT. The meaning of this aerobatics lies in the fact that during the conduct of the battle, skip the pursuing enemy forward, thereby taking him as the target of the guns.

  1. U-turn on a cobra

Another modified aerobatics, which consists in the fact that the plane, performing the Cobra maneuver, turns around and flies in the opposite direction. With regard to the complexity of this aerobatics, then it is more simple, and at first it was classified as a complex aerobatics figure, but later it was retrained.

  1. Coup on the bell

The aerobatics figure “Flip on the bell” combines two elements that are performed together - first, the plane hangs in the air for a fraction of a second, after which it makes a 180-degree flip while continuing to fly. This aerobatics is one of the most difficult.

  1. Knife (knife blade)

This aerobatics maneuver is distinguished by the fact that the aircraft passes a strictly horizontal flight with a roll at an angle of 90 degrees. When performing this aerobatics it is necessary, first of all, to control the flight speed, the angle of roll, the state of the altitude.

Thus, there are not so many aerobatics, but, nevertheless, they are all complex, and without long and exhausting preparations, it is not possible to perform them, and even aces pilots, intending to perform any of the above, for a long time practice their actions on simulators, preparing both mentally and physically.

It is hardly possible to imagine anything more extreme and impressive than professionally made aerobatics. Today we want to tell you about the most complex figures, their inventors and the history of these tricks.

Bell of Kvochura


The aircraft lifts its nose up at zero speed and then tips it down, simulating the movement of a bell's tongue. Hence the name of the figure.


The figure was first presented in 1988 at the air show in Farnborough, England. Test pilot Anatoly Kvochur sat at the helm of the fourth-generation MiG-29 fighter.


Initially, the bell was regarded as a maneuver in which the fighter aircraft becomes invisible to radar-guided missiles. Nowadays, this figure can be seen not in battles, but during the performances of the aerobatic teams "Swifts", "Russian Knights", "Rus".



The aircraft rotates 360 degrees around its horizontal axis. Depending on the number of revolutions, the barrel is single, one and a half and multiple.


The maneuver was first performed by American Daniel Maloney in 1905. During World War II, this figure saved more than one life.


Three times Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Pokryshkin once watched the flight of inexperienced pilots. One of them decided to make a barrel, but at the same time he significantly lost speed and dived down. At that moment, the pilot flying behind him jumped forward and the acrobat was on his tail. Pokryshkin and his colleagues dubbed the figure "a tub" and used the technique more than once in the fight against Nazi aircraft. Now the barrel is included in the complex of figures performed at competitions in aircraft sports.



The aircraft makes a combat turn - a half-barrel at the top of the half-loop.


The figure was first made on a Fokker E.III monoplane by 25-year-old German Max Immelmann in 1915 during the First World War. This maneuver allowed Immelmann to be above and behind the enemy aircraft, although they had previously been on a collision course. During the year of flights, Immelman shot down 15 enemy aircraft, and the British pilots, only seeing that the German had taken off, went to land.


The figure of Immelmann began to be taught in flight schools. And today it is included in the basic figures that all military pilots should be able to do.

flat corkscrew


The aircraft descends in a steep downward spiral with a small radius.


At the beginning of the 20th century, a corkscrew was the main cause of the death of pilots. It was believed that it was impossible to get out of the corkscrew. But on September 24, 1916, pilot Konstantin Artseulov on a Nieuport-XXI aircraft at an altitude of 2000 meters deliberately put the plane into a tailspin and got out of it. The next day, Artseulov submitted a report to the authorities of the Sevastopol Aviation School, in which he proposed to introduce a corkscrew into the training program.


Nowadays, this once deadly figure is practiced in all aviation educational institutions on propeller-driven machines; it is included in the regulations for aircraft sports competitions. However, in Russia, the performance of a spin on jet fighters is prohibited for safety reasons, they perform only a flat spin. Despite the fact that they learned to fight with a corkscrew, it still claims lives to this day.

Chakra Frolov


A figure in which the aircraft turns around its tail at low speed, forming a dead loop with a very small turning radius.


It was first shown to the public on a Su-37 fighter by Evgeny Frolov in 1995 at the air show in Le Bourget.


The figure is named after an ancient Indian weapon, which is a ring with a cutting inner edge. The Frolov Chakra can only be performed on aircraft with variable thrust vectoring. The figure was not used during air combat. It is demonstrated during demonstration performances at exhibitions and aviation festivals, proving the aerodynamic perfection of Russian 4+ generation fighters.



The plane goes up like a candle, hangs in the air and, turning its nose to the ground, goes down.


It is believed that the figure was first performed by a German pilot, world champion in aerobatics and aircraft designer Gerhard Fieseler in the late 1920s.


The use of this figure during an air battle is tantamount to signing a death sentence on oneself. An aircraft hovering in the air becomes an ideal target for the enemy. But during demonstration flights, the vertical turn causes a stir among the audience, because it looks very impressive. This figure is included in the complex of exercises in aircraft sports, but jet fighters do not perform it.

The figure of Pugachev


A figure in which the nose of the aircraft rises up 110 degrees (on the Su-27, on the Su-37 - up to 180 degrees) relative to the direction of movement, and then falls back.


It was first performed in a test flight by Igor Volk, Honored Pilot of the USSR. The cobra was demonstrated to the general public by Viktor Pugachev at the international salon in the French Le Bourget in 1989. When the Russian pilot's Su-27 fighter turned up its nose sharply, the organizers of the air show decided that there was a malfunction in the system and the aircraft was about to fall. But the plane did not fall into a tailspin, but flew in the same direction. Pugachev received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the development of new technology, and the figure, despite the fact that it was invented by another pilot, received the name of the first demonstrator.


The maneuver is suitable for avoiding not only an enemy fighter, but also missiles with infrared homing heads. However, the cobra has not yet been used in combat.



The figure is done in much the same way as a hammerhead, but not with a hover, but with a turn on a hill (aerobatics figure, when the plane is gaining altitude with a constant angle of inclination).


Presumably overturning (as the name of the figure is translated from French), or turning on a hill (under this name the figure is known in Russia), appeared in the 1930s. The difference between the Ranversman and the Hammerhead maneuvers is that the aircraft moves away from the enemy in the opposite direction, not strictly vertically, but at an angle of 50–60 °, uphill.


Those pilots who could cope with this complex figure gained an advantage in battle. After all, it can be used during attacking and counterattacking actions, it allows you to quickly change the direction of flight without losing altitude.