The introduction of mandatory electronic TCP was postponed for a year and a half. Cars will go without a passport Title of the car from July 1

In the next year and a half, paper vehicle passports (PTS) in Russia can still be issued along with the electronic version of the document. As Izvestiya was told in the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the previously planned mandatory introduction of e-PTS for new cars has been postponed. At the same time, some auto companies in Russia will still start issuing electronic passports in order to quickly go through the transition period. Izvestia's sources in the business community attribute the new delay to the unavailability of a number of manufacturers.

At a meeting of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), it was decided to extend until November 1, 2019, along with the issuance of electronic passports, the possibility of issuing passports for vehicles (chassis), self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in the form and in accordance with the rules approved by the Member States or regulatory legal acts of the EAEU, Izvestiya was told in the press service of the EEC Board.

The reason for this decision is the need to provide the EAEU states with the opportunity to "complete work on the creation of national segments of electronic passport systems for cars."

The board did not say which EAEU state insisted on extending the transition period. According to Izvestia, the system is not ready in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus. Kazakhstan is at the final stage of the project.

The possibility of issuing paper forms of passports will allow vehicle manufacturers, consumers, the business community, insurance companies, banks and others to better prepare for the issuance of electronic passports, the EEC Board specified.

The company JSC "Electronic Passport" (part of the structure of the state corporation "Rostec"), which is responsible for the implementation of the project, told Izvestia that Russia is best prepared for e-PTS.

In Russia, we are ready to launch the system, the first electronic passports may appear even before July 1 of this year. The main companies, those who are ready, will already start this work. As far as I understand, a schedule for the transition of the remaining auto companies will be created, ”Peter Evseev, a representative of Electronic Passport JSC, explained to Izvestia.

Automakers are reluctant to comment on the transition to e-PTS. An interlocutor of Izvestia in one of the European distributors said that the business community still does not have a clear understanding of how to fill in all the required fields of the e-PTS. The Mitsubishi office said they would keep the paper PTS throughout the transition period. The press service of the Chinese car company Chery will also keep paper titles, but along with this, they will gradually start issuing electronic documents. An Audi representative noted that the company will adhere to the deadlines set by the Eurasian Economic Commission. With a high degree of probability, Volkswagen and Nissan will switch to e-PTS on July 1, an informed source in the auto business told Izvestia. Both companies did not respond to a request.

The deadline for the mandatory transition to e-PTS has been postponed for the second time. It was originally supposed to take place on July 1, 2017. However, at that time, Russian auto companies were asked to postpone the start of the system, citing a different degree of readiness, as well as financial problems due to a downturn in the car market.

The government initially did not need to set any final dates, automotive expert Sergei Ifanov is convinced.

e-PTS really has more pluses than minuses for the consumer. If some company, already ready to work in this system, introduced it first, then, I assure you, it would have a competitive advantage. The rest, looking at the opponent, would have pulled themselves up, - the expert noted.

An electronic passport is being introduced to replace paper documents as part of the digitalization of the country's economy. Such a document differs from a paper carrier in a large amount of information. In addition to the traditional information about owners, the e-PTS will contain certification data, as well as information on the number of accidents and their description, information on CASCO and OSAGO policies, maintenance, current mileage and design changes.

From July 1, 2019, in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan), paper titles will no longer be issued - they will be replaced by electronic versions of the document.

Initially, the date for the introduction of electronic passports was planned for July 1, 2017 (according to Decision No. 122 of the Eurasian Board of September 22, 2015 “On Approval of the Procedure for the Functioning of Electronic Passport Systems”), but for a number of objective reasons, the final date was postponed for a year.

What is an electronic PTS? What are the goals of the introduction of electronic documents? Do I need to change the existing titles for a new type of passport (when selling a car, registering, etc.)?

Electronic vehicle passport

The vehicle passport contains basic technical information about the car (motorcycle, truck, self-propelled car, etc.), as well as information about the owner. This document must be presented to the traffic police along with a driver's license and insurance. Until recently, paper PTS were issued - unified forms with holographic seals. In paper TCP indicated:

  • make and model of car,
  • engine characteristics,
  • year of manufacture of the car,
  • place of registration of the vehicle,
  • list of owners.

It was decided to replace the paper PTS with an electronic passport.

There are several reasons.

Electronic document management should remove from circulation papers that tend to wear out, contain a limited amount of information, and which theoretically can be lost.

An electronic vehicle passport is a set of digital data in the form of a record in a database, completely free from these shortcomings. The electronic form of data storage facilitates:

  • processing by specialists of registration, accounting, tax and other authorities,
  • the speed of verification of traffic police documents.

Electronic PTS will not have to be changed, including due to the next change in the owner of the vehicle.

The main advantage of the electronic PTS is the ability to create a single electronic database for all vehicles operated on the territory of the union. This will make it easier:

  • accounting,
  • work to detect illegal transactions,
  • simplify the calculation of tax and customs payments,
  • allows you to quickly access the history of the car and much more.

Electronic PTS: how to issue

Electronic passports are already being issued along with paper PTS. Starting July 1, 2019, everyone who purchases a new car or goes through the registration procedure will receive documents of a new type. The issuance of an electronic vehicle passport automatically invalidates the paper title. Compulsory replacement of a paper PTS with an electronic one is not provided. Passports of the old type can be used until they run out of space to indicate the data on the new owner of the car.

Any car owner has the right to change the old title. To do this, you need to apply with an application to the nearest traffic police department. In fact, an electronic passport is a record in a database. In the hands of the owner of the car receives only an extract from the electronic title with a limited amount of data. Only the current owner of the vehicle can receive such an extract.

Status of electronic PTS

The owner of an electronic passport at any time can contact the traffic police and get full information about his car. A citizen who plans to purchase any car will not be able to receive the data. The status of an electronic passport (like a VIN number) is the only way to find out anything about a vehicle. When requesting data on the status of an electronic TCP, you can receive the following response:

  • valid (for this vehicle an electronic valid PTS is issued);
  • incomplete (currently the passport for the car is being issued, and the relevant data is entered into the electronic system);
  • canceled (the vehicle is not cleared by customs, or is outside the country);
  • canceled (electronic PTS is invalid; the most common reason is that the car was re-equipped and acquired signs of a vehicle of a different category);
  • recycled (the car was deregistered for the purpose of its disposal).

Information about the status of the electronic PTS will help you make a decision about buying a car. The current status of the title means the legality and legal purity of the executed transaction for the sale of cars.

Extract from the database

According to the provisions of paragraph 12 of the Procedure for the functioning of electronic TCP systems, access to the database will have an extremely limited circle of people. First of all, this is the owner of the car, who can receive an extract. The presence of an extract on hand means that the citizen is the owner of the car (when buying a car, always demand to present an extract!). Full information about the vehicle can be obtained by employees of the traffic police, tax, customs, registration and accounting authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the FSO, etc.

Extracts from the electronic TCP contain the following list of data (according to Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure for the functioning of electronic passport systems):

  • VIN number of the vehicle;
  • name of the brand, model, category of the vehicle;
  • engine and chassis (body) number;
  • body color;
  • year of manufacture of the car;
  • brand, type, volume and power of the engine;
  • environmental class of the power plant;
  • the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle;
  • registration area.

The extract lacks important information that is indicated in paper PTS. It will not be possible to find out the month of manufacture of the car from it (a serious drawback: cars produced in January and December of the same year can have a significant difference in cost). There is no information about the country of manufacture of the car: the owner of a car of foreign assembly demands a higher price for the vehicle being sold. Information about the former owners of the car - only the owner of the car can find out about their number and only - upon request.

The first results of the new system of electronic OB vans

Electronic PTS are issued on the territory of the Customs Union for the second year. Both car owners and specialists have already been able to evaluate their effectiveness. The goals of the initiators of the new system have been practically achieved: it is easier and faster to work with electronic PTS, because they ensure the efficient work of state bodies, and computerized processing of digital data minimizes errors and allows you to quickly draw up certain papers. Electronic PTS cannot be lost, soiled or faked. An extract from the TCP is available at any traffic police department.

Does the new system have disadvantages? The use of electronic OB vans has exposed a number of problems.

A serious issue is the identification of the owner of the car. The presence of an extract in the hands of a citizen does not guarantee that you have the actual owner of the vehicle in front of you. There is no information about previous owners: it can only be obtained after buying a car.

Buyers of cars on credit may face certain difficulties. To date, banks continue to require the provision of the original TCP, and in its absence, they significantly overestimate the interest rate on the loan issued.

Additional related materials:

How to register a car with the traffic police in 2019?
Application for registration of a car with the traffic police: download the vehicle registration form and a sample filling for 2019 Changes in OSAGO from March 1, 2017

The abolition of paper passports for cars and the introduction of their electronic counterparts will allow the accumulation of information about the vehicle for the entire period of its operation. The document does not need to be changed, since an unlimited amount of information can be entered into it. The information of the electronic database will confirm the legal cleanliness of the car. E-PTS cannot be lost, it is impossible to commit fraudulent actions with it using illegal sales schemes. How will paper documentation be changed to its electronic version? Do all drivers need to urgently change the title?

Legislative regulation

The government first started talking about the abolition of paper TCPs in 2014. The first start date for the new project was 07/01/2016. However, due to the lack of technical capabilities and software testing, the event was postponed to 2018. On the possibility of using e-documents, a decision was made by the board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on October 28, 2015 "On approval of the procedure for the functioning of electronic vehicle passport systems." The document displays a list of information that must be entered into the database and a list of sections included in the extract when it is issued at the request of the car owner.

Replacing paper PTS with electronic counterparts will save up to a billion rubles on the purchase of forms and the cost of their logistics. It is planned to reduce labor costs for paperwork, which will allow the parameter to be adjusted to the value of 3.5 million man-hours per year. The e-document expands the volume of information about the vehicle and its owner, since the electronic space is not limited in size in the same way as a paper sheet of a document. The legislative decision allows you to form a complete picture of the history of the operation of the car, in which there are no gaps caused by the loss of the TCP or not including facts about certain circumstances and their consequences.

Procedure Mechanism

The provisions of regulatory sources allow primary filling and making special notes in the PTS of a paper form until July 1, 2018. After this date, the document can only be issued in electronic form. All new cars will have an e-passport for cars, and paper counterparts will no longer be issued.

A car cannot have a paper and an electronic passport at the same time. The car owner must issue and operate only one version of the document. Violation of the provisions of the legal source may lead to unreliable formation of a database on the history of the operation of the vehicle.

Replacement of passports for cars issued before the entry into force of the new Law will be carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle on the basis of his application. There are no provisions in the law regulating the need for mandatory receipt of an e-document. This makes it possible to use its paper version until a new passport needs to be issued, due to the lack of space for making special notes and information about the change of ownership.

What is an electronic PTS?

An electronic passport is presented as a record in a database containing information about the car and its owner. The list of information reflected in the document is determined by the provisions of the legal source. Its volume exceeds the contents of a paper passport. Such a legislative decision is associated with expanded opportunities and unlimited space for filling out an e-document. The electronic version of the passport contains:

  • Information about the car owner, categorized as personalized, as well as indicated by the owner of the vehicle or representatives of authorized bodies;
  • Information about the technical inspection;
  • Data on maintenance and repair work carried out;
  • Mileage;
  • The presence of restrictions on registration actions;
  • Summary of insured events.

Confirmation of registration of the e-PTS is an extract issued to the car owner in his hands or sent to his postal e-mail address. It does not contain all the information of the electronic document. The content of the extract is regulated by a legal act. Unlike a paper PTS, it does not indicate the owner of the vehicle and its manufacturer, but displays the category of the vehicle instead of the category of the driver's license.

Benefits of an electronic document

The legislative innovation will help to avoid problems associated with restoring a document if it is lost, and will also protect car owners from using dark sales schemes. The project is designed to make the registration and accounting of vehicles completely digital, which will ensure the security of information stored in a secure database and the reliability of the history of operation and change of ownership due to the absence of the possibility of losing documents and restricting access to the database. It is possible to place an unlimited amount of information in the e-PTS, since it will never run out of space for entries and it will never have to be changed. Information in the database can be stored indefinitely, since the digital version of the document cannot be damaged under the influence of time or external factors.

Who can receive information from the e-PTS?

Traffic police officers, vehicle owners, as well as participants in e-passport systems who draw up extracts from the database have access to the electronic document. When making a purchase and sale transaction, the buyer has the right to issue a request for information about the status of the e-document. It is recommended to refrain from purchasing if the TCP upon request is characterized differently than the current one. Other data is not available in the free version for third parties. To confirm the fact of ownership of the car by the seller, its owner must submit a request for an extract, the information in which will indicate the sale of the object by its current owner. Alternatively, the buyer can obtain information from the database on a paid basis after concluding an agreement for the provision of information services, the scope of which is determined by the system administrator.

Cancellation of paper vehicle registration certificates from July 1, 2018 Cancellation of paper vehicle passports from July 1, 2018 First of all, we will consider subparagraph a of paragraph 2 of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission: means (passports of the vehicle chassis) in the form and in accordance with the rules established by the legislation of the Member State of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the Member State); From this paragraph it follows that starting from July 1, 2018, TCP will be issued only in electronic form. Those. all new cars will have an electronic passport, paper documents will not be issued. Replacing a paper PTS with an electronic one The replacement of paper PTS with electronic ones is regulated by subparagraph d: d) replacement of vehicle passports and passports of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment issued before the entry into force of this Decision, as well as in accordance with subparagraphs "a" - "c" of this paragraph for electronic passports of vehicles and electronic passports of self-propelled machines and other types of equipment is carried out at the request of the owner of the vehicle (self-propelled machine and other types of equipment); If desired, any car owner can change the paper passport of the vehicle to an electronic one. At the same time, many drivers are concerned about the following question. Is it necessary to change a paper PTS to an electronic one? Regulatory documents do not require the obligatory receipt of an electronic TCP. Therefore, the paper version can be used until it runs out of space for new owners. Simultaneous use of an electronic and paper PTS Please note that a car cannot have a paper and an electronic PTS at the same time: e) it is not allowed to simultaneously issue an electronic passport and a paper passport for 1 vehicle (vehicle chassis), self-propelled machine and other type of equipment. What is an electronic PTS? An electronic title is a record in the database that contains information about the car, as well as about its owners. A complete list of information contained in the ePTS is given in Appendix 3 to the Procedure for the functioning of systems of electronic passports for vehicles (electronic passports for vehicle chassis) and electronic passports for self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment. If you wish, you can study the list of information that should be contained in the electronic TCP. For comparison, I suggest you pick up a regular PTS. You will notice that a paper passport contains much less data. At the same time, after registering an electronic PTS, the owner of the car receives an extract, which he can print. This statement will be an analogue of a paper TCP. At the same time, the extract contains only part of the information from the electronic PTS. The content of the extract is given in Appendix 1. Please note that the extract from the electronic TCP contains only a small amount of information. For example, unlike a paper title, the extract does not indicate the owner and manufacturer of the vehicle. On the other hand, in addition to the category of the driver's license, electronic PTS will also contain the category of the vehicle from the technical regulations. So the introduction of electronic PTS will help solve the problem of determining the category of the vehicle in controversial cases. The fact is that some foreign cars can be classified in Russia as both buses and trucks. At the same time, in practice, employees of state bodies usually attribute the car to the group where payments to the budget (customs, taxes, etc.) are larger. The introduction of a new form of PTS will make it possible to unequivocally attribute the vehicle to one category or another.

From July 1, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in general and in Russia in particular, was supposed to stop issuing the usual blue pieces of paper for new cars, but given the uneven readiness of the EAEU countries, the final transition to an electronic vehicle passport (EPTS) was postponed for a year and a half . Nevertheless, the new electronic system still started working, and the first documents are already beginning to appear in it, although the papers have remained in use.

The correspondent of the site visited the office of the administrator of the Electronic Passport JSC system, saw what the new document looks like, and talked with the company's CEO Ilya Minkin about why it was necessary to switch to an electronic document, when a full replacement will take place and what the owners of old cars should do, as well as people who do not have access to the network.

- Why was an electronic passport needed at all, what benefits does it bring for the state and motorists? Finally, how does it all work?

- There are several motives. The main one is contained in the intergovernmental agreement of the EAEU countries - ensuring the free circulation of vehicles on the territory of the union.

But other motives are closer and more understandable to the consumer. Firstly, in the age of information technology, pieces of paper that need to be written out and stored are atavism. Secondly, a paper PTS has limited capabilities, but with an electronic PTS there are no such restrictions. A paper passport contains 21 fields, while an electronic passport contains from 90 to 150 fields. The electronic PTS includes all identifying features of the machine: numbers, characteristics, equipment, additional equipment, that is, this is a complete description.

There are also a number of technological issues that simplify the electronic PTS. For example, an electronic passport can be not only valid, but also incomplete, canceled, canceled, and disposed of. Some statuses can be changed, some cannot be reversed. Making changes on paper is difficult. And if now the TCP is kept in safes for years, then soon the whole history will be in the system with instant access upon request.

— And what about collateral and credit cars?

Today, PTS are often pledged to a bank, but if desired, a fraudster can make a duplicate in order to sell the pledged car, thereby creating a lot of problems for a new buyer. There are other options for manipulating paper TCP. For example, the option of “losing” the title of a car with a large number of owners, when an empty duplicate is received before the sale and everything looks as if the car had one owner. The traffic police have all this data, but they are not available to the consumer on the market. In the system of electronic passports, data cannot be erased or changed, all information is accumulated there, and the buyer in the secondary market will immediately see what kind of car it is. The same story with leasing, use as a taxi, accident facts - EPTS accumulates all this, forming a transparent history of the car.

- Who, besides the traffic police, will be able to enter data, for example, on deposits, accidents or mileage? Who has access to the system at all, and is abuse possible?

Data entry will proceed gradually throughout the life of the car. The primary information is entered by the manufacturer, or by the importer or testing laboratory, if we are talking about the import of single vehicles from abroad. Next, government agencies begin to enter administrative information, for example, on the payment of a recycling fee. Next comes the information about the owner. The first, in most cases, will be the organization that issued the passport, then the chain will be supplemented by dealers. By the way, entering data about the owner will be done on a voluntary basis, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data".

The entire system for the change of ownership is built on the principle of two consents, as it happens today in a paper TCP. The difference is that the electronic system does not allow the buyer to do anything until the previous owner gives him access. If I want to sell you a car, I have to find you in the system, find my car and connect this story. You, having received a notification, must send a confirmation, and then the information will enter the system. From this moment the rights of the former owner will be lost. And this, by the way, will make it possible to avoid encumbrances in relation to the former owner, since the moment of the change of ownership is fixed up to a minute.

- How will the car be sold technically? Do you need to look for a special terminal or use public services?

- There are at least three options. The first is in the presence of an electronic signature, which confirms operations in the system. The second scheme is the identification of the owner through the portal of public services, on which it will also be possible to gain access to perform actions within the system. The third option, when the car owner does not have an electronic signature or the Internet, he will have to go to the MFC, where, by analogy with thrift stores, a pretty girl will carry out all the necessary operations.

- That is, commission stores are no longer needed, and people are guaranteed to make transactions through public services and disperse?

- There is one important nuance here. Now we, as a system administrator, are processing information, but not the issues of transferring money and concluding an agreement, these issues are decided by the buyer and seller themselves.

But there will be another step. We are working on a system of smart contracts with banks, when the bank and we will work together, and then your transaction will be fully accompanied in the most secure way. You will conclude an electronic contract in the system, the money will be automatically transferred, and the transaction will not be closed until this happens.

— Is there a variant of fraud with deliberate distortion of data? For example, remove information about an accident or correct mileage?

- The public services portal is a well-protected structure, and if we are talking about the transfer of ownership, then there can be no such issues here. To deceive the system, you will have to perform a series of actions: gaining access to an account, which is not easy, creating a fake contract, with which you will then come to the traffic police - this whole scheme is easy to calculate. In any case, owners are always notified when something happens to their electronic PTS, and they have the opportunity to quickly take the necessary actions.

If we are talking about the desire to clean the history of the car, no one has such an opportunity. The whole system is arranged on the principle of accumulation, when information is only added. If there was a technical inspection, it will remain there forever. Similarly, the system provides for the collection of mileage information throughout the history of the car. And if someone twists the speedometer, then it will definitely be noticeable in the electronic passport. That is, in the history of the car, at first there will be 100, 200, 500 thousand km, and then suddenly again 100 thousand - this is an obvious forgery.

The system will offer to enter the mileage for any actions, for any entry of information into the electronic TCP. Of course, it is not necessary to do this, since the obligation must be established by law. But we proceed from the fact that if the car is transparent, then the buyer on the market will appreciate it more, and this is an incentive to enter both runs and all events.

— What does an e-passport look like from a motorist's point of view? Is it a separate card, just a number or a line in the registration certificate?

- An electronic passport does not have any carrier, no card, or anything else. It is an electronic document in an electronic database. It has a 15 digit number. This number is indicated in the sales contract.

When you come to the traffic police, you will not be asked what you have on hand. The inspector first of all in his system will request an electronic PTS by the VIN of your car. If there is no electronic PTS in the system, then it will ask for a paper PTS. And if you give some copy of the paper TCP, but the system has an electronic one, then this paper will be invalid and registration will take place exclusively using an electronic passport.

By the way, for the peace of mind of car owners, we have two additional services. There is such a thing as an extract from an electronic TCP - a printout that resembles a paper TCP in content, but is not a legally significant document. Those who are accustomed to a piece of paper can print it out for themselves.

And those who want to check if the car has an electronic PTS can go to our portal using the EPTS number or VIN number and make sure that such a passport really exists, and not invented by the seller.

— Will electronic PTS be introduced in all EAEU countries? That is, any car in Armenia will have the same document, and it will be possible to check it?

- In principle, there will be one system, and electronic passports will be in circulation in all countries of the EAEU. But there will be slight differences. So the state code will be included in the EPTS number. There are various national legislative peculiarities that need to be taken into account. Let's say we buy a car in Kazakhstan. The passport will be valid, but it is necessary to pay a recycling fee, in this case Russian, get the appropriate mark, and only after that carry out registration actions in Russia.

- When will the first electronic TCP appear, and why did you have to extend the transition period?

- In Russia, the system is ready and is gradually being launched now, in the coming days we are waiting for the first cars with electronic passports. Factories make their own decisions: today we start issuing electronic PTSs with this type of vehicle type approval, tomorrow with another one. Until the end of the transition period, the plant itself decides until what time to issue paper. You can not issue both to one machine and the other at the same time. And we coordinate the transition with the traffic police, notifying in advance which manufacturer's cars will come with electronic passports.

The transition period was conceived from the very beginning, because it is needed for businesses that need to adjust their processes from certification to implementation of the TS without stopping production. We have more than 1,500 large and small enterprises, and, as we observed, by the spring of 2018, not everyone had time to prepare for the transition to electronic passports.

The delay is due to the fact that not all EAEU member states have completed the development of national legislation on these issues. Kazakhstan and Belarus have requested to extend the transition period until November 1, 2019. By this time, most of the EAEU countries will not only cope with the task, but also ensure the implementation of the transition period for all participants.

In parallel, within the framework of the transition period, we are also solving serious technical problems, for example, with the writing of brands and models. It seems that it is possible to compile a single reference book, but new names are constantly appearing, and the reading of the document must be unambiguous and understandable everywhere. There is a topic of body colors, where there are many variations and strange names. We have two fields in the system: in the first there are only seven colors of the rainbow, in the second the manufacturer can write anything. As a result, any inspector, after reading one or two lines, will understand exactly what is meant.

- Let's say the manufacturer decided to sell such and such a model with EPTS. A person came to the dealer, paid money and did not receive any paper?

- He will receive the main paper that certifies the right of ownership - a contract of sale. In addition, the buyer will be provided with an extract from the electronic TCP. At first, it will be needed to issue an OSAGO policy, but you do not need this piece of paper in the traffic police.

— How to sell cars with paper titles in the secondary market, is it possible to get an electronic passport for an old car?

If you don't want to change anything, then nothing will change. You sell in exactly the same way as today, that is, you sign an agreement, transfer the title to the buyer, and he goes to register with the traffic police.

But if desired, the owner can issue an electronic passport instead of a paper one, for this by contacting authorized organizations that are created on the basis of technical inspection operators.

Why to them? These companies are able to expertly identify a car and there are many of them throughout the country. The task was not to create queues. It is clear that there are complaints about the technical inspection, but we are implementing mechanisms that will not allow fraud. The mechanisms are simple: for each previously registered car, a request will be automatically sent to the traffic police to confirm that it is legal. If something is wrong, then the registration of an electronic TCP will be denied. And in our contracts with these companies, we sign an obligation on their part to apply to the competent authorities in such cases.

— What other information will be included in the electronic TCP? Maintenance, insurance, accidents…

- It can all fall. The main thing is to build a system in which it will be interesting to market participants and reliable. The most interesting moment is maintenance and repair. Now we are starting to work with dealers, and they are interested, because it is more profitable for them to sell cars with a transparent history. At the same time, it is important that the information entered is reliable. Therefore, we are not working with ordinary car services yet and we will not enter into relationships with private masters. But we are looking for contacts with associations that can give some guarantees. The provider of information must be ready to answer for its authenticity, because a “fake” seal can drag a criminal case along with it.

The order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is also aimed at providing guarantees: in order to obtain authority in the system of electronic passports, organizations must have an insurance policy for 20 million rubles. Because if it turns out that the action of this organization caused damage, then there must be a resource for compensation.

- Electronic Passport JSC works under the wing of Rostec, but it is a commercial organization. What are the sources of income?

— The e-passport system is an example of a public-private partnership. This is beneficial for the state, since not a single ruble of budget money has been spent on creating the system. It is planned to compensate for the costs of creating the system in the course of its operation. Moreover, it will be more profitable for all participants, including car owners.

Thus, obtaining an electronic vehicle passport instead of a paper one is cheaper - 600 rubles. (While replacing a paper TCP now costs 800 rubles, a bill has already been developed to increase the cost to 1,500 rubles). When registering with the traffic police, making changes to the electronic PTS is not subject to duty, while in the case of a paper PTS, you will have to pay 350 rubles.

Manufacturing organizations will pay 250 rubles for each passport, but today their costs for paper PTS are at least not lower.

In addition, we create additional services. For example, the banking community now pays 600 rubles. for setting a pledge, 600 rubles. - for its removal. We offer a service for 500 rubles. A similar story with leasing.

We also prepare additional paid services for owners. For example, the history of a car. There will be different offers with different amount of data. Someone will be ready to pay 200, 500 or 1000 rubles. - everyone will choose what he needs. But if a person does not need additional services, then he will not have to pay for anything. For example, the owner has full access to his passport for free, and he can also familiarize a potential buyer with it for free. Thus, we are sure that the electronic passport will be convenient for all categories of users.