World Bread Day presentation for children. History of bread

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"Every day with bread" For children 4-5 years old

Bread for breakfast, Bread for lunch, Bread for dinner!

Why can't a person do without bread? It turns out that bread is rich in vitamins necessary for human life and growth. Bread products are not only tasty, but also nutritious. We eat bread every day, and it does not get boring. How is it grown? Whom should we thank for the bread on our table?

Let's go on a little trip to the field.

In the spring, collective farmers plow the land with a special tractor and sow wheat into the ground.

The sun is shining, the rain is falling. Soon, green shoots appear on the fields.

Spikelets grow in summer, and there are many, many grains in them.

In autumn, the wheat ripens and the spikelets are harvested by combine harvesters.

The grains are taken out of the spikelets - they are threshed. That's how much grain is obtained.

Then the grain is ground, ground and flour is obtained. Water and other products are added to the flour and the dough is kneaded.

The dough is used to make bread, buns or cakes. The dough is put into molds and baked in the oven or in the oven.

And it turns out delicious, fragrant bread.

Here it is, fragrant bread, With a fragile twisted crust, Here it is warm, golden As if poured by the sun. In it - our health, strength, In it - wonderful warmth. In it - the earth's native juice of the Sun, the light is cheerful in it. Gobble up both cheeks! Grow rich!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

world bread day

Is the topic of bread relevant? Undoubtedly! After all, today's children are different. The information field around them has changed. The age of consumption has given rise to the easy satisfaction of every need. The depreciation of human labor pr...

Presentation "Day of Bread"

Prepared by: Educator Abdieva E.A.

Bread is one of those traditional values ​​that has withstood the great test of time. Thousands of people work to grow, harvest, grind and finally bake delicious bread. We invite you on a short tour so that you can see how bread.

The very first step to growing of bread- this is the preparation of fields where people plow the land with special tractors.

As time goes by, the grains sprout from the ground and shoots appear. And now the whole field is in golden ears. Grain fields are like the sea. The wind blows, and the ears sway in the wind like a wave.

So the wheat has become golden in color - like the Sun, the harvest time has come, which is produced by combines.
Combine operators work on combines not only during the day, but also at night, they harvest wheat so that people always have bread; the more grain farmers collect, the more people will have of bread.

The grain is taken to the elevator to dry.

Here the grain is dried and stored.

Then it is ground in modern mills and the finished flour is taken to the bakery

Bakers make dough from flour, and then bake delicious, fragrant bread.
We, the people, must always know and remember those who grow wheat, make flour from grains, and from flour bread, buns, confectionery and bow low to them.

Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
For your wonderful harvest!
For what you gave to the Motherland
Fragrant loaf of bread!



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"Bread Day"

Bread is one of those traditional values ​​that has stood the test of time. Thousands of people are working to grow, harvest, grind and finally bake delicious bread. We invite you on a short tour to see how bread is grown. The very first step to growing bread is preparing the fields where people plow the land with special tractors.

After that, it's time to sow the field with grain, this is done both manually and with the help of tractors with special equipment.

As time goes by, the grains sprout from the ground and shoots appear. And now the whole field is in golden ears. The grain fields are like the sea. The wind blows and the ears sway in the wind like a wave.

So the wheat has become golden in color - like the Sun, the harvest time has come, which is produced by combines. Combine operators work on combines not only during the day, but also at night, they harvest wheat so that people always have bread; the more grain the collective farmers collect, the more bread the people will have.

Then it is ground in modern mills and the finished flour is taken to the bakery. The grain is taken to the elevator to dry. Here, the grain is dried and stored.

Bakers prepare dough from flour, and then bake delicious, fragrant bread. We, the people, should always know and remember those who grow wheat, make flour from grains, bread, buns, confectionery from flour, and we bow low to them.

Honor and honor to you, grain growers! For your wonderful harvest! For the fact that you gave the Motherland Fragrant loaf of bread!

Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 56

Competition " I raise a citizen »

Nomination " Spiritual and moral education »

Holiday "Bread is the head of all life"

Ryazanova Ludmila Aleksandrovna

MOU secondary school No. 56

primary school teacher


"Bread is the head of all life"

Age of students: 9-11 years old


Formation of a moral culture of world outlook

Introduce students where bread came to the table

Formation of a sense of respect for bread

(decoration of the hall- posters about bread) (1 slide)

1 reader: (boy)

Glory to peace on earth!

2 readers (girl)

Glory to the bread on the table!

1 reader

If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect.

We meet such guests

Round lush loaf.

He is on a painted platter

With a white towel.

2 reader

We bring salt with a loaf,

Worshiping, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend!

Take bread and salt from the hands .

(children hand bread and salt to guests)

3 reader

Lush, soft, baked,

slightly browned,

Bread with gilded peas

Came to you from afar.

4 reader

In every house, on every table

He complained, he came

in it health, our strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Preserved, protected.

5 reader

In it is the land of native juice,

The sun's light is cheerful in it,

Gobble up both cheeks.

Grow rich.


Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. In fact, think about it! The word "bread" refers to dissimilar plants, grain, flour, flour products. The poetess Irina Tokmakova asks us "what is bread?"

6 reader

It only snowed in April

How the fields turned green.

We say "Bread"

The golden expanse is boundless.

Combine harvesters work there.

We say "Bread".

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

We say "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneader

Baked on fire.

We say "Bread".

Eat it. Grow up and remember:

There is no greater work in the world

So that fresh bread appears on the table!


Here is such a short but capacious word "Bread". But how does this bread come to the table? This is where the story begins...

(a table set for tea. Roma is sitting in front of the TV. A knock on the door. Grandmother opened the door. It was neighbor Ivan Filippovich who came in. He has a bag in his hands. He went to the table. He laid out several soaked, soil-stained pieces of bread from the bag on the table)

Ivan Filippovich

Was it thrown out of your window?


Crap - don't hide! Come out and apologize to Ivan Filippovich.


You don't need to apologize to me. Your boy didn't offend me, but many people.



But like this. Sit down and listen. In order to put this bread on your table, you first had to ...


Buy it at the bakery!


Eh no! The bakery is still very far away. Listen... It happened a very, very long time ago, many thousands of years ago. In the early morning, the inhabitants of the camp were preparing to do their usual business. (2 slide) Men gathered for hunting, women and children - for their prey - in green thickets. The men went to hunt the animals. Children and women have their own hunting. They will catch a grasshopper, a lizard, a snail - in their wattle fence. Walnut, mushroom, onion, berry - everything will do. And underground there is food for them - edible roots, nodules. Our brothers were especially happy when they managed to find spikelets with grains. Small grains - this is an infrequent find. But how satisfying. Crushed with a stone, moistened with water - a bun or a delicious gruel is ready. A girl named Dee especially tried with a blue feather in her hair. She turned out to be lucky - she collected a whole box of grains. Just before sunset, the women-gatherers, having called the children scattered across the field, went home. That's where it all happened. On the way to this forest clearing, where the collectors of roots agreed to meet, suddenly something rustled very close by. Dee involuntarily turned around and saw a poisonous snake. Dee screamed in horror, rushed to run and, in fright, dropped the box full to the brim from her hands. Trouble and joy walk side by side. There were so many grains - nothing left! And the hunters returned home without prey - angry, hungry. The spells didn't work. One hope for the success of women and children. Oh, and poor Dee got it! And so everyone is hungry, and this bungler has lost everything good! A year has passed. During this time, Dee forgot to think about the scattered grains and how she was punished for it. And then one day she again found herself in this ill-fated place. However, the place now seemed to her not at all ill-fated, but, on the contrary, happy. There. Where Dee spilled a box of grain. She now managed to collect them almost a hundred times more. Each grain she lost sprouted into the ground, turned into stalks, in the ears of which many, many golden grains were poured. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped!


No one in the world knows if there really was such a girl named Dee. But it is known for sure: thanks to similar cases, people learned that scattered and seemingly forever missing grains of bread do not disappear at all. Spikes grow from them. But why not sow the seeds then, that is, not scatter them on purpose? From that time it all started. People also guessed that the grains love dug up, soft, fertilized, moist soil. And to make it like that, you need special earthen tools, tools, equipment. But that's a completely different story.


No wonder people say that in order for a small grain to become bread, four forces are needed - the sun, rain, earth and great honest work! (3 slide)

7 reader+ slide

After all, grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!


This is where the story begins on TV. Roma, look at the program more closely!

8 reader+ slide

Fields glitter under the moon.

The nurse-earth sleeps.

white-winged blizzards

They sang a lullaby for her.

The earth sleeps...

What does she dream about?

Dreaming of ripe wheat.

Well, people don't sleep.:

Come soon, spring!

9 reader+ slide

Let's take a look at this house.

Ringing and rattling...

Knock and thunder...

What knock, masters,

Skillful fingers?

We fix, we fix tractors,

Sharpening, sharpening plows!

10 readers+ slide

Let's go back to this house.

Agronomist in a white coat,

What is he doing? - important business!

Checks seeds.

Come spring soon!

11 readers + slide

The story continues.

Spring is on the way now.

Agronomist said:

It's time! Start the tractor!

Tractors go out into the steppe,

Pull plows on a trailer.

Cut, plows, like a knife,

Juicy, fat black earth!

12 readers+ slide

The old sower sowed

From a basket-sieve,

Today the seeder is a machine

Busy with this.

Digging furrows quickly

They put seeds in them.

13 reciter+ slide

Shoots are friendly with us.

The sprout is still weak - the child:

Only-only from diapers;

And the enemies are right here:

They pick up, they crawl.

Turtles are crawling

Oh, and harmful insects!

14 reader+ slide

Anxiety! Help is called!

The plane is circling over the field.

Pilot from above everywhere, everywhere

Sprinkles white powder.

A bug is bad

Harvest - good!

15 reciter+ slide

The wheat has grown.

The time has come for her to mature and grow.

Yes, it's a dry summer.

Like a stove, the earth is heated.

Asks us to drink wheat,

Okay, let's get drunk:

Let's put water on the fields

Drink the breadwinner - the earth!

16 reader+ slide

Our harvest is ripe.

Combine harvesters float out into the steppe.

Like ships at sea.

It pours, warm wheat,

Straight to the body on the go!

17 reader+ slide

Although the grain is harvested,

Yes, it's not bread yet.

There is wheat in the mill.

This is what's going on with her!

I take it in circulation, -

And they will grind it into flour!

18 reader+ slide

At the big bakery

You will become a test, flour.

There, with all the honest people

Your sides will be crushed.

Dough, dough - not enough space.

Ouch. let it go! - whispers the dough.

Okay, let's let it go - let's go into the oven! ..

The loaf was born!

teacher + slide

When you guys are sitting at the table,

Then remember who creates bread for you:

Collective farmer,




Metallurgist and... people (in chorus)

I will check how you know proverbs about bread. I read the beginning, you continue.

Bitter work, yes ... (bread is sweet)

Do you want to eat kalachi, ... (do not sit on the stove)

Pies do not ... (grow on bushes)

You won’t put it in the ground - ... (and you won’t take it from the ground)

Do not be lazy with a plow - .. (you will be with a pie)

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but ... (get up early and start your own)

The men took a walk: ... (there is neither bread nor flour)

Sweat on the back - ... (so is the bread on the table)

No need to boast ... (if you don’t know how bread will be born)

They danced that ... (were left without bread)

A loaf of bread is not ... (it will fall from the sky)


Please sit down, Ivan Filippovich and Roma, at the table. I'll treat you to tea and ice cream.


I'll give you my ice cream!


Thanks, I don't like ice cream. It's you, I know, an amateur. But tell me, if you were given ice cream four times a day, would you soon get tired of it?


Not soon. Maybe in a year.


Have you forgotten how you once ate three servings of ice cream, you became ill and did not want to eat it anymore? And when we opened a large jar of your favorite strawberry compote, you drank for three days, and then said: I won’t, I can’t!


And chocolate, and marmalade, and halva would be boring if we ate them every day. But we eat bread all our lives. And we never get tired of it! This is rye bread. The most useful. It is eaten by children, and the elderly, and athletes, and soldiers. You can’t do without it even in space - small black bread is specially baked for astronauts.


But this is probably ordinary bread. (points to the previously thrown bread)


Ordinary or extraordinary is unknown. Here, listen to this story. Our scientists have created a new variety of wheat. And his first harvest was stored in Leningrad, in one institute. And then the Nazis attacked our country, surrounded Leningrad, and famine began in this city. Almost all the men went to the front, and only one old professor remained at this institute, where grains of a new variety of wheat were stored. He walks around the cold hall in a fur coat and felt boots. Reeling from hunger. And it seems to him that someone is whispering right into his ear: “Take one handful and chew. Well, not a handful. So at least 10 grains. Today only 10 and tomorrow only 10…” He was already stretching out his hand to the jar where the wheat was stored, but immediately pulled it back. And even went to the other end of the hall. “Do not dare to take it!” the professor ordered himself. “After all, if I do not resist and eat everything, the work of my comrades will be lost. You can't, you have to be patient!" This professor died of starvation, but the new variety of wheat saved up to a grain. And when the Nazis were defeated, people sowed wheat. Well, she bobbed up, ripened on time, good flour turned out. Maybe it was just from such flour that they baked that bread, from which they threw away a whole half a slice. Judge for yourself now, is this ordinary bread?

Teacher_+ slide

During the blockade of Leningrad, the norms for issuing bread to the inhabitants of the city had to be sharply reduced. The workers received 250 grams per day, and the rest of the inhabitants received 125 grams. This bread consisted of a small amount of flour, wood pulp, cake. Bran and other impurities. And yet he helped the people of Leningrad survive.

19 reader

In the smoke of the Leningrad sky.

But worse than mortal wounds

heavy bread,

blockade bread

One hundred twenty-five grams.


641,803 Leningraders died of starvation during the blockade. There are thousands of graves at the Piskarevsky cemetery. There were always many people near one grave for many years. They stood silently and poakali. On the grave among the flowers lay a slice of black bread. And next to it is a note: “Daughter, if I could give it to you then ..”

In memory of the victims of the besieged Leningrad, a minute of silence is announced

slide + music


Cut and eat with all your heart

Gain strength.

Just don't crumble in vain

Don't throw bread.

20 reader

I crumbled the hump,

And mom, sighing

That this is a bad habit.

Then from plywood

I made a feeder

I crushed her

Rye humpback.

And became good

Bad habit.

Enjoy your meal,

Bread is a gem! Don't worry about them!

Bread for dinner in moderation take!


Never again will I throw away a crumb!

21 readers

We need both meat and fruits,

However, if strictly judge.

You can live without many foods

You can't live without bread forever.

Everything is the head and foundation,

It contains the work of grain growers, their sweat.

And bread - an affectionate word -

People often call him.


Remember! Bread is not just food. Bread is a solemn treat of honor for dear guests.

(children bring loaf to guests and all children in the class)

22 reader

Boy kicking bread

A boy who does not know hungry years

Remember that there were dashing years

Bread is life, not just food.

They swore by bread

They died for bread

Not for that

To play football with them.

In the word folk wisdom lurks

Here's what people say about us:

“If you stopped appreciating bread,

You are no longer human."

23 reader

We say: "Take care,

Take care of your own bread!

Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields

Loud of his homeland!

Save your bread, you people.

Learn to save bread!

slide 1

slide 2

The word bread goes back to the Proto-Slavic form *hlѣb, which is a borrowing from the German proto-language (German *hlaiƀaz), or from some early Germanic dialect (it is usually believed that from the Gothic language

slide 3

Bread is one of the oldest cooked foods, dating back to the Neolithic. The first bread was a kind of baked gruel made from cereals and water, and could also be the result of accidental preparation or deliberate experimentation with water and flour. Descendants of these early breads are now made from various cereals around the world, such as Mexican tortilla, Indian chapati, Chinese poa ping, Scottish oatmeal, North American corn tortilla, and Ethiopian injera. Such bread in the form of a flat cake became the basis of the food of many ancient civilizations: the Sumerians ate barley cakes, and in the XII century BC. e. the Egyptians could buy flat cakes in the tents on the streets of the villages, which were called ta.

slide 4

It is believed that bread made from yeast dough first appeared in Egypt in connection with local favorable conditions for the growth of wheat, and for the preparation of such bread it was necessary to develop a variety of wheat with two new properties. The first improvement made by the beginning of the Egyptian Dynasties was to find and grow wheat that could

slide 5

For the first types of bread, there were many ways to leaven the dough. Airborne bacteria could be used as yeast. For this, it was only necessary to leave the dough in the open air for a while before baking. Pliny the Elder wrote that the Gauls and Iberians used the foam taken from beer to make "lighter bread than [did] other peoples." In those parts of the ancient world where wine was drunk instead of beer, a mixture of grape juice and flour that was allowed to ferment, or wheat bran soaked in wine, was used as a leaven. However, the most common method was to leave a piece of dough when making bread and use it the next day as a source of fermentation.

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Slide 7

Even in the ancient world, there were a lot of different types of bread. In his essay "The Feast of the Wise Men", the ancient Greek author Athenaeus describes some types of bread, cakes, biscuits and other pastries prepared in antiquity. Among the varieties of bread, flatbread, honey bread, mushroom-shaped loaves sprinkled with poppy seeds, and a special military dish - bread curls baked on a spit are mentioned. The type and quality of flour used to make bread could also vary. As Difil noted, “Bread made from wheat, compared to that made from barley, is more nutritious, easier to digest, and always best quality. In order of merit, bread made from refined [well-sifted] flour comes first, followed by bread made from ordinary wheat, and then bread made from wholemeal."