Funny miniature sketches for Teacher's Day. Funny scenes for children about school - jokes, humor, KVN. Amazing dance from high school girls for Teacher's Day video

Sketches for Teacher's Day will help to decorate the festive concert, dilute it with cheerful notes, the plot of which tells about unusual cases from the life of school groups. These are usually small sketch miniatures, which reflect one short episode of school life. These mini-sketches are akin to Yeralash: funny, fun, capacious and harmless.

The main characters of the festive performances, of course, are schoolchildren and teachers. It is not at all necessary to invite your favorite teacher to play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Funny scenes on Teacher's Day look much more interesting, where all the roles are played by students. It is not necessary to specifically point to someone on a holiday. If in the proposed script for a humorous sketch for Teacher's Day, the name of the teacher is accidentally entered, which matches the name of the person who works at your school, be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone's shortcomings or oversights.

Increasingly popular among children and teachers are scenes-congratulations on Teacher's Day, in which the characters transform into famous artists and from the stage give their congratulations to educators. It turns out a rather original number, which will also cause a smile, something like the performance of new Russian attendants or congratulations from a pop star.

Scene for Teacher's Day "Fun School"

The plot of the scene is quite simple, but at the same time alive and interesting. A journalist appears at the school, who, on the eve of the holiday, interviews the children, the director, and the young teacher. All this is played out according to the script that is in the application.

Funny sketch for Teacher's Day "Lifelong Incident"

The main characters of this scene are the principal of the school and the boy Vova, who will be played by several students. First, Vova, a first-grader, appears before the children, then the director talks with Vova, who is already in the 5th grade. We'll have to get acquainted with his tricks in the 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene introduces Vova as the director of this school, in front of which is the girl Katya. This funny scene is written in verse, so it will look especially interesting.

Humorous sketch for Teacher's Day based on the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

This sketch for Teacher's Day and Ershov's fairy tale "The Humpbacked Horse" have something in common. The main character of the little performance is Ivan. Whether he is a fool, or the Tsarevich, it is difficult to figure it out. He meets the Little Humpbacked Horse, with whom he discusses school problems.

Cheerful scene-congratulations on Teacher's Day "Nikitichna and Petrovna"

Who does not remember the funny funny hosts Nikitichna and Petrovna, who gave the world hundreds of interesting stories that make you laugh to tears. We offer to laugh with them, because they will play an original congratulation scene on Teacher's Day on the school stage. It can be performed by two students, but it is imperative that they have some little talent for theatrical impersonation and be able to plausibly play two old merry women who came to congratulate the teachers.

Scene-performance for Teacher's Day "Ring show"

A small theatrical performance for the school stage, in which the main characters will be not schoolchildren and their eternal opponents of the teacher, but also parents and teachers who have entered into an unequal dispute. What is the argument about, you ask? Yes, all about the same, about children. A cool sketch on Teacher's Day will make teachers, parents, and the schoolchildren themselves, who are discussed in the ring, smile.

So the holiday called teacher's day is approaching. In the meantime, he is gradually approaching all the students “running” in search of what they will surprise their beloved teachers with. And do you run too? Or maybe you show funny sketches about teachers on Teacher's Day?

Exam miniature.

Dear students, hello. Today we have an exam, and today an experiment is being conducted in our school, in our class. Cameras have been connected to us, and now they can see us all right in Moscow! So we behave ourselves, do not cheat and pass the exam.
Here one student raises his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

I already want to leave.

What does it mean to leave?! We have an exam!

So I want to give it up and leave.

Ah, surrender! This is another matter! But remember Stepanov, there are cameras everywhere, so let's not let your class or the whole school down!
Stepanov comes out and immediately goes to the teacher and gives him a heavy bag.

The teacher takes the bag and says in surprise:
What is it, Stepanov?

Like what? This is my exam!

The teacher looks into the bag, then wipes the sweat from his face and says:
And why a trifle?

It's just that dad works in a minibus, we always have this little thing!

The teacher gives the bag to the student:
Take it quickly, Stepanov. Cameras everywhere, and you stick me!

Stepanov takes the bag:
How can I pass the exam then?

See my table is free? Sit behind him, and leave the bag there.

The student sits at the teacher's table and says:
All is ready. I passed?

What passed, Stepanov?! See, cameras are everywhere! Come on, I'll help you now. Let me know what your question is.

How to hint?

Raise your hand, ask to go out and so casually hint.

Stepanov holds out his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

Artur Nikolayevich, may I go to the toilet before I answer the question “basic properties of the atom?”

You can, Stepanov, go.

Stepanov exits. And the teacher says:
See how Stepanov easily passed the exam?! And all because Stepanov’s dad works in a minibus, and Stepanov is preparing to continue his father’s work and therefore is in a hurry to quickly pass everything and go to study with his father!

Scene - Modern teachers.

Teachers can be played by students.

Teacher's room, there are two teachers in it. Another teacher comes into the teacher's room with quick steps, throws a magazine on the table and speaks.

Teacher 1:
No, I can't do this anymore! My strength is gone!
One of the teachers in the room asks.

Teacher 2:
What happened? Did you finish the 8 "a" class again?
The third teacher, who was also already in the teachers' room, echoes.

Teacher 3:
Yes, 8 "a" is just hell!

Teacher 1:
Mom told me: put on tights, a shorter skirt, and go to the city council building, maybe someone will “bite” on you! No, I put on a formal suit, and went to enroll as a teacher, I went to make a career!

Teacher 2:
Well, you can’t do that because of one class! Still, these are children, you need to be gentler with them somehow.

Teacher 3:
Need to be softer. But if it were my will, I would “tighten the nuts” for them!

Teacher 1:
How much stricter? I call Petrov to the board, I ask - show Mallorca on the map. And he says - I won’t show it, but tell how cool I can be there, my dad and I rested there in the summer!

Teacher 2:
Yes, Petrov, he is the son of a deputy, he can tell a lot! And in my lesson Ivanov pulls his hand and says - you can go out! I ask - where are you? And he answers - feed the cat! I say what cat? Did your cat stay at home or did you bring it to school? And he answers me - he downloaded the game, it's called a talking cat, now it's time for him. And shows me the tablet. I directly don’t know what to do, I say, go feed the cat, I don’t need victims of hunger in the classroom.

Teacher 3:
And my students flatly refused to teach Dostoevsky. They say that Rospotrebnadzor put their favorite site with games on the banned list, and for this they added all the writers and poets that we study at school to their list of authors banned from studying!

Teacher 1:
Yes, these are not children, then ... I don’t even know how to say it so as not to swear!

Teacher 2:
Well, nothing, there will be a holiday on our street, the time for tests and exams will come!

The door to the teacher's room opens, another teacher enters and says:
Congratulations, teachers!


Offered to your attention humorous scenes they will not require their performers to memorize large texts (playing the role of a teacher can even use a cheat sheet enclosed in a class magazine), and complex costumes will not be needed for them. Rehearsals will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the theme of all the scenes is very close to the guys. It will be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside, to laugh at their mistakes.

Scene "Teacher"


Teacher Olga Alekseevna



The teacher enters the classroom, and all the desks in it are empty.

TEACHER (screams happily):

- Hooray! The students are sick, there will be no lessons! That's lucky!

It is accepted to overturn chairs. He draws devils on the blackboard, and sticks chewing gum on the nose of the teacher Ushinsky in the portrait.

The director appears at the door.


- Olga Alekseevna! Now the workers will come here to seal the windows. I sent the children to the next room.

The teacher sighs and heads to another classroom.

He enters another class - the students are all safe and sound.
And the teacher was happy again. Even stronger than last time!

TEACHER (voice excited with joy):

- Hello, my dear beloved children!

scene "At recess in the teacher's room"

(BUT lexey E roshin)



A history teacher

Chemistry teacher

Physics teacher

Mathematic teacher

Astronomy teacher

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Gym teacher


The bell rings. The "teacher's room" includes teachers with magazines and notebooks.

- It remains only the fourth lesson to stand ...

- And the fifth to hold out ...

Everyone exhales together and takes validol.

- My Validol is over!!!
- Take it in the first aid kit.

The last one to enter shouts:

- It's coming! It's coming! (and everyone lines up at attention)

The director enters.

DIRECTOR (takes Validol) :

- Hello colleagues.
ALL (in chorus):

- Hello!


- Well, are you all set? Then let's start the meeting. Let's start with the emergency. The whole school says something is missing in history class.


- I only asked in 7th "b" who took Ishmael. And do you know what they told me? "We didn't take it!"

- Or maybe rolled under the table?

- Should I be worried, these are children. Play and return.


- 7th "b"? I sympathize with you, these will never be returned.


- But Ishmael...


- What has fallen is gone. You need to take better care of your stuff. Speaking of things, (referring to the chemistry teacher) what about your costume?


- It was Sidorov who again invented gunpowder in the second lesson.

DIRECTOR (clearing ear):

- Yes, I heard it. Well, what did you do?


- As usual, they collected the pieces and the parents went to school.


- Advise Sidorov to invent lime, putty and paint before his parents arrive. By the way, about the paint. Latin inscriptions periodically appear on the walls: x, y, and so on. (To the math teacher) BUT lgebra - an important subject, but you set a lot of tasks, the children do not have enough space in the notebook. But the Astronomer pleased us.


- Yesterday a unique discovery in the field of astronomy was made at our school. The fifth grade student Seryozha Bykov recorded the appearance of eighteen new stars. Stars appeared around Serezha Bykov's head at the moment of its contact with the door frame of the astronomy room.


- Yes, the native school can generate its own Platons and quick-witted Newtons. And also, in fact, Dostoevsky. By the way, what are the results of the essay?


- Overall, not bad. For example, Sidorov writes (reads excerpts from school essays like: "a boy in a boat quickly rowed with yokes")


- It's good to hear. And what, mail today already was?

- Yes, there was.


- Was there any suspicious mail there?

- There was no suspicious one, only twelve envelopes with white powder.


- So much?

- So today is a physics test.


- Strangely, there were only nine before the chemistry test.

- What to do with the powder?


- Give it to the trade union committee, let them distribute it to teachers with many children: there it has accumulated almost thirty washings. So we're done with the powder. What, about the bomb already called?

- Not yet, we'll be waiting any minute.

The phone rings. The attendant runs in with a telephone.


- Just got word that there's been a bomb in the teachers' lounge!


- Quiet!

Everyone freezes, and the ticking of a clock mechanism becomes audible. A bomb in a cake box is found and carefully placed on a table (chair).

TEACHER (asking each other):
- Does anyone know how to call 911?
- We must call the sappers!
- We won't have time, only thirty seconds left!
- You have to cancel the control! ..

FIZRUK (whistles the whistle):

- Calm down, don't panic! Give me the pliers! (opens box) There are four wires: red, yellow, green and blue. One of them needs to eat. But what?

- Green!

Fizruk Bites the green wire. The ticking of the clock stops. Everyone exhales together and takes validol.


- How did you guess it was green?

- This color suits me...


- So, the worst is over, and the control will take place. There is little time until the end of the change. Any other substantive questions?

ALL (in unison):
- Have you brought Validol?


- Forty-two kilograms of Validol remained, it should be enough until the end of the week, and then RONO will add more.

Once again, they sigh with relief and take Validol.


- By the way, did everyone hear that the government passed a law on self-defense?

Everyone gets out and starts blowing and wiping slingshots, water pistols and spitting tubes with handkerchiefs.


- There is one minute left before the call. Everyone get ready! Equal! Attention! Alignment for high performance! For public education... for a labor feat... step by step... march!

Everyone marches and sings:

From a young age, everyone knows:
Life is boring without problems.
Eight years like in our school
Whatever the day - then KVN.

And the fight continues again!
And the heart is anxious in the chest.
Take Validol with you
After all, the fifth lesson is ahead!

The bell rings. Marching, the teachers leave the stage.

According to the tradition that has developed in each of the Russian schools, on Teacher's Day, all classes prepare their original performances. Long before October 5, the holiday date, elementary, middle and high school prepare dances and skits for Teacher's Day. Funny, humorous performances of the children on this solemn day are interspersed with reading unusual school stories, stories about the life of the teachers of the team, personal congratulations to each of the teachers and the presentation of flowers and small, but always such pleasant gifts. To come up with or find a sketch for Teacher's Day on the net or in a book is an individual decision made by the students themselves. High school students, students in grades 10-11, can prepare a dance or skit for Teacher's Day without the participation of teachers and parents. Representatives of the parent team, older schoolmates, teachers, leaders of musical groups and a music teacher always help the primary classes.

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day - video

The most beloved scenes, long-awaited performances on Teacher's Day, are small humorous performances. In funny performances, children take part with great pleasure. In these mini-productions for Teacher's Day, negligent students, overly strict and picky teachers, formidable parents, school rules, grading system, exams are usually ridiculed ... In principle, everything that at least somehow relates to the topic "school" can be a great topic for an impromptu fun scene. Often the guys stage famous literary works.

Funny sketch for Teacher's Day "Othello and Desdemona", video

For example, two young actors take part in the skit on Teacher's Day "Othello and Desdemona". Desdemona, a school teacher completely absorbed in her work, does not understand the claims of her husband Othello at all. The same one, reproaching the lovable little wife for the lack of elementary food in the refrigerator, at first gently advises her to buy something to eat, go to the store. Desdemona's wife does not respond to claims; and, infuriated, hungry husband Othello pounces on his wife-teacher, who is too busy with her students. Only two people are required for this production, but they should be the most artistic guys.

Humorous scene for Teacher's Day "Choice of Profession", video

Participation in this skit, on Teacher's Day, can take several students. The specificity of the production is such that the number of actors should not exceed 7-8 people: the guys will simply get confused in words. Less than 4-5 participants, the number of actors will reduce the interest in a funny production. Before the start of the performance, the guys line up in a row. The first of them begins to tell in verse or simply in his own words the advantages of his chosen profession. At the same time, he must actively gesticulate, depicting himself in work in the chosen specialty. The task of the next participant in the skit for Teacher's Day is the same, but towards the end of his performance, the first actor again begins to actively report on all the advantages of his work. The third actor tells about his profession, showing his movements at work. All those who spoke before him vied with each other to praise the merits of their own occupations. The result is a very funny, chaotic, but excellent work.

Humorous scene "Funny dubbing" for Teacher's Day, video

To stage this dramatization for Teacher's Day, preparation is required. You can choose any topic. All the “salt” here is the correctly selected dubbing of the actors. The guys only depict situations from school life, while not forgetting to gesticulate, articulate, behave in a funny way, as if they were pronouncing the text themselves. At this time, a recording sounds, cutting phrases from films, cartoons, popular songs, poems. The guys get "foreign" voices, and in the end everything comes out very funny!

Interesting scenes on Teacher's Day for high school on video

By preparing sketches for Teacher's Day, high school students can imagine fantasies from their future family life, parody politicians, popular singers and artists. Schoolchildren can depict the future life of each of the students in the class. For example, an actor playing the role of a loser can show how in the future a would-be student gets a job, becoming the same would-be employee. One day in the life of a school “nerd” after graduation will also be fun and interesting to portray. In the popular scene “Control Room”, you don’t even have to try to portray something. The situation when the test “hit” and you don’t know anything is known to every student. Most likely, the guys will recognize themselves and change something in their lives in time, and, of course, teachers will help them do this.

Musical scene for Teacher's Day for high school

On Teacher's Day, high school students can prepare a musical scene. An excellent solution for a fun scene would be to distribute female images to boys, and instruct girls to play male roles. On the day of the performance in the musical scene, the actors do not pronounce the words themselves. To do this, there is a cut of songs with words corresponding to the situation played out. The main thing for staging on Teacher's Day is to be emotional on stage.

Skit-parody for Teacher's Day for high school

Parodying performances by popular artists is easy and fun. Playing a “clip” for a famous song on stage is ridiculous for everyone, including senior teachers. Teacher's Day is a happy holiday, so on this day all performances should be with a touch of humor, with enthusiasm, and jokes.

Even the best Eurovision performances can be parodied!

Funny skits on Teacher's Day for primary grades on video

Unlike high school students, elementary school students cannot yet memorize complex and long scenes. That is why it is better for students in grades 1-4 on Teacher's Day to distribute small texts of short speeches. It’s a great idea to prepare one big speech for Teacher’s Day, consisting of mini-sketches. It is better if these are anecdotal situations, parodies of the school and parents, of their classmates.

Scene "Lesson for parents" on Teacher's Day for elementary grades

In this production, on Teacher's Day, primary school students act out a scene from the life of parents and their children. The son, trying to distract the "ancestors" from their favorite ones by watching TV and advertising, asks his older sister to spend time together, but the parents seriously convince the child that their activities are "extremely important." As a result, "child", no one needs, "rolls" to the bottom. You can come up with words for the actors yourself or use the texts provided by the participants in the production.

Dance for Teacher's Day: performs grade 5 (video)

When preparing a performance for Teacher's Day, children from grade 5 can choose a dance. As a rule, the senior comrades of the fifth graders, their parents or the children themselves attending ballroom and sports dances are engaged in staging the dance for the holiday. The dance can open a concert in honor of a gala day or become part of a larger concert.

The directions of the dance Teacher's Day, the guys and the director choose themselves. It can be contemporary (modern dance with elements of theatrical production), disco, rock and roll, beautiful ballroom dance, hip-hop. The main thing when choosing a number is its entertainment and, of course, the availability of movements for young dancers. Performers can use their artistic talents.

Musical numbers and dances for Teacher's Day from grade 10 (video)

Schoolchildren involved in dance studios and just enthusiasts put their dance on Teacher's Day.

High school students, students of grade 10, can dance a scene from school life or simply present a beautiful, graceful ballroom dance or waltz to the attention of the audience.

On October 5, those who gathered to watch the concert expect to see dances and funny, humorous skits on Teacher's Day from elementary school students, grades 5-10. From them, like bricks, and there is a bright, unexpected discovery of new talents of the children, a gala concert for teachers and guests of the school.

At the end of November, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. Festive performances and performances are timed to this day in schools. Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts will come to visit. Have you already decided what to show them? New short scenes for mother's day at school, funny and funny, they will definitely be remembered by all guests and moms will be happy! Watch skits, put them on your holiday and rejoice with your parents.

Mini scene - mother's helpers.
This scene is shown by three children and one adult - a mother (for example, a teacher). But you can replace the teacher with a tall girl who will play the role of mom.

And so, the children are in the room, and their mother, who has returned from work, comes to them.

Hello my good ones!
Children screaming with one voice:
- Hi, Mom! (and run to mom)
How was your day, what did you do?
First child:
Mom, mom - I washed all the dishes!
What a fine fellow you are, what a caring! (takes out a chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
Second child:
Mom, mom - I'm the same well done, I wiped all the dishes after!
And you are the same smart girl, here you go (takes out a second chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
What have you been doing all day? (mother addresses the third child)
Third child:
And I swept up all the fragments from the dishes and took them to the trash!
Mom makes a surprised face, “falls” on a sofa or chair. He comes to his senses and says:
- anyway, you are the best and most caring children!

Mini scene - children are talking.
It is always interesting to watch how children talk to each other. They boast, show who and what they can do and try to be adults in front of each other. In this skit, children will behave the same way, and adults will look at them from the side and understand that they are not doing this in raising children.

There are children on the stage. You decide how many children you need. Perhaps 2-4 children will be enough, but then they will have to learn a lot of phrases. And if there are more children, then everyone will not have many phrases and they will remember them.

Every day, my mother cooks soup, cooks the second one and always adds vegetables to the meal. But I don't eat them!


Vova (thoughtfully and importantly):
This is how nature made me!

Now winter has come. Frosts will hit soon and I will not walk outside until spring.

Why until spring?

How about walking in winter? Suddenly the frost will hit me the same!

And I know all the months of the year.

Come on, tell me.

Mom and I say them together, she says the beginning, and I say the end.

What is it like? So that's it - Ian ...



Ral. Yes. So!

Art, Rel, Ai, Yun, Yul, Gust, November, November, November, Abr!

Look, I have money (shows money)

They are not real! We can print these ourselves on a computer!

So what. But on them you can buy a car in a children's store!

How is that not real money?

So the car is not real!

And I did an experiment yesterday and now I know how long one tube of toothpaste lasts!

And for how long? For a month?

No, for the entire corridor and another half of the room!