Entertainment for April Fool's Day for children of the older group. Scenario. Scenario of the holiday "Humorina" for children of the senior and preparatory groups Entertainment for children in the house of humor

Posters hang on the wall in the hall, on which proverbs and sayings, aphorisms are written. humorous newspapers. The emblem is a smile.
1. Who amuses people, the light is for that.
2. Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief.
3. Laughter is a great healer.
4. Hurry - make people laugh.
5. All genres are interesting, except boring.
6. It's easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing.
7. Tears together, laughter in half.
8. If you want to look smarter, don't have smart people next to you.

Fanfare sounds: “Listen everyone!” Leaders take the stage.

We will open the holiday today
Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,
After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide,
Our national day of laughter.
For a holiday, for general fun
We invited Laughter to visit,
Fun, fun and entertainment,
Joke and Humor for fun!

Two comedians in costumes run out onto the stage.

1st joker. Hello!

2nd joker. Hello!

1st joker. Congratulations on the holiday of laughter and jokes!

2nd joker. Give us a round of applause.

The hall welcomes the entertainers.

1st joker. Without laughter, there is simply no life for us. We need it everywhere and always.

2nd joker. And to cheer up, call for help

Together. Funny folklore!

A group of guys comes out. They have " musical instruments»: washboard, spoons, basin, bucket, kettle. The guys perform the melody "Oh, the box is full, full."

1st leader. We all know that humor helps to make fun of vices and shortcomings. But, unfortunately, people react to humor in different ways. Some healthy humor helps to see and eradicate their shortcomings. Others do not want to notice their shortcomings. And then they say: “Not funny!”

2nd leader. People say about such people that they are not the right kind of berry. But let's not stop and focus on this, let's continue talking about laughter. When people see funny things, they express their feelings with the help of the words: “Hee-hee-hee”, “Ha-ha-ha”, “Ho-ho-ho”, “Hee-hee-hee”. Even today, let our laughter “all take off” with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, topical satire. To laugh, really, is not a sin at what seems funny!

A group of guys comes on stage, they perform a skit. The children pretend to be children kindergarten: who plays, who draws, the "teacher" sits here and asks questions to the children, they answer.

Olya, how old are you?
- A little 4 ...
- Why a little?
- Three years was a long time for me, and four was only a little ...

Matthew looks at his watch.
- Today is Friday.
- Why?
- Since the arrow is at five, then it's Friday.

Zhenya, what street do you live on?
I live at home and walk outside.

1st joker: Well, did you laugh? (Audience responds.)

2nd joker: Well, even if you are not above us, but we are above you, it's still good.

1st joker: Are you laughing at us? (Audience responds.)

2nd joker: And now we'll play.

1st joker. We will ask questions and you will answer.

Game with spectators.

1st joker: Whose proverb is this?

- Laughter through tears. (Russian.)
Laughter is the brother of strength. (Moldovan.)
- A joke is a minute, but it charges for an hour. (Russian.)
Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom. (Russian.)

While the 1st funnyman is playing with the audience, the 2nd one marks the correct answers and after the game awards prizes.

How many years do pigs live?
-Five years.
- Two years.
- Your option.
Answer: Pigs live until they are eaten.

The scene "How Cyril spoke" is performed.

Student Petrov Kirill
Killed everyone today:
I began to imitate animals -
Crow and scream.
Here comes the teacher to the class:
Who will go to the blackboard now?
And Kirill Petrov:
— Ku-ku! WOF WOF! Ku-ka-re-ku

Who was screaming there? I don't understand!
And Cyril to this:
- Moo!
Is that you, Kirill Petrov?
Are you unwell today?
Maybe you need a doctor?

And Cyril to this:

Submit your diary!
And Kirill:
- Chirp-chirp! Meow meow! Qua-qua-qua!

- All! the teacher said. - Two!
- Oh, for what? Kirill exclaimed.
Again he spoke.

Leaders enter.

1st leader. good joke
Start the day friends!
Wise joke, sensitive joke,
Without which you can not live!

2nd leader. Laughter is better for a person
What a good drug.
Who laughs is in the pharmacy
Less frequent, they say.

1st leader. A joke is appreciated for a reason,
The good one is doubly so.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Two girls sing ditties.

1st girl. No one is so offended
Like Vanyusha the orphan:
Swallowed live fish
Moves in the stomach.

2nd girl. Vanya walks around the village,
Walking - smiling.
It turned out that the teeth were inserted:
The mouth does not close.

1st girl. Nikita forgets everything
Even put on shoes
Nikita's mouth opens -
Forgets to close.

The joker invites the guys to play, the other evaluates and awards the winners.

1. Running in bags.
2. Tie scarves on balloons. Who quickly? (The balls hang on a thread.)
3. Feed your neighbor! Two participants sit opposite each other on chairs. They blindfold them, tie up bibs so as not to get dirty. They give spoons and cups of porridge into their hands, and on command, the contestants begin to feed each other.
4. Jumping artist. Participants have to draw a smiling person, but the poster they will draw on is hanging high. You have to jump for every stroke.
5. Who will drink milk from a bottle through a nipple faster.

1st leader. You live in the world, not knowing grief,
Let everyone envy looking at you.
Be cheerful, be you ... happy!
A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

2nd leader. Look for a smile, appreciate a smile
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile
We can't live without a smile!

Everyone sings V. Shainsky's song "Smile".

Presenter: So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles, laughter was heard: perky, contagious, joyful.

All participants take the stage.

All. The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,
They joked, played and warmed us
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Remember this fun April Fool's Day,
And we won't forget about you.

Cheerful music sounds, and the participants descend from the stage to the audience.


The scenario of the holiday for children of senior and preparatory groups, dedicated to the Day of Laughter - April 1.

Cheerful music sounds. Children enter the room.

Leading: Seva, Sasha, Sonya, Nina!

Let's start humor!

Humor means laughter

Good joke for everyone!

Humor is you and me

All funny friends!

1st child.

Congratulations on the holiday


Nobody got bored

April Fool's jokes

And rather the opposite -

People are happy to laugh!

2nd child.

Celebrating Laughter Day

That's fun, that's fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a mix for lunch!

Leading: What's a holiday without people?

What's a party without guests?

Anybody come out, try

Make your friends laugh!

(The clown Vesnushkin runs into the hall with a suitcase in his hands. He puts the suitcase on the floor.)

Vesnushkin: Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

And my name is Vesnushkin!

Have you seen my girlfriend Knopochka?

(Button runs into the hall to the music)

Vesnushkin: And here she is! Appeared, not dusty! Button, where have you been?

Button: Hello! And I look, are you, aren't you?

Vesnushkin: What did you pour out? I didn't spill anything! It's dry everywhere.

Button: Don't spill it! I say, are you, aren't you?

Vesnushkin: Oh howl! Who? Did they howl? And why did they howl?

Button: No! I'm talking about you: are you - aren't you?

Vesnushkin: No, I didn't howl! Did you guys howl? Button! I'm afraid you're the only one who understands what you're trying to say.

button: No, I'm not alone, but we are.

Vesnushkin: Who are we?

Button: You, we, you, me (explains with gestures)

Vesnushkin: Who washed up? (turns to children) Are we washed up? And who do you think is unwashed? Who are you talking about? Isn't it about me?

Button: What has been changed?

Vesnushkin: Well, that's enough, so we'll get completely confused!

Button: But it’s true, we came here to disperse boredom, have fun, play.

Vesnushkin: Sing songs with you, for fun, for fun to watch.

Button: Vesnushkin, what interesting things did you bring to the guys?

(Vesnushkin runs for his suitcase and brings it)

Vesnushkin: Well, here it is, my wonderful suitcase!

Button: What is wonderful about it? Rather open!

(Vesnushkin takes out various toys from the suitcase, shows them to the children)

Button: Isn't it time for us to play?

Vesnushkin: Of course it's time! Only now I doubt whether the guys like the game? After all, you can win in them, but you can also lose! I ask those who love to play, clap your hands!

Button: And who loves to dance, he stamps his feet. I invite you all to a cheerful dance "Lavata".

Dance "Lavata"

Button: Now let's tell jokes!

Jokes are tiny.

1st child: Why are you scratched?

Denis asked me.

2nd child: And me last night

I washed the cat in the trough.

1st child: And I'm not scratched,

At least washed mine.

2nd child: But you didn't twist

And didn't dry it.

Mother: Why are you wearing galoshes?

Son: I'll go outside in them.

Mother: But, there is no dirt, you know?

Son: Don't be afraid mom, I'll find it.

Dramatization of the poem by D. Kharms

Boy(with a drawing in hand): I spent half a day drawing a handsome horse,

And everyone praised me for the drawing.

First, my mother said a word to me:

Mother(girl): Wonderful, Mishenka, a sheep came out.

Boy: With the same picture I came to dad

And dad said to me:

Dad: Excellent goat.

Boy: Then the little sister praised:

Sister: You made a very beautiful kitten.

Boy: And my elder brother praised me,

Yawned and said:

Brother: Nice crocodile!

button A: I also love to draw. What about you guys? I offer fun games.


    "Draw a clown" (two teams of four participate)

    “Draw a funny face on the balloon - who is faster” (one person from the team participates)

    "Cheerful transformation" Dress each other up as a clown (two people per team)

Vesnushkin: Guys, do you want to play the game: "I believe - I do not believe"? (Answer children).

The game "I believe - I do not believe"

A bucket is walking around the yard,
Grandfather leads by the hand!

(Answer: I do not believe).

Cockerel runs to the pharmacy
With a loud cry: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

The bird got up on skates
And they are great for her.

The teapot floats on the sea
Thinks it's a steamboat!

The bees flew into the field
They buzzed, they buzzed.

The bed jumps across the field,
Quickly jumps not to catch.

The samovar puffed and puffed,
It flew straight into the sky.

Mugs sat on a stump,
With them - slippers-girlfriends.

The lamp in the dress is dressed up,
I started dancing merrily!

Why not listen to us in the faces of fiction?
Fiction in the faces sit svetlitsy,
They crack nuts and make mockery.
Do you want to know which ones? But such!

Children tell stories.

daring old woman

Saddled a teddy bear

Shoed two dogs

Harnessed and jumped.

I haven't figured it out yet:

The cat gored the cow

A bear came running with a rifle,

Shot a carrot at a hare.

And raced all day

For the hunter deer!

And here, friends, in Ryazan

Mushrooms have grown with eyes.

They fry, boil them, eat them,

And they look at everyone.

Nonsense, nonsense,

It's just bullshit!

The chickens ate the rooster

They said dogs!

Button: Attention! Attention! I have an interesting item! (Takes out a button, nails, a handkerchief from his pocket) This is not right, and this is not right, and again it's not right! There are so many things, but I can't find what I need! Hooray! Found! Here is the box! What's in it, do you think? You won't guess anything! Puzzles! Now I will guess them for you! (opens the box a little) Oh, all the riddles almost jumped out! Well, they are smart! Listen!

They beat him with a hand and a stick,

Nobody feels sorry for him.

Why is everyone hitting him?

And for the fact that he is inflated! (ball)

Relay games with a ball.

    Pass the ball between the stomachs. (5 pairs of children each)

    Carry the ball between the backs.

    Pop the ball with your foot.

Vesnushkin: Well done boys. I'll have to treat you with sweets. Get a handful of sweets. (takes out one candy) Oh, I don't have a handful, but only one candy! To whom should it be given? Perhaps this girl ... No, it's better for this boy ... Although no, otherwise the girls may be offended. Let's do it this way: this candy will go to the one who honestly wins it. I will cover the candy with a hat, and you think about how to get it without touching the hat with your hands. (covers, children think, try to get candy)

Button: I want to tell you one secret: there is no candy under the hat for a long time. Do not believe it, see for yourself!

Vesnushkin: Yes, there is candy! Here! (Vesnushkin raises his hat, Button takes the candy)

Button: You see, I took out a candy without raising a blooper. So it's mine, because I won it honestly. What! Not fair? Then let it go to whoever wins the game.

Jump up and get the candy game

(candies are tied on strings on a hoop, children walk in a circle, on a signal they should jump up and get a candy)

Vesnushkin: A button, sweets - there wasn’t enough for everyone.

Button: Vesnushkin, did we go with you?

Vesnushkin: Well, let's go!

Button: Did you find candy?

Vesnushkin: Found!

button: And where are they?

Vesnushkin: What?

Button: Candies!

Vesnushkin: Which?

Button: The ones we found.

Vesnushkin: A-a-a! Don't know! Let's eat. You go there, and I will go there!

They go in opposite directions and meet.

Vesnushkin: Well, what did you find?

Button: No and you?

Vesnushkin: Me neither! Went to look again. (they look for and find a box of sweets).

button: Here it is - a treat for glory!

Vesnushkin: Children for fun!

(Vesnushkin and Button treat the children, say goodbye and leave)

Nina Soroka
Entertainment scenario for senior and preparatory groups "Humorina-2017"

Target entertainment: organize the activities of children at the holiday; bring them joy and good mood, to form musical and auditory experience, to activate the emotional response in perception scenic actions in the plot of the holiday.

Tasks entertainment: promote the development of creativity in children; influence music on the mood and feelings of children; improve skills in all types of musical activity and active manifestation for performance; convey in song and dance compositions humorous nature.

To the music of Shainsky "Smile" children and clown Top enter the hall.

Top: It's good today

fun, funny,

Because to us today

Merry spring holiday has come!

Festival of jokes and fun

May we be happy

Let's start the holiday, have a good time!

Take a break from worries -

Let the smile come to you!

And a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes

And a good mood will not leave you anymore!

The top draws attention to the lying clown.

Top: Oh, who is this?

clap: My name is Khlop, how are you?

Top: And I'm a clown Top!

What are you lying about when today is such a holiday!

clap (stands up): I'll get up in the morning, put on a hat, put on socks on my head, put on an ax, put my skis in my belt, gird myself with a baton, put on a sash, go out into the field and how shout:

A holiday of laughter and fun!”

Top: Look how many guests are here,

My little friends!

clap: And you know all of them?

Top: I know! They will get to know you too! Guys, tell me in unison right away, everyone together: what is your name!

The children shout their names in unison.

clap: Blimey! Here we met! And now I propose to play a game "What is your name?"

Who is the smartest

Cheerful and sensible?

Let's take the floor "broom". And answer my questions with a word "broom".

What is your name?

What do you have? (Pointing to nose.)

What did your mother put in your pocket?

Broom! (And so on, until the child makes a mistake.)

Top: These are the guys

Preschool kids!

And now I'll tell you something

And I will make you all laugh.

And you add words to them!

Reading a poem "I wanted to have a ball.".

I wanted to have a ball

And I have guests. [called]

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

The cake is crumbly. [pie]

Pie, knives and forks here,

But something guests. [do not go]

I waited until I had the strength

Then a piece. [bite off]

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down.

And the whole pie in a minute. [ate]

clap: And now for Top - stomp!

Top: And for Clap, children, clap!

Clap, stomp, don't yawn

Dance, sitting, start!

To the soundtrack of instrumental music, children perform polka movements to the beat sitting: clap, stomp, horns show, nose, how "Cheburashki", etc.

clap: Do you guys know

Children. Not!

Top: Feast of Fools

And the feast of Prostakov!

clap: You can crow, croak and shout

On this day 100 times in a row!

Children (repeat).

A child dressed as a pig runs out.

Pig: Did you call me?

I will sing a joyful song to you!

Song "Piggy Piggy", music by Abramov.

resounds from afar: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Top: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Who screams, I don’t understand everything!

Rooster runs out.

Rooster: I am the bravest, fastest Rooster,

I rushed to you on a holiday with all my might!

I can deftly fight

Compete with the guys.

Come on, who's with me

Let's have a cockfight!

The game (who will knock each other sideways out of the circle).

clap: That's how much fun we have,

And now everyone laugh merrily now!

The children laugh with the clowns.

Top: And now show everyone faces

Let us clowns have fun!

The children are grimacing.

clap: Top, can you invent fables?

Top: And what is it?

clap: Fiction is something that never happened.

They tell different stories.

A hare sits on a birch

Reads a book aloud.

A bear came to him

He listens, sighs.

Between heaven and earth

Piglet rummaged

And accidentally tail

Clinged to the sky

clap: Do the guys know fables?

Children tell stories.

A cat barks from a basket,

Potato grows on a pine tree

The sea flies across the sky

The wolves ate their appetite.

Ducklings croak loudly

Kittens croaking softly

Who will believe that this happens

A cat with a mouse walks in an embrace.

A wolf rolls a sheep in a carriage.

And in the evening he reads fairy tales to her.

The fish sings songs like a bird.

The coward-hunter is afraid of the hare

The toad flutters from branch to branch.

Who will believe that this happens?

Sitting two bears

On a thin bitch

One was reading a newspaper

The other was grinding flour.

One poo, two poo,

Both sank into the dust.

Mom saw

Papa told.

Dad was surprised

Fell off the stairs.

From the stairs to the street

From the street to the chicken

From hen to rooster.

Here is such nonsense.

Top: That's so tall tales

Our boys and girls know!

clap: At this merry hour

song "Fable" perform now!

Children sing a song "Vanya rode a horse" .

Top: And now, girls, for you

Performed "Suffering" now!

Song "Suffering" Khromushina sounds in performance groups of girls.

Top and Clap play various games with children, children perform familiar songs and dances.

Top: The girls sang ditties,

Parsley boys performed!

For these performances

We will feed you delicious porridge!

Playing with eyes closed (two children feed each other porridge).

clap: And now, attention, comedians,

Young cyclists!

The game: who will reach the box faster, pull out the contents and put on (in the box pants, skirt and mask).

clap: Smile more cheerfully,

Smile more.

Top: Then they will be happy, healthy

All our children!


May laughter and smiles

They don't know boundaries.

Let it be brighter

From happy faces!

Feast of JOKE and FUN!

All together they sing Shainsky's song "Smile".

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Day of laughter and fools. Scenario of the holiday of humor and jokes "\u003e

" Humorina or April Fool's Day

April 1. Scenarios for celebrating the first of April. Scenarios for children's, corporate and family holidays April 1. Day of laughter. 1 April. Day of Laughter and Fools.

April first. Comic contests for a humorous evening to April 1 script for a holiday of humor and jokes

Posters hang on the wall in the hall, on which proverbs and sayings, aphorisms are written. The emblem is a smile.

1. Who amuses people, the light is for that.

2. Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief.

3. Laughter is a great healer.

4. Hurry - make people laugh.

5. All genres are interesting, except boring.

6. It's easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing.

7. Tears together, laughter in half.

8. If you want to look smarter, don't have smart people next to you.

9. Humorous newspapers.

Fanfares sound: Listen, everyone! Leaders take the stage.

April 1- unofficial day of laughter. On this day, everyone has fun, jokes, and arranges pranks.

We will open the holiday today

Wind and rain are not a hindrance to us,

After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide,

Our national day of laughter.

For a holiday, for general fun

We invited Laughter to visit,

Fun, fun and entertainment,

Joke and Humor for fun!

Two comedians in costumes run out onto the stage.

1st joker. Hello!

2nd joker. Hello!

1st joker. Congratulations on the holiday of laughter and jokes!

2nd joker. Give us a round of applause.

The hall welcomes the entertainers.

1st joker. Without laughter, there is simply no life for us. We need it everywhere and always.

2nd joker. And to cheer up, call for help

Together. Funny folklore!

A group of guys comes out. They have musical instruments: a washboard, spoons, a basin, a bucket, a kettle. The guys perform the melody Oh, the box is full, full.

1st leader. We all know that humor helps to make fun of vices and shortcomings. But, unfortunately, people react to humor in different ways. Some healthy humor helps to see and eradicate their shortcomings.

Others do not want to notice their shortcomings. And then they say: Not funny!

2nd leader. People say about such people that they are not the right kind of berry. But let's not stop and focus on this, let's continue talking about laughter. When people see funny things, they express their feelings with the help of words: Hee-hee-hee, Ha-ha-ha, Ho-ho-ho, Hee-hee-hee. Even today, let our laughter take off with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, topical satire.

To laugh, really, is not a sin at what seems funny!

A group of guys comes on stage, they perform a skit. The guys depict children in kindergarten: who plays, who draws, the teacher sits here and asks questions to the children, they answer.

Olga, how old are you?

Slightly 4:

Why a little?

Three years was a long time for me, and four was only a little...

To end.

Well, count these cubes. - One, one, one... Everything!

Matthew looks at his watch.

Today is Friday.


If the arrow is at five, then it's Friday.

Zhenya, what street do you live on?

I live at home and walk outside.

1st funny man: Well, did you laugh? (Audience responds.)

2nd joker: Well, even if you are not above us, but we are above you, it's still good.

1st joker: Did you laugh at us? (Audience responds.)

2nd amusing: And now we will play.

1st joker. We will ask questions and you will answer.

Game with spectators.

1st joker: Whose proverb is this?

Laughter through tears. (Russian.)

Laughter is the brother of strength. (Moldovan.)

A joke is a minute, but it charges for an hour. (Russian.)

Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom. (Russian.)

While the 1st funnyman is playing with the audience, the 2nd one marks the correct answers and after the game awards prizes.

How many years do pigs live?

Five years.

Two years.

Your option.

Answer: Pigs live until they are eaten.

A scene is being performed How Cyril spoke.

Student Petrov Kirill

Killed everyone today:

I began to imitate animals -

Crow and scream.

The teacher came to class:

Who will go to the blackboard now?

And Kirill Petrov:

Ku-ku! WOF WOF! Ku-ka-re-ku

Who was screaming there? I don't understand!

And Cyril to this:

Is that you, Kirill Petrov?

Are you unwell today?

Maybe you need a doctor?

And Cyril to this:

Submit your diary!

And Cyril:

Chirp-chirp! Meow meow! Qua-qua-qua!

All! - said the teacher. - Two!

Oh, for what? Kirill shouted.

Again he spoke.

Leaders enter.

1st leader. good joke

Start the day friends!

Wise joke, sensitive joke,

Without which you can not live!

2nd leader. Laughter is better for a person

What a good drug.

Who laughs is in the pharmacy

Less frequent, they say.

1st leader. A joke is appreciated for a reason,

A good one is doubly so.

More, more every year

Laughter, jokes every day.

Two girls sing ditties.

1st girl.

No one is so offended

Like Vanyusha the orphan:

Swallowed a live fish

Moves in the stomach.

2nd girl.

Vanya walks around the village,

Walks - smiles.

It turned out that the teeth were inserted:

The mouth does not close.

1st girl.

Nikita forgets everything

Even put on shoes

Nikita's mouth opens -

Forgets to close.

The joker invites the guys to play, the other evaluates and awards the winners.

1. Running in bags.

2. Tie scarves on balloons. Who quickly? (The balls hang on a thread.)

3. Feed your neighbor! Two participants sit opposite each other on chairs. They blindfold them, tie up bibs so as not to get dirty.

They give spoons and cups of porridge into their hands, and on command, the contestants begin to feed each other.

4. Jumping artist. Participants have to draw a smiling person, but the poster they will draw on is hanging high. You have to jump for every stroke.

5. Who will drink milk from a bottle through a nipple faster.

1st leader.

You live in the world, not knowing grief,

Let everyone envy looking at you.

Be cheerful, be you... happy!

A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

2nd leader.

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile -

We can't live without a smile!

Everyone sings the song of V. Shainsky Smile.

Presenter: So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles, laughter was heard: perky, contagious, joyful.

All participants take the stage.

All. The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,

They joked, played and warmed us

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

Remember this fun April Fool's Day,

And we won't forget about you.

Cheerful music sounds, and the participants descend from the stage to the audience.

April 1. Scenarios for celebrating the first of April. Scenarios for children's, corporate and family holidays by April 1. Day of laughter. April 1.

Day of Laughter and Fools. April first. Comic contests for a humorous evening to April 1

Scenario game program"Humorina or April Fool's Day"

Scenario #20041

Posters hang on the wall, on which proverbs and sayings, aphorisms are written. The emblem is a smile.
1. Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief.
2. Laughter is a great healer.
3. Hurry - make people laugh.
6. Tears together, laughter in half.
7. If you want to look smarter, don't have smart people next to you.
Good afternoon girls and boys,
Our dear kids!
We came to congratulate you on the day of laughter,
Laugh and have fun!

On a day like this everyone should laugh

Run, jump and squirm.
Only today you can lie
At the same time, so as not to upset!

To make witty jokes
To love this day.
Let's have some fun
Satisfied to be faces!

Guys, today is the holiday of Laughter. People say: “The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!” Because: April 1st is humor, April 1st is a joke,
April 1 is laughter and smiles on your faces!
Guys, do you want to play? Do you like games? Let's find out now!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!
- Who likes games?
- Who likes cartoons?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
- Ice cream?
- Chocolate?
- Marmalade?
- Treasure?
- And the butt pads?
- Who likes to sunbathe?
- Who likes to yell?
- Swim in a dirty puddle?
Who doesn't wash their ears?
- Sing and dance?
- How about playing?
Well then, let's play kids.

Game "Tell me a word"
I like to frolic in the river
Swim in a flock, because I - ...
bird fish
Between the snags made a house
The ball is prickly - kind ...
dwarf hedgehog
I dig the earth with my beak,
But I'm not building a house for myself,
I'm looking for a worm, here!
Guess who I am? ...
mole chick
Kwa-kva-kva - what a song!
What could be more interesting
What could be more fun?
And sings to you...
nightingale frog.
I fly in a mortar
I kidnap children
In the chicken hut
I live on the leg
golden-haired beauty,
And my name is...
Vasilisa the Wise Baba Yaga
There is one more in the forest
A very important gentleman.
He is all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is...
Dunno Goblin
Inside it is water
They don't want to hang out with him.
And all his girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!
overgrown with algae
Kind grandfather...
Frost Water
He lives in the wilderness
My heart is a hero.
He shakes his bones
And scares everyone around.
What is this old man?
Well, of course, ...
Piglet Koschey the Immortal
Crows awake
Dear, kind...
pig rooster
Who gnaws on a pine cone?
Well, of course it is...
bear squirrel

Who will take off from the flower just about?
hippo butterfly
Who has been mooing in the barn since morning?
I think so...
whale cow
Lace web
Weaved skillfully ...
pinocchio spider
There's a big fight in the chicken coop!
Who are the perpetrators? Two...
cock cancer
Very slow and quiet
Creeping across the sheet...
hare snail
Breaking the silence in the morning
Singing in the grove...
nightingale mouse.

Nose Power Competition.
For the competition, a cover is taken from matchbox and put on the nose. The task of the participants is to remove the lid without the help of hands, only with the help of facial movements. The best result is obtained when the box is tightly worn.

And now I invite you to listen to the fables.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains.
Uncle Yegor is coming.
He is piebald on a cart,
On a creaky horse
Belted with an ax
wide open boots,
Barefoot caftan,
And a pocket on the head.

The village was passing by a peasant,
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
Popped out a stick
With grandma in hand
And let's beat the horse on the man ...

Early in the morning in the evening
Late at dawn
Uncle rode on horseback
In a chintz carriage.
And behind him then at full speed
jumping with your feet,
The wolf tried to swim
A bowl of pies.
The hare looked up at the sky
There's an earthquake
From behind a cloud, jam dripped on him.
Does it happen? (Answers of children).

And now I invite each of you to take part in the competition.

Amazing Smile Competition
Children are invited to draw a smiling man. But the participants will not draw with brushes, but will dip their noses into paints. The originality and speed of the task is taken into account.