Games for graduation at 11. Games and contests for the last call. Prom Games

Graduation party is a joyful and sad event in everyone's life. Schoolchildren strive to start a new adult life, teachers say goodbye to students who have been devoted to more than one year, parents realize that their children have grown up. Celebration in every school High school prom has its own established traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains within the walls of their native school, but in both cases, each participant wants to remember these moments.

On the shoulders of the organizers (teachers, parents or the students themselves) lies the difficult task of preparing the holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and is enjoyed by several age categories. The right games will help you with this. interesting contests for graduation party.

Entertainment can be organized in one theme or be competitive program. Games can be team and individual, with a random selection of participants or made based on the wishes of the audience. It is better to involve everyone - parents, students, teachers.

Fun contests, interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion 2017".
  • "Chupa Chups".
  • "The Hard Way"
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Clap-Top".
  • "Ciphers".
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks the girls from the audience to prepare a little for the competition - to tint their lips (preferably with their own lipstick). Each young man is given a piece of paper and offered for short term(30 seconds) Collect as many “kisses” as possible from beautiful classmates. The winner is the one who collects the most, and he is proclaimed "The most charming and attractive graduate."

Competition for girls

Several participants (3–5) are selected and invited to pick up accessories for a fashion show in the hall in a few minutes. But the names of these items must begin with a certain letter and not be repeated. For example, on "C": napkin, bag, glass and others. After the participants defile, trying to profitably present the extracted accessories. The audience decides the winner.

Cool competition to cheer up

young people. Materials - candies on a stick according to the number of participants.

To begin with, the boys with one candy in their mouth say the phrase: "I am a graduate." Further, the number of sweets is increased to three and they are asked to say: "I am a graduate of high school No. ...". Each time there are more and more lollipops in the mouth, and the text is getting longer. If the participant does not cope with the task, he leaves. The winner is the graduate who managed to say the longest phrase with a lot of sweets in his mouth (but there must be at least 6 lollipops).

Game options:

It's fun to end the holiday with such a competition. The host asks all the young people to come up to him and quietly tells them the rules:

The boys begin to complete the task, and the girls are invited to the leader, they are given a slightly different briefing, they must:

  • walk like the boys;
  • follow them all the time;
  • answer the question "no".

After the locomotive starts moving, the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- NO-E-ET!
- Why do you follow them?

General competitions for parents, teachers and alumni

Graduation contest with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment, similar to the famous game "Rock, Paper, Scissors", but with elements of the theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to memorize characters and actions (which can be thought of together). Let's say these characters are:

  • Student (sings the song “la-la-la”, pretends that he doesn’t care, but is afraid of the strict Teacher).
  • Teacher (shakes a finger, swears, but is afraid of the Parent).
  • Parent (displeased, closes eyes, afraid of the Student).

Teams play against each other and put up one of their "fighters". Those show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets a point. The game goes to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then a draw.

  • This
    The game is interesting because there is an opportunity to take a fresh look at others, for example, for graduates - for teachers, and for parents - for children. Everyone writes on a piece of paper some interesting fact about yourself, preferably unknown and honest (“I love raw carrots,” “I dream of becoming a veterinarian,” or “I thought I was a fish as a child”). Leaves are folded into a common pile, mixed and taken one at a time. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • An active game for everyone. The leader constantly changes and stands in the center, and all players are in a common circle. The driver offers to “swap places for those who have ...” (any sign that unites several people is chosen). The goal is to take a place in the circle while others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then a “whirlpool” is announced and everything changes chaotically, naturally, one cannot remain in place if the conditions of the leader are met.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but more relaxed. Participants sit in a circle, and the leader stands in the center. His task is to get a place in the circle. A person inside the circle must tell some fact, choose any sign so that any other participant can attribute it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new leader appears. This game is interesting if it affects not only banal things, like appearance, but deeper ones. By the way, phrases should begin with the words “The sun shines for those who ...” (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, cannot stand the smell of tobacco, etc.).
  • Can divide participants into several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts their hands on the neighbor’s shoulders, lining up like a snake, and then they “get entangled” in a ball or a big monster. The host comes up with tasks for the beast (or several): run to the goal, "eat" someone and others.
  • This entertainment must be prepared in advance. The host or class teacher collects children's photographs of students (preferably several, for example, under the age of one, at three and five years old). You can present everything as a wall newspaper or postcards, or transfer it to the projector screen. The task of graduates is to guess who is in the photo, to find similarities and differences with today. You can also use photos of teachers and parents.
  • Another version of the game for graduation at school. Participants are divided into teams (divided into classes, play against teachers or parents, girls against boys, etc.). The host offers to pull out 5 cards with words from the envelope (without repetitions or, conversely, the same sets for commands). The task of the players is to create the motto of the evening (prom or class) using all the words, adding only prepositions, changing only cases and numbers.
  • Materials - lollipops and sticks for sushi. Participants are invited to quickly transfer lollipops from one dish to another, using only chopsticks. You can complicate the competition by blindfolding the players.

  • The purpose of the contest is to translate a phrase from Russian into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning, replacing words with synonyms without repetition and prompts. Let's say, "A boy of 6 years old was sitting in a chair" changes to "A male child sat in a soft version of the chair preschool age almost a first grader. This competition is best held between teams or individual students, counting points if successful, or giving limited time. The text is thought out in the theme of graduation, for example: "In the life of every person there should be a night that he will remember forever."
  • The competition is especially for teachers, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The leader, together with the students, writes cards with a description of a person, some kind of characteristic feature or act out a skit so that the teacher can recognize himself. It is better not to use the names and titles of subjects taught by teachers in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (portraits or cartoons can be used) is given to the teacher who was chosen.
  • Before the start of the competition, topics (nature, animals, etc.) are thought up, written on pieces of paper and put into an envelope. The participant gets a topic, and his task is to come up with a story on the go in such a way that it matches the topic, and each word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris Always Walked During the Day, Ela Ezhikov, Lived Wonderfully And Loved To Meow Beautifully. The winner is the one who reaches the farthest letter of the alphabet.

You can spend an unforgettable graduation with your own efforts, it is not necessary to invite a professional presenter, because an active and resourceful parent, teacher or even student knows the audience better and will always find a way out of a difficult situation. The main thing is to think correctly and in advance entertainment program, pick up interesting contests and games that can be easily replaced and alternated depending on the mood of the public.

Useful tips and tricks for the organizers of the Last Call and Graduation Party

1. Comic contest "Whose thing is this?"

Leading: Dear guests, graduates! On our holiday only today and only now the museum of school things and accessories works. These are favorite subjects or necessary accessories of teachers and employees of our school (lyceum, gymnasium). These things are still invisible and here is your task: you must quickly guess these things and their owners who are present in the hall.

Exhibit 1. In one of the cabinets, an object ... of color was found. According to its content, it can be assumed that the owner works as a plumber, accountant, "professor of mathematics", businessman. The names of some students of the 11th grade are also recorded here. Another item was found, more precisely, several on the same bundle. It is this bundle that is the "heart" of all classrooms and safes of our school. The owner has an amazing ability to lose these items, but always find them. Name the items and the owner. (The household notebook and the keys of the school director)

Exhibit 2. This person is the owner of the thing without which not a single day is complete at school. He is also the author of this piece. To compose it, you need to spend a lot of effort, since all the lessons and classroom numbers are encrypted in a certain order. What is this thing and who owns it? (School timetable of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs)

Exhibit 3. And these things were repeatedly seen in two teachers of our school. Sheets that are hung on the board. One of them is drawn with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious military path of the armies of various states from the "King of Peas" to the present day. The other is painted in different colors - from light brown to dark blue. What are these sheets and who owns

these things? (Wall maps of teachers of history and geography)

Exhibit 4. And this thing looks like one of the varieties of masquerade masks, which makes it easier to breathe in a heavily polluted environment. The owner and owner of this mask teaches to survive in extreme conditions. (Gas mask from the office of the life safety teacher)

Exhibit 5. A book with poems by a Russian poetess. When you find out who this poetess is, then you can guess whose favorite she is and who most often brings this book to their classes. The external data of the poetess are very expressive: a Roman profile, a purposeful look. "Women's" poetry of the XX century. are called by her name. Whose book is this, and who is the teacher who is shy before the talent of this poetess? (Volume of poems by A. Akhmatova, teacher of literature) Exhibit 6. The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one foot is planted on the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. The owner of this exhibit has a number of necessary items for work on the board. But he can do without them, depicting all sorts of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of his hand. And most importantly, he is the custodian of hundreds of problems and their solutions. (School compasses of a mathematics teacher)

Exhibit 7. A round object, but not used in the gym. Motley, spinning... With this item you can travel without dollars, camels and jeeps. This is what its owner does in the classroom with his students. (Geography teacher's globe)

Exhibit 8. An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. Especially often this object is attacked by a person who most often appears at school in a sports uniform. Who is this teacher and what is the subject suffering from him? (Physical education teacher's ball)

Exhibit 9. This exhibit is specific, it is a tool of labor for very gifted people, it is a stick with a soft whisk at the end. By moving this object over the surface of a sheet or canvas, the owner of this brings to light another masterpiece. What kind of masterpiece, and who owns it? (Brush of the teacher of fine arts)

Exhibit 10. A rather plump little volume with very strange content: all the words in it

are written in two columns, one of which is more or less clear, and in the second column only two teachers of our school really understand. What is the subject and who is it about? (Dictionary of teachers of Russian and foreign languages)

Exhibit 11. An object made of thin glass, shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not ingested. The item's owner often trembles over it and only uses it for lab work. (Chemistry test tube)

Exhibit No. 12. The owner of this object also has a craving for a weighty object with a heavy knob. This subject can often be seen in the hands of a teacher - a leading specialist in metal and woodworking, stand-making, sawmilling and a freelance laboratory assistant of almost all teachers in our school. So who is he? (Labor training teacher)

Exhibit 13. And here is a group of the most useful school household items, which are in charge of one of the main "trendsetters" of our school. If I list all the subjects that he uses in his work, then you will list for me half of the staff of our school related to these subjects. For example: scissors, paints, brushes, mops, buckets, detergents etc. Who is this? (Deputy director for administrative and economic work)

Exhibit 14. And these objects (or subject) are in the "literary heart" of our school. They are wound up for each student, but they do not record the height and hair color of the owner. With the help of these items, the owner of these exhibits keeps a strict record of what and when you take from her, when you give it away and in what form. And if you return what you took in a bad condition, then next year don't get it at all. What is an exhibit? (School library forms)

Exhibit 15. And the last exhibit of our museum. This subject is perhaps the most important in any educational institution, without it, no teacher will start his lesson. This thing is very important, because it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. And all this is strictly monitored by a person who gave you ... years of his life, his soul, shared with you joy and sadness, good luck and disappointment, who daily followed your every assessment and success. Who and what are we talking about? (Class journal of the class teacher)

2. Comic impromptu quiz "Intellectual"

A container with a philosophical content. (Barrel of Diogenes)

A stick carefully inserted into the wheel. (Spoke)

A place where the smart will not go. (Mountain)

The first cash advance to a future Nobel Prize winner. (Scholarship)

A phenomenon that can be explained by the law of universal gravitation. (The fall)

Scientifically based emptiness. (Vacuum)

The child who instead kindergarten goes to college. (Prodigy)

Purposeful cut. (Vector)

Short meter. (Yard)

Free audio device. (Mouth)

Where life always hangs by a thread? (In a light bulb)

Which the best remedy from gray hair? (bald)

Who walks sitting? (chess player)

Which hand do you stir tea with? (Not with a hand, but with a spoon)

What does a person who is looking for bitches in the eyes of others do? (Logging)

Why are mushrooms shaped like an umbrella? (grow in the rain)

Can it rain two days in a row? (Can't because the night separates the days)

3. Comic mini-game "Boys and Girls"

Leading: After today's holiday, dear graduates, no one will ever call you boys and girls. It's both nice and a little sad. Let's call ourselves "boys" and "girls" cheerfully and amicably for the last time.

Our comic competition game is very simple: you need to correctly complete the leader's phrase. Where necessary, the boys should say the word “girls” or “girls” in chorus, and the girls will shout “boys” or “boys” in unison. Only this competition with a catch, listen carefully. So...

To the spectacle of motorcycle racing

They only strive ... (boys)

They play bows and bears,

Of course, only ... (girls)

Any repairs will be arranged subtly,

Of course, only ... (boys)

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Weave, of course, only ... (girls)

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket ... (boys)

Tie yourself bows

From different tapes, of course ... (girls)

Bruises, sometimes bumps

Often seen at ... (boys)

Skates on the ice drew arrows,

They played hockey all day ... (boys)

Chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses ... (girls)

With everyone to measure strength,

Of course, they only love ... (boys)

Wearing uniforms

In the old school only ... (girls)

Chasing the ball without a break

Of course they are brave ... (boys)

Thin camp and sponges with a bow

On the face of our ... (girls)

Dance competitions at the prom will allow you to set positive attitude. Outdoor games and competitions between classes will make the evening exciting and unique. Relay races and marathons, youth collective tasks and drawings will create a festive atmosphere and help to imprint this day in the memory of graduates for a long time.

    Goodbye Kiss Game

    All graduates and teachers play. To conduct the game, you need to prepare cards with the names of all participants in advance and put them in a portfolio.

    The players become in a circle. The music turns on. One of the participants picks up a briefcase and begins to pass it in a circle. The player who has the briefcase in his hands after the musical accompaniment stops sounding draws a card at random. His task is to kiss or hug the person whose name is written on the blank in a friendly way. The game continues until all cards have been drawn from the bag.

    Competition-raffle. Of all the graduates, one of the most courageous and desperate people is selected. The host blindfolds the player and offers to walk along the carpet, under which lie Cell phones teachers, trying not to step on them. He is assigned an assistant who has the right to suggest the correct moves.

    After the participant no longer sees anything, the leader puts away the phones. The contestant, not knowing this, at his own peril and risk, begins to walk along the path, trying not to step on the phones. The assistant has no right to tell the competitor that there is nothing under the track. His task is to stir up and force the player to make as many movements as possible on the track.

    At the end of the competition, the participant removes the bandage and realizes that he was just played.

    Game "Quiz"

    Parents of graduates play. They are divided equally into 2 teams. One of the graduates in turn asks each group of participants questions. After they give the correct answer, he moves on to the next question.

    The team with the most correct answers in 2 minutes wins.

    Sample Questions

    • What is the name of the place where all the children serve a sentence of 11 years? (School)
    • The name of the signal that indicates the beginning and end of school torment. (call)
    • The name of the dating club between parents and the class teacher. (Parent meeting)
    • What do riders wear and schoolchildren hide? (Spurs)
    • What color are the class teacher's eyes?
    • A place where students don't like to go out. (Board)
    • Three months of happiness. (Vacation)
    • School leader. (Director)
    • From 2 to 5. (Score)
    • A document for recording grades and attendance records. (Cool magazine)
    • A stick that points to something. (Pointer)
    • Quadrangular bag with a clasp. (Briefcase)
  • Chamomile game

    7 graduates are playing. To play the game, you need to make a colored chamomile with 7 petals in advance. On each petal you need to write a task.

    Before the start of the game, the participants stand in a circle. One player picks up a tambourine. The music turns on. Participants begin to pass the tambourine in a circle. The player in whose hands it turns out musical instrument after turning off the music, he must tear off a chamomile petal and do what is written on it. After he copes with the task, he leaves the circle. The game continues until the tambourine is in the hands of all participants.

    Task examples

    • Sing a couple of lines from the song "Where Childhood Goes"
    • Tell a farewell poem on a school theme (or any other poem)
    • Say thanks to your favorite teacher
    • Tell the Russian alphabet
    • Come up with the text of an explanatory note to the teacher on behalf of the parents about the absence of the child at school
    • Write an alumni address
    • Say the phrase "School years are the best" in different intonations - sad, joyful, indifferent
  • Everyone can participate in the competition. 2 assistants pick up the tape, pull it and hold it at a certain height. The music turns on.

    Participants begin to dance and take turns passing under the ribbon. You can't lean forward. Whoever touches the ribbon is out. After all participants pass under the ribbon once in the dance movement, the assistants lower it lower.

    The competition continues until one, the most flexible graduate (or graduate) remains.

    All graduates participate in the competition. Its essence lies in the anonymous voting for the best dress of the queen of the ball and for the most beautiful costume of the king of the prom. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and writes the name of the guy and girl whom he considers the most fashionable and beautiful.

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think – it would be graduation and graduation soon. And now it has come true - your graduation has come! Have you prepared for it? Cool contests for the graduation party in the 11th grade will help you spend time with benefit and fun. See all the competitions for your prom below and choose the ones you like the most.

Competition 1 - guess the subject.
Graduates need to guess from the description what it is about. For example:
- according to this thing, you can easily understand who will become who after graduation. In this subject you will find all the information about each student and you can make a dossier or compromising evidence on him. (The answer is a magazine)
- if it is not, then the school will be a mess. If you don't know him, you won't get them. If it has been changed, then someone rejoices, and someone worries. (The answer is the lesson schedule)
- only two teachers at the school have it. And not because these teachers can afford it, just because they are easier to learn and remember. (The answer is wall maps in the history and geography classrooms)
If there's a problem, we'll go there right away. If you need to get out of class with a real excuse, then we also go there. (Answer - school nurse, nurse's office)
You can't fight at school. But he is often beaten, both with hands and feet. Who is this "lucky one"? (The answer is a ball in a physical education lesson)

Contest 2 - find out what it is!
In this competition, graduates are invited to find out or guess what is at stake. For example:
- at home we walk along it, and at school we go out to it (the answer is a board)
What will happen if a geographical map is rolled up into a ball? (answer is globe)
- you do not expect him at home from the director, but you wait at school in the classroom (the answer is a call)
- when this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately have urgent matters (the answer is a parent meeting)
- what it will be, only the teacher decides. You can later give it to the teacher (the answer is an assessment)

Will you write graduation wishes for your classmates? Then see our article -. In it you will find exactly those words that you need to write down from memory.

Competition 3 - remember everything.
In this competition, we invite graduates to remember not only school items but also fairy tales. And so, let's get started.
1. How to measure the area of ​​a kolobok? (just like the area of ​​a circle, because the gingerbread man is round)
2. Why did the bear break the tower? (because a body placed in a liquid displaces as much liquid as the body itself. So the bear displaced as much air as he himself)
3. What do Adam, Newton and Eve have in common? (Answer is an apple)
4. In the old days, this is a vessel for wine. And now the reward for the winner (The answer is a cup)
5. These words are read the same in any direction. And it’s also a turbine at the station (the answer is a rotor)

Competition 4 - in alphabetical order.
Often teachers called students to the blackboard in alphabetical order. In this contest, we will also try to line up in alphabetical order, but first we will play a little.
All graduates take the stage. They are invited to take a young graduate course. And for this, they must first line up in height. Time is ticking. If you keep within 20 seconds, then the first test is passed. After that, they need to line up separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are built along the length of the tie from largest to smallest. And girls by the length of the nails from largest to smallest. They have 30 seconds for everything. Did you manage? Well done. And now we all need to line up in alphabetical order, as in a magazine. After that, the class teacher checks everyone in the magazine - is everything in place!

Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor, on each of which the name of the subject is written - mathematics, Russian, physics, and so on. Participants of the competition take turns stepping from sheet to sheet. At the same time, they must quickly name any rule, formula or other phrase on the topic of science (subject). For example, twice two - four (mathematics), write “zhi” and “shi” with the letter “i” (Russian), and so on. The winner is the one who has passed the road of knowledge faster.

Who is our top student

In this competition, the guys need to show knowledge, but not from the field school curriculum but from the field of society and life. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins a round honors student and, of course, wins a prize. Questions like this: How many legs does a snail have? (one); A word of seven identical letters (Seven-I); In the river and lake there is, but not in the water, in cucumber and watermelon it is present, but not in the melon (letter P); Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk) and so on.

New timetable

The facilitator invites the participating teams to draw up a new lesson schedule, but the subjects familiar to everyone in it also need to be called in a new way. For example, drawing - kalyakomalyakane, botany - herbology, foreign language- zagranshprehanie and so on. The team that comes up with more new funny names in one or two minutes wins.

Correct Definition

Participants are divided into pairs. One is given a pre-prepared set of cards with words. Taking out a card, the participant, without naming the word itself, quickly gives it a definition. For example, taking out a card with the word "lemon", he says: "Yellow and very sour fruit." The second player from the pair must, by definition, guess what it is and name the word. The game lasts one minute. Then the next couple joins. Those who can guess the most words win.

alphabet relay

The participants are divided into teams. Each team is given a piece of paper drawn into 33 squares. Players run up in turn and write one of the letters of the alphabet on the sheet, making sure that there are no repetitions. The team that remembers all the letters of the Russian alphabet and fills in all the squares correctly faster than others wins.

Every teacher is special

In this competition, the class teacher must prepare a short description of the adjectives for each of the children's teachers, for example, cheerful, humanitarian, bespectacled, tall, blond. And the guys have to guess who they are talking about - Valerian Pavlovich in literature. They answer either in teams, or one at a time, understanding the hand. Whoever has the most answers wins.

We taught, we were taught...

Competition for high school students or graduates. This will require the assistance of the school administration. She should prepare in advance and provide the facilitator with a list of subjects that the class has studied in previous years of study. Then two teams are formed, each of which tries to remember and write down both these subjects and the names of the teachers. The team with the "best student memory" wins.

Universal teacher

This competition is held by students for their favorite teachers. Teachers are invited to the stage and each in turn is asked questions from the field of each subject. That is, a mathematics teacher must answer questions from the field of literature, chemistry, biology, and even physical education. Students should prepare questions in advance, they should not be too complex and abstruse, for example, who wrote " Divine Comedy»; tell the Pythagorean theorem; unicellular, which is often called a person who does not have his own opinion or goal; where does the lesson start physical education; as silver is called in chemistry and so on. The teacher who can give the most correct answers will be recognized universal teacher and get a medal.

Subject Merit Award

Students will be pleased to receive medals or certificates, and perhaps some themed souvenirs for their marks. The council of teachers chooses the very best: the best mathematician, a cool athlete, an artist from God, the master of biology, a wonderful physicist, and so on, and they award the appropriate medals and prizes, for example, an artist - an album and paints, an athlete - a ball, mathematics - a calculator, and so on .

Only a pen in your pen

Participants are blindfolded. Before each of them put some small object. Players can determine what is in front of them only by touching the object with a pen or pencil. The winner of the competition is the one who not only correctly guesses, but also does it in a shorter time than the other players.