Electronic digital presentation of the adventure of the little spider in autumn. The World Wide Web. What is meant by the term "quiet hunting"

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Elena Letkova
Presentation children's project"Why does a spider need a web?"

Presentation of a children's project on the topic: "Why does a spider need a web?"

SP GBOU secondary school with. rich Kindergarten"Chamomile"

Scientific adviser:

Letkova Elena Petrovna, educator of the highest category


A spider is walking along an air path,

There is a spider on someone else's cobweb.

He walks timidly, walks cautiously

He must be scared and worried.

As you can see, it was the first time he left the house.

And everything he hears is unfamiliar to him!

And all he sees he doesn't know

But so interesting, but so interesting!


in the modern world, few people think about spiders, cobwebs. They frighten and cause a feeling of disgust, so people mercilessly destroy them, I don’t think about the fact that these are living beings, and they must live, raise their spiders - a cub, weave their web.


expansion of ideas about spiders, the importance of the web for their life.


a) theoretically substantiate the importance of the web for the spider.

b) create conditions for practical research.

c) to form children's knowledge about the web, its meaning for the spider.

d) educate children to love the world around them.


we assume that the web is of great importance for the spider, he cannot do without it. And we want to prove it. The worldview of people, their attitude to the environment in general, in particular, to spiders and cobwebs, depends on the solution of this problem.

I. Main body

"What is a web?"

In the encyclopedia, we read that the web is a thin network woven from the hardened juice of spiders. This is an amazing creation! The threads from which the web is woven are a durable elastic material that spiders produce from their abdomen. They pull out the thread with their hind legs, and then they begin to weave a network. This thread varies in thickness, strength, stickiness.

Mom made a riddle: a sieve is hanging - not twisted with hands! What it is? - web!

How does a spider spin its web?

Reading books about the web, we understood how the spider weaves its wonderful web.

First, the spider makes the general outlines of the web. Its first thread is the main one for hanging all the others from it, because then all the threads are attached to the main one. Then the real web begins to take on clear outlines. The threads of the web are lubricated with a sticky substance, so they immediately stick to the body of some victim. The web is never round, because the threads are attached in different places from the center and at unequal distances. When the web is ready, the spider attaches another thread - it stretches to his body. The web in its patterns is different: from the simplest products to real works of art. It is difficult for a spider to weave a web, so that the web is good, it weaves it for several hours.

1.2 Research methods and techniques

To explore the interest in the web, my mother and I decided to conduct an experiment: weave a web. They took threads, glue, a web pattern and began to weave, and they also made a spider and put it on a web in order to understand what a web is for a spider. It was very exciting and interesting, but at the same time very difficult and long occupation. And I realized how hard and painstaking work it is for a spider. My brother and I even played with the spiders we made: we put them on a web, caught prey, counted their legs, talked to them and realized that they were not at all scary and already began to guess that the web is very important for spiders. So the game helped me understand the need for the existence of spiders and webs. I asked my friends, neighbors, do they like spiders and how do these creatures look like, how are they arranged? Few people answered my question positively: no one thought about it. Of the 15 respondents, only 7 answered positively. My mother and I caught a spider, put it in a jar and began to examine it! And this is what we saw: the spider has 8 hairy legs, they are long and thick. You look at spiders, and it seems that their body is divided into 2 parts - the head and abdomen, but in general they do not have a separate head, they are toothless. The mouth is not on the body. The body of some spiders is small, with a large belly, while others are huge, with a small furry belly (my mother showed me pictures). Spiders bite. But they can also be eaten, for example by birds. What I like about spiders is that they spin webs. It looks like a mother's scarf - just as beautiful, soft, cozy.


The practical significance of the work

While doing my research, I found the answer to the question that worries me: what is the spider's web for?

Based on the data obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The spider's web is his house and barn (also a house, but for food).

Spiders use a web to catch prey for themselves: insects, getting into the patina, get entangled in it and cannot get out, they pull the net, and the spiders receive a signal, which means there is prey, then the spider hurries to it, wraps it in cobwebs, and everything in caught, turns into liquid food. And later the spider can drink it like a drink, like a delicious juice. The spider eats its prey slowly.

The web serves to prevent the spider from falling while jumping. Mom protects us, and spiders - a web.

The spider weaves a bag (cocoon) and lays eggs there, and then small spiders appear from them - her children.

Spiderlings move along the web, as if they were driving transport, like people on a bus. And the spider also needs a web to make it cozy in the house and so that he cannot get lost, she shows him the way home. I was always afraid of spiders, I started crying because I was scared. Now, when I learned so many interesting things about them, I stopped being afraid, I really liked them, and my statement that a spider cannot exist without a web has been fully confirmed.


1. "Biology" - "Animals": A textbook for students in grade 7 secondary school: edited by V. M. Konstantinov, I. N. Ponamareva. - M .: "Ventana - Graf", 2001.

2. "Children's encyclopedia for smart people and smart girls." – M. : AST. Astrel, 2004

3. "Book for reading on zoology" for students in grades 6-7; compiled by S. A. Molis. - 2nd edition, M .: "Enlightenment", 1986.

4. Popular encyclopedia for children "Everything about everything." M: "Word", 1995

5. "Young Naturalist" - article "What makes spiders remarkable?", No. 6. 2001

6. Encyclopedic Dictionary

1 -3 slide Hello distinguished participants conference, I, Salimon Victoria, a student of the 2nd grade of the Fedorovskaya secondary school, Sorochinsky district, a member of the NOU "I want to know everything" I want to present my work « Why does a spider need a web?

I try to watch the TV show "Animal Dialogues" often, and one of them really interested me, it was about spiders. From this program, I learned a lot of things that I did not know about them before. And from that time on, I did not become afraid of spiders, but on the contrary, I began to observe them, and it was quite interesting to see spiders hunting.

Weaving a web with spiders is also fascinating. I began to study the life of spiders. And so he got into research.

4 slide Purpose of my research: Find out why the spider weaves a web

I have set myself the following tasks

Slide 5.

Spider became the object of my research

slide 6.

The subject of research is the web

Slide 7

I put forward the following hypothesis: if spiders weave a web, then it means they need it.

slide 8.

The following research methods were used:

  • Observation;
  • Experiment;
  • Studying the literature on the topic;

slide 9. My observations

I started with paintings, photographs, literature

slide 10.

Tarantula. Once, while watering a garden bed, I poured out a huge shaggy spider from a mink. They told me it was a tarantula. The spider was so big that I could see it well. He had 8 shaggy legs, 8 black eyes, which looked at me very carefully, I even felt uncomfortable that I disturbed him. His body consisted of two parts.

Slide 11.

Tarantulas do not weave trapping nets and use the web only as a covering for the walls of the mink to insulate the home. and during the construction of the egg cocoon. Having found a suitable mink, the female lays eggs and braids them with cobwebs, a cocoon is obtained, where spiderlings develop, being on the mother's abdomen. The cocoon protects them from adverse conditions.

slide 12. In our yard, between the branches of a tree, a spider wove a beautiful web. She was round and openwork. In the classes of the circle, we got acquainted with various types spiders and this spider was familiar to me - a cross-spider. He is called so because he has a cross on his back.

First, a polygonal frame is constructed from thick non-sticky threads with rays converging in the center. The spider weaves a long thin and very sticky thread to this base, arranging it in the form of a spiral.

In anticipation of prey, the spider usually stays near the net in a hidden nest made of cobwebs. A signal thread is stretched from the center of the network to it. When a fly, small butterfly, or other flying insect enters the net and begins to beat in it, the signaling thread oscillates. At this sign, the spider rushes from its shelter to the prey and densely entangles it with a web. He plunges the claws of the upper jaws into her and injects poison into the body of the victim. Then the spider leaves the prey for a while and hides in a shelter, and then appears and sucks all the contents out of the fly.

Having caught a fly, I put it on a web, it stuck to it and began to try to escape. This is where the spider came in. Feeling the vibration of the web, he rushed to his prey.

This means that the spider web is needed for a trapping net, for building a nest, and also to keep prey.

slide 13 . I was interested in the question, why don't spiders themselves get caught on a sticky web? It turns out they can. I put the spider on his own web and he also stuck to it. A spider just as easily finds itself in its web, like a fly. The reason that this does not happen is that the spider is at home. He knows the web like the back of his hand. When a spider spins its web, it makes several "safe" threads that you don't stick to when touched.

The spider knows which ones are sticky and easily avoids the dangerous ones. Helps him in this delightful sense of touch. After observing the cross for a long time, I really realized that it moves only along certain paths.

For a cocoon, the cross spider also weaves a silky web.

slide 14. In the corner of the house, I also found a web, but this web is different, at first glance, ugly and shapeless, but looking closer, you can still see that it has the shape of a leaf with a funnel, loose, this is the web of a house spider. I also put a fly in there. But she did not stick, and when she began to flutter her wings, she got confused. Attempts to get out of the web were noticed by the spider and got out of the tube, which is the living quarters and also went to the spider for lunch. So the spider spins a web to hunt.

However, the spider does not always manage to eat its prey. For example, if an ant gets into its net, then it will most likely survive - after all, the house spider does not know how to swaddle its prey, and the poison has a rather weak effect on large ants

slide 15. In autumn, in September and in October, the time that is called Indian summer, there is always a lot of web flying. One warm autumn day, when the breeze was blowing, I decided to watch a long thread of the web and find out why it flies, because we are always told that nothing happens just like that, but always for some purpose. Following the flying web, I waited until it had flown some distance, caught on the top of the grass, at the end of it sat a small spider. This means that spiderlings need a web for settling with the help of air currents. When the time comes to leave the parent, each cub attaches itself to a plant with a cobweb and, with the first breath of wind, takes off like a balloon, sometimes flying away for many kilometers. After landing, they find a convenient place for their own trapping network, and begin to live on their own.

slide 16 I did such an experiment. I planted the spider in a box, divided into two halves by a transparent latch. A hungry spider sits in one half, a fat fly crawls in the other. The spider looks at the fly. I moved the door, and the predator rushed to the prey. The spider got hungry again, and again I placed a fly in another part of the box, and the spider watches it through a transparent door. Again I move the door, and a joyful spider eats a fly. When my spider once again got hungry and I was about to subject it to the familiar test for the third time, having planted a fly in the next compartment, I could not push the door separating them. It turns out that the spider did not waste time and properly braided the door with a cobweb so that it no longer served as an obstacle to prey. I was surprised that the spider was so quick-witted.

slide 17. I also learned that there is a very interesting silver spider that builds a bell-shaped house right under the water. The spider fills it with air, bringing it from the surface with abdominal hairs. Here he lays his eggs and raises the babies until they can build their own home.

Well, and not unimportant, spiders weave cocoons for their eggs from the same silk thread to protect future offspring from unexpected situations that threaten death. They place these cocoons in secluded and inaccessible places.

slide 18.

Conclusion: Most people think that spiders only use silk to spin their webs. In fact, rarely is an animal using silk as versatile as the spider, which:

  • makes it at home
  • "diving bells"
  • "airplanes"
  • elastic traps and
  • cocoons