What does a swan tattoo mean. The meaning of the swan tattoo. Bird of various nations

Artistic tattoo "Swan". Made by master Sasha Unisex according to his own sketch. Working time: 5 hours. Location: lower leg

The swan is one of the most beautiful birds on the planet and is considered the royal bird. The swan has been associated since ancient times with a bright, positive, holy symbol. This bird was revered, admired and admired until now.

Let's talk about the main points of tattooing this image, and also explain why people are so drawn to get such a tattoo.

Swan in fauna and myths - the nature of the bird and ideas about it from different peoples of the world

By nature, the swan is a very difficult bird. It contains grace and grandeur, and this bird is monogamous. If she chooses a mate, then this is for the rest of her life. In the event of the death of one of them, the second falls into melancholy and dies too.

The swan is very aggressive and quick-tempered. He does not allow anyone to be on his territory, only his partner and cubs, and he attacks strangers. Therefore, on the pond we can only meet a married couple of swans.

There are many stories and myths about these majestic birds in the world:

  • Belief about the ability of the soul to travel through the heavens in the form of an image of a swan. The swan represents the bird of life, and it can also mean the bird of death. That is why there are contradictions in the mythology and stories of the black and white swan.
  • This majestic bird also means a happy death. There is a myth about how a swan sings his beautiful song and then, when he finishes singing, dies. After this story, he began to be considered a symbol of a happy death.
  • According to the old belief, the son of the Sun God took control of his father's chariot but he couldn't handle it. He almost burned the earth with a fireball. Frightened that the son of the sun god had burned the earth, the sky god shot him with lightning. The god of the sun, because of suffering, turned the guy into a swan and sent his silhouette to other stars. The sun god often flew far north in his chariot drawn by white swans.
  • There is also a myth about a queen named Leda, who struck with her beauty the very ruler of the gods and the sky. Burning with love, the sky god arrived at Leda in the form of a dying swan. The queen kissed the wounded swan. She soon became pregnant and gave birth to an egg. The beautiful Helena emerged from the egg.

In different countries, the swan was represented in its own way:

  • Celts associated the bird with healing from various diseases and generosity.
  • Christians believed that the white swan carried purity, mercy and a symbol of the Virgin Mary.
  • Ancient Greeks considered this bird a symbol of the sky god.
  • Finns associated the swan as a symbol of the river in the world of the dead.
  • Europeans it was believed that such a tattoo was the path to a new life and transformation.
  • Chinese the swan was considered a solar bird.
  • Slavs swans were associated with the feminine, fertility and prosperity.
  • Hindus it was thought that this bird dropped an egg into Chaos, from which the Universe was formed. The swan was also associated with the duality of being.

The symbol of the swan was presented in different ways - it carried both negative and positive energy.

Before you visit the tattoo parlors in St. Petersburg, you need to figure out first what kind of tattoo you want, what it will mean for you.

The meanings of the swan symbol in modern tattoos - what can a tattoo with a swan mean?

The swan tattoo is very beautiful. It carries many positive qualities, and can even serve as a talisman.

Let's tell you what interpretations a tattoo with a magnificent swan can carry:

As you noticed, the semantic meaning of the tattoo (Petersburg) is mostly positive. If you are satisfied with such a symbol - and it is very difficult and strong - and you want to see it on your body, then feel free to go to.

Our experts will help you understand whether such a tattoo is right for you, and also help you create a unique sketch bit by bit.

Who can get a swan tattoo, who will it suit?

Do you really like the tattoo with the image of a swan - but you doubt whether to do it or not? We will help dispel your doubts and figure out if you need such a tattoo.

This image attracts with its beauty and grace, it is popular - in both men and women.

Often people make a tattoo with a beautiful bird after the wedding to prove your love. A tattoo depicting a beautiful swan bird looks very beautiful and sophisticated, it differs from other tattoos in its originality.

A tattoo with the image of a swan may suit those people who can boast of such qualities and character traits:

  • Loyalty to your partner.
  • Sincerity, purity of soul.
  • Innocence.
  • Family.
  • Mercy to others, kindness.
  • Trembling to their appearance, has the ability to transform.
  • Spiritual enrichment, wisdom, beauty of the inner world.
  • Independence.
  • Confidence, courage.
  • Humility and patience in relation to ongoing events.
  • Pride.
  • Lovingness.
  • Sociability.
  • Authority.
  • Masculinity.

Now you know what qualities you must have in order to get a swan tattoo.

If you are sure that you have one of the listed qualities, then you can, without hesitation, get a tattoo with this majestic bird and contact tattoo parlors (St. Petersburg).

Features of execution and different types of swan tattoo - on which part of the body to apply?

When talking with the master about your future tattoo, you must scroll through all the details in your head.

In order not to forget important points, we have prepared a plan that will include all the features of these tattoos. If you stick to it, you won't forget anything.

1. On what part of the body is it best to depict a swan tattoo?

Before getting a swan tattoo, you need to think about what part of the body it will be located on.

The most common places for tattoos in women:

  • Shoulder.
  • Spine.

Men prefer to apply tattoos (Petersburg) in the form of a swan on:

  • Shoulder.

Of course, the choice of location depends on your preferences and desires, as well as on what scale you want a tattoo.

A drawing depicting a beautiful bird can be done both on the shoulder and - it will look cool everywhere!

2. What is the size of a swan tattoo?

A tattoo depicting a swan symbol can be very different.

Women most often do:

  • Large tattoos(Petersburg), which beckon with their beauty. They can emphasize the grace and beauty of the young body of the owner. Their difference is that they can be full of additional characters.
  • Medium tattoos that are unique and original. They are also noticeable, but smaller in size. They can be shown anywhere.
  • small tattoos(Petersburg) girls do it too. They look simple, but no less beautiful.

Men usually apply medium-sized tattoos. They try to refuse from large, screaming images of swans, only a few "stuff" beautiful birds for themselves or.

Small tattoos are also not very in demand by the stronger half, since they are almost invisible on the male body.

Note that a tattoo with the image of a swan is best done in a large size - this way it will convey its beauty and grandeur to the fullest.

3. In what style is it better to depict a swan tattoo?

A very important and relevant question that many customers ask when they come to.

Let's answer it.

A swan tattoo can be created in the style of:

  • Classic, black and white, black, black and gray. The master must clearly feel the line between light and shadow so that the image does not turn out to be monotonous.
  • Watercolor. Such tattoos (Petersburg) are very impressive with their colorfulness and uniqueness. Basically, the ability to fantasize, dream and combine shades is important here.
  • Geometry. Recently, this style has also become in demand, like the classic one. These tattoos (Petersburg) amaze with their unusual forms.
  • Realism. These tattoos can be compared with a real work of art. The experience of a specialist is extremely important here, it is necessary to draw every detail, every feather of the bird's wing, and also create a realistic habitat with additional details.
  • Dotwork. The image of a swan, created from small black dots, will definitely win the attention of others and set you apart from the crowd of passers-by.
  • Ethnic, Celtic and others. Clarity, brightness, uniqueness - these are the three main qualities of such tattoos.
  • Newschool, oldschool. Yes, tattoos are also made in such styles (Petersburg). They are very colorful. Representatives of the old and new schools can offer you different options for a swan tattoo that you will not find on any person!

Choose your style that makes you happy. The image of a swan can be made both in color and in black and white. You decide!

4. How long will it take to create a tattoo on the body?

A good master is able to draw even every swan.

We have talked in detail about this magnificent swan tattoo, and now you can decide whether you will apply it on your body.

We think yes. This bird can not only express feelings of attitude, life position, character traits, but also decorate your body.

The swan in our minds is associated with high feelings, eternal love and fidelity. The reason for this is the well-known legend that this bird finds a mate for life. If her half dies, the swan rises high into the sky, sings her farewell song, so sad and so beautiful at the same time, throws herself into the sea and dies. In legends, love and tragedy often go hand in hand, because it is the tragic end of history that so excites human hearts.

The swan is a strong enough symbol that is often found in all existing art forms. The art of tattooing is no exception, as evidenced by the huge number of photos of swan tattoos, sketches with this majestic bird that can be found on the Internet. Let's take a closer look at the reasons for this popularity of the symbol.

Swan in the representations of different peoples

In the mythology of many peoples, a plot describing the transformation of a swan into a man is popular. Often this is a beautiful enchanted girl, the main character removes the spell from her, and they live together happily ever after. There are legends in which a girl has to live happily ever after. For example, one of the myths describes the following situation: a swan takes the form of a young maiden and bathes in the lake, leaving its plumage on the shore, a certain young man kidnaps him, and since the maiden can no longer regain her former appearance, she is forced to become the wife of a young man. Sometimes the tale ends with her somehow outwitting her husband, becoming a swan again and flying away.

In the Nibelungenlied, there is a mention of girls who turned into swans and began to prophesy. Scandinavian Norns, sorceresses with the gift to determine the fate of the world, flew on swans. These birds were also closely associated with Freya, the goddess of love and fertility. In the legends of the Australian aborigines, there are often stories about marriages between a person and various representatives of the fauna, including swans.

Not only girls could turn into these beautiful birds. One of the Greek myths tells how Zeus himself turned into her to charm Leda. In Japan, it is believed that swans carry the souls of the dead to another world, and great people after death can take the form of this bird.

With the advent of Christianity, the symbolism of many phenomena and creations of nature has changed, often to a more negative one. The swan also did not pass this cup. Medieval bestiaries contain the statement that although the plumage of a bird is white, its flesh is black. Therefore, the swan began to be associated with duplicity, a sort of wolf in sheep's clothing. Nevertheless, the swan flaunted on the arms of many noble houses, he was even considered the patron saint of Northumbria (an ancient state on the territory of modern Great Britain).

In honor of these proud and majestic birds, temples were previously built in different parts of the world, they were worshiped, associating them with the sun, rebirth, love, healing of the body and soul.

Swan in tattoo culture

Thanks to the testimonies that have come down to us about the beliefs of our ancestors, the current idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe symbolism of this bird has developed, from which the meaning of the swan tattoo comes:

  • Purity. White color in the European tradition has always been associated with purity and purity. People distinguished by these qualities were respected, admired, set as an example to others. In Eastern beliefs, white is the color of death. Perhaps that is why swans in Japanese mythology act as guides to the afterlife.
  • Eternal love and loyalty. The roots of this interpretation lie in the legends that these birds choose their mate for life. This meaning is especially emphasized by the tattoo of two swans.
  • Family values. When great and pure love leads to the creation of a family, this is considered a natural course of events. For a person who has chosen such an image, the most important thing in life is taking care of their relatives and friends. The swan family tattoo indicates exactly this meaning.
  • Mysticism. It was believed that the black swan is the patron saint of magicians and sorcerers. Black swan tattoos are often chosen by people who are fond of esotericism, seeking to know the secrets of being and themselves as deeply as possible.

Features of tattoos

The image of a swan on your body is characteristic of both women and men, although such works can still be seen much more often on the fair sex. Basically, a shoulder, forearm or chest is chosen for a tattoo. The work is often complemented with an ornament. There are also quite unusual images, for example, an origami figurine in the form of a swan.

If you have not yet decided on the general concept of your tattoo, take a closer look at the oriental style. This is a traditional Japanese style that can turn any image into a masterpiece. Basically, for such works they choose animals (most often tigers, dragons), flowers (mainly peony and lotus), found in Japanese mythology, and complement them with traditional waves. Plots with geisha, warriors, hunters, monks, demons are also popular. The Japanese treated swans with great respect, so the oriental style for the image of a swan is a great option.

0 It's no coincidence that the famous Christmas carol, " Twelve Days of Christmas", represents " Seven floating swans". This symbol represents " Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit" and " seven mysteries c. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are outlined in Isaiah 11.2-3 and represent: Wisdom, Understanding, Protection, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear (or, Respect) of the Lord. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that in some circles the number 7 is considered the number of perfection ( in others - 3), and is best combined with the number of perfection, the image of an ideal being, the Swan.

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However, before I continue, I want to tell you about a couple of our interesting tattoo news. For example, what does Starfish Tattoo mean; the meaning of the Sun Tattoo; What does the Swallow Tattoo mean; how to understand the Snake Tattoo, etc.
So let's continue Swan Tattoo Meaning?

The swan is not just a beautiful bird, it is the quintessence of balance and harmony. It is also a symbol of Transformation, through Enlightenment. In the classic fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling", it is told how a nondescript bird turns into a beautiful creature - a swan. This happens after he has learned to understand his true nature. The ugly duckling "mentally transforms" into what nature itself intended him to become. Celtic tradition is replete with stories of kings and beautiful maidens being turned into swans, either as a reward for their long suffering or as an evil curse from envious people. A good example of this concept is in Irish folklore stories" Children of Lir"(Irish legend) and" Wooing of Etain"(this is an early text of the Irish mythological cycle). The Nyungar Aboriginal people of Western Australia believe that they were once black swans that turned into men.

Swans are also associated with eloquence, intelligence and the gift of poetry. Countless classical playwrights, scientists and philosophers have been nicknamed "Swans". Shakespeare was swan from Avon, the Greek writer Homer was the Swan of Meander, and the legendary thinker Socrates, according to rumors, dreamed that the swan would fly into his waiting hands on the night when he took on a student who became a legend, and his name was Plato. Many natives" Tin Island" (England) believed that swans were messengers of the Fairies.

Swans have divine connections. The Celtic goddess Brigid, known for her beauty and eloquence, was often depicted next to a swan. The Song of the Swan highlights the Greek god, Apollo, and his association with these graceful birds. Apollo's sacred bird, the Mute Swan (a species of swan and member of the Anatidae family of waterfowl) is rumored to simply sing its unforgettable, enchanting song to people who have earned the right to hear it. According to legend, the swan song is the most beautiful song a mortal creature can ever hear and is usually sung on a person's deathbed.

The Swan's association with Purity and Chastity may have originated in Norwegian folklore. According to legend, two swans drank from the sacred Well of Urda, which was known to contain the purest water. Water had the ability to transform anyone or anything, making them purer than pure, cleansing them from sin. Thus, all the descendants of these magical creatures were automatically cleansed of evil. This concept is also seen in Hinduism. Swans represent holy people who are able to live in the world and are not corrupted by it. The swan is a symbol of the Hindu goddess of Knowledge, Music and Purity - Saraswati. Even many religious figures in Christianity are associated with these pious birds.

Swans are also symbols of Loyalty, Love and Family. These animals are known for spending their entire lives together. Couples rarely separate after they start spending all their time together. There are many stories that swans treat people very well, and once attached to a person, they never betray him. St. Hugh of Lincoln can attest to this fact, and his damaged swan boat now rests on a lake in Münster, Germany. Swans instantly react to an attack from predatory animals or birds, and begin to actively protect their offspring.

All over the world, the image of the Swan is much more than just a waterfowl. It represents a symbol of inner strength, exquisite beauty and purity.

Do you consider yourself a gentle swan?

Swans Tattoo Meaning

The swan is a miracle of nature. They embody a number of traits, including:
  • Elegance and Grace
  • refinement
  • the beauty
  • Purity and chastity
  • Balance
  • Love
  • Emotions
  • Enlightenment and transformation
  • A family
  • Loyalty.

Swan Tattoo Variations

Swan tattoos are one of the most beloved among women due to the close association of these birds with Elegance, Beauty and Femininity. The swan is an image of feminine perfection, in which you embody all the traits of an ideal woman. Thus, most Swans Tattoos are pleasant and delicate, reproducing the soft and gentle nature of women. You will find that the most striking parts of the tattoo " Swan The background details are usually considered, not the bird itself. Tattoos can be colorful at times, but in most cases, artists stick to traditionally light colors to reinforce the concept of purity.

black swan tattoo

The black swan is considered the rarest of the rare, making it an emblem of both awe and fear. The black swan is a revered totem in some Aboriginal tribes in Western Australia. In the European context, the opposite is true. The black swan is seen as a sign of innocence and loss of purity. The Russian composer, Tchaikovsky, plays with this concept in his classical ballet Swan Lake. Black swan tattoos represent a rarity and exotic beauty, and also symbolize your desire to go against the established world order.

Celtic style swan tattoo

In no other culture does the Swan play such an important role than in the Celtic and Irish traditions. In fact, it can be said that these two concepts (Swan and Irishman) go hand in hand. Countless Irish and Celtic lore brings out the importance of these magnificent birds, associating them with the elements of Nature and giving them Divine connections. From ancient, Celtic goddesses to mythical fairies, the influence of the Swan in Ireland is quite strong even today. Celtic swan tattoos not only connect you to the spiritual aspects associated with this bird, they also refer you to the ancient culture of Eyre. Read more about Celtic Symbols.

An exotic beauty should always have a tattoo" Swan to represent the sensual and delicate nature of your persona. Swan tattoos can have many elements, but most designs focus on the beauty of the animal and the message that its image sends. Creating a unique design can be a daunting task, but luckily you can visit our tattoos section, where you can find many useful ideas.

By reading this informative post, you have learned Swan Tattoo Meaning, and now you can decide on the need for such a tattoo.

But do not forget about the swan tattoo.

Large swan tattoo on the back with gold jewelry and peonies

Swans are large birds, somewhat reminiscent of geese, but with a longer and more flexible neck. They are considered a real standard of bird beauty and grace. Songs, operas, ballets are dedicated to swans. So they definitely cannot complain about the lack of popularity. But it will not be about the commercial success of the image, but about what meaning it can carry as an image. After all, such drawings were used at different times, in many countries.

There are more than a dozen cities and regions in the world where the swan is the main heraldic symbol. In this sense, he is identified with nobility, honor, dignity.

Swan silhouette with reflection

Swan on the hip with lotuses

Swan with peonies, traditional style

Swan in Black and White

Swan in the form of a pattern

Miniature with a swan

So, we come to an important topic - the meaning of a swan tattoo. When there are many countries in the world, there will be no less opinions about the same phenomenon. Plus, traditional and new beliefs, in which animals and birds can have a separate meaning.

For many people in the world, the image of a swan is associated with freedom, beauty, joy and love. It is naive to believe that this tattoo is exclusively female. Given the number of interpretations of the image that exists in our time, it has become completely universal.

In many cultures, this bird is a symbol of love and devotion. The concept of "swan fidelity" is familiar to many. After all, as you know, swans create permanent pairs, and are ready to give their lives for their companion.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the souls of poets and bards move into these birds and exist outside of time. At the same time, an identification with mercy in the Christian sense of the word appeared.

Often a swan tattoo made by a religious person means a reference to the Virgin Mary, whose pure and immaculate image has become a standard for many. In this aspect, another definition of meaning is used - humility, agreement with the supremacy of the will of God over the will of man.

Two swans - this is love, reciprocity, a strong family

Sometimes it means the memory of some kind of relationship in the past, or of an important person who left our world for tragic reasons.

In some cultures, the swan was a symbol of sadness and death. The last song of the swan is a well-known tragic image. At the same time, most peoples, cultures and religions consider the bird to be a symbol of light. Such meanings can be found in ancient culture, among the Celts. If the bird has some kind of jewelry, for example, gold chains, this is a Celtic tradition.

There are many variations of the image. It can be a pair of swans, or a whole flock flying in the sky, or floating on a transparent surface of the water. In some cases, this is a reference to the ballet "Swan Lake".

Tattoo couple of swans flying in the sky

The general meaning also depends on the appearance and color. For example, the black swan has a mystical meaning. It symbolizes a prophetic gift, the ability to see options for the development of the future. However, often the picture has no meaning at all, and the person simply chose a beautiful picture on the Internet.

If the tattoo is made in the traditional style and there is a crown, then this is a prison tattoo. Its meaning is simple - the owner regrets the mistakes made that led him to the loss of freedom.

If the bird is depicted sad, and a name is written next to it, this means that the person has lost his beloved / beloved.

Another meaning used in world cultures is innocence in a broad sense. That is, not only the absence of sexual relations in a person, but also freedom from “vicious” thoughts.

Dreamy natures can also order the star constellation Cygnus. Legends say that the stars are arranged in this way is not accidental. This is the ruler of Olympus - Zeus, trying to catch up with the beautiful Leda. He took the form of a swan, and after passionate intercourse with a maiden, she laid an egg. This is part of the cosmogonic idea of ​​the origin of our world from the egg. According to another version, the beautiful Elena “hatched” from it. The one that started the war between the Trojans and the Greeks.

constellation swan

The Indians also agree with the idea of ​​the universal meaning of the image. In their tradition, there is a bird that symbolizes the deity Brahma. It is beyond time and space. Her egg is our universe. Often the god is depicted riding or flying on a swan.

  • The Chinese identified swans with the sun, light, male yang energy.
  • In alchemy, this is a sign of a process in which the soul is cleansed of everything material.
  • The ancient treatise "The Song of the Nibelungs" says that some women can take on the appearance of swans and bring prophecies to people;
  • In the Slavic tradition - one of the brightest images. There are even stories in which this is the master of all birds. Also participates in the tale of rejuvenating apples.

What meaning for girls can such tattoos have? The meaning often changes, and depends on the color, image, additional inscriptions, the number of birds in the picture, and other details.

Among the popular stories

  • swan feather tattoo is a symbol chosen by poets, dreamers, people of a special warehouse. They are characterized by simplicity, kindness and spirituality. But it is not always about the religious aspect.
  • swan wings tattoo - usually depicted on the back, shoulder, forearm. This is a psychological tool that allows a person to acquire inner freedom from his own problems, experiences, complexes.
  • a black swan tattoo can carry a mystical meaning, or it can talk about the secret, dark side of a person's personality. Such a picture hints that the carrier is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.
  • swans pair tattoo - love between two people. If there are any additional details, they may symbolize certain difficulties. Or talk about some important moments, events, accomplishments. If a star burns above them, it can mean the right path, or the blessing of the union in heaven. A pair of swan tattoos is ordered by those who believe that some signs and symbols can change our lives.

Where would a swan tattoo look best?

If you have exactly decided on the idea, it remains only to choose where to get a tattoo. On what part of your body will it look most harmonious?

Most people have a small surface on the hand. And even if you are the owner of a voluminous biceps, you should not rejoice ahead of time. After all, this part is constantly changing during training. The skin stretches and the pattern deforms over time. Therefore, it is always recommended to choose those surfaces that remain the most static. These include the back, lower back, shoulder blades, hips. If you do not start to gain weight sharply, or lose weight by 20 kg. the shape of the tattoo is not in danger.

It is not uncommon when such scenes are depicted realistically, using the chest as a living canvas. There is room here to “turn around, and demonstrate good detail.

Choosing a sketch of a tattoo with a swan

Because any tattoos are, first of all, drawings, they begin with sketches created on paper. It should be understood that with paints / pens / pencils on a flat surface it turns out a little differently than on the human body with a tattoo machine. Therefore, do not be surprised if the colors and shapes are slightly different from what you expected. In addition, the effectiveness of the image depends on the scale and rendering. For some, a small outline is enough, while for others, a real illustration on the skin is required. Customers have different tastes, as well as goals that make them choose a tattoo with a swan.

Tattoos with the princess swan and the movie black swan
  • Option number 1 - a flock of swans. The drawing begins with miniature black outlines in the distance. Gradually, the birds become larger, better drawn, and the nearest ones are implemented in good detail.
  • Option number 2 - one bird against the backdrop of sunset. It is important that the performer is a good artist and correctly made the background. After all, we are talking about color transitions.
  • Option number 3 - two swans, the bodies, heads and necks of which are located in such a way that a heart is obtained.
  • Option number 4 - two birds on the lake. Usually means a romantic relationship between two people.

The possible ideas are not limited to this. You can always contact the master with a request to draw something according to your description.

Performance Styles

Techniques and styles of tattoos are so diverse that a person is simply lost in this abundance. To dot the i's, let's explore some of the most common solutions.

Let's start with realism. It is no different from similar options in painting. That is, it is assumed that the author has artistic talent and skills. Detailing can be any, as well as the number of shades used when drawing feathers, beak, eyes, background (if any).

Realistic swan tattoo

Close to realism traditional and sketch style. They do not rely on the perfect drawing of every little thing and 100% correct anatomy. In the end, that's not the point. Most clients want to implement some idea.

Traditional swan tattoo
Sketch swan tattoo

If you want non-standard, add bright colors, then you should pay attention to sketches made in the style of watercolor. The contour itself can be realistic, and even have volume. But at the same time, it is complemented by colored strokes, “streaks of paint”.

Watercolor swan tattoo

In the same direction, and such a technique as trash polka. This style, like early punk in music, is a challenge to traditions and standards. Clear, bright, uncompromising, these tattoos often symbolize certain emotions and thoughts of a person.

Trash Polka Swan Tattoo

Those people who like black and white options can always choose the graphic style. The swan will also look original in the linework. Ornamental and ethnic patterns also look very interesting. The bird can be decorated with patterns, or consist of them.

Graphic style swan tattoo

Japanese style, or oriental - directions in which the drawing of a beautiful white bird looks very organic. If you like traditional Asian style, this is a good option. Of course, for Asians, images of a crane and a heron are more characteristic, but in Japanese culture it is the swan that plays an important role.