The essay is not respectful of the medical profession. My future profession is a doctor. My future subjects: chemistry and biology

The medical profession is one of the most in-demand of all time. People who want to connect their lives with medical practice must be true professionals in their field. At the same time, they need to have such character traits as stress resistance, honesty, and the ability to respond in time in a critical situation. Many people refuse to work in this field for these reasons, despite the fact that in general such a profession is attractive to them.


Answering the question “why do I want to become a doctor”, the student can list several advantages of this profession, which nevertheless turn out to be decisive for him. And one of the first such advantages is the respect that medical professionals enjoy in society. After all, a person trusts the doctor with the most precious thing he has - his health. Such an essay helps the student to better appreciate all the advantages of this profession. Sometimes a student is given the task to write an essay “Why do I want to become a doctor?” in English. In this case, he needs to choose not only the right arguments for his work, but also the appropriate vocabulary.

The doctor is the one who gives hope for recovery to the patient, and can also cheer up his relatives. Despite the fact that some are skeptical about doctors, this profession is still one of the most respected. Entire dynasties of people who devoted their lives to medicine have survived to our times, who in their lifetime have saved more than a dozen human lives. Are they not worthy of universal honor and respect? It is its importance that prompts many graduates to choose this profession.


Reflecting on the question: “Why do I want to become a doctor?” - a student can find another argument in favor of this profession - its demand. Wherever a person lives - in a distant village or in a giant metropolis - one cannot do without a doctor anywhere. A good doctor always has his patients and will not be left without work.

Opportunity to earn

Another advantage of this profession is the possibility of career and salary growth - of course, we are talking only about private clinics. At present, working in such organizations, a good doctor has every chance to achieve good earnings. Private medicine is increasingly developing in the post-Soviet space, and therefore, for many graduates, the question “why do I want to become a doctor” resolves itself in favor of this profession.

saving lives

Another reason why graduates can choose this field for themselves is the opportunity to save lives. After all, many of us often wonder why we live in this world, what is the meaning of our existence. And for doctors in this respect there is a worthy answer - they help others to gain health, faith in their own strength, they save. Not only saving the patient's life, but also the quality of his further existence depends on the skills and knowledge of the doctor.

Profession for intellectuals

Another indisputable advantage of the profession is the fact that it belongs to the category of highly intelligent. The doctor must constantly study professional literature, examine the condition of patients, and make new discoveries. It will be very interesting for those who have a mobile, inquisitive mind.

No age limit

In his essay "Why do I want to be a doctor?" the student can also mention such an important fact as the absence of an age limit in this area. In other areas, competition is quite high, and a person even at the age of 40 can be left without a job. In the medical field, with age, an employee will not experience difficulties with employment. Finding a job will not be more difficult for him than for a young employee. And in some cases, an inexperienced doctor will prefer an older and “savvy” candidate.

Working hours

In the reasoning essay “Why do I want to become a doctor?” you can talk about such an advantage as a short working day. Representatives of this profession work 6 hours a day - the shift, as a rule, lasts from 9 to 15. In a hospital, usually a working day does not exceed this time, with the only difference being that 2 shifts per month are added. Thus, the doctor has the opportunity to have a large amount of free time compared to representatives of other professions. Unfortunately, in some institutions, these “windows” are filled with additional work or part-time work in other places.

The work in polyclinics is slightly different - there the workload is greater due to the large amount of routine work. Often, the work of a district doctor is chosen by women who can run home between chores, adjust their schedule a little, etc.


When answering the question “why do I want to become a doctor”, the student may well mention this circumstance. Of course, only good doctors have all the chances to acquire useful connections. After all, their work is built on a dialogue with patients, many of whom are always happy to “strengthen their acquaintance”. Therefore, a doctor can often count on the help and support of his former patients.

Sometimes a student also receives such a task as writing an essay “Why do I want to become a chief doctor?”. It should be noted that this field is different from the work of an ordinary doctor. The main argument here will be that the position of chief physician implies more requirements for the one who occupies it. Therefore, only a responsible, tenacious person who knows how to organize subordinates can dream of this position. At the same time, he must simultaneously conduct research activities, be well versed in clinical issues. The great responsibility and variety of duties may be the main reason why the average doctor seeks such an important position.

Essay plan

A student work plan might look something like this:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Why do people choose this profession? What is decisive in the choice?
  3. What is the most attractive thing for me in the profession of a doctor?
  4. What hobbies do I have that will be useful for further study?
  5. Conclusion. How will this job help me achieve my life goals?

Medical profession: resume

The work of a doctor is very difficult, it requires a person of great willpower, the ability to mobilize himself, to resist stress. However, at the same time, doctors enjoy great respect in society, they are one of the most important and sought-after representatives of society. As a rule, doctors develop a high self-esteem, which is further supported by a reasonable sense of their own importance. Being a doctor means saving lives, giving hope, and sometimes becoming a true guardian angel in the eyes of people.

When asked which profession is the most important, everyone will answer differently. And if you ask which is the most difficult and stressful, perhaps, first of all, they will name heavy men's specialties, they will remember firefighters, rescuers, policemen or the military. Scientists, all intellectual workers, will be called the most knowledgeable. But, in my opinion, there are people whose work combines all these characteristics. Their life's work is the most necessary, the most difficult, the most responsible, requiring constant improvement. These are people who face the most important tasks - to recognize, treat, prevent diseases, ensure the preservation and strengthening of people's health and ability to work, and save lives. And these people are doctors.

For a long time, it is to them that the merit of prolonging life belongs. At a time when devastating epidemics and wars claimed the lives of millions of people, doctors stubbornly searched for ways to get rid of and protect against dangerous diseases, tried to reduce complications after injuries and surgical interventions. They created more and more new drugs and vaccines, often testing them on themselves so as not to endanger other people. Thanks to them, it became possible to prevent and treat a huge number of diseases that were previously considered deadly.

New, previously unknown diseases are constantly appearing in the world, epidemics are breaking out. And as always, "guardians of health" come to the rescue - brave, determined people who are exposed to unknown dangers, entering the fight against viruses, microorganisms and other pathogens. Doctors, as before, save people, protect life on Earth.

See also:

In the turmoil of today's life, when every person cares primarily about their daily bread, health issues often fade into the background. And we remember about ourselves only when it gets really bad. Then, in most cases, we can no longer do without the intervention of a specialist. And doctors every day do everything possible, and sometimes impossible, helping us to return to a normal, familiar life again.

And how often the representatives of this difficult profession have to save lives and it all depends on their qualifications, the ability to make the right and timely decision. And you can’t make a mistake, since the price of a mistake is human life.

It is hard to even imagine what would happen to the planet if there were no doctors. If no one was engaged in the study of the causes and nature of diseases, no one was looking for saving medicines and methods of treatment.

Medicine is constantly evolving. New diseases require new knowledge. In addition, the knowledge and skills of a doctor are not limited to the field of pure medicine. A real specialist should also be a good psychologist - be able to listen to a person, penetrate into his soul; be able to calm down, inspire hope, confidence, faith; be able to convince of the correctness and necessity of the prescribed treatment. Indeed, many people, oddly enough, are reluctant to take care of their health, and often with their stubbornness only worsen their condition, slow down the recovery process.

In my opinion, not everyone can become a doctor. For this profession, it is necessary to have a special temperament, attentiveness, patience, calmness, kindness; and at the same time - firmness, the ability to make decisions quickly, a great sense of responsibility. It must certainly be a person who is devoted to his work with all his heart; a person who is aware of the importance and seriousness of this profession; one who is not afraid of dangers, difficulties, who agrees to devote his whole life to people and, while working, to continue to constantly learn and improve.

In my opinion, doctors do heroic deeds every day. After all, they save people, their lives, often risking their own; they prolong the existence of all mankind. And isn't that their real great feat?

My future profession is a doctor.
My future profession - a doctor - is the most necessary, most important for a person. What can be more valuable than life and more necessary than health? And therefore, a person has no right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is trusted with the most valuable thing - health. Studying at a medical school is a long process, at least 6 years. It is not easy to study from the first courses, and you should calculate your strength in advance. One missed lecture can cost the patient's life in the future - this should not be forgotten for a minute. Responsibility is the main character trait of the future doctor. The subjects will be extraordinarily complex. The medical student just has to perfectly understand biology and chemistry. You won't be able to relax. The profession of a doctor is much more difficult than it seems at first glance, and much more interesting. Many imagine her only on TV shows, but in life everything is completely different. The future doctor should be patient, understanding, merciful. Patients come across different, but it is necessary to be extremely polite with everyone. Moreover, the daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions that affect someone's fate. Therefore, it is extremely important to become a true professional. A doctor is a pride and responsibility. From the first year, all students are told that every time they put on a white coat, they take on certain obligations. No wonder since ancient times this is one of the most prestigious professions. Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely want to help people, who can empathize, those who are efficient. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has a chance to become a real Doctor with a capital letter.
The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine, will forever remain in history. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor's behavior, as well as the common name for an oath taken by anyone who is going to become a doctor. The "Oath" contains 9 ethical principles or obligations:
. obligations to teachers, colleagues and students;
. the principle of no harm;
. obligation to help the sick (principle of mercy);
. the principle of concern for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
. the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
. an obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
. a commitment to personal improvement;
. medical secrecy (principle of confidentiality).

I bring to your attention the essay of the laureate of the regional essay competition "My future profession is a doctor", held in May 2014 by the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region.

My future profession is a doctor.

Once, in early childhood, I received the game "Doctor" as a birthday present. There was everything that a real doctor needs, only a toy one: a syringe, a thermometer, cotton wool, a phonendoscope, even a white coat. I imagined myself as a doctor and treated my dolls for all conceivable and unthinkable diseases.

Years passed, and in my life, as in the life of any maturing person, there came a period when it became necessary to make a very important decision: to choose my future profession. Each person seeks ways of self-affirmation, first of all, in the profession that he consciously chooses. I had no doubts about this, since I decided for myself a long time ago: I will be a doctor! I am ready to take on this responsible task with a clear conscience and clean hands.

What do I know about my future profession? First of all, a doctor is a person of high soul, intelligence, a person who is ready to devote himself to serving people. The profession of a doctor is a feat. A doctor has no right to make even a small mistake, so I try to study well.

I know that a doctor is a timeless person, that he must rush to help at any time of the year, day or night, that he must be brave, courageous, attentive, kind and sensitive towards all patients without exception. You can continue this list, but I want to say that first of all you need to love people, want to help them, have a calling.

Many people often warn me, tell me about the great difficulties of this profession. I understand it won't be easy. I need to overcome some feelings in myself (for example, fear, excitement). But I can handle it, I'm sure of it!

The doctor's vocation requires that he fulfill his duties in accordance with the voice of conscience. The doctor must be calm and confident outwardly and under any circumstances maintain inner calm. There can be various events in the personal life of a doctor, but when he approaches a patient, it is necessary to think only about him, to suffer from his suffering, to live with the thought of how to help him quickly and correctly. Calmness and confidence of the doctor are transferred to the patient and help him to recover.

The doctor needs to be brave. After all, he is the first to go where a destructive epidemic rages. He should not be afraid to care for such patients, from whom he himself can become infected with a deadly disease.

An example of this is the image of Yevgeny Bazarov from the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”.Bazarov goes to his father, where he begins to treat everyone who needs the help of a doctor. In the end, practicing on a corpse typhoid sick, Eugene injured his finger, got blood poisoning, as a result of which he died.

The future doctor should be patient, understanding, merciful. Patients come across different, but it is necessary to be extremely polite with everyone. The daily work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions that affect someone's fate.

A doctor is a person outside of nationality, outside of politics, outside of time. For a true doctor, there are no bad or good people, poor or rich, honest or criminals. If a MAN needs help, he will receive it, because there will be a DOCTOR in front of him.

The doctor must be able to quickly make a decision and not be afraid to take responsibility for this decision..

I have heard that sometimes doctors die patients. Of course, it’s very hard when you can’t help a person in any way, it’s much harder to realize this when you have a small patient in front of you! Some people say that a doctor must have "steel" nerves, learn to be insensitive ... I do not agree with this! After all, sometimes even a gentle word can become a healer. To feel the pain, suffering of a person is the highest purpose of a doctor.

Also, the doctor must be inquisitive and hardworking, must constantly expand his knowledge in order to apply modern methods of treatment and use the latest discoveries in medicine.

Preparing myself for my future profession, I do a lot and diligently, deeply and comprehensively, in addition to the basic subjects, I study chemistry and biology - without this it is impossible to become a doctor. I read a lot about this profession, I watch movies. But when I watched the television series "Interns", I was extremely outraged by the production of the film. Although I know this series is humorous, I found it violent. A doctor cannot, has no moral right to be drunk, ignorant, vulgar, lazy and, worst of all, mediocre and illiterate! And is it really possible to joke when it comes to human life?! What jokes are there!

I have not yet decided on the choice of medical specialization, but at the moment I like the specialty of an anesthesiologist.

In one of the books on medicine I read: “The name of the first outstanding physician of antiquity, Hippocrates, whose knowledge and art of treating people not only saved many lives, but also determined the development of medicine, will forever remain in history. The Hippocratic Oath is a medical oath that expresses the fundamental moral and ethical principles of a doctor's behavior, as well as the common name for an oath taken by anyone who is going to become a doctor. The "Oath" contains 9 ethical principles:
-obligations to teachers, colleagues and students;
-principle of doing no harm;
- obligations to provide assistance to the patient (principle of mercy);
- the principle of caring for the benefit of the patient and the dominant interests of the patient;
- the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards euthanasia;
-the principle of respect for life and a negative attitude towards abortion;
- an obligation to refrain from intimate relationships with patients;
-commitment to personal improvement;
- medical secrecy (principle of confidentiality)"

I fully share these high moral principles and will always try to follow them.

We are the children of the XXI century. All roads are open to us. Which one we choose to follow is entirely up to us. I know what I want to become, I have a goal in life. I really want to go to medical school. I will study hard to become a good doctor. My parents support me in my decision, although their life is not related to medicine: my mother is a teacher, my father is a worker.

Anna Vlasenko,

11th grade student

MBOU "Secondary School of Sinegorye"

Sesina Yana

Composition in the nomination "My future profession".



MBOU "Burakovskaya secondary school" of the Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Nomination: My future profession

Essay topic:

“Doctor is not a profession, but a way of life”

Work done by a student

7th grade

Sesina Yana Valerievna

D/hell 422854 RT Spassky district

v. Burakovo, st. Lugovaya, house 2

Tel: 34-3-33 (school)

Teacher: Safina Olga Vladimirovna


After leaving school, millions of young people begin independent lives. They can start working, go into business or continue their studies to get higher education. Almost every Russian city has one or more institutes. There are dozens of them in Kazan and Moscow. If you want to get a working profession, you can enroll in a vocational school. It is said that there are more than two thousand professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to make a choice and make a decision. Some act according to their choice, and some follow the advice of their parents. Many times I asked myself: “What do I want to do after graduation?” A few years ago, it was difficult for me to answer this question definitively. Over time, I changed my mind many times about what field of science or industry I should specialize in. It was difficult to decide and choose from hundreds of professions one that would suit me best. First, it must be interesting to me. Exciting activity that you really enjoy is an important part of being happy in life. Then there is the need to earn a living. The most amazing work will not bring satisfaction if you starve. In addition, there is a very urgent problem of unemployment: I need to choose a profession so that I can then find a job.

A couple of years ago, I wanted to be a doctor. I think it is a very noble profession. I want to help people who have health problems. I know that a doctor must be noble in his work and in life, kind and attentive to people, responsible and reasonable, honest and prudent. A doctor who is selfish and dishonest cannot be a good professional. I try to develop good character traits as much as possible. Now I have already decided who to be. I don't want to change my mind. I know that it is very difficult to become a good doctor. You need to know biology perfectly. A doctor is a great artist, and you know how few great artists there are in the world.

I like the profession of a doctor. The doctor is one of the noblest professions. The profession of a doctor, as A.P. Chekhov said, is a feat “it requires purity of soul and thoughts. One must be mentally clear, morally clean and physically tidy.”

This profession is called heroic. Everyone knows the feats of doctors in the days of the epidemic of especially dangerous infections, dedication on the battlefield, numerous cases of testing new drugs, primarily on themselves. But the heroism of a doctor is not a single act of valor. This is everyday selfless service to people. Human life is in the doctor's hands. Doctor is a high title. If you are a doctor, you are a hero or you are not a doctor. A true doctor is not one who has known and deeply studied medicine, but one who is aware of his duty to people.

Unfortunately, due to the special significance of this profession, it is often chosen by people who unconsciously seek to increase their own self-esteem and feel their own significance. I would like to believe that such a minority.

The doctor must always be kind and merciful, because the work he is engaged in alleviates the suffering of the patient and saves him from death. People always treat doctors in a special way, they value and respect them. Human life is in the doctor's hands. It is easier to become a doctor than to be one. A doctor is not just a professional, he is a creator. Modern authors write about medicine and physicians: Yu. German and F. Uglov. In Y. German's work “The Cause You Serve”, the author described the life and work of the doctor Vladimir Ustimenko. Vladimir was such a person for whom medicine was in the foreground, in the first place among other sciences. For him, apart from "the cause he served," nothing else existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless. It all started in childhood. Volodya first began to acquire knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and once tried to buy a human skeleton in a store. Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson hung in his room.

On March 4, 1877, the first graduation of female doctors in Russia took place. Petersburg, the Higher Medical Women's Courses were founded, only women who received a secondary education or had diplomas as home teachers could become students. And on March 4, certified female doctors appeared in Russia for the first time. But only in 1901, a certified woman doctor was able to receive the highest permission to take an exam at one of the Russian universities. It was the first time in the country's history that a female doctor was allowed to take the exams for the title of Doctor of Medicine. Today in Russia, according to various sources, more than 80% of doctors are women. And it is difficult to imagine medicine without them - fragile and courageous, smart and understanding.

The well-known publicist Grigory Eliseev called N. P. Suslov "the venerable first-born of the new female Russian world." It really fell to her lot the difficult role of the discoverer. Her name became a symbol, and her life became a role model for many Russian women who aspired to education, to serve social ideals.

So, Nadezhda Prokofievna Suslova, at the cost of great efforts, hard work and courage, achieved her goal: she received a higher medical education, was recognized in Russia, received medical practice, honor and respect in her country. By personal example, she proved the equality of men and women, showed that a woman is no worse than a man, can study and become a specialist in her field.

The medical diploma of N. P. Suslova gave a powerful impetus to the desire of Russian women to study at foreign universities (for lack of access to domestic ones). Among her followers are the world-famous Sofia Kovalevskaya and Vera Figner.

The famous Dutch physician Van Tulp said the famous phrase: "Shining to others, I burn myself." Agreeing with these words, I try to decide for myself whether I can not harden my heart at the sight of someone else's pain, be ready to help at any time of the day. Will I be able not to get lost in a situation where only your knowledge, hands, like a magician, can save a person, will I be able to constantly learn, improving professionalism, because medicine does not stand still ... Will I be able to? I will try. Somewhere I heard the expression that a doctor is like a man swimming against the current, and as soon as he lowers his hands, stops working, he is immediately carried back. I feel the strength to go through this difficult road.

To become a doctor, one must love people. Because the doctor's job is to alleviate suffering and save the sick from death.The doctor needs to be brave. After all, he is the first to go where a destructive epidemic, such as the plague, rages. He should not be afraid to care for such patients, from whom he himself can become infected with a deadly disease. The doctor is called to serve the health of every person and the whole nation. By its very nature, the medical profession is creative. The vocation of a doctor requires that he perform his duties in accordance with the voice of conscience and guided by the principles of medical ethics. It is necessary that the doctor always remain calm, at least outwardly, in order to perform the operation correctly and bandage the sick or wounded well even during a storm at sea, an earthquake, under artillery fire. Calmness and confidence of the doctor are transferred to the patient and help him to recover. The doctor needs to be attentive and sensitive. The patient will not believe an inattentive doctor, and any careless word of a doctor can frighten him so much that he will lose faith in recovery. The doctor must be selfless, because he is always on duty. He can be called to the patient at any time of the day or night, or even when he himself is sick, but there is no one else to go. Another doctor must be inquisitive and hardworking. He must constantly expand his knowledge in order to apply modern methods of treatment and use the latest discoveries in medicine.

It is hard to even imagine what would happen to the planet if there were no doctors. If no one was engaged in the study of the causes and nature of diseases, no one was looking for saving medicines and methods of treatment.

Medicine is constantly evolving. New diseases require new knowledge. In addition, the knowledge and skills of a doctor are not limited to the field of pure medicine. A real specialist should also be a good psychologist - be able to listen to a person, penetrate into his soul; be able to calm down, inspire hope, confidence, faith; be able to convince of the correctness and necessity of the prescribed treatment. Indeed, many people, oddly enough, are reluctant to take care of their health, and often with their stubbornness only worsen their condition, slow down the recovery process.
In my opinion, not everyone can become a doctor.

In order for my dream to come true, I need to work hard on myself, accustom myself to discipline, learn to treat people even better. You need to set a goal and go to it stubbornly and diligently. If there are difficulties on my way, I am sure that I will overcome them and follow the same path further.