Download a presentation on the letter G. Presentation "Sounds and the letter G" presentation for a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. II. Reporting the topic and setting the goal of the lesson

Program tasks:

  • To acquaint children with the acoustic and articulatory features of the sounds [g], [g '].
  • Improve sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception.
  • Learn to differentiate sounds [g] - [g "] in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Activate vocabulary.
  • Develop spelling awareness.
  • Learn the grammar of a sentence.
  • To develop arbitrariness of attention, auditory and visual memory, logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, imagination.
  • Raise interest in speech therapy classes.

Equipment: notebooks, pens, colored pencils, leaflets for each child.

Lesson progress

I. Organizing moment

1. The rule of speech. (Slide 4).

Every day, always, everywhere.
In the classroom and in the game,
Let's speak clearly
And we will not rush.

2. Acquaintance with the sounds of the lesson. (Slide 5)

Speech therapist: Today we will go to visit the gnomes. Here one of them meets us. He will be our guide in the fairy forest. Who is a guide? (teacher's explanation).

What sound does the word "dwarf" begin with? And from what "guide"?

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is? (student answers)

Today in the lesson we will practice listening to sounds and distinguishing between [g] - [g '] among themselves.

II. Main part

1. Comparative characteristics of the studied sounds. (Slides 6-8).

Speech therapist: Tell us about the sounds of our lesson.

G - consonant, voiced, solid.

G '- consonant, sonorous, soft.

2. Correlation with the letter G (slide 9-10).

Speech therapist: Listen to a poem about the letter G (Slide 9).

Find this letter in the Gnome's house . (Slide 10)

3. Differentiation [r] -[r '] in syllables. (Slide 11).

Speech therapist: Read the syllables together with the donkey as many times as it spins GA - GO - GU - GE - GE - GU - GE - GI - AHA.

What is the lesson sound in each syllable? First name the syllables with a soft sound [g '], then with a hard [g].

4. Development of syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual perception. Dictionary refinement. (Slide 12)

Speech therapist: Unravel the words.


5. Physical minutes. Gymnastics for the eyes. (Slide 13-14)

Speech therapist: Let's have a rest together with the gnomes. Carefully follow the objects on the screen with your eyes.

6. Differentiation [g] - [g "] in words. Development of logical thinking. (Slides 15-23)

Speech therapist: Solve riddles. Write down the answers, underline the letter G. If the sound [g] is in the word, use a blue pencil, if the sound [g ’] is green.

This string instrument
Will ring at any moment.
And on stage in the best hall,
And on a camping trip. (guitar)

Thick-skinned, clumsy,
He has a huge mouth.
Loves water, but don't puddles
Inhabitant of the Nile .... (hippopotamus)

He swing and bed
It's good to lie on it
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shows on weight. (hammock)

hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Even though there are many legs
Still can't run. (caterpillar)

7. Differentiation [r] - [r '] in words. (Slide 24)

Speech therapist: The crocodile Gena came to visit the gnomes and brought words. Divide the words into two columns by distributing the Gnome (rake, pear, giant) and Gene (guitar, kettlebell, giant).

8. Work on the grammatical design of sentences. (Slide 25)

Speech therapist: Make a sentence about the crocodile Gena from the given words. Check. Write in your notebook, underline the sounds of the lesson.

III. Summary of the lesson (Slide 26)

Speech therapist: What did you like about the lesson? What have you learned?

  • Think up and draw on the pieces of paper your gifts to the gnomes to the sounds [g ’] - [g].
  • Describe the sounds of the session.

Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the group preparatory to school “Sound [G]. Letter G"


Get to know the sounds G, G.
- to learn to distinguish sounds among other sounds, in syllables, from the composition of a word, to differentiate sounds by hardness and softness;
- introduce the graphic designation of sounds - the letter G;
- improve the skills of sound-syllabic analysis: the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
- to promote the development of memory, attention, thinking, visual and tactile perception;


Teach children to conjugate verbs;
- continue to teach children the correct use of speech;
adjectives, agreeing them with nouns in gender, number, case;
numerals, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number, case, exercise in the selection of antonyms;
- to cultivate organization, friendliness, independence, a conscious attitude to speech;
to educate the need for children to speak correctly.


Split pictures with the sound G, mirrors, a picture of peas, caterpillars, envelopes with elements of the letter G, plasticine.

1. The course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Hello guys - Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound. But first, let's remember how a sound differs from a letter. (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and read letters).

2. We cannot see the sound, And we cannot pick it up. We can only hear the sound, And also say it.

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants). -

How do vowels differ from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not encounter obstacles, and therefore the sound can be pulled for a long time. A consonant sound does not stretch, because when it is pronounced, the air encounters obstacles. Vowels are drawn to a ringing song. They can cry and sob. In a dark forest, call and call out, But They don't want to whistle and grumble, And the consonants agree To rustle, whisper, creak, Even snort and hiss, But they don't want to sing.

Name the pictures that are on your table, highlighting 1 sound with your voice.
(children name pictures)
What sound is there in all these words? (G)
Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the sounds G - Gb and the letter G.

A picture with the letter G is hung on the board
2. Acquaintance with the sounds G-G.

Dried up in the hot sun

And breaks out of the pods .... (Peas)

1. What are peas

2.-Name 1 sound in a syllable: th?

Put the mirrors, say the sound G, pay attention to the position of your lips, teeth, where the tip of the tongue is.
(lips in a smile, teeth open, the tip of the tongue lies down and is moved away from the lower teeth)
Say the sound G again and say, when pronouncing the sound G, is there an obstacle? Yes.
-What's stopping you? (air jet breaks the barrier between the back of the tongue and the palate)
And if there is an obstacle, then what sound is G? Consonant.
-And now check voiced or deaf? Voiced.
-Tell me about the sound of G.
-Listen to the next riddle

hairy, green,

She hid in the leaves.

She has a lot of legs

Just can't run. Who is it? (Caterpillar)

What harm does the caterpillar bring?

Name 1 sound in the syllable Gu?
-Tell me about the sound G.

3. Sound extraction .

A) We catch the sound: among other sounds: I, V, Z, O, K, G, B, M, W,

B) among syllables:, ASh, AM, OG, OK, OB, GA, YES, TO, TO, GO, GU, LY, AG

C) Name the words with the sound G.
-Name the words with the sound G.

4. Differentiation of sounds Г-ГЬ

Play "hear the sound"
If you hear the sound G in the word, clap your hands, and if G, stomp your feet.
GUITAR, GENA, LEGS, HAMMOCK, WEIGHT, GENA, GNUS, MEADOWS, THUNDER, MOUNTAIN. (explain what sound, place of sound in a word)


Gena walked, walked, walked.
Found white fungus.
One fungus, two fungus,
Get into the box.

And now task number 2

Say the opposite words:

Cold - hot.
Clean - dirty.
Quiet - loud.
Sweet - bitter.
Cheerful - sad.
They did a good job.

5. Acquaintance with the letters G

The sounds G, Gb are denoted by the letter G.

Look at the letter on the board.
-What does the letter look like?
-Think and say what other words are with the sound g and g.

And now let's take plasticine and try to sculpt the letter G.

6. The result of the lesson.
- What sounds did we meet today?
-Tell me about the sound Г, Гг.
What letter denotes the sounds Г, ГЬ?
-Come up with words with sounds G, GG.

Class: 1

Purpose: to study the consonant sound [g, g,] and its letter designation.

  • improve the skill of phonetic analysis, reading skill;
  • develop speech, attention, memory, fine motor skills of hands.

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Equipment: individual cards, cards with words, split alphabet

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Reporting the topic and setting the goal of the lesson.

- Today, in one of the Letter houses, a newcomer and very soon you will get to know him. This newcomer, before getting to know you, wants to make sure that you know all the tenants of the house. Let's show our knowledge.

III. Repetition of the studied material.

1. Individual work.

a) What words have more sounds than letters?

C) Find the words in the table and color them.

I I I I I I I I I I I I in I I about I I
I to R a With and in a I I I b s With t R a I
to at d R a in a I I I I m about R With to a I
I t about n to a I I I I in s With about to a I I

2. Teamwork.

Make as many words as possible from the word "strawberry". (students write words on the board)

Divide the words into groups, explain on what basis you divided, how many groups you received.

Watermelon; Apple tree; magpie; Marina; Earth; pit; Alya. Nikita


1. First letter vowel-consonant; slide 3

2. First sound vowel-consonant slide 4

- Why were the words pit and apple placed in the second column?

In what cases does the letter i mean two sounds?

3. Animate - inanimate. slide 5

How to determine the number of syllables in a word?

5. With a capital - with a lowercase letter). Slide 7

- Explain capitalization of words.

- Make sentences out of words. Slide 8

“High, in, grow, spruce, forest”

Fir trees grow in the forest.

- Explain what needs to be fixed. (capital letter, dot)

- What is the proposal about?

- What do they do?

- What kind of fir?

- Where do spruces grow?

Well done! I think it's time to meet the newbie.

IV. Learning new material.

Listen to the words, determine what is the first sound you hear.

Thunder, mushroom, dwarf, eye, mountain.

- Sound [g] - writing on the board

What is a vowel or consonant sound? Justify your point of view.

- Consonant sound. What can you say about this sound? (solid)

– Is there a “soft” pair of this sound? Choose words - examples.

Write the transcription on the board.

- Well done!

- Guys, what letter do we designate these sounds on the letter?

- Make a conclusion. (The letter G denotes the sounds [g - hard consonant and g, - soft consonant].

- Make up syllables - mergers with known vowels. Work with a split alphabet on the board.


- reading syllables - mergers.

V. Dynamic pause.

VI. Work on the "ABC" pp. 122-123.

Reading words in chorus.

An illustration session.

- What is shown in the picture?

- Think of a name for the village. Give names to the inhabitants, such that they meet the sound with which we are working today.

- Write a story about the picture.

- Reading the text on p. 123.

- What is the text talking about?

- What did the children do?

- What mushrooms are in the children's baskets?

The game "Edible - inedible." You can choose any movements for designation (clapping, stroking the abdomen, etc.)

Honey mushrooms, butterflies, grebes, boletus, mushrooms, fly agaric, boletus.

Reading proverbs on p. 122 in rows. Meaning explanation.

VII. Letter modeling. Preparation for writing, remembering the image of the letter.

  • Using any school supplies, lay out the letter G on the desk.
  • – How many elements?

  • From a rectangular sheet of paper with your fingers, “tear out” the silhouette of the letter G.
  • VIII. Learning new.

    - Guys, let's define an apartment for a new letter.

    Look at the pictures on slide 3 with your child. Listen to the first sounds in the words mushroom, pear. Sound [g] - consonant, solid. Listen to the first sound in the word guitar. The sound [g "] is a soft consonant. When we pronounce these sounds, we hear a voice. These are voiced consonant sounds. Sounds [g] and [g "] are denoted by the letter “ge”.

    Watch a video about the letter. Ask your child to think of words that have new sounds. Determine the place of the sound in the word. Hard or soft consonant.

    Look at the cartoon. Ask the child what the cartoon was about. Pay attention to speech. Help your child make sentences correctly. Pause at the end of sentences. What words with new sounds were in the cartoon? Divide words into syllables. Determine in which syllable the new sounds are encountered. Make up your own words with new sounds. Determine the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word).

    Read the verses on the next slides. Let the child clap his hands when he hears new sounds. Read without haste. Name words with sounds [g], [g "]. Write a letter in the album. Think about what the letter looks like. Hold a competition, whose image is more interesting, draw with your child.

    Play the Find the Sound game. Task: look around, are there any new sounds in the words that denote the objects around us?