Fundamentals of Orthodox culture preaching of Christ presentation. Presentation on the topic "Preaching Christ". who never became happy



ORSE Training Course

OPK module

Lesson 6

The work was done by Pribylova E.A.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

RYAZAN, 2013

Preaching Christ

Plan - lesson summary

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of students' understanding of the essence of Christian teaching and its significance for world culture

Lesson objectives: educational: to give an idea of Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ: to introduce the teachings of Christ about revenge and wealth; to form knowledge about the relationship between God and man from the point of view of Christian teaching;

developing: to promote the development of students' cognitive interest in the person of Jesus Christ and the basics of Christian teaching; to promote the development of coherent speech, intellectual abilities, students' independence of judgment and the ability to draw conclusions;

educative: to promote the formation of the desire for a kind and merciful attitude towards people, a reasonable, non-possessive attitude towards the material world, responsible for the fulfillment of one's human duty.

Expected results:

    students will be able to define, explain the meaning of the words sermon, Sermon on the Mount, spiritual treasures, grace, the Kingdom of Heaven;

    answer questions, give examples, take part in an educational dialogue, work independently with educational material, formulate and express their position, form a cluster;

    answer the questions, complete the table

Forms and activities: conversation, independent work with information sources, commented reading, work with illustrative material, participation in an educational dialogue, expressive reading of a poem, drawing up a cluster, filling out a table, preparing a creative conversation with family members.

Basic terms and concepts: Christianity, Orthodoxy, the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual treasures, grace, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lesson equipment: textbook, workbook, multimedia projector, slides depicting the place of the Sermon on the Mount: Sermon on the Mount. Carl Heinrich Bloch, icon of the Crucifixion, Dionysius; Lebedev K.V. The offering of the Old Testament sacrifice by the high priest; Glazunov I.I. Crucify Him; Vasnetsov V.M. Crucified Jesus Christ; Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld Healing the Paralytic in Capernaum; icon of the Healing of the Paralytic in Capernaum; Icon of the Resurrection of Lazarus by Christ.

During the classes:

    Motivational-orientational block.

Conversation on:

1. What do you want to be when you become an adult? (Healthy, successful, rich, strong, courageous….)

2. How do your parents want you to be? (Healthy, kind, caring, strong…)

3. Guess how God wants you to be? (Believing, kind, strong, courageous…..)

4. Many of you indicate strength, courage, courage among personally significant qualities. And what to do if you were offended, pushed, hit, called names? (Hit back, don't hit back)

So, your answers are divided into 2 groups: hit back and show mercy. Today in the lesson we will find out what answer does Christianity give to this question? But before that, remember: (review of lesson 5)

What is Christianity?

Who are Christians?

Why is the Bible the Holy Book of Christians?

How many parts does the Bible consist of, and the main content of these parts.

    Information - analytical block. Slide 1. The topic of the lesson is "Preaching Christ."

one). What word are you unfamiliar with? Dictionary work with the word SERMON. Selection of single-root words (confession, commandment, know, ignoramus). Sermon from the Slavic word VEDENIE. A sermon is a church instruction taught in the temple at the liturgy, which has the task of telling and explaining to the faithful the teachings of Jesus Christ. (Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary.) Slide 2. Sermon - moral and religious instruction, a call to change life. The preaching of Christ is the instruction of Christ. Despite the fact that the words of Jesus Christ were spoken more than 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time. Today in the lesson we will learn: Slide 3.

What did Christ teach?

What is the Sermon on the Mount?

What treasure cannot be stolen?

What is the covenant of Christ?

2) Reading the textbook p. 20-21 "ON REVENGE".

What did Christ teach? (Children read out quotes) 1. “Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also… Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” These words of Christ are about personal insults. And if we are talking about the defense of the Motherland, then everyone is obliged to stand up for her defense. Famous warriors: Alexander Nevsky, Fedor Ushakov are glorified as saints.

2. “What good is it for a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”

What do these words mean? (According to the teachings of Christ, the main dignity of a person is the wealth of his inner world, in an effort to achieve his goal, one should not turn his life into a war against everyone, so as not to remain surrounded by fear and hatred.

pp. 21-22 "ON WEALTH" (before the Sermon on the Mount).

What did Christ teach about wealth? 1. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

What are these words about? (Earthly riches and joy are not the same thing. No wealth will bring joy to a person in a serious illness).

What treasures will forever remain with a person? (Spiritual treasures are good deeds that cannot be stolen, they stay with a person forever)

What else did Christ teach? (“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you. Do not worry about tomorrow: enough for each day of your concern.” (A person must first of all strive for God, and God, seeing such a desire of a person, will not leave him without help)

What is Christ warning about? (About laziness. It is impossible for the sake of tomorrow's fears or hopes to refuse to fulfill one's human duty today.)

3). Demonstration material. (according to the presentation by Ryabchuk S.M. for the site Svetoch. Fundamentals of the Orthodox Faith in the presentations


Words about revenge, wealth, spiritual treasures were spoken by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount. Once Christ ascended a small mountain so that the people who came to Him could better hear His voice. Slide 4. Sermon on the Mount. Carl Heinrich Bloch. Many were surprised by the deep meaning and beauty of the spoken words and became disciples of Christ. It was they who later recorded this sermon in the Gospel.

In the textbook on p. 22 there are illustrations: Makarov I. The Sermon on the Mount. People listen to the sermon.

Pay attention to the people listening. What do their postures, facial expressions say? (There are many people, crowds of people followed Christ, and they all listen very carefully).

Slide 5. Temple on the site of the Sermon on the Mount. Mount of Bliss. Now on the site of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ there is a temple, having built which, people tried to perpetuate this place.

But Christ spoke to people not only about how they should relate to each other. He also talked about the relationship between God and people. He called every person: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

Slide 6. Christ said that, having loved God, the soul can become related to Him already here on earth: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Christ gave people the joyful experience of God. Spirit from the word "breath". Grace, the Holy Spirit in the Gospel is called the Comforter, that is, the one who brings comfort and joy even in trouble. The Comforter, according to the word of Christ, “will be with you forever,” that is, during the life of the apostles and in all subsequent centuries of earthly history, but, moreover, beyond its limits, that is, in Divine eternity. This Comforter “the world neither sees nor knows; but you know Him, for He will be in you.” This is not about a book or a package, but about an inner change in a person. If it happened, then, according to the word of Christ, death, having touched the body, will not touch the soul: “He who believes in Me will never see death.”


Slide 7. Icon "Crucifixion", Dionysius, 1502

Lebedev K.V. The offering of the Old Testament sacrifice by the high priest.

Previously, religious preachers talked about what kind of sacrifices people should bring to God or the gods. And the New Testament spoke about what kind of sacrifice God Himself brings to people and for the sake of people. Christ did not just speak of such a sacrifice, He Himself became this sacrifice.

Christ said that God loves people and He Himself became a man in order to be with them. God made man is Jesus Christ. He said that he came into the world not to subdue and punish people, but to serve people.

Slide 9. Glazunov I.I. "Crucify Him."

Some people considered this an insult to their faith in God. In their opinion, God could not create such a miracle and become so close to people. They declared Christ a criminal and began to seek His execution. Christ did not evade judgment.

Slide 10. Vasnetsov V.M. "Crucified Jesus Christ".

He taught not to choose

Wide paths, spacious gates,

Leading into destruction - enter

In the shadow of life through narrow gates

And it is difficult - in tight ways;

Don't judge, be kind

Rejoice over the mournful, the poor,

Bless enemies who curse

And those who hate to love...

Lev May, 1855

INSERT (additional material in the lesson)

How the love of Christ healed people

During his earthly life, Jesus Christ not only taught people, but also helped, healed many from very serious, incurable diseases.

Slide 11. The Gospel tells us not only about the sermons of Christ, but also about the miracles of Christ. For example, the healing of the paralytic in Capernaum. Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld.

Once, when Christ was teaching people, a paralyzed ("relaxed") man was brought to Him. But the house where Christ taught was filled with listeners. And even outside, at the windows and the door, there were so many people that it was impossible to carry a stretcher with a sick person. Then the relatives of the paralytic climbed onto the roof of the house, dismantled the roof, and lowered a stretcher into the hole right at the feet of Christ. And He, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven you. Get up, take up your bed and go to your house."

Slide 12. Healing of the paralytic in Capernaum (icon). And then the previously motionless man got up, took the stretcher on which he lay, and went to his house, glorifying God.

Slide 13. Resurrection of Lazarus by Christ.

    Reflective-evaluative block:

Task in groups (4 people): Fill in the table.

    “Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also ... Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you ”

You can't repay evil with evil


In order not to increase the amount of evil on earth

Give examples from life or literature who followed this testament

    “What good is it for a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”

What does Christ call to appreciate in life?

Why won't the conquerors of the world be happy?

Give an example from life or literature when a person did not benefit by conquering the world

    “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What treasures should be collected?

    What happens to earthly treasures?

    Give an example (from life or literature) of a person who collected "treasure in heaven"

    "Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven"

For the kingdom of God to be within us,

If a person is looking for the Kingdom of Heaven,

then he doesn't...

Give an example (from life or literature) of a person who found the Kingdom of Heaven

    Makes a cluster "What Jesus Christ taught in the Sermon on the Mount" (each thesis on a separate sheet, the cluster is collected on the board)

Today we began our acquaintance with the teachings of Christ.

What features of this doctrine can you note? - Christ, by His teaching, reveals the meaning of human life, which consists in serving God and people.

About what a person needs to do in order to be happy, we will continue the conversation in subsequent lessons.

Homework: lesson number 6, prepare a story on the topic “What Orthodox culture says about God and the world” (or questions and tasks p. 23), look at the illustrations with your parents, think about the following: Orthodox books depict a cross. Temples are crowned with a cross. Christians wear a cross (“cross”) on their chest. What does the cross mean for an Orthodox Christian, what does it remind of?


    Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Grades 4-5: textbook. For general education institutions with adj. For an electron. media / A.V. Kuraev. - 2nd edition - M.: Enlightenment, 2013

    Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary.

Summary of lesson number 6.

"Christ Preaching"

Target: to give an idea that the teaching of Christ is the spiritual and moral foundation of the culture of most of humanity, to introduce the Sermon on the Mount


    Tutorial: learn about the idea of ​​Christians about Jesus Christ, to begin acquaintance with the Sermon on the Mount, to understand the meaning of the phrase "spiritual treasures".

    Developing: understand that more courage is shown by the one who endures the evil done to him than the one who returns evil for evil.

    Educational: to learn that happiness depends little on the availability of wealth in a person.

Equipment: multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson;illustrations with places of the Sermon on the Mount

Basic concepts and terms: Jesus Christ,Christianity, Sermon on the Mount, Spiritual Treasures.

During the classes

    Homework check and review:

Students are invited to make their own list of books that they would take to a desert island.

Review questions:- Who are Christians?

Why is the Bible called the "Book of Books"?

    Stage of motivation

Give examples of courageous behavior you know.

Is it courage to endure harm done to you?

Can revenge be counted as a courageous act? Why?

Imagine that you were offended, hit, called names - this happens often. Tears fill my eyes, my heart breaks from resentment. How will you do it? Will you hit back, will you take revenge, waiting for an opportunity?

3. Work with the textbook

Before reading the textbook article, students complete the following task: Guess what Christ taught?

Reading an article in stages

ABOUT REVENGE - What does revenge lead to?

How are love and hate related?

ABOUT WEALTH - What does spiritual and material wealth mean?

Working with the painting "Wooing a Hussar" (slide)


    Why is the Sermon on the Mount called and what does it say?

    What did the people accuse Christ of?

    Why did Christ not evade the trial of those who declared Him a criminal and demanded execution?

4. Physical education

“Christ taught like no one before Him “Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that even King Solomon in all his glory did not dress like one of them! Don't say: what do we have? or what to drink? Or what to wear? Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you. Do not worry about tomorrow: enough for each day of your worries. Slideshow "Do not pick flowers" Y. Antonov

5. Working with terms:

Choose adjectives that characterize the words REVENGE and WEALTH for each letter of these words

6. Work with additional material.

From the Bible How the love of Christ healed people

“Once, when Christ was teaching people, they brought to Him a paralyzed (paralyzed) man. But the house where Christ taught was filled with listeners. And even outside, at the windows and the door, there were so many people that it was impossible to carry a stretcher with a sick person. Then the relatives of the paralytic climbed onto the roof of the house, dismantled the roof, and lowered a stretcher into the hole right at the feet of Christ. And He, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven you. Get up, take up your bed and go to your house." And then the previously motionless man got up, took the stretcher on which he was lying, and went to his house, glorifying God.

How Christ's love healed - What kind of love can be called Christian?

7. Lesson summary, reflection

Revenge for the wrong done multiplies the amount of good or evil in the world? Why are there people who seek revenge?

What wealth is true and eternal? Why do you think people strive to have momentary wealth, which is easy to lose, and hardly understand how important it is to strive to have eternal wealth?

Are earthly wealth and happiness one and the same?

8. Homework

Optionally: It's good to be generous because... Good Fairy

Being generous is bad because... Fairy of Sadness

The purpose of the lesson: the beginning of understanding the Sermon on the Mount, the beginning of the formation of an understanding of the essence of Christian teaching and its significance for world culture; give an idea that the teachings of Christ are the spiritual and moral foundation of the culture of most of humanity

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to learn about the idea of ​​Christians about Jesus Christ, to begin acquaintance with the Sermon on the Mount, to understand the meaning of the phrase “spiritual treasures”.

Developing: to understand that the one who endures the evil done to him shows more courage than the one who responds with evil for evil.

Educational: to learn that happiness depends little on the availability of wealth in a person.

Key concepts of the lesson: Jesus Christ, the teachings of Christ, the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual treasures.

Written on the board are the words:

What is the use of a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?

Equipment: multimedia disk with materials for the lesson, electronic presentation, reader.



MBOU basic comprehensive school No. 25

Lesson on the course of the basics of religious cultures

And secular ethics

Module of the basis of Orthodox culture

"Christ Preaching"


Pajitneva E.A.

Lesson 6

Lesson Objective: Getting Started comprehension of the Sermon on the Mount, the beginning of the formation of an understanding of the essence of Christian teaching and its significance for world culture;give an idea that the teachings of Christ are the spiritual and moral foundation of the culture of most of humanity

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to learn about the concept of Christians about Jesus Christ,to begin acquaintance with the Sermon on the Mount, to understand the meaning of the phrase "spiritual treasures".

Developing: to understand that the one who endures the evil done to him shows more courage than the one who responds with evil for evil.

Educational: to learn that happiness depends little on the availability of wealth in a person.

Key concepts of the lesson: Jesus Christ, the teachings of Christ, the Sermon on the Mount, spiritual treasures.

Written on the board are the words:

What is the use of a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?

Equipment: multimedia disk with materials for the lesson, electronic presentation, reader.

During the classes

Organizing time.

1) Checking homework based on the textbook(students answer questions orally, individually)

1. Why is the Bible called "The Book of Books"? What parts does it consist of?

2. How the word is translated gospel?

4. Choose the correct answer:

a) The gospel is part of the Bible.

b) The gospel is not part of the Bible.

5. What does the word "covenant" mean? What is the novelty of the relationship between God and man in the New Testament?

2) Crossword solution.

Each group gets a worksheet with a task.: "Solve the crossword so that the name of one of the most important Orthodox holidays is obtained vertically."

(Children can use the textbook and their own notebooks)

Horizontal questions:

1. God's greatest gift to man

2. "Books"

3. The main holiday of Christians

4.New Testament

5. Disciple of Christ

6. Religious culture of Russia

7. Feast of the birth of Jesus Christ

9. God's messenger, messenger

10 What is of great importance for a person: God, Fatherland, family, love.

11. Conversation with God

12. Union of God and man

The task of this stage of the lesson- repetition, consolidation of the material, systematization of knowledge on previously studied topics.

The form of work is group work, it has the goal of changing activities, activating, developing skills of cooperation in a group.

As a result of working in groups, the crossword puzzle should look like this:

II. Statement of the educational task.

Look at slide 1 of the presentation. What is the topic of our lesson?

What do you think we will talk about today?

You will learn

What did Christ teach

What is the Sermon on the Mount

What treasure cannot be stolen

Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Despite the fact that the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time.

III Work on a new topic.

You were offended, hit, called names - this happens often. How to proceed? Give back, take revenge? (on click - revenge)

What do you think the word "revenge" means? (on click) Revenge - revenge - place - delete, return to place, sweep, throw, compensate (st \u003d u). Those. offended you - you “returned” the insult, called you names - “returned” the offensive word, hit - “returned” the blow ... It seems that everything is fair. But is it really so?

What do you think revenge is like?

Slide 3. Revenge

To throw the ball. Remember quarreling people who throw accusations at each other (on click - a quarrel). Only they no longer throw the ball to each other, but evil words. Evil is like dirt, dark and sticky. The one who throws is dirty, and the one who is thrown at. Like playing with a dirty ball. And just as the dirt from the ball stains our hands, clothes, face ... so evil is outwardly reflected on our faces with an unpleasant expression (at the click - angry faces). And internally a person turns to stone, becomes more and more insensible.

But where do we get evil words to throw them to another? From my own heart.

Slide 4. Heart

Where is the evil in the heart? We grow it ourselves.

(on click - heart-garden) The heart is like a garden. It is often said that the heart is the garden of the soul. What we grow is what we get. If the garden is well-groomed, then it gives us a rich harvest (by clicking - a flowering garden). And if the garden is abandoned (by clicking - an abandoned garden)?

This is also our heart. If we follow him, his actions, then the heart becomes kind, pure and soft (at the click - a good heart). From a person with such a heart comes light and joy. And if we allow evil to settle in the heart, then it becomes dark, overgrown with thorns and turns to stone (an evil heart at a click). Next to such a heart is uncomfortable, cold and scary.

How to avoid a fossilized heart?

Slide 5. Sermon of Christ (Henrik Olrik. "Sermon on the Mount" from the Church of St. Matthew in Copenhagen).

And this is what Jesus Christ taught in his sermons: “Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." Very few people have been able to live their lives in accordance with this counsel of Christ. But if these few people did not exist, if everyone always avenged themselves, our world would become less human.

If you respond with evil for evil, evil will grow. So that the whole life does not turn into a war of all against all, someone must courageously refuse to protect their petty interests, stop accumulating resentment. It is the rejection of revenge that puts a limit to the growth of evil. Therefore, even martial artists say that "The best fight is the one that was avoided!".

Slide 6. Resentment in the heart is a weed.

How so, you ask?

Our grievances are the seeds of evil. Getting into the heart and not meeting resistance, resentment, like a weed, begins to grow very quickly, bloom and scatter further the seeds of evil. Therefore, all grievances must be immediately torn out of the heart (at a click - a pure heart). It is necessary to sow the seeds of love and kindness in the heart, take care of them and protect them from the weeds of evil (at the click of a guard). And for this we have been given a mind. And we must keep him sober, not allow evil feelings to take possession of our heart. A good pure heart will enlighten our minds.

Slide 7. Mind and heart.

As the famous poet Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak said in a wish to his friends

May your mind be good

And the heart will be smart.

Slide 8. Botkin M.P. Conversation of Christ with the disciples.

The world at the time of Christ glorified victorious emperors and great warriors. Christ revealed to man the wealth of his inner world. He said: “What good is it for a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?”

Slide 9. Love or loneliness.

You can crush everyone, moving to the pinnacle of power. The whole world will be afraid of such a "hero". But there, at the top, he will be very cold because he is surrounded only by fear and hatred. Better that a few people know about you and love you than the whole world will be afraid of you.

slide 10.

Choose the statements you agree with. Explain your position.

A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.

If you feel sorry for everyone, no health is enough.

Only weak people take revenge, strong people know how to forgive.


Slide 11. Christ and the rich young man.

Christ advised not to see the goal of life in enrichment: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where no moth destroys and where thieves do not steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Slide 12. Heart and earthly wealth.

“Treasures in Heaven” is the good that man has done, but which God remembers forever. Such a treasure cannot be stolen or lost. It will not deteriorate, it will not break ... Money or a phone can be stolen from you. Clothes can be torn, the house will be destroyed ... But the good deed you have done will forever remain yours. Therefore, things should not obscure your neighbor in your heart - a person is more precious than anything in the world.

Slide 13. Soul and Judgment.

The gospel connects spiritual treasures with "Heaven" because God does not allow the soul to disappear. Even if the body that the soul controlled has ended its life, the soul remains. Wealth, success, fame - everything will remain in this world: wealth will go to others or decay, glory will fade. But their "gains" (good and bad deeds) she is the soul brings to Heaven - before the face of God.

Slide 14. Wealth and joy (M.V. Nesterov. Sick girl).

Earthly wealth and joy are not the same thing. If a person is seriously ill, no wealth will bring him joy.

Slide 15. Field lily.

Christ taught like no one before Him: “Look at the lilies of the field, how they grow: neither toil nor spin; but I tell you that even King Solomon in all his glory did not dress like one of them! Don't say: what do we have? or what to drink? Or what to wear? Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all this will be added to you. Do not worry about tomorrow: enough for each day of your concern.

Slide 16. Indifference.

Anyone who understands these words as permission to do nothing, not to work, not to study, will be wrong. It's just that sometimes caring about your future prevents you from acting like a human today. Like, if I stand up for the weak today, I can incur the wrath of someone big and strong. Such a person decides: in order for me to be good tomorrow, I will live today according to the saying “my hut is on the edge”.

This is false wisdom. It is impossible for the sake of tomorrow's fears or hopes to refuse to fulfill one's human duty today.

(by clicking on the “gramophone” - the song of Archdeacon Roman (Tamberg) “The Sea of ​​Life” performed by Elena and Alexander Mikhailov)

slide 17.

Choose which treasures will never disappear: fame, faith, wealth, beauty, mercy, knowledge, health, success, modesty, strength.


Christ preached his doctrine to people on a small mountain. It was here that he told the audience that revenge can lead to strife and wars, that the main wealth of a person is his soul and spiritual qualities, that it is impossible to live according to the principle “my hut is on the edge”. This sermon was called the Sermon on the Mount.

It was in the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus said that by following his commandments, people would find God in their souls, i.e. peace of mind, love, peace, joy, kindness and much more that is so important for everyone. In other words, every person who accepts the teachings of Christ will find the Kingdom of God within himself.

And then God will live in the soul of everyone - faith, love, justice, compassion, mercy, hope, sympathy and much more, which is meant by His name. The main thing, while living on earth, is to do good deeds and do good deeds.

Figuratively, it can be represented as follows: the soul of a person living according to the laws of goodness (that is, following the teachings of Christ) is a fragrant bright flower, and God - human qualities - is a beautiful butterfly living on this flower.

Slide 18. Sermon on the Mount. Carl Heinrich Bloch.

Many were surprised by the deep meaning and beauty of the spoken words and became disciples of Christ. It was they who later recorded this sermon in the Gospel.

Slide 19. Temple on the site of the Sermon on the Mount. Mount of Bliss.

Shvets S.S. Sermon on the Mount.

But Christ spoke to people not only about how they should relate to each other. He also talked about the relationship between God and people. He called every person: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

Slide 20. Temple on the site of the Sermon on the Mount. Mount of Bliss.

Basin V.P. Sermon on the Mount.

He spoke about the fact that, having loved God, the soul can become related to Him already here on earth: "The Kingdom of God is within you." Christ gave people the joyful experience of God. Grace, the Holy Spirit in the Gospel is called the Comforter, that is, the one who brings comfort and joy even in trouble. The Comforter, according to the word of Christ, “will be with you forever,” that is, during the life of the apostles and in all subsequent centuries of earthly history, but, moreover, beyond its limits, that is, in Divine eternity. This Comforter “the world neither sees nor knows; but you know Him, for He will be in you.” This is not about a book or a package, but about an inner change in a person. If it happened, then, according to the word of Christ, death, having touched the body, will not touch the soul: “He who believes in Me will not see death forever.”

IV Reading and discussion of the text of the textbook paragraph No. 6 “Christ and his


After reading the semantic passages of the text, the students formulate (the teacher helps), and then write down in the notebook the main commandments of Christ, as well as the commandments of the beatitude of the Sermon on the Mount:

As you would like to be treated, so do others.

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.

(Here you can use the video clip of the film "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson)

There is no greater love than if one lays down his life for his friends.Children give examples from the history of the Great Patriotic War, modern life - events in Beslan, Krymsk.

If you respond with evil for evil, evil will grow. It is the rejection of revenge that puts a limit to the growth of evil. Evil can only be overcome with good.

Do not collect wealth on earth, collect it in the heart.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything will be added to you. It is impossible for the sake of tomorrow's fears or hopes to refuse to fulfill one's human duty today.

"The kingdom of God is within you." Christ gave people the joyful experience of God.You can use a fragment of Christ's Sermon on the Mount from the film "Jesus of Nazareth" by F. Zefirelli

V Reading the article “The Testament of Christ” (p. 23)


Slide 21. Icon "Crucifixion", Dionysius, 1502

Lebedev K.V. The offering of the Old Testament sacrifice by the high priest.

Previously, religious preachers talked about what kind of sacrifices people should bring to God or the gods. And the New Testament spoke about what kind of sacrifice God Himself brings to people and for the sake of people. Christ did not just speak of such a sacrifice, He Himself became this sacrifice.

Slide 22. Polenov V.D. Christ and the Sinner (Which of you is without sin).

Christ said that God loves people and He Himself became a man in order to be with them. God became man - that's what it is Jesus Christ . He said that he came into the world not to subdue and punish people, but to serve people.

Slide 23. Glazunov I.I. Crucify Him.

Some people considered this an insult to their faith in God. In their opinion, God could not create such a miracle and become so close to people. They declared Christ a criminal and began to seek His execution. Christ did not evade judgment.

Slide 24. Vasnetsov V.M. Crucified Jesus Christ.

He taught not to choose

Wide paths, spacious gates,

Leading into destruction - enter

In the shadow of life through narrow gates

And it is difficult - in narrow ways;

Don't judge, be kind

Rejoice over the mournful, the poor,

Bless enemies who curse

And those who hate to love...

Lev May, 1855

VI. Work with additional material. Reading and discussion of the contents of the sidebar "How the love of Christ healed people."


How the love of Christ healed people

Slide 25. Healing of the paralytic in Capernaum. Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld.

Once, when Christ was teaching people, a paralyzed ("relaxed") man was brought to Him. But the house where Christ taught was filled with listeners. And even outside, at the windows and the door, there were so many people that it was impossible to carry a stretcher with a sick person. Then the relatives of the paralytic climbed onto the roof of the house, dismantled the roof, and lowered a stretcher into the hole right at the feet of Christ. And He, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Child, your sins are forgiven you. Get up, take up your bed and go to your house."

Slide 26. Healing of the paralytic in Capernaum.

And then the previously motionless man got up, took the stretcher on which he lay, and went to his house, glorifying God.

Slide 27. Healing of the paralytic in Capernaum (icon).

VII Summing up the lesson.

Christ condemns revenge. Not only is the ancient commandment "Thou shalt not kill" sacred, but unjust anger is a sin.

Is it permissible for a Christian and any person to take part in a war? What do you think?

Although war is evil, one cannot refuse to defend one's Fatherland, one's Motherland."for there is no greater love than if a man lay down his life for his friends"(John 15:13)

Write the main position in a notebook

How do you understand the meaning of what is written? What do you mean by "inner wealth of a person"?

Do you think that those people who consider the acquisition of wealth, the accumulation of treasures, to live in luxury as the main goal in life, are right? Justify your opinion.

Based on the pictures on the slide, what do you think is condemned by Jesus? Why?

VIII Conversation on the textbook.

Questions and tasks:

Slide 28. Sermon on the Mount. Engraving by Gustave Doré.

1. Why was the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ given this name?

slide 29.

2. Re-read the story of the Sermon on the Mount. What wealth do Orthodox Christians consider true and eternal?

(what can melt an icy heart)

Slide 30. Scheme.

3. What exactly in the world becomes more as a result of perfect revenge: good or evil? Explain your answer (answers by clicking on the question).

Slide 31. Cross.

4. A cross is depicted on Orthodox books. Christians wear a cross (“cross”) on their chest. For Christians, is it an ornament, a talisman or a sign, a reminder? If a reminder, what about? (on click - Crucifixion. Nesterenko V.I.)

Slide 32. Apostle Paul. Shtan I.V.

(The Apostle Paul voluntarily went to his death. He was released in Judea, but he himself demanded the court of Caesar in order to get to Rome and be able to preach the teachings of Jesus Christ there).

5. Read the Apostle Paul's "hymn to love" (First Corinthians, chapter 13) and tell me how love is manifested? Why does the apostle Paul call for “pursuing love” (striving to love)?

(transition to hidden slide 33 - by clicking on the "book" button)

If I do not have love, then I am ringing copper. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions, but do not have love, it does not profit me at all.

Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not behave violently, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases, though the prophecies will cease, And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the love of them is greater. Reach for love.

IX Summing up the questions in the textbook

Conclusions : ( do together with the guys orally)

The New Testament spoke about what kind of sacrifice God Himself brings to people and for the sake of people. Christ did not just speak of such a sacrifice, He Himself became this sacrifice.

Jesus Christ not only showed people an example of voluntary sacrificial love, but also the primacy of the spiritual, inner world over the world of external values.

The cross is a symbol of Christ's sacrificial love and a reminder to Christians to bear their own life's cross to the end and do good to people.

X. Control (test)

1 task. What Jesus Christ commanded to do so that evil does not grow

in the world?

With good to be kind, with evil to be evil

Evil to meet evil

Loving Enemies

2 task. What is the true wealth of a Christian?

earthly riches

Spiritual riches that gather in Heaven when we do

good deeds

That a Christian is better than everyone else

3 task. Whom did Jesus Christ teach to love?

Loving those we want to love

Loving those who love us

Love everyone, even your enemies

4 task. What treasure cannot be stolen?

that no one needs

which is well hidden

which man collects in heaven

1. Working with illustrations:

A. Using the material in Get It Interesting, page 21, looking at

the screen where a fragment of the icon “Healing of the paralytic by Christ” is projected, make up a story, express your opinion.

B. Look at the photo on page 21 “The Priest in the Temple Blesses the Believers During the Service” How do people feel?

C. On page 23, consider the icon "The Resurrection of Lazarus by Christ",

write a story about it orally. (Teacher completes students' story).

XI Homework:

D.Z.: talk with parents about what wealth is considered true and true. Draw pictures that express true wealth.

XII. Lesson summary

And now, guys, we have 2 minutes left until the end of the lesson. rate,

please, today's lesson according to the scheme:

The lesson was interesting - put points from 1 to 3

The lesson material was clear - rate from 1 to 3

The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the teachings of Christ.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: to acquaint children with the meaning of the words sermon, tablets, Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, the Kingdom of God.

Developing: to consolidate the understanding of children that the sacred attitude of believers to the texts of the Bible is due to the fact that they see in the Bible the appeal of God to humanity; Significance for Christian culture of gospel stories.

Educational: continuation of work on the assimilation of the difference between a respectful and sacred attitude to objects in the Orthodox tradition. Talk about the rules of human behavior in the Orthodox tradition.

Key concepts of the lesson: sermon, tablets, Sermon on the Mount, Kingdom of God.

Lesson Type: Introduction to new material.

Lesson format: traditional.

Educational material: textbook “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”, M., “Prosveshchenie”, 2012, pp. 20–23.

Additional material: presentation for the lesson “Preaching Christ”, questions and assignments for the topic “Preaching Christ”.

Lesson equipment: multimedia projector, handouts: textbooks, “Questions and assignments for the topic Preaching Christ”.

During the classes

The first section of the lesson. Repetition of the previous lesson..

To repeat the lesson on the topic “Gospel”, the children are invited to remember the key words of the last lesson, then files from homework with paintings “The Last Supper” by Russian and foreign artists are viewed.

The second section of the lesson. New material.

1 slide. The children read its name. Further, the joint work of the teacher and students. Considering two works of artists, from which it is clear that the Lord taught different people. His teaching lived and lives forever. In the work of I.K. Makarov, time was united by the teachings of Christ.

2, 3 slides. 2 slide. 1. Icon. Miracle in Cannes. 2. G. Dore. Healing the paralyzed. 3. Healing the blind. 4. Icon. Dry Hand Healing. 3 slide. 1.G. Doré. The miracle of satiation with bread. 2. El Greco. Saint Veronica. 3. The miracle of catching fish. 4. I.E. Repin. Resurrection of the daughter of Jairus. They talk about the miracles performed by Jesus Christ. Children also talk about miracles here (from homework). The sidebar on page 21 is read out, the icon of the Resurrection of Lazarus by Christ on page 23 is considered.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the Savior performed miracles with those people who believed in God, from the depths of their hearts desired His help, no one could help them.

4 slide. It contains a question that the guys answer themselves. They say that people then became evil, greedy, vengeful. Teacher's question: "What kind of people should be?".

5 slide. What is the preaching of Christ. The commandments were on gift enes God to people.

6 slide. Work familiar to children. Search for roots in words and work on the assimilation of these words.

A teacher with children makes a journey through time, telling who the commandments were given from God. Introduces the word tablets - clay tablets with inscriptions.

7 slide. The children, looking at the icon of the prophet Moses, will find out that it was to him that God gave the tablets with the ten commandments for the life of people on earth.

8 slide. Again in the lesson the question arises about the coming of the Savior to earth. Repeating a question slide is not a mistake. This is a way to draw attention to an important life issue. The answer to it this time is in slide 9.

9 slide. There is a conversation with the guys about what the Kingdom of Heaven is and where it is. Let the children themselves tell everything they know about it. Only then proceed to reading in the tenth slide.

10 slide. In it, the children themselves read out what Jesus Christ taught. Here the children have questions that need an answer from the teacher.

11 slide. It takes us to Palestine, to a place near Capernaum. This is where the sermon now known as the Sermon on the Mount was delivered. The guys very quickly discover the meaning of the word Nagornaya.

12 slide. A well-known plot is the Sermon on the Mount in the paintings of artists. Within the Orthodox tradition, there is a different name: “The Commandments of Beatitude.” With the guys, the meaning of the word beatitude, its understanding in the Orthodox tradition, is revealed.

13, 14 slides. Sermon on the Mount in two versions of the text. It is better if the teacher reads the left column, and the children read the right one. A discourse on the doctrine in the Sermon on the Mount. It is necessary to draw the students' attention to the fact that this teaching (what people should be) is very modern. All these commandments must be demanded by us now. Everyone wants attention, kindness. And if we want it, then it is necessary for the people who are next to us. The children can give examples from life that correspond to the commandments in the Sermon on the Mount.

The third section of the lesson. Fixing the material.

15 slide. Completion of the work done. The Gospel is a book that keeps the secrets of life in the Orthodox tradition.

Textbook work. Q&A in the box on page 23. It is important that the children identify novelty relationship between God and man. Answer on page 23 - Jesus Christ came serve the people. This is an important example for Christians of living the life of the Orthodox tradition.

The fourth section of the lessons. Repetition.

The guys fill out "Questions and tasks on the topic of the Preaching of Christ." Children need to be reminded of the opportunity to help each other, of their cooperation.

Fifth section of the lesson. Summarizing.

The children talk about what they learned, what they remember. They ask questions. Actively working students receive their favorite “pluses”. For those who are interested, homework: look for the works of artists about the miracles of Jesus Christ the Savior.