Dry fuel with your own hands. What type of fuel is best for hiking What does dry fuel in tablets consist of

When fishing and camping, it is important that you can start a fire at any time. For this, a diverse range of dry fuel in tablets and alternative products are produced.

Our catalog contains different kinds dry alcohol, "eternal" matches and other means for guaranteed ignition and maintenance of fire. The products are easy to use and effective even in conditions of strong wind and humidity.

Types and composition of fuel

Popular among tourists, hunters and fishermen, alcohol tablets have nothing to do with alcohol. They include various substances that burn with a colorless flame without smoke, soot and ash formation. It is from this that they got their name. Dry fuel is produced from urotropine with the addition of paraffin, metaldehyde or calcium acetate solvate. It is recommended to protect this type of fuel from dampness, as in this case sparks are formed during combustion.

Means "Kayur" based on paraffin and cellulose is made in the form of candles with an unlimited duration. It supports combustion for 7-9 minutes without emitting unpleasant odors.

"Eternal" matches in the form of a keychain are equipped with flint. It is placed on a wick, which is screwed into the body filled with gasoline or kerosene. Designed for 15,000 ignitions.

Dry fuel can be equipped with a special burner case. The flame goes out instantly when it is closed.

Dry fuel- fuel, also known in everyday life under the name "dry alcohol". In fact, dry fuel does not apply to alcohols. Dry fuel consists of urotropine compressed with a small amount of paraffin. Urotropin was obtained in 1859 by the Russian organic chemist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov (1828-1886), who studied the interaction of formaldehyde with an aqueous solution of ammonia. As a result of the reaction, colorless crystals of the composition (CH 2) 6 N 4 were formed. This substance is called hexamethylenetetramine or urotropin.
Metaldehyde and calcium acetate solvate are also used as a combustible substance in tablets. Compressed dry fuel tablets burn with a colorless flame similar to alcohols, do not spread during combustion, do not smoke or leave ash.

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    ✪ multi-fuel camping stove (acetone, alcohol, dry fuel, wood chips, paraffin burner)...



By appointment

Commonly used for heating or cooking in the field by campers, military and rescue organizations.

Often, dry fuel tablets are included in army food rations, often a metal stand is included in the kit for the size of a fuel tablet for ease of use.

Also, dry fuel tablets are used as fuel for miniature models. steam engines, for example production Wilesco or mamod.

Not on purpose

It can be used as an inhibitor when removing corrosion products from steel parts with hydrochloric acid in accordance with GOST R 9.907-2007. In addition, it is used by some artisanal producers of alcoholic beverages as an enhancer of the alcohol intoxication, which can cause severe poisoning up to death.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dry fuel tablets are a simple, lightweight, compact, powerful heat source. Under the storage conditions, they have an unlimited shelf life. Due to the fact that the power of the flame is problematic to regulate, it is more often used for heating than for cooking. Dry fuel flames are sensitive to wind, so a simple shield may be necessary. Dry fuel is more expensive and less common than other fuels like ethanol or gasoline. The specific calorific value of dry fuel is about 31,300 MJ/kg.

Almost all people use fire extinguishers from time to time. Whether it is a brazier, a stove with a broken piezo, or a real stove, all the same, you must first make a fire in them. To do this, you can use a lot of different means. Sometimes these are the most ordinary matches - most often they are enough. But what if you need a strong fire, and you need it quickly? At such moments, dry alcohol comes to the rescue. And that's what we're talking about right now.

What is dry alcohol?

In fact, the answer to this question already exists. Dry alcohol is a solid smokeless fuel. To alcohols, in fact, this compound has a rather weak relationship. It would be much more correct to call it dry fuel. Actually, in most descriptions it will be this name that will appear - yes, even there, even on packages in stores there will be just such an inscription.

Dry alcohol: composition

The composition of this chemical compound may be different. It all depends on the substances that were used in production. Do not think that this is just alcohol in dry form. Today, however, only one composition is most common, in fact, it is he who is most often found on the territory of Russia.

It consists of dry alcohol in tablets of compressed urotropine together with paraffin. The latter is limited to very small quantities, since it only serves to give the tablet a certain shape. In addition, paraffin retains its original form untouchable regardless of temperature, that is, when burning, pieces will not fall off from it. They shouldn't, at least.

The second type of such fuel is metaldehyde. It is a four-link polymer.

And, finally, there is also a third type of tablet - calcium acetate solvate. It differs from others only in that it forms ash during the combustion process, which its counterparts do not do.

Dry alcohol: application

These tablets can be used in different ways. Options are distinguished by their sophistication, specificity, or simply popularity. So the answer to the question of how to use dry alcohol tablets will not be one. The most common procedure is lighting a fire for cooking. In tourist and army kits, you can often find dry alcohol tablets that come with a metal stand in size.

In addition, such dry fuel is used to launch air lanterns. The advantages of using tablets or cubes are obvious: a lot of heat and heat, a fairly long burning time. In addition, there are no sparks that can damage the shell of the ball.

There is a third application, which is not so common. Dry alcohol is used as fuel for steam engine models. Only a few keen people and collectors know about this use case, but this method cannot be excluded from the list either.

In addition, fuel can also be used for other purposes, that is, the manufacturer is no longer responsible for the result of your actions. For example, dry alcohol has often been used as an inhibitor to remove traces of corrosion on steel parts with hydrochloric acid. This was done in Soviet time, but even now you can find such a strange way of using it.

Advantages of dry fuel

As a matter of fact, the advantages of dry fuel are obvious - it is a compact, convenient, extremely powerful source of heat. It is so easy to use that even a child can figure it out. What could be more difficult than just igniting a pill? In addition, such a compound does not have an expiration date, however, the tablets may become damp, but this will not lead to a disaster. The fire will still appear and will burn just as brightly.

Disadvantages of dry fuel

There are also disadvantages, to be quite frank, and it is not difficult to explain their presence:

  1. You will not succeed in controlling the height and strength of the flame - you set it on fire once, and then come what may!
  2. Cooking food on such a fire is quite problematic, mainly because of the first reason. You can still warm up, but only in the field, when there is simply nothing else at hand.
  3. The flame from such a fuel is extremely sensitive to atmospheric phenomena such as wind, so at least a simple shield is definitely needed.
  4. You can buy dry alcohol far from everywhere - this is not such a common fuel.
  5. The purchase will cost you an impressive amount, at least if you do not take one or two tablets.

Dry alcohol toxicity

By themselves, these pills are absolutely safe. Naturally, otherwise they simply would not have been released to the market. However, like any other Chemical substance, some compounds can become truly dangerous to humans. That is, not during combustion, but upon contact with a certain medium.

So, for example, when dry alcohol containing hexamethylenetetramine is contacted with an acidic environment, you will get formaldehyde at the output. This substance is extremely toxic. In addition, if such a substance is also set on fire, then ammonia vapor, nitric oxide, and hydrogen cyanide also threaten you. All these compounds are extremely dangerous, especially if ingested - damage to the stomach and kidneys in this case is almost guaranteed. If the tablets are made on the basis of metaldehyde, then the problems may be the same.

It is also important for you to keep in mind that if an animal or child swallows such a pill, it will certainly lead to poisoning, which may still be hidden - the pill will simply stick to the wall of the stomach and will dissolve gradually. Finding out the cause of such poisoning is quite difficult, which will make treatment even more difficult.

Dry fuel - crazy hands

Making dry alcohol with your own hands is quite realistic. This is within the power of even a person who is as far as possible from chemistry in any of its manifestations. As a matter of fact, the process will not require practically any effort from you, however, some components for such tablets will be quite difficult to get and maybe even very expensive. However, it is possible to give such dry fuel almost any shape - it all depends on your imagination.

There are practically no advantages of industrially produced dry fuel over a domestic counterpart. So it all depends on your desire to learn something new and keep your hands busy in your free days.

Chemical components of the product

In order to make your own dry alcohol at home, as mentioned earlier, you will need a certain amount of different chemical components. It all depends on which recipe you choose. The easiest way would be to separate them by options. So, the first composition:

  • Formalin.
  • Ammonia solution.
  • Paraffin.

Second production option:

  • Acetic aldehyde.
  • Sulfuric acid.

Third squad:

  • Ethanol.
  • calcium acetate.

dry alcohol recipe

The first of the proposed recipes is quite dangerous, since the materials that are used in this case cannot be inhaled. And in general, from contact with the skin, and even more so on the mucous membranes, it would be better to carefully protect yourself.

The first step here is this: a small enameled container filled with cool water is placed on the work surface. You need to add one hundred milliliters of formalin there - a forty percent solution of methanal is perfect.

The next step is to add ammonia solution to the resulting chemical mixture. It needs one liter, more precisely, a twenty-five percent solution of ammonia needs four hundred and forty-five milliliters, and up to a liter the total volume is supplemented with water.

It is these two procedures that must be carried out in the open air, since the vapors of both ammonia and methanal, if released into the human body, can cause serious problems.

The third step is to evaporate the liquid - you need to achieve crystallization of hemotropin. After this is done, you need to filter the resulting crystals, and then squeeze them out. In the latter, ordinary toilet paper will help - you can also use filter paper, but this is not critical.

The last step consists of adding one to three percent paraffin, grinding the resulting mixture and shaping the resulting composition into real briquettes. Here is one of the answers to the question of how to make dry alcohol.

Do-it-yourself metaldehyde

This type of dry fuel, like metaldehyde, can also be prepared at home. What you need is described above. So let's go straight to the scheme of work.

First of all, you need to dilute the acetaldehyde poured into the container (it can be characterized as follows: dull volatile water with a characteristic unpleasant odor) diluted one to one with sulfuric acid.

In fact, this is the whole process. If you did everything right, then acetaldehyde will be converted into hard metaldehyde, which is suitable for cutting combustible bars of the desired shape and size from it.

It seems that it will be superfluous to remind you of caution - you have to be extremely careful with sulfuric acid.

Hot "soap"

The next type of dry fuel that can be prepared is calcium acetate solvate. There is nothing complicated in this recipe - it is the simplest of all given in the article. You just need to get some ethyl alcohol - two hundred grams, or rather, one hundred and seventy grams, is enough for the recipe, and pour it into a metal container. After that, ten milliliters of calcium acetate is added there (you can buy it in the form of a concentrated aqueous solution, and the right amount is indicated here for this particular substance). After that, the liquid will instantly harden, turning into a translucent whitish soap.

That, in fact, is all. You just have to cut cubes, tablets or combustible bars of any other shape out of it.

Almost all people use fire extinguishers from time to time. Whether it is a brazier, a stove with a broken piezo, or a real stove, all the same, you must first make a fire in them. To do this, you can use a lot of different means. Sometimes these are the most ordinary matches - most often they are enough. But what if you need a strong fire, and you need it quickly? At such moments, dry alcohol comes to the rescue. And that's what we're talking about right now.

What is dry alcohol?

In fact, the answer to this question already exists. Dry alcohol is a solid smokeless fuel. To alcohols, in fact, this compound has a rather weak relationship. It would be much more correct to call it dry fuel. Actually, in most descriptions it will be this name that will appear - yes, even there, even on packages in stores there will be just such an inscription.

Dry alcohol: composition

The composition of this chemical compound may be different. It all depends on the substances that were used in production. Do not think that this is just alcohol in dry form. Today, however, only one composition is most common, in fact, it is he who is most often found on the territory of Russia.

It consists of dry alcohol in tablets of compressed urotropine together with paraffin. The latter is limited to very small quantities, since it only serves to give the tablet a certain shape. In addition, paraffin retains its original form untouchable regardless of temperature, that is, when burning, pieces will not fall off from it. They shouldn't, at least.

The second type of such fuel is metaldehyde. It is a four-link polymer.

And, finally, there is also a third type of tablet - calcium acetate solvate. It differs from others only in that it forms ash during the combustion process, which its counterparts do not do.

Dry alcohol: application

These tablets can be used in different ways. Options are distinguished by their sophistication, specificity, or simply popularity. So the answer to the question of how to use dry alcohol tablets will not be one. The most common procedure is lighting a fire for cooking. In tourist and army kits, you can often find dry alcohol tablets that come with a metal stand in size.

In addition, such dry fuel is used to launch air lanterns. The advantages of using tablets or cubes are obvious: a lot of heat and heat, a fairly long burning time. In addition, there are no sparks that can damage the shell of the ball.

There is a third application, which is not so common. Dry alcohol is used as fuel for steam engine models. Only a few keen people and collectors know about this use case, but this method cannot be excluded from the list either.

In addition, fuel can also be used for other purposes, that is, the manufacturer is no longer responsible for the result of your actions. For example, dry alcohol has often been used as an inhibitor to remove traces of corrosion on steel parts with hydrochloric acid. This was done in Soviet times, but even now you can find such a strange way of using it.

Advantages of dry fuel

As a matter of fact, the advantages of dry fuel are obvious - it is a compact, convenient, extremely powerful source of heat. It is so easy to use that even a child can figure it out. What could be more difficult than just igniting a pill? In addition, such a compound does not have an expiration date, however, the tablets may become damp, but this will not lead to a disaster. The fire will still appear and will burn just as brightly.

Disadvantages of dry fuel

There are also disadvantages, to be quite frank, and it is not difficult to explain their presence:

  1. You will not succeed in controlling the height and strength of the flame - you set it on fire once, and then come what may!
  2. Cooking food on such a fire is quite problematic, mainly because of the first reason. You can still warm up, but only in the field, when there is simply nothing else at hand.
  3. The flame from such a fuel is extremely sensitive to atmospheric phenomena such as wind, so at least a simple shield is definitely needed.
  4. You can buy dry alcohol far from everywhere - this is not such a common fuel.
  5. The purchase will cost you an impressive amount, at least if you do not take one or two tablets.

Dry alcohol toxicity

By themselves, these pills are absolutely safe. Naturally, otherwise they simply would not have been released to the market. However, like any other chemical, some compounds can become truly dangerous to humans. That is, not during combustion, but upon contact with a certain medium.

So, for example, when dry alcohol containing hexamethylenetetramine is contacted with an acidic environment, you will get formaldehyde at the output. This substance is extremely toxic. In addition, if such a substance is also set on fire, then ammonia vapor, nitric oxide, and hydrogen cyanide also threaten you. All these compounds are extremely dangerous, especially if ingested - damage to the stomach and kidneys in this case is almost guaranteed. If the tablets are made on the basis of metaldehyde, then the problems may be the same.

It is also important for you to keep in mind that if an animal or child swallows such a pill, it will certainly lead to poisoning, which may still be hidden - the pill will simply stick to the wall of the stomach and will dissolve gradually. Finding out the cause of such poisoning is quite difficult, which will make treatment even more difficult.

Dry fuel - crazy hands

Making dry alcohol with your own hands is quite realistic. This is within the power of even a person who is as far as possible from chemistry in any of its manifestations. As a matter of fact, the process will not require practically any effort from you, however, some components for such tablets will be quite difficult to get and maybe even very expensive. However, it is possible to give such dry fuel almost any shape - it all depends on your imagination.

There are practically no advantages of industrially produced dry fuel over a domestic counterpart. So it all depends on your desire to learn something new and keep your hands busy in your free days.

Chemical components of the product

In order to make your own dry alcohol at home, as mentioned earlier, you will need a certain amount of different chemical components. It all depends on which recipe you choose. The easiest way would be to separate them by options. So, the first composition:

  • Formalin.
  • Ammonia solution.
  • Paraffin.

Second production option:

  • Acetic aldehyde.
  • Sulfuric acid.

Third squad:

  • Ethanol.
  • calcium acetate.

dry alcohol recipe

The first of the proposed recipes is quite dangerous, since the materials that are used in this case cannot be inhaled. And in general, from contact with the skin, and even more so on the mucous membranes, it would be better to carefully protect yourself.

The first step here is this: a small enameled container filled with cool water is placed on the work surface. You need to add one hundred milliliters of formalin there - a forty percent solution of methanal is perfect.

The next step is to add ammonia solution to the resulting chemical mixture. It needs one liter, more precisely, a twenty-five percent solution of ammonia needs four hundred and forty-five milliliters, and up to a liter the total volume is supplemented with water.

It is these two procedures that must be carried out in the open air, since the vapors of both ammonia and methanal, if released into the human body, can cause serious problems.

The third step is to evaporate the liquid - you need to achieve crystallization of hemotropin. After this is done, you need to filter the resulting crystals, and then squeeze them out. In the latter, ordinary toilet paper will help - you can also use filter paper, but this is not critical.

The last step consists of adding one to three percent paraffin, grinding the resulting mixture and shaping the resulting composition into real briquettes. Here is one of the answers to the question of how to make dry alcohol.

Do-it-yourself metaldehyde

This type of dry fuel, like metaldehyde, can also be prepared at home. What you need is described above. So let's go straight to the scheme of work.

First of all, you need to dilute the acetaldehyde poured into the container (it can be characterized as follows: dull volatile water with a characteristic unpleasant odor) diluted one to one with sulfuric acid.

In fact, this is the whole process. If you did everything right, then acetaldehyde will be converted into hard metaldehyde, which is suitable for cutting combustible bars of the desired shape and size from it.

It seems that it will be superfluous to remind you of caution - you have to be extremely careful with sulfuric acid.

Hot "soap"

The next type of dry fuel that can be prepared is calcium acetate solvate. There is nothing complicated in this recipe - it is the simplest of all given in the article. You just need to get some ethyl alcohol - two hundred grams, or rather, one hundred and seventy grams, is enough for the recipe, and pour it into a metal container. After that, ten milliliters of calcium acetate is added there (you can buy it in the form of a concentrated aqueous solution, and the right amount is indicated here for this particular substance). After that, the liquid will instantly harden, turning into a translucent whitish soap.

That, in fact, is all. You just have to cut cubes, tablets or combustible bars of any other shape out of it.

Edited 08/10/2019

Dry fuel - fuel, also known in everyday life under the name "dry alcohol". In fact, dry fuel does not apply to alcohols. Dry fuel consists of urotropine, compressed with a small amount of paraffin. Metaldehyde and calcium acetate solvate are also used as a combustible substance in tablets.

Dry fuel tablets are a simple, lightweight, compact, powerful heat source. Urotropin, briquetted or in tablets, most often goes on sale.

Due to the fact that the power of the flame is problematic to regulate, it is more often used for heating than for cooking in the field by tourists, military and humanitarian organizations. Can be used as a fire igniter.

Often, dry fuel tablets are included in army food rations, often a metal stand is included in the kit for the size of a fuel tablet for ease of use.

Compressed dry fuel tablets burn with a colorless flame similar to alcohols, do not spread during combustion, do not smoke and do not leave ash. They take up little space.

Under the storage conditions, they have an unlimited shelf life.

The efficiency of dry fuel depends on the size of the dry fuel pellet. First of all, the size of the area from which the flame is emitted is important (most often this is the diameter). In this case, the larger the diameter of the bottom of the pot, the more desirable the area of ​​dry alcohol.
If several tablets are used at the same time, then placed close to each other they form a flame of greater efficiency, which also speeds up the process.
During combustion, the size of the dry fuel tablet decreases and the intensity of the flame will decrease. Accordingly, the speed of cooking or heating will also fall.

The amount of moisture inside dry alcohol is also important (dry fuel is hygroscopic and can absorb moisture). Therefore, it must be hermetically packed ... Although even having saturated with water (of course, within reasonable limits), dry fuel will burn, although it "shoots" and smokes.

Dry fuel flames are sensitive to wind, so a simple shield may be necessary.

Some combustion products of dry alcohol or its reactions give toxic substances.
Hexamethylenetetramine in an acidic environment, it gives formaldehyde, which is toxic. It can also create formaldehyde, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide during combustion, if ingested it can cause nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal disturbances and kidney damage.
Metaldehyde- one of the types of dry alcohol, is also toxic. It has a toxicity similar to that of acetaldehyde. It should also be noted that when tablets of dry alcohol enter the stomach, in children and pets, the tablet may stick to the stomach lining, and it does not dissolve for a long time, which gives an increase in the latent period of poisoning up to 15 hours, and makes it difficult to determine the cause of poisoning.

I should note that dry alcohol can be used for other purposes.
It is used by some artisanal producers of alcoholic beverages as an amplifier of the alcohol intoxication they cause.
Can be used to treat urinary tract infections: cystitis, pyelitis.
All of these options can lead to poisoning or even death. So it's not worth the risk.