Own business: how to open a children's cafe. How to open a children's cafe: a detailed action plan How to open a children's cafe with a playroom

Business plan for a children's cafe: analysis of the market situation + selection of premises + necessary equipment + staff + final estimate + financial costs.

"Children are the flowers of life." So that these flowers do not spoil your life, they need to diversify their leisure time, and one of the ways can be a special children's institution where they can have fun without any problems.

At the same time, this is quite enough for cafe owners.

If you are at least generally familiar with this format, then it makes sense to start your own business. So let's open children's cafe - business plan such an institution will be our topic.

Business plan for a children's cafe: business features and preparation for launch

Children's Cafe is a place that combines the features of a catering establishment and an entertainment center.

At the same time, first of all, it is a cafe where people (in our case, children) come to eat and drink deliciously, and the entertainment program comes second - without prejudice to the main type of activity.

Thus, as for any restaurant, the choice of dishes is basic for a business plan for a children's institution. It should include not only children's assortment, but also an adult one - for parents (after all, they are the ones who pay for the events).

The menu should include dishes for all occasions of children's life:

  • breakfast
  • solemn event (matinee, birthday, etc.).
  • business event (increasingly, companies hold "corporate parties" for the children of their employees combined with an adult part, such as a business lunch, for example).

Therefore, a children's cafe should be ready to offer its visitors hot dishes (soups, side dishes), cold snacks, desserts (including ice cream), pastries, and a variety of drinks.

The only thing that distinguishes such an institution from adult analogues is the absence of alcohol. This should be offset by a wide range of soft drinks.

The first part of the business plan is clear - the cafe itself (kitchen, hall with waiters, etc.), but the second, entertainment part, is the “creative territory” - here you must show all your originality in order to build.

Balloons and animators in our time are hardly manageable. Almost obligatory are small attractions like a labyrinth and a "pool" with large balls.

How to open a children's cafe in a crisis?

The crisis reduces the purchasing power of the population, which adversely affects the income of entertainment establishments. These are not essential goods to sell.

However, the level of income of Russians is still not so low as to completely refuse to visit such places.

Children's cafes fight for their market segment in different ways, but today all of them are united by relatively low prices and an attempt to expand the range of services through creativity.

As you can see from the graph, despite some recessions, even when the economic crisis was at its peak, cafe attendance was growing.

If we take into account in the business plan of the children's institution that economic growth is expected from the end of 2017, then this “curve” will grow even more intensively.

If you open a children's cafe in a shopping center with good traffic, then its attendance will approach 100 visitors per day.

However, not everything is so perfect. Yes, even if attendance slowed down growth, but did not stop it, however, the average check fell by almost half and today is no more than 500 rubles per person. Interestingly, there were more checks with small and large amounts, but the middle segment sank the most.

If 90 customers enter our establishment per day (the average for children's cafes in the Russian Federation), then even a sagging check of 500 rubles will give us a revenue of 45,000 rubles.

So the market is definitely alive and has good prospects in terms of building your business, etc.

What do you need to open a children's cafe in Russia?

In addition to the premises and equipment, which we will consider in more detail in the next section, in order to open a children's cafe, you need to formalize the business, as well as pass an inspection by the SES and other services that issue work permits.

The issue of registration depends on the scale of your activity, which should be taken into account in the business plan in advance.

For a small institution, the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) is sufficient, while for a larger one it may be required. It is believed that for full-fledged work, it is the second option that is optimal, since it combines the advantages of both medium and small businesses.

So, from microbusiness LLC takes the opportunity of preferential taxation under UTII (“imputation”). The tax on imputed income allows you to pay based not on the proceeds, but on the area of ​​the institution, which, given our small children's institution with big ambitions, looks promising.

At the start of a children's restaurant business, this may not be very profitable when the influx of customers is not very large, but then, when the cafe is promoted, the amount of taxation will be very modest.

How to open a children's cafe and what is needed for this?

After the initial registration of the business, you should take care of purchasing equipment and hiring staff. But it’s worth starting with the premises, because without it there will be no cafe itself.

Since our establishment is small and compact, you can get by with an area of ​​up to 100 sq.m.

In the mall, renting it will cost you about 90,000 rubles per month. However, if you intend to work "to the fullest", then you will have to find a room with a size of 135 sq.m, where you can accommodate a large company of visitors and hold matinees without hesitation.

If you find a room in a residential building or business center near the mall, you may be able to reduce the cost of rent while increasing the area.

In order for the business to be profitable at the start, it is not recommended to go beyond 90-100,000 rubles per month for rent.

By the way, the business plan for a children's cafe for a mall and for a separate establishment in a residential area can be quite different. In the first case, the main cost items, in addition to equipment and personnel, will be rent, and in the second, advertising.

1. We buy equipment for a children's cafe

Equipment for a children's cafe is divided into three types:

  • Canteen;
  • kitchen;
  • Auxiliary.

The first can include not only forks and spoons, but also tables, chairs for visitors, a bar counter, etc. That is, everything that is in the guest room and is associated with eating.

Kitchen equipment includes the following units:

  1. Cooking stove (or stoves);
  2. Chef's tables;
  3. Hand inventory;
  4. Small kitchen equipment (mixers, meat grinders, coffee makers, milkshake machines, etc.);
  5. Refrigeration and freezing equipment;
  6. Dishes;
  7. Dishwashers;
  8. Cleaning equipment.

We include everything that was not included in the first two categories, including entertainment equipment for a children's cafe, to auxiliary equipment:

  1. Ventilation system or air conditioning;
  2. Security system;
  3. Fire protection system (at least sensors and a fire extinguisher in the kitchen);
  4. Entertainment equipment (children's slides, play modules, ball pool, etc.).

At current prices, all equipment in a small children's cafe can be purchased for 2-2,500,000 rubles.

You can’t download that it’s cheap, but if you work by analogy with large networks, you will have to pay at least twice as much.

2. Consumables for opening a children's cafe

When compiling a business plan for a children's cafe, you need to take into account that monthly consumables include not only food, ready-made drinks and semi-finished products, but also such trifles as balloons, stationery (children love to draw, and animators do drawing contests), etc.

For the full functioning of the children's cafe, even before you open it, it is better to think about logistics and find partners among wholesale suppliers. If you do not want to work with small companies, then it is better to get acquainted with the work of large wholesale depots.

The cost of consumables will be from 300 to 500,000 rubles, therefore, we will take the average for calculations - 400,000 rubles per month.

3. Recruiting staff in a children's cafe

Since a cafe, even a children's one, is a catering establishment, there are staffing requirements that cannot be bypassed.

The entire staff is divided into hall workers and cooks. The first are waiters and hall administrator(sometimes you can do without the latter).

The second group includes a chef, his deputy (sous chef) and two or three simple chefs, each of which has his own specialization: hot dishes, side dishes and desserts.

If you work according to the European model, you will have to hire more chocolate and sauce masters- masters of sauces, however, in our latitudes, children's cafes rarely resort to their services in order to save money.

There is also a third group administrative staff, which does not appear in the hall or in the kitchen. This is a director, accountant and procurement specialist.

Thus, the staff of even a small cafe should include 3-4 kitchen employees (cooks), 2-3 waiters, an administrator, a director, a purchasing manager and additional staff.

They have to work in two shifts. In our case, this is not only movers/cleaners, but also animators whose task is to entertain children.

The staff is considerable, but you can save money by hiring people not for a full day, but for specific events. It must be understood that all staff are busy only during serious feasts, and the rest of the time people will rest.

Also, part of the responsibilities can be assigned to outsourcing - accounting services, for example, and the owner of the enterprise himself can deal with the purchase of products.

As a result, it will be possible to meet 250 000 rubles per month.

4. Marketing costs of a children's cafe

When the staff is staffed and the equipment is purchased, it's time to add a promotion section to our children's cafe business plan.

Depending on what format you have chosen - a children's restaurant in the mall or a "cafe at home", you will need to bet either on outdoor advertising or on social networks.

However, the accents will be different, but the instruments will not change:

  1. Web Promotion: launching a business card site, its promotion in search engines, ordering contextual advertising, promoting a group in social networks, etc.
  2. Outdoor advertising: billboards, streamers, banners, advertising in transport and in crowded places, printing and distribution of leaflets.
  3. Press and TV: advertising in the media.
  4. "Word of mouth": in this area, this is a key promotional tool that will develop over time.

For example, on opening day, make a big free party for children and their parents with a limited set of entertainment (anything over this will have to be purchased). Preliminary, of course, it will be necessary to advertise it, to hire operators and photographers in advance.

Equally important is a flexible system of discounts. So, for example, you can make cumulative discounts (the more you go to a children's institution, the less you pay) or quantitative (the more visitors, the higher the total discount).

You can also make discounts according to the principle: "buy 5 cakes - get the 6th free", which, according to market players, works flawlessly. If we take into account a solid margin (sometimes it reaches 100% of the wholesale cost), then even a “free” cake will fully pay off.

Total expenses for a children's cafe: a business plan in the calculations

At the end of the article, it makes sense to evaluate our business plan for a children's cafe in rubles - to indicate the final estimate.

It looks like this:

to open
children's Cafe
Repair and design of the premisesRUB 500,000
Purchase of equipmentRUB 2,300,000
Purchase of raw materials and ingredients150 000 rub.
Advertising budget (creation of a website, advertising sign, etc.)200 000 rub.
Business registration, approvals and permits50 000 rub.
other expenses100 000 rub.
reserve fund300 000 rub.
Premises for rentRUB 94,500
Wage240 000 rub.
Insurance deductions72 000 rub.
Products and Ingredients400 000 rub.
Communal expenses30 000 rub.
Accounting (outsourcing)8 000 rub.
Taxes (UTII)7 000 rub.
Other25 000 rub.

The total amount of expenses: 876,500 rubles.

The profitable part of the business plan for a children's cafe at such expenses will look like this:

As we see, yield is approximately 30%(in the example 33%, but it is always better to play it safe and take a lower figure).

Payback - approximately 12 months. If inflation is taken into account, the payback may take a year and a half, but if the projected economic growth begins, then it can be completed in 9 months.

So, how to open a children's cafe we already know. We also know its financial performance, approximate staffing, target audience, etc.

How to open a children's cafe or restaurant?

Learn about the features of such a business:

The point is small - to find capital and competently invest it in the business ...

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Starting your own business requires considerable investments, but its owner not only earns good profits, but also receives high authority. In this article, we will talk about one interesting direction. It will be about how to open a children's cafe.

Features of the children's cafe

Some believe that the organization of a children's and an adult restaurant is very similar to each other, but this is a delusion. An institution for children has many features, and if you do not take them into account, then most likely you will not see big profits.

The first feature is that tobacco and alcohol products are completely absent in them, while ordinary restaurants can receive a significant part of the profits through the sale of wines. In addition, a complete ban on the consumption of such products is introduced in children's restaurants.

To open a successful children's cafe, you need to pay great attention to the interior.. It is best to arrange an institution in rich and bright colors. Walls can be decorated with posters and pictures of your favorite cartoon characters. Chairs, tables, tablecloths and even napkins - everything should be very beautiful and bright. After all, the child should feel like in a real fairy tale. If the kid likes in your restaurant for the first time, then he will call his parents to you again and again and say: “I want to go to a fabulous cafe.” This will provide not only regular guests, but also many new little customers who will be called by friends.

Another very important feature of such an institution is the menu, which should include children's dishes.. Of course, it should have a huge selection of cakes, sweets, milkshakes, ice cream and other sweet delicacies, but do not forget about a healthy and satisfying menu. To draw the attention of children to such dishes, you can give them interesting names and offer an original design.

Seeing the name of the salad "Princess's Castle" or the dessert "Fairy's Treat", the kid will immediately say: "I want to try it!". And even if a simple fruit salad with chocolate syrup is hidden under the dish, it will become a very tasty treat for the child. Such a move will make your restaurant attractive from the point of view of parents who will be happy to treat their children to healthy food. It will no longer matter to them how much a regular vegetable soup costs, if the child really likes it.

Another interesting idea is to offer waiters different costumes.. This approach will appeal not only to children, but also to adults who will come to you with pleasure not only for a delicious treat, but also to cheer up. In addition, take care to create a playroom so that during children's games, adults can have some rest. On weekends, you can invite clowns, artists, animators to the playroom so that the kids have more fun. And on a large TV you can broadcast your favorite children's cartoons.

Market analysis and documentation

Before opening a children's cafe, you need to conduct a thorough market analysis. It is not enough just to decide: "I want my own business." It is important to decide where to start your business and how to organize it properly. This will allow you to find out about competitors, where exactly such establishments are located in the city, how many there are in total, how they work, what weaknesses and strengths they have. Try to find out as much as possible about other children's cafes: how the interior is decorated, what additional services are provided, what is included in the menu, how much this or that dish costs. At the same time, try to create your own original concept.

As a form of ownership, the best option would be a limited liability company. Such organizations are treated with great trust not only by your customers, but also by suppliers. For a small restaurant, registration of an individual entrepreneur is also suitable. In addition, to start a business, you will need to obtain a patent for this type of activity. And these are just the first steps towards creating your own business in a small town.

Once you have selected the right space, it is important to sign a lease agreement, which will form the basis for the creation of architectural, engineering and technological projects. All these documents should be certified by the SES. It usually takes about 3-6 months to receive a complete package.

Choosing the location of the children's cafe

To open a children's cafe, you need to pay great attention to choosing a suitable place in the city. This question has its own subtleties.

  • Please note that your direct competitors are not nearby, but at the same time there should be establishments visited by children nearby. For example, parks, schools, playgrounds, kindergartens, shops with children's clothing and toys, children's hospitals and so on.
  • It is very important that the chosen place is spacious. As we have already noted, a good children's restaurant is not just an institution that serves favorite children's delicacies, but also a whole entertainment complex with a play area and clowns. It will be optimal to choose to place up to 60 seats on an area of ​​100 m 2 and allocate a playing area of ​​30-50 m 2.
  • In addition, you can allocate a separate room for children's activities with animators, an area for parents where adults can relax, as well as an outdoor terrace.

Interior and equipment

When the premises are selected and the documents are signed, you can start finishing the premises.

When creating a unique interior for your children's restaurant, you need to take into account a number of features:

  1. All furniture and other interior items must be adapted specifically for the little guests of the cafe. It is best to make furniture to order.
  2. If possible, the play area should not overlap with the dining area.
  3. The interior decoration should appeal to children, attract their attention. If in your cafe the kids feel like in a real fairy tale, success is guaranteed to you. They will want to return again and again to the magical world that you created.
  4. The play area should contain children's slides, balls, toys, houses, various playgrounds and much more so that little visitors always have fun.

Cafe design projects for kids

Of course, no less attention should be paid to the equipment of utility rooms and kitchens.

When purchasing equipment for a children's cafe, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Safe use, compliance with SES standards;
  2. Ease of use for parents and children;
  3. Attractive in appearance, made of quality materials;
  4. Play equipment should be easy to clean.

Before you open a children's cafe, you need to carefully consider everything and take into account every little thing. Decorations for decoration, tableware, furniture and dishes - everything must be designed in the same style and comply with safety requirements.

In a children's institution, it is worth completely abandoning furniture with sharp corners so that little guests do not get hurt. Dishes are also best purchased from unbreakable materials. For the smallest visitors, it is necessary to purchase side chairs with belts. Toilets, mirrors and washbasins should also be child-friendly and low. For changing clothes for babies, it is worth providing a changing table in the toilet room, which is not available in many establishments. This will give you a significant advantage over your competitors.

Children's cafe staff

Recruiting staff for a children's cafe is a very difficult task, especially if you are planning to start your business in a small town. At the same time, you should think not only about how much a good cook and waiters will have to pay, but also about the high professionalism and qualifications of all the staff of your establishment.

The main criterion that you need to rely on when selecting waiters and animators is love for children. Also pay attention to the easy nature, attentiveness, optimism, pleasant appearance, cheerfulness, patience and the ability to get out of any situation with a smile on your face, which is not always expected from staff in ordinary cafes. All these qualities will help your employees find a common language with both parents and young guests.

It is important that waiters always know how to listen to children. In this case, the menu should be served to children first, and only then to parents. Little guests should know that this fairy tale is primarily created for them.

Teach your staff to create a small party for each child. And then he, along with his parents, will become your regular guest.

Of course, the importance of the work of the chef, as well as his assistants, cannot be underestimated. To open a profitable children's restaurant in a small town, you need to carefully work out the menu, give dishes interesting names and decorate them. At the same time, it is very important to add some ingredients even to simple stewed vegetables or porridge that will turn them into a real delicacy. And only a professional chef with a rich imagination can handle this.

Marketing policy

Of course, to open a children's cafe, you need advertising. Moreover, if you are not working in a small town, it is best to limit yourself to attracting children and parents from the surrounding areas. To launch large-scale advertising will require significant investments, but it may not be effective enough.

Demonstration advertising shows the best results - colorful facade design, beautiful and bright shop windows and an interior that is attractive to children. For regular customers you can offer a system of discounts. Other marketing methods are used less frequently.

Financial plan

Before you open your own children's cafe, you need to calculate how much money you need to start a business.

Given the location of the institution near crowded places, parks or children's institutions, the cost of renting it even in a small town will be quite high. The cost of renting a room can exceed 100 thousand per month. Interior design, renovation of the premises and the purchase of equipment and furniture will require from 600 to 900 thousand rubles. And advertising at first is enough to invest 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of salaries of employees will be from 200 thousand per month.

In general, you will need about 500 thousand rubles to organize a business. It will take from 300 to 500 thousand rubles to repair the premises.

For the purchase of raw materials from suppliers, you will have to spend from 200 to 500 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the menu. In this case, the average check will be from 500 rubles.

Thus, the average monthly income will be from 300 to 500 thousand rubles, and the payback of the business ranges from 6 months to two years, depending on the volume of investments.

At the same time, it is important to remember that the key to your success will be love for children and the desire to create a real fairy tale for your little guests.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The catering business is considered to be a rather complicated and risky undertaking, because the level of competition here is always very high. Opening a children's cafe to some extent is a particularly difficult undertaking, because here you have to please not only the children themselves, but also their parents, be able to work with such an audience, and always determine the needs of your client. At the same time, the state carefully monitors the activities of enterprises engaged in the field of catering, so constant checks are a normal thing for such a business. On the other hand, a well-organized cafe can bring its owner a very good profit.

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The first step is to contact the local tax office and register your legal entity. A limited liability company is best suited. After registration, you will need to apply to Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations to obtain permits for the operation of a children's cafe. For registration, you will have to allocate about 20 thousand rubles. It should also be noted that a separate permit is required for the sale of alcoholic products, but since we are considering the option of opening a children's cafe, this issue is often irrelevant. Often, but not always, because some cafes offer the opportunity for parents to purchase alcoholic beverages - in general, whether to do this or not, and how much this will affect the reputation of the establishment, the entrepreneur himself decides. We only note that this is a very complex process and, as a rule, requires considerable additional investments. In fact, if you sell alcohol on the territory of a children's cafe, then it can remain “childish” only in words. We will not consider obtaining a license for the sale of alcoholic products in detail here, and everyone who wants to get acquainted with this can, for example, read the information in the articles about opening a bar or restaurant.

Next, you should think about choosing a room for your children's cafe. Here the entrepreneur already has many options, depending on the format in which he is going to work. The fact is that in general cases it is optimal to find a place somewhere in the city center, but sometimes it makes sense to think about the option of opening a children's cafe in some residential area. Moreover, this is often an even more attractive option, because there will almost certainly be many competitors in the center, but somewhere in a residential area there may not be interesting places for the whole family to relax. In general, the selection of a location is a very responsible and rather difficult stage, because the success of an undertaking largely depends on the location. A children's cafe, opened in a place with poor traffic, will almost certainly not last even a few months, but a successfully selected room and located in a favorable location will almost never be left without visitors. If you do not have your own premises, then you will have to look for it for rent, at the moment there should be no problems with offers, however, the cost of rent can be very significant, especially the premises, which are initially equipped and meet all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, the price level can vary greatly in different cities, moreover, within the same locality, premises that are actually the same in terms of their level can cost a different amount per month - depending on where they are located geographically (central areas are almost always the most “expensive” ). You have to rely on the fact that the cost of one square meter can be from 500 rubles a month, that is, a cafe with a size of 100 square meters will cost the entrepreneur 50 thousand rubles.

The next important point is the arrangement of the premises of the children's cafe. Let's start with the guest room. The amount of expenses depends on the size of the cafe itself - let's make an approximate calculation for a room with an area of ​​​​about 100 square meters. The cost of one good table is 3-4 thousand rubles, a good chair costs 2-3 thousand, if you buy upholstered furniture, then you need to understand that sofas cost 20-30 thousand. Of course, there are more expensive options as well. In a cafe of this size, there can be 40 seats for visitors (taking into account the fact that about 30-40 square meters will be allocated for the organization of the game room and kitchen). It turns out that you need about 10 tables, 30 chairs and 2 good sofas. Chairs need 75 thousand (2.5 thousand each), tables 35 thousand, sofas - 50 thousand rubles. It turns out 160 thousand rubles. It also makes sense to think about how to decorate your premises inside - after all, this is a children's cafe, and the service should be aimed primarily at children, which means that it makes sense to think about ordering a design project. The cost of design work ranges from 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter of premises, that is, everything for the same 50 m 2 of development will have to be paid from 50 to 75 thousand. Whether it is worth contacting design studios is a moot point, but if an entrepreneur himself can develop just an interesting interior project (interesting for children, of course), then there is usually no point in contacting a third-party company. You can also think about opening a game room on the territory of the cafe - that is, a room where some events will take place, for example, custom birthdays. In the case of a children's cafe, this is especially true.

The next important point is the equipment of the children's cafe kitchen itself. Here, again, it all depends on how expensive the cafe will be and what services it will offer. However, many participants in this market note that in the case of a children's cafe, you have to have a rather diverse menu, which leads to the conclusion that you will have to invest in a large number of different equipment. It can be not only stoves, kitchen furniture, kitchen appliances, but also ready-made installations, for example, for making pizza; a separate block for baking (children love sweets), you also need to think about how to cook ice cream right on the spot, and sometimes some other sweets. Let's take the following calculations - 40 thousand rubles for a pizza oven, an oven - 50 thousand, 2 frying surfaces - 30 thousand, 2 refrigerators - 60 thousand rubles, a large dishwasher for a large number of dishes - 70 thousand rubles, about 100 thousand rubles for small equipment such as mixers, vegetable cutters, meat grinders, blenders. There is also more complex, expensive, but productive equipment, for example, a professional pizzeria, designed for a large number of products, will cost 500 thousand separately. At least another 100 thousand - for tables and cabinets for the kitchen of the children's cafe. In addition, you need to purchase a sufficient amount of dishes and other table setting elements, but this money, unless, of course, you buy expensive silver sets, will be small compared to kitchen equipment (from 50 thousand rubles). You also always need to have crockery in reserve, because crockery breaks with an enviable frequency (and children generally do this especially often), becomes unusable, so it’s better when there are some reserves. As a result, we can say that half a million for kitchen equipment and the purchase of appliances is the minimum even for a very small children's cafe. Moreover, additional funds may be required for the delivery and installation of equipment. Thus, for a small cafe, you will have to allocate 500 thousand rubles for the arrangement of the kitchen, but in large cafes that prepare a variety of dishes and drinks, the cost of equipment can reach 1.5-2 million rubles.

The next important issue is staffing. We need to hire a certain number of waiters - let's assume that our children's cafe will need only 4 people per shift, which means 8 people per day if they work on a standard schedule, or only 4, but working in 2/2 mode. The schedule of the cafe is almost always at least 12 hours a day every day. That is, the minimum is 8 people, but usually more waiters are hired in a cafe. Their average salary starts from 15 thousand rubles (in small towns) or 20 thousand rubles (in relatively large cities, even more in large ones). Next - the administrator, this is at least 2 more people. These people already receive 25-30 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, all business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization are best outsourced, this includes, for example, bookkeeping, security and the already mentioned premises maintenance services. Thus, the minimum cost is about another 20 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the cafe. The next moment is hiring employees to work in the kitchen, a good cook also receives 25-30 thousand rubles, his assistants (2-3 people at least) 20-25 thousand each. That is, according to the most conservative estimates, the amount of wages and outsourcing services will cost 320 thousand rubles a month, but usually this figure is much higher. If the children's cafe intends to deal with the holidays, then you need to hire at least one animator - he receives 20-25 thousand rubles for his work, however, this person works only in case of orders, that is, at first, one employee can cope with this work. It should also be noted that in order to develop your client base, it makes sense to start cooperation with event agencies that organize holidays - if you conclude a partnership agreement, then some events ordered by people in the agency will take place on the territory of the children's cafe. In many cases, this becomes an additional income item, and often it is the children's cafe that receives in this direction an amount almost comparable to the income from the sale of food. But here lies another problem - unlike restaurants, cafes and bars "for everyone", there is no significant income from the sale of alcoholic beverages, and it is due to them that many catering establishments earn a large part of their income.

    Rent for six months of work - 300 thousand rubles.

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Equipment for the children's cafe hall - 160 thousand rubles.

    Design project - 50 thousand rubles.

    Arrangement of the kitchen - from 500 thousand rubles.

    Salary for the first month and outsourcing - 320 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of products - from 50 thousand rubles (this figure can vary quite a lot depending on the selected menu).

It turns out 1 million 400 thousand rubles according to the most conservative estimates. The amount of monthly expenses for a children's cafe is 370 thousand rubles. Such a large amount of monthly expenses is covered by a large margin on their goods. It's no secret that in many catering establishments the markup on a dish is from 200%; a lower indicator is for food that is not prepared in a cafe, but purchased on the side (for example, pastries). At the same time, the profitability of such an undertaking, with a competent organization and a sufficient number of visitors, will be very good, the operating profit of an average successful cafe starts from 100 thousand rubles a month, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach such an indicator even in the first six months of operation, so you need to have some reserve funds. After deducting taxes, the profit will amount to 85 thousand rubles under a simplified taxation system. To obtain such an indicator, it is necessary to receive at least 32 people per day, taking into account that the amount of each check is an average of 500 rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In any case, this type of business is very complicated, while the children's cafe will not always work at full capacity, and at some points it will even have to refuse visitors due to lack of vacant seats. For example, on holidays and weekends there will be a lot of visitors, but on weekdays - much less. However, this is typical for many areas of public catering. Summing up, we can say that a children's cafe as a business is primarily suitable for those who already have experience in organizing public catering establishments and are ready to invest a lot of money, realizing that the payback period for such a project is quite long. A cafe can receive additional income due to the holidays, but still you should not count on it at first.

Matthias Laudanum
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Now open a restaurant is considered a promising and profitable activity. Services for kids are especially attractive. Many businessmen are wondering how to open a children's cafe from scratch in order to make a profit with a relatively small investment. Many factors and features will need to be taken into account.

Place to open a children's cafe

You will need to open an institution from scratch in a suitable area with many specialized institutions:

  • Schools.
  • Kindergartens.
  • Polyclinics.
  • Physical culture and health complexes.
  • Amusement parks.
  • Houses of children's creativity.
  • zoos.

Walking around the city - the child is tired and hungry. Parents will look for an opportunity to feed the baby. Opening a cozy, brightly decorated establishment nearby will come in handy. In a small town, you need to establish a cafe with regard to the nearest competing establishments. You will need to organize parking for cars and prams.

Features of a cafe for children

Opening an institution from scratch for different age categories seems to be the same thing. This is a general misconception. When thinking about how to open a children's restaurant from scratch, you need to understand the difference. It will not work to make money on alcoholic and tobacco products - a strict ban has been introduced on such products in establishments. To establish a children's restaurant is not a banal construction of a catering place, but the creation of a whole entertainment complex so that the child feels like in a small fairy-tale world. It is necessary to establish a cafe for kids of different ages, expanding the circle of visitors from scratch and increasing profits commensurately. When starting to create a children's institution, in order not to burn out, it is worth analyzing in detail the market for such institutions in the city and carefully studying the demand for dishes. You will need to know:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of competing establishments.
  • Standard operating mode.
  • Examples of establishment design.
  • Approximate menu.
  • Possible additional services (holidays and children's games).
  • Service personnel uniform (clothes designed in a special style, to the kids were interested in communicating with the waiters).
  • Services and entertainment for adults.

Interior decoration of the institution and special equipment

It is worth opening a children's restaurant in a spacious bright room with 3-4 windows. It is necessary to provide for a kitchen, a hall and think about a play area. It is better to open the room in an unusual style so that children and parents are interested. It is worth choosing bright colors and special paraphernalia from children's cartoons and fairy tales. Furniture should be made to order from scratch, providing visitors with comfort. In the design of furniture, sharp corners should be avoided, reducing the likelihood of injury to young visitors. Set up a stage in the hall, necessary during various children's events.

You will need to open a play area interesting for children of different ages. Pictures from various popular animated films can be hung on the walls. It is better that the hall does not intersect with the playing area. Several tables for board games should be installed in the company. Excellent entertainment will be a trampoline, Swedish wall, slides with balls and houses. On one of the walls, you must definitely hang a plasma panel showing children's channels, full-length cartoons and favorite fairy tales.

Do not forget about the air conditioners in the premises of the cafe, which provide visitors with a comfortable stay in the institution, encouraging them to return again.

Tables and chairs are selected taking into account the physiology of adults and children. You should remember to install special chairs for the smallest visitors (up to two years). Modern kitchen equipment will help to cook really tasty and healthy food.

Features of the cafe menu with a children's theme

The success of the institution is facilitated by a varied menu, including classic and original dishes, which is a feature of the cafe. From the classics, the menu should include various soups, cereals with fruits, french fries, pizza, drinks. Do not forget about desserts - children love sweets, so the menu should contain pastries, cakes, ice cream, pancakes with a variety of fillings, milkshakes. Food serving should be original, using interesting decorations made from scratch from products or purchasing ready-made edible figurines. It is better to arrange food in the form of drawings and scenes from cartoons. Design from scratch depends on the imagination of the chefs. The menu should be universal or you will have to come up with separate dishes - for adults and children.

Necessary staff for children's audience

When deciding how to open an institution for kids, you need to understand that the staff is very different from the usual. You should recruit waiters who love children and know how to find a common language with them. It is worth taking care of hiring caregivers with the appropriate education who look after the kids on the playground in order to avoid injury or quarrels. Animators should be hired, providing entertainment for children - interesting contests, unusual games, performances on weekends and holidays. It is worth taking care of the costumes of these employees. Bright and colorful clothes, sometimes made independently from scratch, attract the attention of children and arouse interest. The chef must understand children's nutrition, be able to prepare healthy and tasty food, beautifully decorating dishes.

The menu should include unusual names for dishes that attract the attention of parents and children.

Additional services provided by the establishment

Children's birthday parties are the most popular in the city. Parents should be given the opportunity to come up with a scenario for the event or chat with the animators, taking into account the wishes of the birthday boy. In your own cafe, you have the opportunity to come up with a plan of events from scratch for the next month. The schedule of events should be placed in the institution, on billboards and on the website of the cafe. Opening an event is real in honor of something special:

  1. Holiday.
  2. The hero of a cartoon or a fairy tale.
  3. Popular children's game.

Organization of outdoor holidays from scratch will be an excellent advantage of an institution for kids. When thinking about how to establish a cafe for kids, it is necessary to consider various possibilities. For example, to make cakes to order, in the form of various cartoon or fairy-tale plots. And then deliver them directly to your home.

Children's cafe as a separate highly specialized catering establishment is gaining great interest among visitors of all ages. The relevance is due to a wide range of services that allow parents to make a holiday for their children and not put much effort into it. In the playroom, children get an emotional charge, and in the dining room, both a children's menu and a universal menu are presented. Therefore, it is worth thinking about starting an activity in this area - there is an opportunity to get a good profit. In order for everything to work out, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for a children's cafe and determine what investments will be required, after what time the enterprise will generate income.

indicative project

For general acquaintance, we will give a business plan for a children's cafe with calculations in order to understand what costs arise at the initial stage (before the opening of the establishment) and how much time will have to be invested in order for the cafe to pay off. As an example for calculations, let's take the operating children's cafe with a playroom "Penguin", located in the Republic of Mari El, the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

general characteristics

Type of activity: cafe for children, entertainment for children.

Address: Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, Chavaina blvd., 41A. Detached 2-storey building with a central entrance. The institution is located in the city center on the boulevard, where there is a large flow of people, especially on holidays.

Premises: 1st floor - dining room 90 sq. m, a bar counter with a showcase, a point for issuing hot dishes, a kitchen, a washing room, utility rooms; 2nd floor - game room 50 sq. m, a sofa waiting area for parents, administrative premises, a smoking room. The total area of ​​the building is 400 sq. m.

Premises for rent.

Working hours: daily from 10 am to 8 pm.

Number of visitors: up to 100 people can be in the dining room at the same time. For this, 15 tables with 5 seats and 5 tables with 3 seats are provided. For babies up to 2 years old, there are high chairs for feeding in the hall. Under the condition of a large flow of customers, the cafe can serve up to 1000 visitors for the whole day.

The game room is designed for entertainment events and a festive table for up to 30 people. One event usually lasts about 2 hours. Up to 300 children can flow per day.

Service list

Dining room:

  • Breakfasts.
  • Dinners.
  • Dinners.
  • Tea parties.
  • Cooking, desserts.
  • Takeaway food.

Game room:

  • Games for children.
  • Matinees, birthdays, other celebrations.
  • Thematic shows, animators.
  • Photoshoot.

The main menu of the cafe is represented by European cuisine, which includes:

  • Different kinds of ice-cream).
  • Sweet syrup (in assortment).
  • Cakes.
  • Baking sweet, meat, fish, vegetable.
  • Festive cake.
  • Milkshake (in assortment).
  • Juices, drinks.
  • Tea coffee.
  • Salads, cold appetizers.
  • Kashi.
  • Soups (hot and cold).
  • Meat, fish, chicken (various cooking methods).
  • Side dishes.

The daily menu is compiled in accordance with the season, a lean and dietary table is possible.

Legal Form

To start the project, you need to register a legal form. In this case, there was an LLC, consisting of 4 founders - individuals who have their share in the business. One of the founders is appointed director.

For registration, select and indicate the OKVED codes:

  • The main type of activity is code 56 "Activities for the provision of food and beverages".
  • Additional: 93.2 "Activities in the field of recreation and entertainment."

Form of taxation: USN (income minus expenses). We indicate at the time of registration of the LLC.

Equipment for a children's cafe

It is planned to open a cafe in which all food will be prepared in a personal kitchen. The kitchen room must be equipped with various items, which we list in the table:

Type of kitchen/bar equipment Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
Refrigeration units for products 1 45 000 45 000
Refrigerator cabinet 2 22 000 44 000
High power electric stove 1 70 000 70 000
Umbrella ventilation 1 15 000 15 000
Electronic balance 3 (one per bar) 4 500 13 500
Cutting table 2 21 000 42 000
Microwave 2 (one for the bar) 7 000 14 000
Kettle (el.) 2 (one for the bar) 2 100 4 200
Oven 1 75 000 75 000
washing compartment 2 11 850 23 700
Racks for dishes and utensils 3 8 500 25 500
Showcase-refrigerator for ice cream 1 27 640 27 640
Showcase-refrigerator for desserts and salads 1 34 700 34 700
Household appliances (blender, meat grinder, vegetable cutter, etc.) 350 000
Crockery, pots, pans 150 000
Total 934 240 rubles

In addition to production-type equipment for equipping a children's cafe, you must purchase:

Name Quantity Price per unit in rubles Total amount, rub.
Cash register with card payment terminal 1 60 000 60 000
Light box 1 30 000 30 000
Dining room furniture:
Dining table 20 8 600 172 000
dining chair 60 1500 90 000
Children's chair 10 1 200 12 000
Soft sofa 10 9400 94 000
Clothes hanger 10 1350 13 500
TV 2 32 000 64 000
Game room:
Soft sofas 8 9 400 75 200
Cabinet furniture (racks for toys)
high open 4 8 000 32 000
Low open 2 3 500 7 000
closed low 2 4 700 9 400
Children's tables with chairs (set) 4 6 000 24 000
Toys a lot of 250 000 250 000
Total 933 100 rubles

We have deduced the total costs that lie ahead for equipping the kitchen, dining room and games room. In addition, it is necessary to furnish administrative premises with furniture. This may take at least 500,000 rubles, the cost depends on the agreement with the furniture company.

Organizational moments

Equipping a children's cafe is not the only cost item for business owners. In order for the institution to start working, it is required to go through instances that will require certain fees for projects and permits. If the premises are not renovated or the chosen concept does not match what we would like, funds will be required for designer services, repairs and materials:

So, before the opening, we have to make investments in the amount of 5,157,840 rubles without purchasing the necessary raw materials for cooking, preparing events for the opening of a cafe and additional expenses. You can safely lay 1,000,000 rubles for this. Additionally, it is worth adding to the costs the column of your own investments (about 1,500,000 rubles), which will have to be used for the smooth operation of the cafe until the institution reaches the stage of self-sufficiency. Perhaps, in the course of work, you will have to buy additional equipment.

To summarize, to launch a project for a children's cafe with a playroom, it is necessary to invest 7,660,000 rubles. But this data may change from current circumstances, choice of partners, prices, discounts and other advantageous offers.

Project launch plan

The opening of the cafe is scheduled for early summer. This is the most active period for family vacations, the opportunity to eat ice cream, sit in a cozy place. Children's Day is a good reason to open up. Let's present all the stages of preparation in the schedule by months:

January February March April May June
LLC registration, paperwork +
Order of the project to the designer +
Work of designers on technical and engineering equipment + +
Purchase of finishing and building materials +
Repair work + + +
Systems installation + +
Equipping with equipment, furniture, appliances, related products + +
Coordination and receipt of permits for opening a cafe from the fire service, SES and energy sales + +
Staff recruitment, search for agencies for organizing children's parties + +
Menu and price approval +
Equipping the cafe with a cash register and software +
Completion of premises with cabinet and upholstered furniture, interior items +
Order of a printing company for the production of a printed version of the menu and price list +
Marketing Campaign +
Drawing up contracts for the supply of necessary products, first deliveries +
Opening of a children's cafe with a playroom. Organization of a free holiday on the occasion of Children's Day +

To meet the deadline, you should not put off the start of design and work with the designer in the back box. In the course of work, unforeseen circumstances may arise that may slow down the following stages. It is not necessary to hire a separate person for control. It is better to take everything under personal responsibility and negotiate everything on your own. Only then there will be no additional costs and the cafe will open on the appointed day.

We complete the staff

Despite the fact that the cafe is just starting its work, the staff must be fully staffed. The establishment is open every day for 10 hours. People must rest. Need two full shifts. Work hours may be flexible or variable. We are hiring employees for the kitchen, dining room, children's room.

  • Chef: 1 unit, 5-day work week from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., days off on Sunday and Monday.
  • Cook: 4 units, 2 people per shift, work 2/2.
  • Confectioner: 2 units, 1 per shift, 2/2.
  • Assistant cook and pastry chef: 4 units, 2 per shift, 2/2.
  • Warehouse manager: 1 position
  • Seller-cashier in a bar: 2 units. in shifts.
  • Waiter: 4 units, 2 per shift, 2/2.
  • Administrator: 2 units, in shifts.
  • Educator in the children's room: 2 units, in shifts.
  • Maintenance worker: 2 units, in shifts.
  • Dishwasher: 2 units, in shifts.
  • Ancillary workers: 4 units, in shifts.

Additionally, you can invite an animator who leads the holidays to the staff on a part-time basis or an agency agreement. Each employee performs duties in accordance with the job description signed upon employment.

Payroll costs are reflected in the table:

Job title Number of units Salary of one employee, rub. Total amount, rub.
Chef 1 40 000 40 000
Cook 4 30 000 120 000
Confectioner 2 30 000 60 000
Assistant cook and pastry chef 4 15 000 60 000
Warehouse manager 1 18 000 18 000
Seller-cashier 2 15 000 30 000
Waiter 4 15 000 60 000
Administrator 2 20 000 40 000
caregiver 2 10000 20 000
Part-time accountant 1 12 000 12 000
Cleaning woman 2 12 000 24 000
support worker 4 8 000 32 000
Dishwasher 2 12 000 24 000
Total 30 600 000
Tax deductions 180 000
Consumption 780 000

For the first time, employees are set a fixed salary. When the profitability of the enterprise is visible, a revision of salaries is possible. You can introduce a reward system to stimulate employees, depending on the good reviews of visitors. But it should be borne in mind that a sharp increase in the level of income of employees can negatively affect the income of a cafe.

Profit figures for the children's cafe

To assess the profitability of the project in the business plan, we will show the calculations of monthly revenue for the year:

Based on the fact that the children's cafe will open at the peak of visits, then in the first months the revenue will be higher than during the cold period. The following indicators were taken into account:

  1. The average check is 300 rubles.
  2. The number of visitors to the dining area in the summer season (June-September): weekdays - 500 people x 300 = 150,000 rubles; weekends and holidays - 800 x 300 = 240,000 rubles.
  3. The number of visitors from January to May: weekdays - 300 x 300 = 90,000 rubles; weekends and holidays - 400 x 300 = 120,000 rubles.

The playroom will generate a profit of about 700,000 rubles per month, provided that 5 events are held per day for children with an average bill of 5,000 rubles. To determine the period when net profit will appear and profitability will be visible, it is necessary to calculate the monthly net profit.

We take as a basis for calculations a monthly profit of 3,500,000 rubles. Subtract the cost of wages, taxes, rent (400 sq. M x 700 rubles = 280,000), groceries, utility bills, advertising campaign. The total amount of expenses can be 2,500,000 rubles. In the balance we get 900,000 rubles. Of these, it is worth setting aside part of the funds for unforeseen circumstances, for example, 300,000 rubles. Investments in opening a cafe amounted to 7,660,000 rubles. In 12-13 months, the cafe will reach its payback. The funds invested in the project will be worked out.

The next summer season will bring a net profit of 1.5-2 million rubles. Revenue will grow because the institution will gain recognition. High traffic also plays its role, because the cafe is located on the central boulevard of the city.

Competition and the need for advertising

To understand what marketing strategy to choose for the project owner, you need to study possible competitors and understand if there is a threat from them. In the same area there are cafes, coffee shops, bars. But they are aimed at adult visitors or youth. For family leisure, where it will be interesting and useful not only for adults, but also for children, there are no similar establishments. Therefore, fierce competition is not expected.

  1. Business cards and booklets can be laid out in children's institutions.
  2. Advertising in the media (newspapers, advertising catalogs, which are laid out on racks in retail outlets).
  3. Creation of a website and page in social networks.
  4. Favorable cooperation with companies organizing children's parties. They themselves will recommend a cafe for a birthday or other events.
  5. Attracting regular customers with the help of a bonus system - a fixed or cumulative discount.

In addition to organizing ways to attract visitors and increase profits, do not forget about the constant monitoring of the company's activities, the search for new ideas for the holiday, recipes, menu adjustments, and anti-crisis measures. For example, lowering the check amount in the morning hours, when the flow is minimal, will allow you to attract more people and increase profitability.

You also need to keep an eye on how the staff works. The specificity of the cafe is serving children and their parents, with the main focus on the child. If he likes it, parents will not be able to refuse to rest only in this place. The staff must be polite, kind, so as not to displease visitors. It is also worth considering the original design of the uniform, which will match the interior and the specifics of the institution.

The more satisfied visitors, the more positive recommendations and new faces. Word of mouth is the best advertisement.

After conducting a series of studies, evaluating the amount of investment and possible profit, let's summarize: the opening of a children's cafe with a playroom in the center of Yoshkar-Ola was an excellent investment and gave a constant profit for many years. It is quite possible that similar success awaits you in your region.