Modern greenhouse for business. Greenhouse business: pros and cons. Home business make money on your greenhouse

Good afternoon. My name is Alexander Garmashov, I'm from the city of Stavropol. Five years ago, I was interested in the issue of profitability of the greenhouse industry. Despite the existing competition, all greenhouse owners had a stable and solid income. And for four years now I have been growing potted flowers in my greenhouse and one of the most valuable products in stores - greens.

Today, my greenhouse business is the largest in the city. Contracts have been concluded with more than a hundred stores and individual entrepreneurs.

The existing greenhouse occupies more than three hundred square meters, equipped with a ventilation, irrigation, ventilation, watering and screening system. There is a well and boilers for space heating. Optimum temperature and lighting are maintained all year round.

Attendants - three workers who take care of the plants, plant, collect and guard the greenhouse.

The financial side of the issue is as follows:

  • initial costs - from 500,000 rubles;
  • labor costs - from 70,000 rubles per month;
  • other expenses (light, seedlings, fuel, and so on) - from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • monthly income - from 400 thousand rubles per month.

Does the greenhouse bring income as a business?

Building a greenhouse and growing greens, vegetables and flowers is a profitable business.

Its advantages:

  • low construction costs and simple solution of organizational issues;
  • high payback. As a rule, it is realistic to cover the costs already a year after the start of work;
  • constant demand for products. If you grow vegetables and herbs, you can be sure of a stable demand for goods. The only issue is the price;
  • grown products are always available for personal consumption (if we are talking about vegetables and herbs). You are growing yourself, so you are sure of the quality.

But there are also disadvantages of the greenhouse business idea:

  • high costs for paying for electricity, because a large greenhouse needs to be illuminated almost around the clock;
  • the presence of a seasonal business factor. In winter, the demand for goods is much higher. In summer, finding a good market for a good price is usually much more difficult;
  • you have to decide on your own the issue of delivering the goods to the buyer, and this is an additional cost.

What should a greenhouse business plan for growing vegetables look like?

To achieve success and quickly recoup your costs, do the following work:

1. Decide what exactly will grow in your greenhouse. There are enough options - it can be onions, parsley, indoor flowers, herbs and other plants.

One of the best ways to make money is to grow vegetables, such as carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli, potatoes, leeks, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, peppers, and so on.

2. Decide on a growing system. A good option is hydroponics. The peculiarity of this system is the complete automation of the process, minimal costs and high efficiency.

Each plant grows in its own container of water, which receives additional fertilizers and nutrients.

The disadvantage of the system is that vegetables acquire an unnatural "watery" taste.

If you plan to develop long-term cooperation with representatives of retail outlets, then it is better to refuse this method.

You can get delicious vegetables when grown on the ground or through special mobile beds.

By the way, the last option is the most preferable. With this method, vegetables acquire a truly "natural" taste and are no different from those grown in the country under the open sun.

3. Find a site for a greenhouse. At the initial stage, the greenhouse needs an area of ​​​​about 130-150 square meters. But look for a place with the prospect of further expansion.

When searching, consider the possibility of supplying electricity, breaking through a well or supplying water. Soil quality is also important. The average cost of rental costs is from 30 thousand rubles, but you can find cheaper ones.

4. Recruit staff. With all the desire to cope with such a business on their own will not work - hardworking assistants are needed. It is advisable to take two or three people who will look after vegetables, plant, harvest and perform other work.

The financial part of the question will look like this:

  • payment for renting land for a greenhouse - from 30,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase and arrangement of a greenhouse - from 400,000 rubles;
  • payment for electricity - from 15,000 rubles per month;
  • expenses for deductions and taxes - from 15,000 rubles per month.

Total costs - from 500-600 thousand rubles.

How to install a greenhouse?

If you are building a small greenhouse, then you can build it yourself. In the case of the construction of a capital structure, then find specialists. The greenhouse business idea is a promising direction.

But for its implementation, it is important to build a high-quality greenhouse, taking into account all the rules and regulations.

It is important not only to build a structure, but also to organize irrigation, bring in soil, supply electricity, install a boiler, and so on. It is better to look for a company that is ready to do everything on a turnkey basis, up to resolving issues with the power supply organization.

The cost of construction and arrangement - from 400,000 rubles.

Home business make money on your greenhouse

Is the business of growing greens in a greenhouse profitable?

Growing greenery (dill, parsley, onion) is one of the most promising areas (I can safely say this from my own experience). The business pays off very quickly.

All that is needed for growth is good soil, some water, heat and sun. At the same time, more than three kilograms of onions can be harvested from one square meter per season.

Taking into account that the average annual price is about 50 rubles for a small bunch weighing 150 grams, then one "square" of land can bring 1000 rubles. Greens can be grown in two tiers, which increases the overall yield.

What kind of greenhouse to build for business?

You can choose one of three options:

  • build a polycarbonate greenhouse. The peculiarity of the material is the ability to completely transmit the rays of the sun and lightness. For the construction of such a greenhouse, it is not necessary to install a foundation, which significantly reduces the cost of the construction process. On the other hand, polycarbonate itself is a very expensive material;
  • polyethylene greenhouses have a low cost (this is the main and almost the only advantage). Of the minuses - insufficient light transmission (vegetables grow much more slowly) and low strength. In practice, greenhouse repairs have to be done almost every year;
  • glass structures are expensive. But there are more advantages - they transmit light well, have a long service life and allow you to operate the greenhouse all year round.

Table number 1. Dynamics of agricultural production in Russia

What is special about growing chrysanthemums in a greenhouse?

Very popular flowers today are chrysanthemums. Their peculiarity is that they are absolutely not capricious and whimsical.

But if you have been visited by the business ideas of a greenhouse for growing these flowers, then consider a few important requirements:

  • chrysanthemums require high-quality soil and special attention to the choice of cuttings;
  • daylight hours should be at least 14-15 hours;
  • pay special attention to the temperature regime, top dressing and watering;
  • perform disease prevention.

Table number 2. Prices for greenhouse products in Russia

As a rule, for planting such flowers, you can do with simple garden soil with a small addition of sandy soil or humus. During planting, it is not worth deepening the roots too much - this will complicate the “work” of the plant.

As for the light, in the summer there will be enough sunlight, and in other periods the greenhouse should be illuminated by artificial sources. The optimal temperature regime is about 17-18 degrees Celsius.

At the time of the appearance of the buds, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to a level of 10 degrees Celsius.

The first feeding should be carried out already 11-12 days after planting. During growth, nitrogen-based fertilizers are the best option.

When their buds begin to form, it is advisable to use special phosphorus-potassium additives (they should be applied directly under the root). Pay special attention to the dosage - it is important not to overdo it here.

When buying chrysanthemums for planting, keep in mind that at the end of spring the cost for them will be maximum - up to 17-19 rubles, but by the end of May and the beginning of June it decreases by two or three rubles. A little later, cuttings can be bought at all for free - for 6-8 rubles.

You can study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

Greenhouse business. How beneficial is it?

If you have hands on your shoulders and a craving for construction, then you can earn money on the manufacture and installation of greenhouses. The simplest technology is the assembly of structures using polycarbonate.

As a rule, a frame is first made, to which the sheets are fastened. The latter are fixed with each other with a sealed tape. The frame is formed using a galvanized iron profile (sold in any store).

Installation of the structure is carried out directly on the selected site (you can do without a foundation). Upon completion of construction, it remains only to install windows and doors. The total cost of building a structure is about 8-10 thousand rubles.

The procedure takes about two days. The cost of work for the customer is from 20 thousand rubles.


Decide what you want to grow, understand the features of a new direction and become the best in your field. Write (order) a quality business plan and put it into practice.

All roads are open. Moreover, now you know how good the greenhouse business is and where to start your business.

To determine how profitable a greenhouse business is, it is important to have a business plan ready. To make good money, you need to know what you need to do to maximize profits at minimal cost. You can start with a small greenhouse on your personal plot.

Many gardeners are interested in growing plants for sale all year round. This option is possible in temperate latitudes only with the equipment of winter greenhouses. There are several types of heating plants in the cold season: with the help of electrics, water or gas. The frame can be wood, metal or plastic. You will also need to build a foundation.

Coatings for greenhouses:

  • Polyethylene film;
  • Polycarbonate;
  • Glass.

Film is the cheapest option. But at the same time, it has a number of disadvantages: it does not conduct light well, it is fragile. Every season it is necessary to replace the film coating, which significantly reduces the profitability.

Glass has a longer lifespan. But it's not a cheap option. At the same time, such a coating transmits too much ultraviolet light, which negatively affects the growth of crops. In summer, plants will have to create a shade.

The best option is a year-round polycarbonate greenhouse. The sheets are quite strong, flexible and easy to cut. Polycarbonate has excellent heat retention properties and protects plants from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

To conduct a greenhouse business, it is necessary to prepare a shed greenhouse. It is this form that will create good natural lighting, and snow will not accumulate on the roof. It is better to darken the northern part of the structure with the help of bars or cinder block. So the heat will be retained inside the greenhouse more and it will be possible to save on heating.

For industrial greenhouses, it is necessary to install ventilation and a hydroponic system with drip irrigation.

It is necessary to engage in the greenhouse business when building large-scale greenhouses. Optimal dimensions - from 500 sq. meters to 1 ha. In some cases, it is possible to equip smaller greenhouses for flowers, herbs or vegetables.

Greenhouse profitability as a business

The average profitability of a winter greenhouse is 20%. Colors and greens have higher rates - 30%. Vegetable greenhouses are less profitable - 15%.

Rules for successful greenhouse business:

  1. The right choice of crop for cultivation. For beginners, it is optimal to grow greens. She is not very demanding in care. For more experienced farmers, flowers and berries are suitable. Vegetables are best grown in regions with the least competition.
  2. Construction of a reliable greenhouse structure. It is necessary to think in detail about the system of heating, ventilation, climate control. It is worth using only high-quality building materials so as not to carry out repairs every season.
  3. Optimal choice of cultivation technology. You can choose a soil method, hydroponics or suspended cultivation of crops.
  4. The fertile composition of the soil. The soil must be fertilized regularly. Periodically, you need to replace the top layer of soil, as it is depleted.
  5. Choosing the right variety. You need to buy special varieties with resistance to pests, a short growing season and high yields.

If you follow simple rules, a farmer's home greenhouse can become a big production. To do this, you need to sensibly assess your capabilities. First you need to create a business plan.

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse for sale

First you need to study the needs of the market. Demand may vary depending on the season. In the first place for profitability is the cultivation of flowers. High productivity and unpretentiousness allows even beginners to start selling greens. Only then go vegetables, mushrooms and berries.

You can earn your first profit by growing flowers. All investments will pay for themselves within a year. But at the same time, a number of factors affect income, which makes such a business undulating.

Factors affecting the profit of flower production:

  1. Variety of flowers. You can grow plants in pots or cut the stems. The second option is easier to grow, but has a limited implementation term.
  2. Selling method. Trade relations need to be established in advance. The best option is a personal flower shop.
  3. Ability to adapt to market needs.

Running a small flower business has significant downsides. So plants quickly lose their presentable appearance, they are difficult to transport, and the demand for them is rather unstable. This is not an easy task, it is much easier to sell greens.

The main advantage of growing greenery is large yields. Up to 10 crops can be obtained per year. Because of this, profitability equals flower production.

It is worth remembering that one greenhouse is intended for breeding one type of crop. This is due to the individual requirements for the microclimate. If you use joint cultivation, then only plants similar in care.

Growing citrus fruits in a greenhouse as a business: lemons and oranges

Growing exotic plants requires a special care system. Lemons, oranges, tangerines should be placed either indoors or grown in pots. In the summer, pots with plants are put outside, and with the onset of cold weather they are hidden in a comfortable greenhouse.

Features of growing exotic fruits for sale:

  • It is necessary to take into account the necessary parameters of the microclimate;
  • The winter greenhouse must be heated;
  • The soil needs to be fertilized regularly.

For lemons, the optimum temperature in a greenhouse in winter is 6-10 degrees. Light must be diffused. Natural lighting is usually not enough. It is necessary to install artificial light sources.

Direct UV exposure to citrus plants is undesirable. In the summer, the greenhouse has to be shaded.

The greenhouse needs to be ventilated periodically. Lemons do not like high humidity. If you follow these rules, you can start a profitable business of growing lemons.

The optimal business plan for the construction of greenhouses

Numerical reviews allow you to understand where to start building greenhouses. First you need to choose the direction of cultivation: year-round or seasonal. For the second option, you can equip a regular farm greenhouse on a personal plot. The constant trade in fresh plants requires large scale, automatic heating and lighting.

Business plan sections:

  • Description of activity;
  • Descriptions of the line of business;
  • Analysis of the manufacture of products and services offered;
  • Market and direction research;
  • Sequence of opening a business;
  • Trading plan;
  • Economic plan.

To draw up a construction plan, it is necessary to describe all of the above sections. In the first section, it is necessary to describe the activities and legal form. You also need to soundly evaluate the project and indicate the reason for its success.

The description of the direction of the business must begin with a listing of all the components of the economy. It is necessary to describe everything in detail and indicate the purpose. It is also worth making calculations of the consumption rate for heating and electricity.

Analysis of products and services should be the type of trade and description of the product offered. Market analysis requires a description of the regional or regional development of the greenhouse business.

In terms of sales, you need to clearly represent your buyer. Trade relations also need to be established. The last point concerns profit, how much money you need to spend and how much to get, how quickly the business will pay for itself.

Greenhouse farming in Russia as a business

Now there is a rapid development of greenhouses. The reason for this is the ban on the import of certain products. This encourages the Russian manufacturer to open his own business.

2017 is characterized by an increase in plant production by 13%. By 2020, the area allocated for greenhouses will be 500 hectares.

There are a number of reasons for this increase. The state itself is interested in the production of domestic plants. Even the Urals are actively engaged in the production of vegetables, herbs and even medicinal plants. If we compare the greenhouse situation with other countries, we can conclude that in Kazakhstan this industry is just beginning to develop, and in Ukraine there is a rapid development of the greenhouse business.

Problems of development of greenhouse farms:

  • Small income;
  • For a long time the construction pays off;
  • Big competition;
  • Unstable demand for goods;
  • Few qualified personnel.

Sometimes the demand for fresh produce is quite low. This is due to seasonal sales, when you have to lower prices for fresh products. In winter, the cost of production increases significantly.

Greenhouse business all year round (video)

Every businessman must understand how profitable it is to grow a particular crop. To do this, it is important to create a business plan and think in detail about all 1000 ideas. You can build a greenhouse with your own hands on a personal plot in a village or village.

How to grow in a greenhouse all year round? Get harvests whole year possible only when building capital winter greenhouses. Structures can be erected on a wooden or metal galvanized frame. for business must have a foundation, its thickness depends on the climatic conditions of the region.

A greenhouse in winter as a business covered with polyethylene will cost cheapest. However, the film coating has a number of disadvantages: brittleness, poor light transmission. The film will have to be replaced every season, which will significantly reduce the profitability of the structure. Film greenhouses are suitable for growing moisture-loving crops: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Greens, strawberries and flowers do not need the high humidity that the film creates.

Glazed greenhouses are more durable, but their construction will cost more. For greenhouses, you need not domestic, but tempered industrial glass, it is much more resistant to weather conditions. The disadvantage of glass greenhouses is an excess of ultraviolet radiation. On hot and sunny days, the plants will have to be shaded to avoid burns.

Perfect option- a greenhouse covered with sheets of acrylic or polycarbonate.

They are durable, easy to cut and bend, taking any shape.

Polycarbonate transmits sunlight, suitable even for the coldest regions.

Suitable for industrial cultivation shed structures.

This form provides uniform illumination and prevents snow from lingering on the roof.

It is desirable to make the northern wall of the greenhouse opaque by laying it out with timber or cinder blocks. A blank wall will create the effect of a solar battery, allowing you to save on heating.

The building must be equipped with a ventilation system, climate control and automatic drip irrigation. A double door or vestibule is needed at the entrance area, this will protect the plants from the cold in winter.

The most important issue for year-round greenhouses is heating during the cold season. To save money, you can combine conventional heating methods with biofuels. For heating, you can use wood stoves, fires, electric boilers, infrared cables. Most often, farmers combine several methods.

Industrial greenhouses are impressive in size. The most common area is from 500 sq. m to 1 ha. For strength, load-bearing columns are installed inside the structure. Farm greenhouse may be smaller. For vegetables and flowers, it is worth building structures of 150-200 square meters. m, greenhouses of 100-120 sq. m.

Choosing cultures

Experts are unanimous: it is most profitable to grow flowers in a greenhouse. Greens are in second place, vegetables are in third. Those who decide to bet on berry crops, especially strawberries, have good chances.

The choice of a particular crop for cultivation depends on many factors:

  1. The level of competition in the region. Before you start working, you need to find out what other entrepreneurs are growing. It is worth considering that in summer and early autumn the profitability of the greenhouse business falls due to an increase in the supply of ground crops.
  2. Consumer preferences. Bet on what is in high demand. Beginning farmers should grow the most popular crops that are easier to market.
  3. level of initial investment. The cheapest way to build a small greenhouse for greenery. Growing flowers is much more expensive, they are demanding in terms of heating, lighting, and the size of greenhouses.
  4. climate. The colder the region, the less profitable greenhouse farms due to high heating costs.

Characteristics of popular cultures

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse all year round? In a greenhouse, they most often grow, and, or. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to choose varieties cultivated for greenhouses, which are distinguished by a rich taste and the correct shape of berries, as well as their density and moderate juiciness.

Basic costs

A winter greenhouse, as a business, requires a significant initial investment. These include:

  1. Purchase or lease of land. The price depends on the distance. It is worth considering that a farm located far away increases transport costs.
  2. Construction and equipment of the greenhouse. The most expensive option is a fully automated building with a climate control system, drip irrigation, auto-ventilation, fogging and shading.
  3. Purchase of planting material. The cheapest option is to buy seeds. Grown seedlings and cuttings for stocking flowers are more expensive. In the future, in the greenhouse, you can allocate a zone for the constant cultivation of seedlings for yourself and for sale.
  4. Registration of a farm or individual entrepreneur. Necessary for entrepreneurs who plan to actively work with retail and attract employees. A small greenhouse on its own plot does not need to be registered, but it limits the farmer's ability to find buyers for the products.

In addition to one-time expenses, the farmer is also waiting for monthly expenses. These include:

  • spending on heating, lighting and plumbing;
  • buying fertilizers;
  • fare;
  • employees' wages.


Experts estimate the average profitability of a winter greenhouse at 20%.

When breeding flowers and greenery, it reaches 30% and above, profitability vegetable greenhouses - no more than 15%.

Payback periods depend on the size of the greenhouses and the level of demand.

To get the maximum benefit from the greenhouse business, you must:

  1. Choose the right crop to grow. Undemanding greens are suitable for novice farmers, flowers or strawberries for more experienced farmers. Vegetables should be grown only in regions with a temperate climate and low competition.
  2. Build a quality greenhouse, which will not require annual repairs. Buildings made of decommissioned double-glazed windows are not suitable for business.
    Consider lighting and heating.
  3. Select cultivation technology. Soil technologies are too expensive, hydroponic crops are not liked by consumers. A compromise option is suspended cultivation or rack technology. Soil layers are placed in tiers, each equipped with lighting and irrigation system. Strawberries can be grown in special mats placed in vertical or horizontal plastic sleeves.
  4. Control the composition of the soil. The greenhouse business requires frequent replacement of the soil, with continuous cultivation and dense plantings, it is quickly depleted. You need to fertilize every 2 weeks.
  5. Use varieties cultivated for growing in greenhouses. They are resistant to diseases, have a short growing season and excellent yields. It is recommended to bet on the 2-3 most popular varieties, excluding constant experiments with new products.

A greenhouse business can become successful and provide the owner with a steady income. In order not to be disappointed, it is important to analyze your capabilities long before the start, draw up a detailed business plan and think over the issues of product sales.

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With a competent approach, the greenhouse business will bring consistently high profits to its owner. However, to implement such a business idea, it is necessary to carefully understand each of the theoretical nuances, ignorance of which can lead to losses.

The greenhouse business at home is a more than attractive line of business today, since the products are in fairly high demand. According to statistics compiled by the Moscow Research Institute of Nutrition, the average Russian citizen consumes about 88 kilograms of vegetables per year, 13 of which grow in greenhouses.

NII studies also point to the fact that vegetable consumption should be increased by another 30 percent. Foreign experience speaks of an increase in the number of greenhouses being opened, since the directions are promising and profitable. The current situation in the Russian Federation is such that the share of products grown in domestic greenhouses is only four kilograms per person, while the remaining nine kilos are tomatoes from Turkey, strawberries from Holland, cucumbers from Iran, and so on. Therefore, directly before the agro-industrial complex is placed - to fully provide the Russian population with greenhouse vegetables in Russia.

Greenhouse business: what to grow

Earnings in the greenhouse will be high if the entrepreneur can correctly determine the culture with which he will work in the future. According to modern analysts, the most profitable today can be called the cultivation of flowers. The second place is occupied by greens, and the third goes to vegetables.

However, the initial capital for starting a flower business is five times the amount of investment required to start growing vegetables. One of the common and fashionable trends today has become the cultivation of greens, for example, lettuce, onions, parsley and so on. Everything is explained by the fact that greenery is considered a non-capricious culture; it does not require a large amount of light or heat to grow. In addition, greenhouses can be opened in almost any region of Russia, which significantly reduces the costs associated with transporting the harvested crop. Greenhouse with greenery in the vast majority of cases, it is engaged in servicing one, possibly two settlements that are nearby. On average, growing greens will become 3-4 times more profitable than a vegetable greenhouse.

However, before making the final choice, you need to pay attention to the specific features of the region where you plan to open a business. An entrepreneur should conduct a thorough market research of the local market, identify categories of products that are in high demand, learn about the presence of competition.

In order to choose the right crop for further cultivation, it is also necessary with the place and method of harvesting the finished crop. For example, among resellers who work on wholesale schemes, “light” products - tomato - are in demand. If a businessman plans to trade in retail, it is better for him to pay attention to green crops, radishes, strawberries and so on. An entrepreneur who can negotiate the supply of his products to local restaurants or cafes may consider more expensive complex plants that require labor-intensive care for his greenhouse. For example, chicory salad.

The remoteness of points of sale also has an effect. If an entrepreneur works with distant markets, he will have to grow exclusively “light” products.

What should be the specialization of the greenhouse business

Novice businessmen should understand for themselves that it is considered impractical and unprofitable to start growing several crops at the same time. The entrepreneur will receive high profits only if he is engaged in the cultivation of one crop on closed soil.

Specialization should be narrow, which is confirmed by the colossal experience of the Dutch, who today are recognized leaders in the sale of products grown in a greenhouse. In their opinion, the specialization of the greenhouse at the same time on two crops is an unacceptable excess.

That is, greenhouse business at home should be created on the basis of analytical calculation and common sense. An entrepreneur who is just entering this business area should not be self-employed. To begin with, a study of the consumer market should be carried out, through which the greenhouse crop, which is most in demand, is determined.

business plan outline

  1. The entrepreneur assesses the state of the situation in the chosen area. This stage involves getting acquainted with the products grown by local competitors, comparing the quality and quantity of the crop from other suppliers.
  2. At the second stage, the businessman must decide what form his activity will take - whether it will be year-round or seasonal. It is easier and cheaper to organize a seasonal business for which farm greenhouses are suitable. If the greenhouse business is year-round, industrial-type greenhouses equipped with special communications for lighting and heating will be required.
  3. Next, the entrepreneur is looking for wholesale buyers and other points of sale.
  4. In a business plan, all possible costs and approximate profits must be calculated without fail.
  5. If the start-up capital is not enough, the businessman needs to think over the sources of financing.

Drawing up project documents requires a detailed calculation of all the necessary communications that are needed for the optimal operation of a greenhouse of a specific area. An entrepreneur at the stage of drawing up a business plan must know exactly the price of equipment, construction and installation.

Today, many entrepreneurs use hydroponics for growing, which is suitable for cucumbers, herbs and other vegetables. Its main advantage can be considered the speed of cultivation. The vegetative cycle in this case will not exceed three weeks, so two to three tons of crops can be harvested every day from one hectare of land. Under natural conditions, the selected culture will ripen much longer. However, the palatability decreases during hydroponic cultivation.

Parameter planning and yield calculation

In order for the earnings in the greenhouse to be high and the payback to be fast, the entrepreneur needs to take care of establishing contacts with the buyers of the future harvest. A businessman should look only for reliable buyers who are ready to conclude a contract. When choosing buyers, it is best to focus on large supermarket chains.

The entrepreneur needs to give preference to working with the wholesale sector, and only then consider the possibility of retail. In any case, the greenhouse business should be built on the basis of guaranteed buyers, so the sales system should be thought out in advance.

In order for an entrepreneur to be able to understand what earnings are possible in a greenhouse, simple calculations can be presented. To begin with, a businessman draws up an investment project, acquires or leases land, equips a greenhouse, purchases equipment, material for planting. The entire cycle from planting products to their maturation and marketing should be combined with cash flows. The main guideline is the maximum profit that an entrepreneur can earn and to which he should strive, as well as the minimum profit sufficient to maintain and develop the business.


The entrepreneur must also consider the technical aspects of the organization, which will become details in the implementation of the business.

  1. It is necessary to take into account the remoteness of communications from greenhouses. Each pipe or wire will be carried out at the expense of the entrepreneur, so the costs must be indicated in the overall estimate.
  2. The territory on which the greenhouse will be erected should not only be large, but also flat, in order to easily organize access roads to it.
  3. Land allotment can be leased for lack of sufficient capital to purchase.
  4. It is best to purchase a prefabricated greenhouse, especially if the land is leased. The structure of the greenhouse can be disassembled and reassembled countless times, so that over time the entrepreneur can move with it to a new site.
  5. The most important point is the heating of the greenhouse. Modern innovations replace each other at a high speed, so you need to choose something from new and efficient equipment.
  6. Prudent businessmen recommend leaving a certain amount of money for the purchase of innovative new products in the future, which will allow you to keep up with competitors until the greenhouse business becomes self-sustaining.


If we consider the option when a businessman uses purchased greenhouses for his business, it should be noted that the initial costs will be higher than in the case of using a greenhouse of his own structure. However, with strict adherence to modern technologies and a properly developed business plan, you can not worry and purchase ready-made greenhouses. Material investments in the arrangement of a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​​​one hectare are equal to 30 - 35 thousand dollars. In subsequent costs, 90 percent will go to pay bills for electricity and gas.

With a year-round business, the entrepreneur will spend about $50,000 on the salary of seven workers and one agronomist. In this case, the efficiency of the greenhouse will be approximately 15 percent. Therefore, the full payback of the greenhouse project will come in three to four years.

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With the right approach, the greenhouse business can provide a stable income. However, in order to properly organize it, you need to be aware of all the nuances - otherwise you will burn out. In the article, we will consider how to open a greenhouse business from scratch with minimal investment and analyze an example of a business plan with calculations.

Introduction to the greenhouse business. What is the best to grow?

First of all, you need to decide which greenhouse you want to organize, since they differ in the type of assembly. This partly depends on what vegetables you will be growing. After you do this, it's time to start to solve organizational issues.

In short, you need to contact buyers or find other points of sale for products. Only after that you can start building a greenhouse, organizing a workplace and purchasing the necessary equipment.

Please note: if you are good at working with your hands and do not plan to immediately start with large volumes, then you can build the first greenhouse yourself. In this case, you will save a lot of money.

There are 3 main branches of the greenhouse business: vegetable, flower and herb cultivation. It is worth noting that the latter is the most profitable at the moment. The greatest profits are received by those businessmen whose greenhouses are located in the southern regions of the country. Why? Firstly, because the cost of transporting products is significantly reduced. And, secondly, in the southern regions you will not have to deal with cold weather, which can bring big losses.

The figure below shows the main legal forms for running a greenhouse business: private household plots, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms.

How to open a greenhouse business: preparation

The greenhouse economy is developing and improving very quickly. In addition, there is a lot of competition in this area, which leads to the fact that the rate of profit decreases. Despite this, technology is still changing rapidly, and the cost of equipment is also rising.

Thus, to keep your business afloat, you need to keep abreast of all events, expand in time and use the latest technologies. A business plan will help you cope with all these tasks. It consists of the following steps:

  1. assessment of the situation in the sphere;
  2. division into seasonal or permanent business (ordinary greenhouses are enough for seasonal business, while only special industrial greenhouses with year-round heating are suitable for permanent business);
  3. building relationships with wholesalers and evaluating sales opportunities;
  4. creation of a business plan and calculation of profits and expenses;
  5. comprehensive development of a business plan;
  6. financing.

The first step in creating a business plan is to sketch out an investment plan.

The first cost will be associated with obtaining project documentation for the greenhouse and external networks. It should include the specification for all equipment. Please note: you must know the exact price of each piece of equipment.

Hydroponics is the most popular type of cultivation. Usually this technology is used for different types of vegetables. If you organize everything correctly, then the cycle will be a couple of weeks, that is, 5-10 times faster than a regular vegetable cycle. At the same time, from one hectare you will receive 2-3 tons of crops every day. You can also specify 7 workers per 1 hectare in the costs.

Video lesson: "How to create a greenhouse business?"

How to open a greenhouse business: creating a business plan

First of all, you will need to determine the location of the land itself, its area. After that, you will need to decide which vegetables (greens, flowers) you will grow, and how much area will be allocated for each type. Then you need to specify the growing method that you will use.

After that, approximately calculate how much crop you plan to receive per square meter per year (for each type of product separately). With the help of such a short plan, you will be able to determine what you already have and what you need to purchase or do.

Project objectives and total cost

Think about what settlements are located near your greenhouses. If you manage to deliver products there, then significantly reduce the cost of transportation.

The next goal is to sign an agreement with a large corporation (supermarket chain, food preparation plants, etc.). However, it depends on how large your greenhouse business is.

The last goal is to determine the maximum profit for the year on the available resources and the minimum profit at which you can develop in the next year. It is desirable that these 2 numbers are very different from each other and be much higher than the loss line.

To calculate the total cost of a greenhouse business, you need to determine what expenses you will have. First, find out the initial capital. This amount of funds should ensure the direct construction of greenhouses, their connection to various networks (water, electricity, etc.), the purchase of equipment and planting material. Also, one should not forget about the current expenses that will occur before the first profit is received.

Project preparation time

To determine not only the volume, but also the time of profit, it is necessary to make several calculations:

  1. preparation of the territory, construction of greenhouses and their connection to the networks should be carried out in T-time (you can find out this figure if you take into account the number of workers, the type of greenhouse and its size);
  2. purchase of equipment and its installation;
  3. acquisition and planting of planting materials;
  4. according to your work strategy, determine the timing of the ripening of the crop;
  5. the timing of the sale of goods.

As a result, you will be able to determine the approximate time for making a profit. Please note: if your contract with the customer does not provide for immediate payment upon receipt, and you receive money according to the quantity of products sold, then the average crop damage period must be added to the above formula.

You need to start your business by looking for wholesale buyers who will be ready to purchase your products: wholesale depots, shops, markets.

Greenhouse segment competition

There is no point in knowing how to open a greenhouse business if you are not competitive. It is necessary to determine the specifics of greenhouse farms that operate in this region. Pay special attention to the type, quantity and quality of the products they offer.

To be competitive, it is necessary to determine how full the sales market is and what demand the population has. Even if you have found one or more wholesale buyers, you need to take into account the fact that after some time they may go bankrupt, and you will have nowhere to sell your products. Therefore, it is best to have fallback sales options.

Technical and financial details

Having dealt with all the above issues, it is time to get acquainted with the intricacies of production:

  1. Remoteness of communications from your greenhouses. The fact is that the connection will be carried out entirely at your expense. Therefore, you need to consider these additional costs.
  2. Territory size. It should be such that it would be possible to easily organize access roads for transporting your goods.
  3. If you do not have enough funds to purchase a land plot, you can rent it. But in this case, it would be inappropriate to build greenhouses - it is best to purchase prefabricated greenhouses.
  4. Heating of greenhouses. It will allow you to clearly regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse and control the growth of vegetables.
  5. Free finance. The availability of free cash will allow you to invest in new technologies, marketing or scale existing business processes.

An example of greenhouse business calculations

Let's get acquainted with the approximate calculation of how to open a greenhouse business:

  1. one greenhouse with all equipment and an area of ​​​​0.5 hectares will cost $ 15,000;
  2. to service it, you need to hire 5 people: 3 workers, a manager and a technologist (salary 25-30,000 dollars per year);
  3. 90% of the costs are heating and electricity, so you need to find the cheapest, but at the same time effective way (it is best to choose species for which the growing temperature does not differ much from the temperatures in the region - this will reduce variable costs);
  4. business profitability is 15-40%, that is, your expenses will pay off in a couple of years (depending on competition and demand in a particular region).