How to make your personal VK page generate income. How to earn real money in contacts on groups and without investments. Ways to earn money in VK

Andrey Merkulov is in touch, today I will not write about hackneyed methods - such as how to make money on VK from likes and reposts - it seems to me that there is enough of this slag on the Internet without me.

In addition, I will not recommend that you create your own large public page and monetize it with advertising. Below I’ll tell you why this no longer works, and I’ll also give you 3 specific ways how a beginner can make money on the VKontakte social network literally in the next 7 days, without an astronomical budget and super skills.

2 advantages of the audience that hangs out on VK

VKontakte is a bored crowd, here people just like you view something every day, and most often they are looking for interesting (fan) content, people do not come there to learn something new, they come to relax, chat with friends.

The first plus of VK- you already have an audience that unites in groups/publics/meetings based on certain interests, plus you have data on the specific interests of users, their city of residence and age.

The second plus of VK is you can get your message out to a large number of interested people very quickly for free or very inexpensively.

What you definitely shouldn’t do to make money on VKontakte

Also, don’t mindlessly spam personal profiles and invite everyone to become your reader.

And finally, Forget about exchanges of likes and comments forever, in which you will receive as much as 20-40 kopecks for reposting and liking someone else’s nonsense, killing your feed. There is no money for you(!), pump up your brains and not your biceps on your fingers.

Method No. 1 - What is actually worth doing to earn good money in VK in the next 7 days

The most important thing is that your audience is there, and you need to understand what you can offer it - all ways to make money on VKontakte, as well as in any other social networks, are based on this.

What needs to be done right now! 6 minutes that will save you months of work

Watch my new video to see which methods work well and which don’t. Only 6 minutes, but they will save you a lot of time on useless activities:

Step 1 - Choose the right product to start with

Advice on choosing a product to start with. It’s easier to start making money on VKontakte by offering services rather than goods, since, most often, they do not require large investments at the start.

Choose those services that can be done quickly - their completion time does not exceed 1 week. The main thing at the start is to see the first money.

Check out this free checklist, in which we have already collected interesting ideas for products and services for you.

18 ideas on what you can sell on AVITO to make money quickly

Also read my a large article about how you can make money on Avito, most of the methods discussed in it will work perfectly on VKontakte

Step 2 - Find your potential clients in thematic groups

Example No. 1 - how to find mothers in your city through the built-in search on VKontakte

Example No. 2 - how to find mothers in your city in the most popular groups and public pages on VKontakte

Step 1- Go to the website - it will show the most popular groups and publics by reach (I recommend), by subscribers and other parameters.

Reach is the main indicator that shows how many real people saw messages from the public in their feed.

Step 2- Go to the VKontakte website in the groups you have chosen and find in them an audience from your city, as well as your friends who are in these groups

Select group subscribers

Go to advanced search mode

Next step you can invite mommies from your city to a live meeting - which you can quickly create on VKontakte or organize a general conversation about what topics should be discussed at the meeting and who to invite.

Step 3 - Connect with your audience using one of these 3 options

Once you have found your audience, there are several options for how to contact them.

Option 1 - Invite friends and communicate with your clients, this could be the wording:

Send a friend request with the message: Hello, I’m Andrey, I live in Lipetsk, I saw you in a snowboard group, we are holding a meeting before the opening of the season - how interesting is it for you?

Here are some useful statistics on restrictions in VK

  • Max. friend requests per day - 50 requests
  • Max. friends along with submitted applications - 10,000 friends
  • Max. number of interlocutors in dialogues - 30 interlocutors
  • Max. messages to “non-friends” per day - 20 messages
  • Max. number of private friend lists - 24 lists
  • Min. number of friends or communities so that possible friends are no longer displayed in the ad block - 100 friends
  • Min. number of friends or communities so that proposals from interesting people and communities disappear - 25
  • Min. number of friends so that the Birthdays button appears leading to the Calendar - 10 friends
  • Min. number of subscribers to display in “Interesting pages” - 1000 subscribers

Option 2 - Create a Conversation and communicate with everyone at once in a close circle

Option 3 - Launch paid targeted advertising (on the left in VK) or in the post feed to the selected audience and invite people to a group or meeting

This is the fastest and easiest way. The cost of advertising is small, but you can get a very good flow of applications.

Below we will look in detail at what is best to create and what features groups, publics and meetings have.

How to choose a public page for VKontakte advertising

Step 4 - Start developing your VKontakte community

The first question is what to create - a group, public or meeting?

  • If you plan to make money by selling advertising, create a public page,
  • If you sell goods or services, create a VKontakte group.
  • If you promote thematic events, create a group for communication and a VKontakte meeting for even greater coverage.

Some large publics (the same public MDK with an audience of 7,124,000 people) have already suffered from a ban, for example, because they placed paid advertising in their feed, which the VKontakte administration did not like.

It's better to spend time writing interesting content for your site and this will be your site.

The group or public does not actually belong to you. Therefore, you should make a decision about paid development of your VKontakte group or public only after you have worked out the scheme with your blog or service website.

Step 5 - (Advanced) Create a free service or e-book for your audience

Come up with a free service for your audience with whom you plan to work on VKontakte. This step can probably be done later, when you have already passed the stage with your events. In fact, freeness is necessary in order to position you or the company whose services you are promoting as an expert.

For example, in a free book you can give contacts to contact you, invite people to a group and motivate users, share a post with friends.

In addition, it is a good practice to send bonuses by email, since later you will be able to contact the client by mail, as well as set up an automatic series of training letters that will introduce subscribers to you. Here is one of our examples - 18 ideas of what you can sell to make quick money

As a result, you will receive the most important thing - loyalty, and then the issue of the cost of your services is already fading into the background, loyal customers are ready to pay more.

Prepare your portfolio, if you are engaged in website development, show what can be improved on their website and so on


  1. Come up with a simple free service that costs you next to nothing but will provide maximum value to your customers.
  2. Come up with an e-book that will tell you about mistakes or give advice on solving some key problem for your audience.

How you can earn the biggest money in VK

People pay you money for the value you give them, and the more value you can give, the more money you will earn.

This is a key point that is worth understanding once and for all - every time you are looking for a magical way to make money on social networks, think: who is your audience and what maximum value can you give them.

If you offer Chinese flying fairies or talking hamsters for 1000 rubles, you are unlikely to be able to build a good VKontakte business.

Method No. 2 - Earning money by promoting offline and online events on VKontakte

Option 1 - Create a meeting in VK with an organizational fee of 500 rubles for mothers (for coffee, buns, etc.)

Advice: If you yourself are not an expert in this topic, find an interesting teacher from an early childhood development school (write to him on VK) and agree that you will organize a mini-seminar for him in a cafe (you take the buns and coffee yourself) on the topic “How to teach a child to sleep” or “ 10 things you shouldn't say to your child.

When, as a result of the meeting, there are people willing to attend paid courses, he will share the commission with you. If you don’t agree on a commission with one, repeat 5 times.

There are many ideas - conduct a survey among friends / group / event participants - what topics they would be interested in at the next meeting, collect the most popular posts on your topic and plan to reveal this topic in detail this week.

Option 2- Organizing a free online seminar that sells various useful courses on the topic of early childhood development. You can organize an event in VK not only on the topic of offline events, but also for online webinars and bring an audience through your affiliate link.

At the end of the article I will show another example - how you can sell concert tickets through meetings and VKontakte groups

Method No. 3 - Earning money from VKontakte traffic arbitrage

I already wrote above that the most powerful way to make money on VKontakte is to use paid promotion tools. If you use your head, you can avoid making meetings, groups, publics at all, but choose interesting offers and sell them through an affiliate program, receiving good commissions.

All you need to do is write to the public administrators and agree on paid advertising (there was a video above about how to select the right public, be sure to watch)

If your proposal is focused on a specific city, it’s worth at least looking for options with good checks - selling houses, expensive services, courses and already buying advertising on VKontakte exchange targeting your city.

The essence traffic arbitration VKontakte, that you buy advertising for, for example, 10,000 rubles, and earn 50 - 100 thousand rubles from it. You should start with small amounts in order to learn the main methods of advertising on VKontakte.

The guys who regularly arbitrate VKontakte traffic negotiate with public administrators about advertising, buy large packages and receive good discounts.

Then they go to people who need thematic advertising, for example, in the information business everyone needs subscribers, freelancers need customers for their services, and so on.

Method No. 4 (bonus) How to make money on VKontakte from artists

In conclusion, I will give an example of how you can generate various options for making money on social networks, including VK, using the techniques that we discussed in the article.

Algorithm for making money on VK from artists:

  • targeted advertising on the left under the VKontakte menu
  • posts in the user feed targeting members of the artist’s fan groups in your city

As a rule, the return on investment for paid promotion in this way is from 500 to 1000%, that is, for every thousand rubles you will receive from 5,000 to 10,000.

What you can do right now:

  1. Share this article with your friends
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter where every day we analyze 1 real way to make money on the Internet
  3. You will find a detailed analysis of various ways to earn money at the intensive course - 50 ways to make money on the Internet.

Hello, dear readers of the blog.

Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will talk about how to make money in VK. I’ll tell you what ways to make money on VKontakte exist, which of them can be mastered in a matter of days and within a month or two you will have a good income.

I’ll start with a little background about myself and what you will find in the new section on the blog about this social network.

A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

As you know, we (me and my wife) have been working remotely for 2 years, making money on our projects and traveling. When I started to master remote work, I came across a book in which I became acquainted with the profession of “VKontakte Group Administrator”.

This profession was the start for me, I found several companies that I helped run VKontakte groups and at the same time developed my own, which have already brought me tens of thousands of rubles, although they do not have many subscribers.

How to make money in VK

Before we move on to considering the methods, let’s tell you how VKontakte makes money.

Like all the other 99% of sites on the Internet, VK receives its main income from the sale of advertising. This is contextual advertising that appears on the left side of the website and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles for VKontakte to show their advertisements.

Almost all the popular groups you are a member of are maintained and promoted for the sake of selling and publishing advertisements in them. And you can also make good money by pumping up a group before it starts bringing in good income.

Therefore, earnings in VK can be divided into 2 types:

  1. When you create your sites (communities), promote them and advertise something.
  2. When you work remotely, helping someone promote their advertising sites.

Now let's take a closer look at all the ways in these two types of earnings.

Earn money on your page or group

I want to say right away that promoting your page or community to a large number of subscribers so that they start buying advertising in it is not a quick way to make money and it cannot be done without investment.

Method 1. Selling advertising posts

The most popular way to make money in VK on a group.

If you have a well-promoted page or group, interesting content, a lot of subscribers (from 50,000 – 100,000, depending on the topic) and they are active: they comment, like, repost your posts, then you can make money on it by selling advertising posts .

They send you a picture and text, which you post in your public page like a regular post. Exists official advertising exchange VKontakte, where you can see how much it costs to post one post in popular communities.

But to get on the exchange with your community, you need an average monthly reach of more than 30 thousand people. Judging by the same exchange, you can see that groups with a coverage of 30 thousand or more have an average of 500-800 thousand participants.

Until such coverage is achieved, you can sell advertising directly or through special advertising exchanges on social networks. We use these:

You can add a platform to them with 1000 participants. Only a post with this amount will cost no more than 5 rubles.

Method 2. Monetization with affiliate programs

The second great method of making money from your VKontakte group is. By advertising various products on VK using my affiliate links, I have already earned hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Until your account or group has many subscribers, no one will buy advertising from you, but you can easily advertise some other people’s products or services yourself by connecting to their affiliate programs. You receive a percentage of sales made through your link.

I have a separate section on my blog in which I talk about how to work with them and make cases with my income.

To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how this works. For example, you read some interesting book that you bought in an online store. Many online stores have an affiliate program. Registered in it, made an affiliate link to this book and wrote a few words about it on your page or in the VKontakte group.

Has anyone read this post and bought this book by clicking on the link in the post? Let it cost 500 rubles. According to the program, you are entitled to 10% - your earnings will be 50 rubles. If 10 people buy it, it will be 500 rubles. Do you understand why it’s interesting to start creating your own VKontakte audience? The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

Method 3. Selling physical goods through a group

Many shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups in order to attract customers through them and sell their goods. Some, even without a website, create online stores purely based on the capabilities of VKontakte.

They sell clothes, various accessories, homemade goods (for example, embroidery, growing flowers and other things) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles a month.

We used to go through the VK group without risk or investment. First, they advertised the product, found a buyer, took an advance payment equal to the full amount of the product, ordered it, received it by mail and delivered it to the buyer, receiving the same amount. It was easy to sell goods at 2–4 times more expensive.

We stopped doing this when we started traveling; it was simply physically impossible to accept the goods and deliver them to the buyer.

Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

Similar to the way physical goods are sold. Through VKontakte you can find clients and provide them with your services. For example, apartment renovation, computer and office equipment repair, wedding organization, photo shoots, etc.

If you provide some services remotely, then this is even more interesting. For example, website creation, design, article writing, training and more. The group will not only be a way to attract new clients, but also an excellent portfolio that will create trust in you.

Nowadays, any successful business or project has its own public page on VKontakte.

Have you ever thought? After all, someone is watching all these communities. Publishes content, writes news, creates designs, etc. They are paid money for working on VKontakte. This can also be considered earnings in VK.

Earning money on VKontakte while working remotely

Let's look at several basic types of activities that you can learn in a very short time and start earning up to 3,000 rubles a day from completing these tasks.

Method 5. Administration of VKontakte communities

Quite a good and stable method, as I said at the very beginning of the article, I started with it.

To carry out one project wisely costs from 5,000 rubles per month if you are busy 1-2 hours a day. In publics with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. In the regions of Russia these are huge salaries, but you can work from anywhere, as long as you have the Internet.

Method 6. Writing posts in groups

An administrator is a universal profession. But there are certain types of work. Some specialize only in searching and creating posts for groups. Writes texts, selects pictures and publishes them according to a pre-created plan.

Managers are willing to pay good money for writing interesting texts that will bring value to people, collect a lot of likes, reposts and attract new subscribers to the community.

You can also find orders for writing content for groups. The salaries of content managers, like administrators, can be from 5,000 rubles. Depends on the quantity and quality of work performed.

Method 7: Community Design

Another type of individual work where you can make good money is designing the appearance of groups (avatar, menu) and branding posts.

If you are a creative person and own graphic editors or want to learn how to work with them, then this is a great way. The cost of registering one community ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Method 8. Advertising specialist

Well, the last normal way that I see can be considered specialists who are involved in advertising and know how to sell (to catch an audience with posts, create attractive headlines, etc.).

  1. The usual one is when posts are purchased and posted.
  2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

In my circle there are guys who professionally set up targeted advertising and guys who do PR (advertising) for various VKontakte projects. Slightly different directions, but the essence is the same - attracting customers and sales.

I don’t know exactly how much they earn, but it’s enough for them to travel to different countries all year round (Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc.).

Earning money in VK for schoolchildren

It makes sense to talk about a couple more methods of making money on VKontakte. Only I consider them completely unpromising and petty, unlike those described above, where there is at least some prospect and development, there is only money. Schoolchildren can earn extra money for pocket money.

Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for money

There are special exchanges for earning money and promoting profiles on social networks, where you can earn small money by performing simple actions such as likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.

From my 2 years of experience, I can say that earning money in VK is quite real and can bring good additional income or even replace your main job.

I consider all the methods, except the last two, very good and recommend, even if you are doing something else, to use them in parallel and develop your personal pages and communities.

In the following articles in this section, we will tell you step by step everything about creating and promoting your VKontakte projects. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Good luck to everyone and big earnings!

You will learn how you can earn money on VKontakte ( without initial investment, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw your earned money.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine “”! The founders of the resource, Vitaly and Alexander, are with you.

Today we will talk again about ways to make money online. The topic of the article is obtaining a stable income through the social network VKontakte.

This topic will be of interest to anyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find additional income in their free time.

So, make yourself comfortable - we're starting!

1. Earnings on VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. An audience of several billion consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network exclusively for entertainment, correspondence with friends, finding new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another opportunity - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to earn money.

Think for yourself: you are still on VKontakte - if instead of corresponding with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more in VK if you take special courses on business promotion on social networks and Internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business thanks to the capabilities of Internet marketing and visited 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the free course, we increased the income of our HeatherBeaver project.

If you decide to earn from VKontakte from 50,000 rubles per month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this training program to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual effort or complex actions. You also don’t have to get up for work on an alarm clock: you can earn money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP 5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to make money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of earning money through VK.

We will consider the simplest and most affordable options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try himself in commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registration in a service, a game, filling out a purchase application, for each visitor attracted to the partner’s site.

All you have to do is attach affiliate programs to your VK group and earn money from them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw your earned money

When working through affiliate programs, there is a savings system with a certain minimum for withdrawal to a wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). The conditions for withdrawing money from your account are different for each affiliate program.

If the group’s attendance is small, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a thing as “hold” - an initial period of work during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VKontakte groups

Now let’s learn more about services for making money on VK. To begin with, we will list the most popular ones, and then compare their pros and cons in the final table. – a serious site for community owners to make a profit;

  • – a service that allows you to earn money from advertising posts on your personal page or in the community;
  • – a resource that allows you to earn money from advertising not only in VK, but also in Odnoklassniki and Twitter;
  • – a project for making money by posting videos in groups.
  • Experts advise starting to work with several services at the same time in order to compare their advantages and disadvantages from your own experience.

    For group owners, we recommend the services Blogun or Plibber. These are very solid and reliable partners for making money, allowing promising beginning money makers to get promoted and experienced businessmen to increase their working capital.

    The blogger offers its partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project is careful in choosing sites for work, but if your community is suitable for it, income will be stable and high.

    Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are serviced.

    For ease of comparison, we present in table form the characteristics of the main services:

    5. Where to learn how to make money on VKontakte for FREE and with high quality

    It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. Personally, we received free training from Dmitry Chevychalov on the “” course.

    This guy himself has been traveling around the world for more than 2 years, having organized a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

    During the training, Dmitry examines in detail the topic of making money on VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

    6. Conclusion

    It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that earning money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step to organize a very profitable and far from tedious business.

    We would like to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to all those who want to start working or are already earning spins to everyone for those who want to start working or are already making money through social networks!

    How to make money on the social network Odnoklassniki ( - a detailed guide for beginners with clear examples + review of popular services for making money

    Nowadays, making money using any social network, be it Vkontakte, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram and others, is one of the most popular among novice money makers. You can earn money both in a group and only with the help of a personal page on any social network...

    Many people don’t even realize that you can not only spend hours on social networks (after all, most people do that), but also benefit your pocket, or rather your e-wallet. For you, are social networks still only a source of communication? Don't lose the opportunity to make money on this!

    If you have a promoted account, say, on the social network VKontakte, then you can easily make money with it. And your earnings will depend on how popular your VK page or group is.

    Earning money on the social network VKontakte: how to start, what you need to do, where and how much you can earn

    First, register a WebMoney e-wallet, this is where you will withdraw money.

    Secondly, register on the VKontakte social network. Even if you already have a page, I strongly recommend creating a new one (especially for making money), and then promote it:

    • post your photos(you can do it so that your face is not visible), just don’t download photos of people from the Internet;
    • add friends and the more the better, preferably at least 100 people;
    • ask your friends “like” your posts and photos;
    • make a few reposts on your wall.

    This will be enough to make the page look more natural and not look like a fake one.

    By the way, with the help of the exchanges that we will consider below, you can easily and quickly promote an account on any social network: VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and others. And the more pages you have created on various social networks, the greater your income will be. So take some time to be prepared.

    So, now about making money using VKontakte.

    What do you need to do to make money on VKontakte? What work lies ahead of you? Well, everything is simple here! The types of tasks on exchanges are as follows:

    • like;
    • tell friends;
    • join a group or community;
    • subscribe to news;
    • leave a comment;
    • Add as Friend;
    • repost;
    • watch the video;
    • subscribe to the channel;
    • vote;
    • and other...

    How much can you earn through Vkontakte? All your actions will be paid at the following rates (current at the time of writing):

    • likes and votes (the simplest actions) - 0.75 rubles;
    • join the community, watch videos, reposts, etc. - from 1 to 4 rubles;
    • leave a comment - from 4 to 30 rubles.

    Earning money is quite simple, especially if you need to like, vote or join a VKontakte group, which is done in a matter of seconds. Comments are a little more difficult, but they are paid higher. And if you organize your work correctly, your income can reach several hundred rubles every day.

    Thirdly, register on exchanges, study their interface and start earning money.

    Exchanges for making money on social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook

    Popular exchanges for promoting and earning money using social networks Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.


    Forumok is a posting exchange, as well as a system for promoting websites and making money on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others. The forum has been operating since 2010, has a nice design, here you will be paid for following, tweets and retweets, comments, likes, etc. Payments are made to a WebMoney wallet starting from 200 rubles. It seems like a large amount, but it doesn’t seem to be, given the large selection of various expensive tasks, you will accumulate it quickly.

    • Go to Forumok...


    Qcomment is an excellent project for social promotion and more. Also, the exchange provides you with the opportunity to earn income by writing comments and watching videos. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles, payments to WebMoney and Yandex Money accounts.

    • Go to Qcomment...


    Vktarget is a wonderful exchange, there is a lot of work available for you every day. The service supports work with several social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. All accounts can be used in one project. The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 rubles, payments via WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI wallet.

    • Go to Vktarget...


    Vkserfing is an exchange for earnings and promotion in social networks, working only with VKontakte. You can withdraw funds from 50 rubles to a WebMoney wallet or to your mobile phone balance. Withdrawals are made every Saturday.


    Prospero is a system for making money and promoting on social networks, but more emphasis is placed on the Twitter account. Register on the Prospero project, complete tasks and receive payment from advertisers. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, and payments are made to WMZ and WMR WebMoney wallets. Don't forget to check out the FAQ section.

    • Go to Prospero...

    Today we will look at how you can make money on the most popular social network in Russia, VKontakte. In this review, we will introduce you to 5(!) legal ways to make money on VK - these are thematic publics, targeted advertising, groups, meetings, as well as traffic arbitrage in other people's publics.

    Method No. 1 - Promotion and monetization of a thematic public in VK

    The essence of the earning model is that you create a thematic VK page, for example, with business ideas or ways to lose weight, regularly post useful information and gain your audience, and then you earn money. The main task is to constantly publish interesting content to users, so most often maintaining a thematic public is combined with maintaining a fan page on Facebook, as well as blogging and, in addition, with promotion of an Instagram account.

    Everyone and everyone is writing about making money from clicks, likes and reposts. Remember that this method does not bring serious money. If you want to learn how to earn VKontakte amounts of 30,000 per month or more, study these instructions on our website:

    1. How to earn good money in VK in 7 days in pictures
    2. How to make money on VKontakte by selling groups and communities

    Indeed, content is created once, and profit is obtained from all platforms (website, blog, public page, Instagram account, Facebook fan page), the return is multiple.

    So, what can you earn money from if you decide to start your own public page on VK:

    1. For paid advertising placement 400 - 700 rubles per 1 post with an audience coverage of 100,000 - 150,000 people;
    2. On lead generation;
    3. On affiliate programs, receiving % of each sale.

    Free master class on 5 ways to make money on VKontakte

    We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money on the Internet, including ways to make money on VK

    The advantage of public pages is that subscribers are more willing to join them, and, accordingly, advertising prices rise. It is more difficult to recruit people into groups, but the audience in them is often more active.

    In fact, it is easier to promote a public than a group, but at the same time, all activity in public most often comes down to just likes and small comments.

    Method No. 2 - Creating and promoting a thematic group

    Thematic groups, unlike public ones, allow you to create closer contact with the audience. It’s good to sell niche products through them (branded watches, children’s clothing, various services in your city).

    You can receive money by cash on delivery or trade with advance payment. In the latter case, it is necessary to think through the issue of trust in advance, since not everyone is ready to send money to a stranger on the Internet in an unknown direction.

    How to open your own online store on VKontakte?

    One of the common mistakes of novice money makers is that they create groups specifically tailored to a specific type of product - people are very reluctant to join such groups.

    The best solution is to create interest groups, for example, instead of a group dedicated to the “Flying Fairy” toy, it is better to create a group about how to have fun and usefully spend time with your children.

    Examples of earning real money on VKontakte groups:

    • Delivery of goods from IKEA to Lipetsk - New arrivals from the IKEA catalog are posted in the group, and discounts are given for inviting friends. The group earns a 5-10% markup on each product, delivered once a week.
    • Wholesale supplies of Chinese goods for online stores. The owner of this VK group finds interesting new products on Chinese wholesale platforms (,, etc.) and organizes wholesale deliveries in Russia, making money on the price difference. It is more profitable for small wholesalers to order from him, because... Delivery times are significantly reduced.
    • Children's school of models- the group posts photos from photo sessions, interesting information on the topic, as well as a schedule of upcoming classes.

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    To make money on VKontakte, you don’t even have to have your own website. It is also not necessary to enable payment acceptance in VK; all orders can be accepted directly in personal correspondence with VKontakte users with payment upon receipt.

    Method No. 3 - Advertising affiliate offers in targeted advertising and traffic arbitrage in VK

    The main trick here is that we can very precisely select the audience to whom we target our advertising in VK, for example, indicate age (from 20 to 30 years), gender and city (men from Lipetsk), who are interested in helicopter models or business.

    Video tutorial on how to make money on VKontakte

    All that remains is to choose an offer (cpa, information courses, affiliate programs and place advertising.

    Earning money method No. 4 - Earning money from advertising in other people's public pages on VKontakte

    The essence of the earning method is very simple: first you choose what you will earn from and then buy advertising in other people’s VK public pages. As a means of making a profit you can take:

    1. Offers various affiliate programs for information courses, webinars and conferences;
    2. CPA affiliate programs with payment for placed orders or actions;
    3. Custom lead generation;
    4. Your physical goods or services + your information courses or services.

    How to make money on VKontakte through affiliate programs using public pages and VK groups

    Let's look at a simple example of how you can make money on VKontakte if you provide, for example, outsourced accounting services to startups and aspiring businessmen:

    1. You are making a post on VKontakte- 10 critical mistakes that guarantee a business owner problems with the tax authorities
    2. Next, select 3-4 VK groups, where aspiring businessmen communicate and order a repost of this post from your wall + at the bottom of the post you indicate a link to your profile - where you can ask additional questions and get a free audit.
    3. Next, entrepreneurs start writing to you in personal messages., you advise them and collaborate on one-time paid services or ongoing work with a subscription fee.

    Earning scheme No. 5 - promoting VKontakte meetings and recruiting participants for webinars

    This is a very cool method that is great for recruiting participants for live trainings, events, concerts, as well as online webinars and conferences.

    The method is not complicated, but it costs money - a VKontakte meeting is created, filled with information, and then participants are invited to it in various ways (targeted advertising, public advertising, special programs such as VK-bot)

    Why is it worth starting to earn money right now or open your own representative office on VKontakte?

    It is worth clarifying that in addition to receiving cheap traffic from VK, promoting goods and services through social networks has a number of other advantages:

    1. Active audience and easier engagement. On VK, people comment on events much more actively and give “likes” than on regular sites.
    2. The opportunity to start your own business from scratch without investment, without even creating a website, which will significantly reduce your costs. In order to start selling your services, you just need to create a group on VK, and also do similar simple steps to make money on Facebook. Thus, you are guaranteed a quick start in business.
    3. Ability to create targeted advertising. This means that you can set in the social network settings to which audience your advertising will be distributed. Here you can indicate the person’s age, gender, and range of interests. No other type of advertising is as targeted.

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    As a result, thanks to targeted traffic, you will be able to earn more money by buying advertising for almost pennies, while receiving highly motivated targeted visitors to your website or to your group or public.