How to organize a private hotel in your home. Hotel business: how to open a mini-hotel, hotel, motel, hostel from scratch and make them successful. List of services provided

At all times cozy and comfortable hotels were in great demand in our country. And today, hotels of various levels, "star" and number of storeys, as well as mini-hotels, which are distinguished by traditional homeliness, are very popular. Let's figure out how to open a hotel from scratch and achieve maximum success in this business. It will also be useful to have an extensive catalog of business plans, in which you can easily find a suitable model for yourself.

Creating your own mini-hotel

Small hotels are becoming more and more relevant, where you can have a great dinner and spend the night for a reasonable fee. The fact is that not everyone can afford to stay in luxurious fashionable five- and even three-star hotels, so a cozy mini-hotel can be the best alternative for them.

Among the main advantages of a mini-hotel as a business are low cash costs, ease of legal registration.

Moreover, aspiring entrepreneurs can equip a small cozy hotel even in a private house.

Those wishing to open a mini-hotel should be aware of what modern requirements apply to this institution. The number of seats can vary from ten to forty-five. In addition, the building should be equipped with such premises as:

  • sauna or bath;
  • pool;
  • billiard room.

This is the necessary minimum. If desired and the availability of funds, it is possible to equip other additional premises that will make the stay of guests more comfortable.

Business registration

To register a hotel business, you can choose one of two options:

  • individual entrepreneurship - if the hotel has one founder and owner;
  • limited liability company - if several partners manage the business.

As soon as the company is properly registered, it is necessary to register with the tax authorities. In this case, the best option is a mixed taxation system, which includes:

  • a simplified system - for activities related to the delivery of residential rooms;
  • single tax on imputed income (UTII) - for catering for hotel guests.

Choosing a location is one of the most important steps.

Before you open a hotel, you need to choose the most suitable area for it. As practice shows, the best options are places of significant historical value, as well as those in which a modern business infrastructure is very well developed.

There are several conditions that are mandatory for the hotel:

  • if the city is large - the proximity of the metro station;
  • availability of taxi and public transport stops near the hotel building;
  • well-developed infrastructure of the selected area;
  • the most secure location;
  • Separate entrance with 24/7 security.

The premises for the future hotel can be built from scratch, purchased or rented. Each of these options has individual features and benefits. And the choice depends solely on your preferences and financial capabilities. Most often, entrepreneurs purchase ready-made premises for arranging a hotel and carry out the necessary redevelopment in it.

How much will it cost to open

The average amount of start-up capital required to open your own hotel is about fifteen million Russian rubles. This includes expenses for:

Staff and service quality

If you are going to open a mini-hotel with ten to fifteen beds, the total number of staff may be seven employees. Of them:

  • two administrators who will work in shifts;
  • four maids;
  • director and owner of a mini-hotel in one person.

High quality of services and individual service are priorities in the work of the mini-hotel. Customers will be much more willing to stay at your establishment if it is truly homely and the price level is acceptable.

Hotel in a private house as a win-win option

Open a successful hostel - how to do it: Video

The hotel business is becoming popular due to the spread of tourism. Experienced experts confirm that opening a hotel is profitable. In addition, the business itself is quite safe, if you deal with management. The first profit will appear in 2 years, and if you focus on a mini hotel, then much faster.

What documents are needed to open a hotel?

Depending on the scale of the enterprise, it is necessary to choose the legal form of activity. In the case of the hotel business -. For a mini hotel, the first option is preferable.

Work with sanitary documents also involves the implementation of all necessary measures, in particular:

  • disinfection;
  • deratization;
  • pest control;
  • a number of other small measurements and studies.

Any procedure carried out indoors must be supported by the conclusion of an agreement, where the warranty period will be stipulated.

Also, any sold and supplied products need to be confirmed by certification or declaration.

To open a hotel, you will need a whole package of documents, but this should not be scary, because you can always contact specialized services where they will help you delegate these tasks, in particular, collect the entire package of documents for the SES.

Premises for rent

Opening a hotel should start with finding the most suitable building. This is the cornerstone of the success of the hotel business, because if the hotel is difficult to find or it is impossible to get to it in one change, then the choice of location is considered extremely unfortunate.

The location of the hotel should be chosen so that customers can reach the center by car or metro in 15 minutes.

It is better to conclude a lease in such a way as to use the building for at least 8 years with the possibility of extending the terms.

When concluding a lease, be sure to pay attention to the following components:

  • according to the rules, the area should be such that one client has 15 square meters. m and not less;
  • in the building itself, working communications should already be provided, in particular - water supply, sewerage, ventilation and electricity, moreover, ventilation should be provided in each room, and not just in the whole building;
  • There is a garbage chute on the landing.

Ideally, one room should be equal in area to 25 square meters. m, where 20 is allocated for a bed, the rest is a bathroom with a toilet and a corridor.

If the building has more area, under other circumstances, for example, with the most successful entrance, it is better to overpay and then sublease the extra premises, which should be initially agreed in the lease agreement, or take these areas for additional services - a hairdressing salon, cafe.

It is not advisable for mini hotels to buy land and build a building from scratch, since in this case the costs will pay off much longer, and profitability will decrease, since this is a home business, and it cannot be compared with large hotel complexes.

What does the number include?

The design of a hotel room should not be distinguished by frills and expensive furnishings, since such an investment will not pay off, because it is initially assumed that the room will cost relatively cheaply - like a room in a rented apartment.

According to the standards, a regular number should include:

  • one or two beds 145 cm wide;
  • wardrobe and suitcases;
  • mirror;
  • cabinet for personal belongings;
  • landline phone;
  • TV;
  • a table and two chairs;
  • mini fridge.

Additionally, you can provide table lamps, armchairs, bedside tables, and make the refrigerator the prerogative of a luxury room.

It must be admitted that the development of the tourism sector entails a number of positive consequences, one of which is the need for temporary housing. And hidden in this trend are opportunities for active entrepreneurs. The question of how to open a hotel from scratch is notable for its apparent simplicity: we all have stayed at establishments of this kind at least once in our lives, and therefore we are sure that we understand the essence of the idea. But few people suspect that there are more pitfalls here than in any other line of business.

Legal aspect

Opening a hotel in our state does not involve obtaining a license, but you still have to comply with some formalities. Licensing of activities will be required only if it is planned to open a cafe or a restaurant selling alcoholic beverages within the hotel.

Registration of an enterprise may take the format IP. If we have to talk about large scales, then it is still better to immediately think about an LLC.

Coordination of activities in the presence of a ready-made premises will have to be carried out with the following authorities:

  • Fire Department;
  • Rospotrebnadzor (if shops and catering points open in the hotel).

You can choose a simplified taxation system, while the size of the institution does not matter. To expand the circle of customers, it is recommended to get certified for certain types of services that will be additionally provided at the hotel.

Choose a format

At the planning stage, the main thing is to decide on the format of the institution. A mini-hotel will be the most suitable option for business beginners. These hotels include those with less than 50 beds.

Among them:

  • apartment-type hotels - no more than 10 rooms not removed from the housing stock;
  • mini-hotels - 10-20 rooms;
  • small hotels in separate buildings - 50 rooms.
  • low-budget student hostel;
  • economy class hotel;
  • comfortable business hotel;
  • apart-hotel.

Increasingly, recently you can meet the so-called apartment type of hotel. However, it can easily be classified as a "gray" business, since this type of business does not receive proper formalization.

The process goes like this:

  1. Bought several neighboring apartments.
  2. Repairs are being made, furniture is being purchased.
  3. Visitors are moving in.

Such apartments are rented, as a rule, by the day. But with all the outward simplicity, this form of business organization has more disadvantages than advantages. The main one is the desire of city guests to behave differently than at home. That is noisy, on a grand scale, not taking into account the interests of neighbors. The latter, in turn, do not skimp on complaints to the relevant authorities, which threatens the businessman with problems alone.

In addition, you always have to search for clients on your own, since there is a chance to meet tax representatives if you advertise. And such a segment as business travelers immediately disappears, because they need checks for reporting.

We select a room

So, the question of where to open a mini-hotel remains the most difficult for an entrepreneur. The best option would be premises in the business districts of the city, in historical centers. If there are no plans to aim at the luxury level, then buildings near railway stations, metro stations, transport interchanges, along highways will be the best choice.

An additional plus will be a beautiful landscape outside the window and a separate entrance. The latter is especially important if your establishment is not located in an independent building.

There are three options for ownership of the premises:

  • to rent;
  • build;
  • redeem.

It is at this stage that this direction frightens off many, since the question of serious capital investments arises. In this case, renting rooms is not the best option, since the owner can always change and decide to use the building for other purposes. Then your business will simply be on the street.

Construction may take more than one year, as it will have to deal with the execution of permits, project coordination, and land issues. From this we can conclude that it is most profitable to buy a room, or still rent it, but only for a long time and with the right to subsequently buy it.

Interior and staff

Having completed all the preparatory questions, you can proceed to the creation of the concept of your institution, the creation of the interior and exterior design. At the same time, do not forget that if you have a reconstruction or redevelopment ahead of you, then sometimes it costs half the cost of the property itself, and therefore really evaluate your capabilities. In addition, these procedures will also require certain approvals.

Even if you have to solve such a question as how to open a hotel in a private house, you should always remember that it must be recognizable. An excellent option would be the construction of a separate building, in the project of which you yourself lay all the necessary premises and interior features - columns, pools, attics.

Important: it will be necessary to invite SES and the fire service exactly when the main stage of construction alterations is completed and all communications are connected.

Room decoration

Of course, there is no single approach to interior design. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owner himself. Only one point remains important - quality. The rooms may not be particularly luxurious, but they should be cozy, clean, tidy and kept in perfect cleanliness.

What not to save on:

  • plumbing;
  • furniture;
  • bed sheets;
  • curtains.

The last two points are the business card of the hotel. Cheap washed towels in a room sheathed in gold do not deserve a good reputation.

State Selection

The next important issue is personnel. They need to be puzzled long before the opening, because by this memorable day all hotel employees must be properly decorated and trained. As for their number, here you need to follow the general rule - the total number of staff (administrators, maids, porters) should be equal to the number of rooms.

People move from city to city every day, whether for business or leisure, it doesn't matter. All of them use the services of hotels and inns. Many people dream of having their own business in this area, but not everyone, even with investments, can create it profitable. We will talk about how to open your own hotel business in this article.

  • How to start organizing a hotel business?
  • What is better to open?
  • About the benefits
  • Basic requirements and their standards
  • How much can you earn in the hotel business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which equipment to choose
  • What OKVED for opening a hotel business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for opening a hotel business
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Technology of opening a hotel business

How to start organizing a hotel business?

At the very beginning, you should not run anywhere, draw up paperwork and find out the cost of hotel equipment. It all starts with a concept. It needs to come up with and write down a clear plan of action, starting from construction or reconstruction, and ending with a scheme and principles of work. The document must indicate the status of the future hotel or hotel, style, structure, marketing strategy, and so on.

There are several ways to open a hotel business. For convenience, we present them in the form of a table.

Some businessmen are also considering the option of running a "shadow" business. He, of course, has the right to exist, but quite risky.

What is better to open?

Before opening a hotel business, you should decide on the format of the future institution. Small hotels are those in which the number of rooms does not exceed fifty. Even if a large scale is not planned, you still need to draw up a business plan for a mini hotel. It is calculated based on the following types of establishments:

Other hotels are divided according to the level of comfort into:

  1. low budget hostels;
  2. economy class establishments;
  3. comfortable hotels;
  4. apart-hotels (they are of medium level and "luxury").

About the benefits

The main advantage of the hotel business is the availability of real estate. The building, which is owned by the owner, is the main and most expensive asset. Real estate almost never falls in price, on the contrary, over the years it only rises in price. Opening a hotel complex or a small hostel is always a profitable investment.

Another advantage of such investments is the undeniable growth in demand for hotel services. According to experts, IP can hope for an annual increase in profits of 4%. This is a pretty good indicator. However, not only the economic situation should contribute to the profitability of the enterprise. The owner, together with the manager, must invest a lot of their own work. All successful hotel examples tend to share the same undeniable success factors:

  • high level of service;
  • high level of staff training.

As for the staff, its selection must be approached responsibly. It is desirable that employees have specialized education from European schools. Better yet, work experience abroad. If it is difficult to select everyone according to this principle, then you need to try to find at least one such employee. You need to pay attention to personal qualities. Sociability, complacency, helpfulness often "cost" much more than a prestigious education. These requirements apply to everyone, without exception, from porters and administrators to waiters and maids.

Basic requirements and their standards

In any country, a high level of service is established by a system of standards and norms enshrined in legislation. Individual entrepreneurs will have to study all of them on their own in order to be able to open a worthy enterprise. Sanitary standards, fire and gas safety are the criteria that must be observed. Without them, authorities will not issue permission to open the facility.

However, do not forget that in the first place hotels work for people. One of the main rules of such establishments is impeccable cleanliness. Daily cleaning, change of bed linen, towels - these are postulates that must be observed.

Room rates usually always include breakfast. It can be provided even by an institution that does not have a cafe or restaurant. It is better to open catering facilities as an additional business. Cooking and serving breakfast alone will not be profitable for guests. In order for a cafe or restaurant to make a profit, other customers will also be required. Despite this, a small kitchen will have to be equipped. If necessary, you can organize a small bar, then the entrepreneur will need to obtain a license to sell alcohol.

How much can you earn in the hotel business?

It should be noted right away that activities in this area involve quite significant investments. They are presented below. It is worth paying attention to the main revenue and its significance.

Moreover, experts do not advise betting on expensive services. Average price level, good advertising campaign, clear strategy. These factors are the way to the above indicators.

A large amount of money will be spent on registration of ownership of the land or building. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate all the technical documentation for the construction, refurbishment or reconstruction of the finished building. If you have patience and persistently go towards the goal, then any novice individual entrepreneur will definitely be able to open a profitable, profitable and very promising business.

How much money do you need to start a business

The cost of creating a mini-hotel pays off after 5-6 years from the start of work - this is a medium and long-term significant investment. The average cost of a small hotel in a large city is about 8-12 million rubles (this is no more than 15 rooms of the housing stock). The main costs are associated with the repair and redevelopment of the premises, as well as the purchase of equipment and administrative expenses.

Which equipment to choose

You will need quite a lot of equipment:

  • safes;
  • mini bars and refrigerators;
  • televisions and telephones;
  • bedroom furniture;
  • bathroom accessories;
  • locks and doors;
  • catering equipment;
  • electric kettles and hair dryers.

What OKVED for opening a hotel business

To open a hotel from scratch, select code 55.1 "Activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence."

What documents are needed to open

Registration of a legal entity is recommended, taking into account upcoming inspections by regulatory authorities and production volumes. For this purpose, we turn to the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service according to the legal address of the enterprise. You can submit documents remotely using the Internet portal of public services. It is necessary to prepare the charter, the founders' agreement, the registration application form P11001. The state duty is paid separately, the receipt spine must be attached to the package of documents.

What taxation system to choose for opening a hotel business

We recommend a suitable option for this business - immediately choose a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is possible to save time and money. You can pay 15% in favor of the state from the difference between the total revenue and expenditure parts. All cash flows (incoming and outgoing parts) require strict documentary evidence.

Do I need permission to open

Most sanitary and fire regulations are not relevant in relation to the hotel business, and also to residential premises. If you register and work officially, you will also need to obtain permits for meals for guests and licenses to sell alcohol. Therefore, some small hotels operate unofficially.

Technology of opening a hotel business

In order for your hotel to take its share of the market, it is necessary to make it unique, to give a unique atmosphere. To do this, the interior is carefully selected so that it satisfies aesthetic preferences, as well as a set of services provided. It is necessary to create an atmosphere where the guest feels at home.

Most hotels formalize their business as a daily rental of real estate to individuals, but not as a hotel activity. This is due to the difficulty of transferring the object from the housing stock to non-residential, and without this there is no way to call yourself a hotel and get stars. However, for 20-30 guests who will be accommodated in your rooms, this will not matter much.

The optimal composition of the staff for 10-15 rooms is as follows: a manager and a couple of administrators, an accountant and a couple of maids. It is desirable that administrators speak English.

It is gaining more and more popularity both from customers and from those who want to open their own profitable business. This is facilitated by developing tourism and business trips, which have already become part of the lifestyle of a business person.

It is cheaper for businesses to pay for a room in a hostel or hotel than to rent a separate apartment for an employee. Each city tries its best to attract tourists to its region. Therefore, the hotel business becomes a profitable business.

The main thing is to correctly assess your strengths and choose the type of hotels for which there will be the least competition. But the quality and range of services provided must be on top. This article contains a comprehensive answer to the current question of how to open a hotel business from scratch and what is needed for this.

If you buy several communal apartments for a future mini-hotel, you will have to make a lot of effort to register the BTI. It takes a lot of time to obtain all the necessary certificates - fire system, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, certificates for the services provided, etc.

If the presence of alcoholic beverages is expected, then a separate license must be obtained for them. To avoid queues and waste of time, you can use the My Business services on the Internet, which work online. There you can find a complete package of documents, forms, applications that are needed to open an IP.

After collecting all the documents, obtaining the necessary permits, it's time to deal directly with the arrangement of the premises themselves. Refurbishment and repair is always present at the initial stage. The purchase of furniture, plumbing and kitchen equipment, equipment will certainly follow the repair.

Pay a significant share of attention to the selection of personnel for your hotel business. The most basic features that every major hotel provides:

  • meeting clients in the hall - hall and their further accommodation depending on the possibilities and wishes;
  • cleaning and room service;
  • cooking according to the menu;
  • control by the security service;
  • quick response of the engineering and technical service to malfunctions;
  • financial and commercial department;
  • other employees who perform additional or support functions.

As you can see, this is the minimum list of services that a hotel should provide. If your city has strong competition, then consider expanding or innovating this list. For example, hire not just a cook, but a pastry chef.

Freshly baked pastries according to an individual recipe perfectly complement a cup of tea or coffee during breakfast. Specify dishes for the younger generation in the menu. It is desirable that the chef or his assistant be creative in serving food.

It is very important to focus on politeness No client will use the services of the hotel again if his stay in the room was accompanied by constant rudeness and rudeness.

The quality of your workforce directly affects the reputation and competitiveness of the hotel itself. Therefore, if employees perform their duties with high quality, stimulate them with good salaries, bonuses, etc. Find a competent administrator who will represent the face of the hotel.

To get a regular profit, you need to develop a permanent customer base. For greater profitability, the average daily occupancy of the hotel should be at least 60%. To attract a flow of customers, take the time and money to advertise.

Publish ads on websites on the Internet, in newspapers, magazines, banners. You can use the services of a peddler of leaflets and business cards. Order the development of your own website. Of course, these costs should not make up the lion's share of the allocated budget.

If the competition in the region is high enough, try to innovate in your business. Allocate a separate room for a cafe or restaurant, equip a children's room, connect free WiFi, cable or satellite TV, etc.

Remember that customers make money.

Therefore, sometimes conduct unobtrusive surveys or mini-surveys to hear their wishes in a friendly tone, and not then read negative reviews. Cleanliness in the rooms, quality food, polite staff and modern trends will attract not only regular customers, but also new guests.