Business plan for the sale of household chemicals. Profitable business: production of detergents. How to open a detergent production? Personnel and staff structure

Capital investment in the store: 1,200,000 rubles.
Payback according to the business plan: 1.5 - 2 years.
Business profitability level: 20-25%.

Business plan for a household chemicals store- the basis from which the organization of the process begins.

Planning should take place long before you take any action to build a business.

If the document was written with the mind and rational approach, you get several advantages at once.

And this is just part of the list:

    You can get a loan or investment to open a store.


    You will check in with the plan from time to time and build on it.


    You will be able to notice potential risks and weaknesses before you lose something on it.

Therefore, any entrepreneur who wants to achieve success should not neglect this important thing.

Why a household chemicals store?

Trade is the foundation stone on which business is built.

People may refuse some services, but never acquire important things.

Someone might argue that household chemicals are not a matter of first importance.

However, the realities of life demonstrate that no matter how familiar the state of crisis has become for the population, no one has yet switched to washing with river sand and refused to wash their hands.

This makes the idea of ​​a business in household chemicals one of the stable areas of entrepreneurial business.

Competitive advantages in the business plan

In order to open a successful business, you must pay enough attention to the analysis of the market situation.

Who are your closest competitors, what strengths and weaknesses do they have, what product range is currently on the market?

Based on this information, you can take a serious step forward - highlight your competitive advantages.

Low pricesThis point is almost always the key. The markup on household chemicals is about 15-20%, so the cost reduction should be achieved in other ways. For example, use free advertising methods or purchase used equipment.
A wide range ofIn many TTs, cheap items constantly “drop out” of the assortment. Surprisingly, many buyers can go to another store because of 1-2 such products. Where, besides him, they will buy a dozen more expensive positions. Therefore, a wide range does not always mean the introduction of branded and expensive products.
Internet pageNo internet now. The existence of an Internet page with a catalog of stocks, current prices and the possibility of pre-order at the store is a significant competitive advantage.

What kind of advertising to use for a household chemicals store?

One successful name, announcements and distribution of flyers is not enough to attract people to a household chemicals store.

It is worth using at least one of the additional advertising methods:

    Cards of the “Club of buyers” or other bonus systems have become so familiar to customers of stores that their presence is actually mandatory.

    The introduction of special conditions or a cumulative discount will allow you to transfer visitors to the status of regular customers.

    The design of the opening should be thought out so that it becomes a powerful advertising impetus.

    For example, arrange a drawing of a valuable gift among the first 50 buyers.

    Only for a present, choose something really worthwhile, otherwise you will only cause a negative reaction.

    Typically, a household chemicals store is chosen on a territorial basis.

    You can sponsor a local event or arrange a mini party for the kids.

    The main buyers are women.

    Such methods should get their attention.

How to locate a household chemicals store?

The business plan for a household chemicals store includes another important section on choosing a location for a retail outlet.

An entrepreneur has two main options:

  • open a point in a separate room;
  • rent a trading place in a supermarket or shopping center.

The first option is more suitable for large or chain stores.

Aspiring entrepreneurs should look for a place “next door” to supermarkets or similar stores.

Renting a retail space in another building will give you some nice bonuses:

  1. The entrepreneur relieves himself of the burden of obtaining work permits from the SES and fire safety.
  2. As a rule, the shopping center has its own security and video surveillance system.
  3. In good shopping centers there is always an active flow of people.

In addition to the fact that it should be easy for customers to get to your outlet, take care of a convenient layout.

For window dressing, you can invite specialist merchandisers.

And you can see examples of how it was done in other outlets in the photo on the Internet.

Don't forget to choose a name.

It should make it clear what exactly you are trading and be remembered.

At the same time, be as concise as possible.

Equipment for a household chemicals store

For newcomers to the business, there is a good opportunity to save money.

Commercial equipment can be bought second-hand or even made with your own hands.

Subsequently, it can be gradually changed to a new and more perfect one.

In general, for an average store (100 m 2), the following list of equipment is required:

Staff in the business plan of a household chemicals store

The list of staff for a household chemicals store will not differ much from the staff of any other store.

It is worth transferring accounting affairs to a novice entrepreneur, since it can be absolutely unprofitable to maintain a separate staff unit.

Only a person with experience in such work should be accepted for the position of administrator.

But two sellers (for shift work) can accept any.

The main thing is sociability, diligence and quick learning.

Store calendar

Event1 month2 months3 months4 months
Opening LLC
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Repair and decoration of the premises
Purchase and installation of equipment
Search and training of personnel
Filling TT with goods
Running ads
Start of the store

Financial section of the store business plan

The financial section is the most important part.

The list of expenses for a household chemicals store can be divided into two parts: money for opening and investing in the work and development of a retail outlet.

How much money do you need to open a store?

Current investments in a household chemicals store

Profitability and payback of a household chemicals store

The profitability of a household chemicals store is relatively small.

And to be honest, you should not look for high earnings in this niche.

However, if you can take your place in the market, you will receive a stable income from activities.

Novice businessmen should not rush headlong into the pool, buy a trading place, new equipment and open a TT with a large area.

You can start small, gradually scaling the business if things develop.

The video below shows a step-by-step algorithm for opening a retail store:

Interesting fact:
Rinses for colored and white linen are identical in chemical composition. The only difference is the labels.

    A good result in attracting customers is given by this method: make a minimum margin for the most popular brands and an increased margin for the rest.

    Often people remember the prices of exactly those brands that are heard and will think that your entire range is cheaper than competitors.

    And you will get the same profit.

    Change the assortment depending on the time of year and holidays.

    In summer, you should have insect repellents, in winter, shoe care products.

    And various gift sets are something that is sold especially actively on any holidays.

    Use the eco-life fashion: set up a separate stand with eco-friendly household products.

    As a rule, they cost 1.5-2 times more than usual ones.

    For sleeping areas, it is worth introducing additional goods for children on sale.

    The main buyers of household chemicals are women.

    Such a move will attract young mothers to your outlet.

    Any more or less serious brand has its own staff of merchandisers.

    Contact them for help with the design of the calculation before, how to open a household chemicals store.

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Consider information on how to open a household chemicals store, as well as a free ready-made example of a business plan for opening it.

People use household chemicals every day. Because there is a demand for these products, many entrepreneurs decide to move in this direction. And additional advantages are that these products do not need a license, and their shelf life is quite long. But, of course, due to such favorable conditions, quite a lot of competition has already been created in the household chemicals market. And in view of the large number of competitors, the profit that you can count on is constantly falling. Although many entrepreneurs are unable to obtain discounts from suppliers, they still continue to run a business that at times is not very profitable.

Business plan

We present you a free ready-made example of a business plan for a household chemicals store. This material contains all items of expenditure, examples of graphs and calculations.

This type of commercial business is relevant for almost all cities in Russia and the CIS countries, because we have always washed, washed, cleaned, removed and will continue to do so.

Instructions how to open

Consider step by step information on how to open a household chemicals store. Read about his registration.

Room selection

This is the main decision that a businessman has to make. The home improvement store must be located in a location where the population density is high, but the rent must be affordable. There should be no competitors in the vicinity, and the place should be passable.

One of the best options is the city center. Large chains selling household chemicals often cannot afford to rent large premises, because prices in the center are high, and payment for a small area will be affordable. The advantage is that a large number of people live in the center and they need household chemicals. So it remains only to make the right advertising and buyers will go to the store right there. The combination of good advertising and the right location are the two most important components of a business.


In order to organize a small household chemicals store, you should focus on individual entrepreneurs. The Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" confirms that a license is not needed. But you still need to contact the SES and firefighters. Legal security also implies the availability of all required certificates from suppliers.

In order to organize the right choice of goods, you should refer to different price categories and means for different purposes. You should always have the most advertised brands. The most useful assortment of a household chemicals store include:

  • Powder for washing;
  • Hair care;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Means for washing and cleaning;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Napkins, brushes, protective gloves and other related products.

How to attract customers

In order to attract a sufficient number of buyers, it is not enough to distribute flyers and hang ads, it is necessary to promote a household chemicals store. Here you need to approach marketing wisely. Flexibility can manifest itself in various tricks. For example, you can sell the most well-known products at no markup, and the lesser-known products at a higher markup. Thus, the client, buying an expensive detergent for cheap, also buy another product, which in total will bring enough profit.

In the modern world, buyers, including household chemicals, also count on gifts and loyalty cards. You should know your regular customers and please them, as many modern stores and networks use discount cards to attract. But you should choose a method of working with clients that will really interest them. To do this, you should compare all existing discount systems from competitors.

sad math

Among household chemicals, the margin is rarely higher than 15%. Taking into account the payment of employees and rent, it should be considered whether this amount is enough to cover all expenses and make a profit. In order to calculate the minimum income of a store when selling household chemicals, you should take all expenses, including wages and rent, and multiply by 10. This amount will be the one you should focus on so that the business does not turn out to be unprofitable.

Ideas for additional income

Fortunately, if the business is highly competitive, then you can find a certain niche in the market. For example, you can sell those drugs that do not harm health, the environment and are hypoallergenic. You can also work with non-cash payments so that you can buy goods for offices and enterprises in the store. A good move is the sale of holiday sets, which should be replenished with the onset of big holidays.

In order to open a household chemicals store, you have to work hard. It is necessary not only to search for the most favorable conditions, but also to be able to keep records of the marketing development of the company, as well as to know your clientele and those buyers who should be lured. You also need to have good relationships with suppliers and be able to find the most favorable conditions.

In addition, you need to have communication skills in order to hire qualified workers, or in order to act in his own role. You should also constantly monitor the actions of competitors and keep up with advanced technologies. At first, every business works in the red and does not receive any profit, but after a while the debts will be covered and the store will begin to generate income. It will be possible to develop a base of regular customers, as well as suppliers who will provide discounts and deliver all new items.

We hope that this article and a sample household chemicals store business plan will help you open a successful business in your city.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, thinking about starting their own business, are considering opening a store. What will a person who decides to become an entrepreneur need and how to open a household chemicals store from scratch? Is it beneficial?


Unlike foodstuffs, detergents and laundry detergents have a long and sometimes unlimited shelf life and are quickly used up. This is especially true for personal care products and laundry detergents. This means that the goods are in high demand among buyers. The storage of such commodity stocks does not require refrigeration and other special commercial equipment.

A well-organized, well-thought-out and well-located store selling cosmetics and cleaning products will be popular with good housewives and will not leave its owner without profit even in a crisis. In addition to all of the above, this type of trade does not require licensing. So, what does it take to open a household chemicals store?

Household chemicals store business plan

Before taking concrete steps in this area, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a store selling household chemicals, which must include an analysis of competitors and an assessment of the presence of potential buyers in the most suitable places for the store. The passability of the place and pedestrian traffic are no less important than the absence of nearby competitors.

To open, it is important to decide on the choice of the target audience, to understand who will be the buyer of this product. The business plan for a household chemicals store should include the calculation of financial investments, reaching the break-even point and analyzing demand.


What organizational and legal form to choose for running the business of the store is the choice of each entrepreneur. There are pros and cons to both sole proprietorship and LLC. It all depends on the size of the budget and the correct assessment of the planned profit. You can make a choice either on your own or by getting a free consultation at the Small Business Development Center. It will also help in choosing.

Demand among buyers for household chemicals every day brass knuckles. This trend provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to open their own small personal care store and generate income. Investing in your home improvement store is a great way to invest.

But even the most profitable business can have its drawbacks and specific features that should always be taken into account when organizing your enterprise. The article will consider all the features of the development of an enterprise in this area.

Features of a household chemicals store and its format

The sale of household chemicals brings constant profit to the entrepreneur.

Demand for products never drops, and according to recent studies, more than 10% of people go to the store at least once every two months for hygiene products, while more than 30% of respondents answered that they visit the household chemicals store every month.

These indicators give food for thought to many entrepreneurs: “If there is such a demand for products, then I can make a profit every month!” No, you shouldn't think so.

This segment of the market is crowded. Many entrepreneurs seek to enter this market and gain a foothold in it.

The presence of strong competition makes it impossible for enterprises with low sales to survive.

Don't think that you can charge high markups and people will buy your product. The average markup for household chemicals does not exceed 20%, for some products 30%. Therefore, you should make every effort to attract new customers.

When choosing a store format, you need to take into account your financial capabilities and the presence of competing firms in the selected area.

Shop with a large sales area

Most will prefer a store with a large sales area and open shelves. The choice of hygiene products is a rather sensitive issue.

People read the composition of products with great care and choose between similar products for a long time. This store format is perfect for a busy area.

The opening of a small household chemicals store is suitable for a residential area where people would stop by and buy products on their way home.

Making a profit from a large supermarket of household chemicals in a residential area is realistic only if there are no competitors.

Another way to organize a household chemicals sales business is to open a department in a grocery or other store. This is a great opportunity to save money on rent and increase demand for your products.

Trading platform selection

The best place to organize a household chemicals store is a place of constant congestion of people.

A store located near a market, bus stop, city center or just in a busy residential area brings twice as much profit.

The presence of competing stores in the selected area should be taken into account.

The premises should consist of a trading floor and a warehouse. It is worth allocating a room for staff.

The right choice of location and the correct use of advertising methods make your business profitable.


Since household chemicals are in high demand, the number of enterprises that sell them is growing every day. It is difficult to survive in such an ever-growing market. Therefore, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to advertising, discounts, promotions to attract customers.

  • Distribution of leaflets at intersections and at the entrances of multi-storey buildings. This method makes it possible to estimate how many people received information about your store.
  • Ads in crowded places and at the entrances. The most successful way to disseminate information are signs near stops and roadways.
  • Internet Marketing. This method is suitable for customer retention. After getting acquainted with information about discounts and great offers, people will distribute this data among their acquaintances.
  • Advertising through the media. Advertising messages on television, radio and in local newspapers make it possible to increase the audience of buyers by 10-20%.

The presence of a store of regular customers gives him the opportunity to survive in such a competitive market.


To equip the store, you do not need to purchase expensive refrigeration equipment or specialized counters.

Everything you need for a household chemicals store is listed below:

  • Shelves or counters for displaying products (depending on the format of the store).
  • Cash register, computer and software (required for organizing inventory).
  • Suggestion book.
  • Pass system. It is necessary if you open a large store with open shelves.

This list is not complete. Each entrepreneur, taking into account all the features, can refuse certain things or save on the purchase of used equipment.

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During the formation of the product range, consider the demand for the most popular brands. Try to diversify the food range. Buy not only powders, detergents and related products (napkins, gloves, etc.), but also hygiene products and cosmetics. The presence of cosmetics in the store will attract the most important buyers to the store - women.

Product range in the home appliances department

The main plus of household chemicals is the long shelf life of the products sold. Goods can lie in a warehouse for more than one month and wait for their buyer, but this is bad for the economy of the enterprise. You must have a constant turnover of goods. Only then can you make a profit.

Do not forget to make discounts on products and carry out promotions. It is these methods that contribute to the increase in customers in the store. Sometimes it is worth selling products at a loss, but benefiting from an increase in the turnover of goods.

Possible income

In modern conditions, all buyers are looking for where to buy cheaper. This trend affects the pricing policy of enterprises. Everyone seeks to reduce the price and even operate at a loss. But you need to take into account the monthly costs and focus on them when setting product prices.

The total amount of income that you need to count on when generating the income of the enterprise should be 10 times more than the total amount of costs (costs include wages and rent of premises).

Home appliance store business plan

Having a well-thought-out business plan allows your company to get the missing amount in the bank or attract investors to develop the store.

In this document, it is necessary to display an analysis of the industry and competitors, provide calculations of the main indicators and all the necessary information about the enterprise (indicate the main development goals, growth prospects, etc.).

All information must be true. This document is a guideline for the development of the enterprise.

Household chemicals are always in demand among consumers. However, the presence of a large number of players on the market, small margins and the constant need to implement marketing programs to attract customers repel entrepreneurs from this area. But do not immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening a household chemicals store.

The right marketing policy, good location and premises significantly affect the sales and profits of the company. Given all the features, you can gain a foothold in this market and eventually open your own chain of stores.

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